To be honest, Silly Zhu shocked Su Yi.

Do you think this person is stupid?

He is really not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart. It's just that he is sometimes too reckless and impulsive, which often puts him in unfavorable situations.

But as long as this guy has anything to do with Qin Huairu, he will instantly become stupid.

Go to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Banggan'er on behalf of Qin Huairu, and take the opportunity to pursue Teacher Ran...

You are already a parent of a child. Why are you chasing Teacher Ran? Teacher Ran, who is unaware, thinks you are going to have sex with her. It would be great if I don't slap you.

To take a step back, if you explain it clearly to Teacher Ran, you are just the squid next door.

Now the question is, you come to hold a parent-teacher meeting on behalf of the widow’s son, does that sound good?

Su Yi felt that all the things he had said to Silly Zhu before were in vain.

Is he trying to distance himself from Qin Huairu?

Isn't this still the same as before?

"Brother Zhuzi, from now on, you can do whatever you like." Su Yi sighed and patted Shazhu on the shoulder.

Silly Zhu felt a little guilty and said: "Yuan Chao, I can tell from your words. I'm afraid I didn't do this right."

"Humph..." Su Yi squeezed out laughter from his nasal cavity.

"You're smiling like that...that's something really wrong." Silly Zhu scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "What should I do? I've already promised Qin Huairu, and it's hard to go back on my word. If I back down from the battle, she will think I can’t bear the two yuan and fifty cents for tuition.”

"Wait a minute." Su Yi's eyes widened, "What's the tuition?"

"Two yuan and fifty cents for tuition. She has never owed Banggeng'er's tuition. Teacher Ran is pressing her hard, so she won't be able to pay it this time." Silly Zhu explained, "You said Qin Huairu helped me make the money. Why can’t I express my gratitude for the opportunity to meet Teacher Ran? I will treat the tuition fee as someone doing me a favor... Hey, why did you just leave with your ass raised?”

Silly Zhu grabbed Su Yi who was about to leave.

"Brother, I really can't listen anymore, please let me go." Su Yi sighed, "Experts say that health care should start from a young age. I have to take precautions for my blood pressure. I have been with you for a long time, and I am sure Got high blood pressure.”

"Don't help the DPRK, don't stop, I'm wrong, I'm wrong?" Silly pillars laughed, holding Su S's arm and not loosened.

"Let go." Su Yi said helplessly, "What did you do wrong? You just wanted to help Qin Huairu. Where did you go wrong?"

"Why don't you tell me that you have a sharp eye? Hehe, yes, I just want to help her this time." Silly Zhu said embarrassedly, "I told Qin Huairu last night that I wanted to draw a clear line with her, which may be a bit I hurt someone. I don’t want to make amends, and I feel better.”

"You bastard..." Su Yi shook his head and couldn't help but sigh, "How about you live with Qin Huairu, and don't think about Teacher Ran. Really, you two are suitable."

"Don't come to aid Korea, brother! I'll call you brother!" Shazhu said anxiously, "To be honest, I have been thinking about what we said last night. The more I think about it, the more I feel that I, Shazhu, cannot marry a widow in this life. To raise children for others, I should have a woman who wants to save me first when she falls into the water! Qin Huairu... I just want to help her, but I really have no intention of doing that. I swear, if I make up lies, I will. I gave birth to a son without dermatitis!”

Su Yi asked: "Are you serious?"

"I swear, brother!" Silly Zhu said.

"Then I'll listen seriously." Su Yi said.

"What does it mean to be serious? It's true!" Silly Zhu said speechlessly, "It's hard to go back on what I promised to aid Korea. I also know now that I can't handle this matter reliably. Please help me think of something." How can I find a remedy that can help Qin Huairu and allow me to pursue Teacher Ran?"

"I'm too lazy to get involved in your trivial matters." Su Yi shook his head, "You can figure it out yourself."

"No, brother, help me. It's a life-long matter. You have to help me..." Silly Zhu smiled and grabbed Su Yi's hand and wouldn't let go.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Yi shook him off and said helplessly, "If you ask me, don't go round and round, just go to Teacher Ran and tell her first that you want to have sex with her. Then if you help Bangganer hold a parent-teacher meeting, people will only think that you are doing this to get closer to her. "

Silly Zhu was stunned for a long time with his eyes wide open. He suddenly slapped his hand and pointed at Su Yi and said: "You are really blocked! Really, you deserve to have a bright future. With such a brain, what can't you do?"

Silly Zhu was really impressed. He really solved what seemed to him to be a dilemma with just one word. He couldn't imagine such a simple truth.

"Lend me your bike, and I'll go find Teacher Ran now!" Silly Zhu suddenly gritted his teeth and said.

"Now?" Su Yi was stunned.

"Right now!" Silly Zhu slapped his thigh, "The elementary school is also on lunch break right now, and Teacher Ran must be at school. I'm so willing to risk it all. I'll tell her directly. If she agrees, then I'll chase her; she If she doesn’t agree…yes, what if she doesn’t agree?”

Silly Zhu, who was still looking forward to death in the first half of the sentence, suddenly became timid again at the end of the sentence.

"If you don't agree, just find a way to make her agree!" Su Yi said, "Stew the meat for a while if it's not tender. You're a cook. Still don't understand this?"


Su Yi's words gave Shazhu courage. Shazhu slapped his thigh and gritted his teeth and said, "Just do it! Lend me your bike!"

"Let's go ride." Su Yi smiled and gave him the key, "It's downstairs in our department."

Silly Zhu grabbed it and said seriously to Su Yi: "Comrade, when I return in triumph, I hope you can sing a Katyusha song for me!"

"I'll hit you, uncle!" Su Yi said.

"Thank you, comrade!" Silly Zhu turned around and left, opened the door curtain and went out through the back door.

Su Yi picked up the teapot and took a sip of tea. Suddenly he frowned and looked at the back door.

I saw Silly Zhu's head emerging from behind the door curtain, his big face full of smiles.

"Yuanchao, will you go with me?"


In the end, Su Yi, who was reluctant, was pulled by Silly Zhu to help him to be brave.

When a scholar meets a soldier, he can't explain why. Su Yi doesn't leave. Silly Zhu hugs him and doesn't let go, Ma De.

Silly Zhu took Su Yi with him on a bicycle. Along the way, he kept rehearsing what to say when meeting Teacher Ran. He also hoped that Su Yi would help him think of an opening statement.

Su Yi was so annoyed with him that he didn't bother to give him any advice. He just said: "Sincerity! Do you know what sincerity is? It means telling the truth. Say what you want and what you think! Just show your truest words. The condition is just fine.”

"Then will Teacher Ran dislike my lack of education?" Silly Zhu worried about gain and loss, "Besides, I'm not good-looking either."

"Be confident, what does it mean to be ugly?" Su Yi said, "You are ugly."

"...Su Yuanchao!" Silly Zhu shouted angrily.

"Besides, are you illiterate? Illiterate people are illiterate. You are not allowed to beautify yourself." Su Yi continued.

Silly Zhu was so angry: "Go back, I don't need you anymore."

"Your uncle, it's almost here and you want me to go back?" Su Yi said, "Whatever happens, I have to watch the fun."

"You came just to watch the fun? I asked you to come here to be a military advisor!" Silly Zhu said, "You have to help me later. If what I said is wrong, you can still Help me smooth things over."

"Why don't you say you are stupid?" Su Yi said with a smile, "You are dating a girl, would you be embarrassed if I stood aside? Besides, don't forget that I am also single. If I stand there, What’s the matter with you?”


Silly Zhu suddenly braked to a stop.

Su Yi waited for a while and saw no reaction from him, so he couldn't help but ask: "Hey, why are you so dazed?"

Silly Zhu got out of the car and pulled Su Yi down: "No, you have to go back."

"You're crazy!" Su Yi was so angry, "It was you who let me come, and you who let me go. What on earth are you going to do?"

Silly Zhu looked at Su Yi depressedly and sighed: "I made a miscalculation. I shouldn't have brought you here. You're just here to steal business."

"I won't rob you." Su Yi said, "Don't worry, I still have this loyalty."

"But I can't stop others from throwing their business at you." Silly Zhu frowned, "I'll stand with you, even a fool knows who to choose. What if Teacher Ran really likes you instead of me..."

"Who asked you to drag me here?" Su Yi looked innocent, "I'm drinking tea so well, you have to drag me."

He patted Silly Zhu on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, I'll give you an idea and make sure Teacher Ran doesn't like me."

"Really?" Shazhu was a little doubtful.

"What nonsense!"


Silly Zhu pedaled hard again.

Teacher Ran's school is located in an alley on Dongzhimen Inner Street. The school is very large, with the middle school and primary school together. The third uncle, Yan Fugui, also works here.

When they arrived at the gate, the gatekeeper stopped the two of them.

"What are you two doing?" The uncle looked at the two of them, "It's school time now, the students are all out."

"We are not parents of students, we are here to find teachers." Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"Which teacher should I look for?"


"Yan Fugui." Su Yi said first, "We are looking for teacher Yan Fugui. Is he here?"

Silly Zhu smiled and said nothing.

The gatekeeper thought for a while and said, "He didn't come back at noon today. Just wait and I'll call him for you."

"Thank you!"

After the gatekeeper left with his hands behind his back, Silly Zhu said to Su Yi: "Why are you looking for the third uncle? Didn't you tell me not to look for the third uncle last time?"

"Just because you can't look for it doesn't mean that I can't look for it." Su Yi said with a smile.

"I have a grudge against him, so don't let him mess with me!" Silly Zhu was worried.

"Don't worry, it won't be bad." Su Yi said, "The third uncle introduced me. It will be good for you if I can be less vigilant. Later, you can be more polite to the third uncle. You should do what I say and don't act like a donkey."

"It's up to you!" Silly Zhu said simply. In fact, he was already getting nervous now.

Yan Fugui quickly followed the gatekeeper out.

He looked at the visitor in surprise and said with a smile: "Yuan Korea? Why are you here?"

"I have something to ask of you." Su Yi pulled the third uncle aside with a smile and said straight to the point, "Brother Zhuzi wants to meet Teacher Ran from your school, and he wants to meet and talk to Teacher Ran today. I'm sorry that he offended you. Please, just pull me over, if you want me to say something nice to you."

"Maliciousness from Silly Pillar +77..."

"No, I..." Silly Zhu was anxious. When did he want to give in to the third uncle?

This old guy blackmailed him for six dollars, and he was thinking about removing the front wheel of Yan Laoxi'er's bicycle, which was getting stinky.

"Don't be embarrassed." Su Yi interrupted him with a smile, "If we have anything to say, just say it directly and don't beat around the bush with the third uncle. Although you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, the third uncle is reasonable and we are all neighbors in the same courtyard. , can he still make things difficult for you?"

"I..." Silly Zhu stared at Su Yi for a long time with wide eyes, and finally nodded, waved his hands, and said nothing.

Yan Fugui looked at Su Yi and Shazhu with a smile, and said, "Yuanchao, you are big-hearted. Such a big thing happened this morning, but you still have the heart to help Shazhu take care of him."

"What can I do to pull me over?" Su Yi said helplessly.

"How's that thing going for you?" Yan Fugui asked with concern.

"It's okay. Please worry about it." Su Yi smiled.

"That's good, that's good." Yan Fugui breathed a sigh of relief, "This morning, the whole hospital, and only our family has been firmly on your side. We believe in you and support you. Otherwise, we will take away the first and second uncles." , didn’t you take me away?”

Su Yigong cupped his hands and said, "I appreciate your kindness. Third uncle, our two families will get along well with each other for a long time to come."

"Yes, that's what I mean." Yan Fugui said cheerfully.

He looked at Silly Zhu and said with some pride: "Silly Zhu, I remember that night, didn't you say you wanted to look good on me? Just look so good?"

Silly Zhu was so angry that he was about to retaliate, but Su Yi smiled and said, "That's what a kid does when he loses a fight and talks harshly. Why do you have any problem with him?"

"I..." Silly Zhu glared again in anger, but he stared at Su Yi for a long time, and finally hummed and fell silent.

"I figured it out. This is a cow that doesn't want to eat grass and is forced to press its head." Yan Fugui looked at Su Yi with a smile.

"It's rare to be confused." Su Yi smiled.

"That's right, I'm not being serious, I'm not being serious!" Yan Fugui smiled and waved his hands, "Silly Zhu, I only agreed to help you today for the sake of aiding Korea. Don't be unconvinced, you can do it for others. If you show up, I'm showing mercy by not calling the police to arrest you. If I call the police over this matter, do you think I can still be kind?"

"Thank you!" Silly Zhu replied angrily.

"I won't argue with you." Yan Fugui waved his hand with a smile, "I'll call Teacher Ran for you, but he is an educated young man, so it's not sure whether he can fall in love with a rough guy like you. I advise you, don't hug me. What a hope. But aid Korea..."

Yan Fugui looked at Su Yuanchao.

"No, Third Master!" Su Yi said hurriedly, "Don't make the wrong introduction. Please say good things to Silly Zhu. Once this is done, if he doesn't thank you properly, I will whip him for you." !”

Yan Fugui's smile became a little thicker, and he said with a smile: "I will definitely look after the children in my courtyard. Don't worry, I will call them right away. What about that, Silly Zhu, you tidy up a little, your hair is messy, and you have a lot of hair on your body." It smells like chopped green onions, why don’t you change your clothes and come back in such a hurry?”

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