The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1487 Consequences

"Let Xiao Qiu explain the matter himself. Let me talk about why there is nothing in the warehouse." Liang Yanqiu said calmly, "The General Office will take inventory of the things that need to be shipped out of the warehouse the next day and that the procedures are complete the night before. It will be taken out of the warehouse in advance and temporarily stored in the locked cabinet in the northeast corner of the office. The purpose of this is to make the warehouse ledger match the warehouse inventory quantity on that day, which is also in compliance with the warehouse management regulations. "

"The things Su Yuanchao wanted had been taken out of the warehouse the night before, and Xiaoqiu also recorded the outgoing data in the warehouse ledger that night. I guess you and Li Chengli didn't look at the warehouse ledger, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be so ridiculous as to ask why there is nothing in the warehouse. You’d be damned if you broke open the warehouse door and looked for the things that were already out of the warehouse!”

Li Dengfeng and Li Chengli were stunned!

"This is impossible!" Li Chengli suddenly roared in fear like a wounded wild boar. He stared at Xiao Qiu with red eyes, "You never told me about this! You didn't explain it to me!"

Xiao Qiu said helplessly: "Is it my fault? Yesterday I took the director to hand over to you to take stock of the warehouse, but you said no, and asked me to go to Section Chief Li if I have any questions. I wanted to hand over to you, but you Don’t do it.”

"But this delivery slip is different!" Li Chengli roared angrily, "You clearly know why I am in charge of the warehouse, why didn't you tell me that the items have been delivered from the warehouse? Are you cheating me?"

Xiao Qiu said calmly: "Everyone in the General Office knows something, why don't you know it?"

Li Chengli stared, unable to say a word.

"You, you borrowed my key!" He finally found a life-saving straw.

"Yes, I borrowed it. I took the things I left in the warehouse. I already put the key in your drawer." Xiao Qiu said.

"Impossible! You lied!" Li Chengli roared.

"You go back and see for yourself," Xiao Qiu said, "I put it in just when you were scolding Zhang Chunmei and crying."

Li Chengli's face was pale, his lips were trembling, and his face was full of despair.

Liang Yanqiu looked at Li Dengfeng calmly and said: "Chief Li, you need to be more familiar with the work procedures of the General Office, which will be beneficial to your daily management."

Li Dengfeng laughed miserably: "Liang Yanqiu, you are cunning and cunning, and you do things flawlessly. I have nothing to say! But don't treat everyone as a fool! What is the truth? In fact, everyone knows it well. You won this round and I lost. That's it. Simple! Don’t act like you represent justice, disgusting!”

"When you do something wrong, you blame the environment. When you are held accountable, you feel that you have been persecuted by Zheng Zhi. What is this?" Li Xinmin sneered, "This is a typical shirking of responsibility! It's the fault of the latrine that can't poop! What? Ours Is the team so terrifying? Is it full of persecution and oppression? Li Dengfeng, is this what you mean? Is our team really as appalling as you say?"

"I didn't mean it at all!" Li Dengfeng said with a pale face and gritted his teeth. "It was me who was obsessed with malicious revenge and attacked my colleagues. As a result, I suffered the consequences. I can't blame anyone. I am ashamed of the organization, the factory, and even more ashamed of the leaders. Trust me and teach me!”

He knew very well that if he dared to catch one of Li Xinmin's hats, the seriousness of the problem would rise to another level.

Li Xinmin sneered: "Propaganda and traditional warfare merged the two departments. The factory director had high hopes for you, and you just handed over such an answer sheet? The division chief messed up his orders and made the department a mess! The section chief retaliated against his colleagues wantonly, causing serious consequences. The work error has caused an extremely bad impact on Zheng Zhi. Factory Director, I suggest that the Discipline Inspection Commission directly intervene in this matter and check whether they have any deeper or more serious problems. We must not deal with such a black sheep! Appeasement!”

Li Xinmin spoke righteously, but Yang Baorui frowned, looking very embarrassed.

"There is no need to involve the Discipline Inspection Commission. This is just a mistake made by a few comrades on a single incident. To expand the crackdown arbitrarily would be overkill. It is also unfair to them to rashly deny a comrade's overall work." Yang Baorui looked at Li Xinmin and said slowly .

On the surface, it seems that Li Xinmin is the judge of justice, and Yang Baorui plays some disgraceful protective role, supporting the bad elements' sophistry.

But in fact, in terms of public concern, Yang Baorui is thinking about the overall situation.

"Three feet of ice is not a day's cold. I think this is not an isolated case, but a symptom caused by chronic diseases!" Li Xinmin snorted coldly, "If we don't show the courage to scrape bones and cure poison, more serious problems will brew in the future. ! Director, it’s not too late to make amends.”

Yang Baorui said calmly: "If this is the case, then there will be many places in our factory that need to be scraped and treated. The Purchasing Department, the Logistics Department, the Security Department... I have a lot of reporting letters here. Xinmin, when the water is clear, there will be nothing. Fish, sometimes for the sake of the overall situation, we can only use gentler methods to deal with many problems, what do you think?”

Li Xinmin's eyes flashed with haze.

The departments Yang Baorui mentioned are under his jurisdiction. This is threatening him. If you want to bring down Yang Shutan, then don't blame me for being rude.

To strike, you need to be tough. Li Xinmin's own butt is indeed dirty, so when it comes to this matter, he can only give up when it's good.

He smiled: "What do you mean, director?"

"Yang Shutan failed to supervise and made major mistakes in management and appointment of cadres. He will be punished within the party once and make a written review at the Standing Committee." Yang Baorui said, "Li Dengfeng used his power to maliciously retaliate against his colleagues, causing major problems. "The accident is of an extremely serious nature. He will be removed from his leadership position and demoted to deputy chief section officer. He will be recorded with a major demerit and will be placed on party probation for one year. He will not be allowed to change his position within five years."

Li Dengfeng's face was extremely pale, and his lips and limbs were trembling uncontrollably.

It took him eight years to climb to the level of associate subject!

It’s another eight years from associate major to full major.

The fruits of sixteen years of hard work in the officialdom were all gone in one day!

Is it worth it just for a momentary fight?

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something to beg for mercy.

But when he saw Su Yi and Liang Yanqiu, he subconsciously straightened his back, trying to maintain the last bit of dignity.

He felt that he was a little unsteady on his feet, and the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

"Li Chengli..." Yang Baorui looked at Li Chengli, who was trembling like a quail at the end, with a look of disgust in his eyes.

In his opinion, this person was the black sheep who caused all the troubles, the kind of bad element who ruined the whole pot of soup with one mouse excrement. Without him, so many things wouldn't have happened.

"Reduced to apprenticeship, go to the scrap workshop to practice hard!" Yang Baorui's understatement decided Li Chengli's final fate.

As I said before, the identity of a worker is very precious, and even the factory director does not have the right to fire a worker at will.

Of course Yang Baorui wanted to fire Li Chengli, but this was impossible. Even if he applied, the superiors would not approve it.

But is there really nothing that the top leader of a large factory can do about a thorny worker?

Of course this is impossible.

No matter what level of worker or clerk you are, you will be sent directly to the dirtiest and most tiring waste workshop and demoted to the lowest apprentice. This is the most serious punishment within the scope of the factory director's authority!

From now on, in three years, Li Chengli can only do the dirtiest and most tiring work, and only get a salary of 16 yuan and 50 cents.

Whether he can be promoted to a first-class worker after three years depends on his own ability and luck.

For a clerk who was originally sitting in an office and expected to be promoted to a deputy subject, this is tantamount to falling from heaven to hell.

Li Chengli collapsed on the ground on the spot, shaking like chaff, like a dehydrated fish, breathing heavily, his pupils dilated, and tears gushed out.

"I was the wrong leader. I really know I was wrong. Please, Director Yang, please let me go..." Li Chengli suddenly cried out.

"If you had known this, why bother?" Yang Baorui said coldly, "When you framed your comrades, did you ever think that a young comrade who originally had a great future would be harmed by you and completely lose his life? Now you know Crying? Put away your tears! When you were plotting, did you think about the consequences? "

"I was wrong, give me another chance, factory director, please don't let me be a temporary worker. I have seniors and juniors..." Li Chengli cried so hard that he was out of breath.

"Since there are seniors above and juniors below, you shouldn't do such a thing even for the sake of your little family. You deserve to harm others and yourself!" Yang Baorui scolded.

"Li Dengfeng, please go out first. Before the factory issues further written results to you, suspend your work and go home to wait for notification. Your problems will not be reported to the whole meeting, so as to save some face for you. "

Li Dengfeng silently turned around and walked out, his back hunched as if he was carrying a mountain.

Li Chengli cried and begged for mercy and refused to go out. Finally, Yang Baorui got angry and scolded him out.

After the two people left, Yang Baorui comforted and encouraged Liang Yanqiu, Zhang Chunmei and Xiao Qiu and asked them to go out.

"Director Yang, please carefully review the lessons learned this time." Yang Baorui looked at him and sighed, "How to put the right people in the right positions so that they can play a greater role is a science, and it is also a lesson for leading cadres. The test. How much trouble did Li Dengfeng’s misuse cause you?”

"When you are in charge of a department, you can't just take it for granted. You should think more, look more, listen more, and go to the grassroots to listen to the voices of the masses. Your biggest mistake is not to widely absorb the opinions of comrades and not to measure them. Using your talents is divorced from the masses and deviates from reality. You are capable, but you must have a correct mind and use your abilities in the right place. Don't think that you are yours, and don't think that your subordinates are yours. Remember, we are all members of the party and the masses!”

Yang Shutan's face was full of guilt: "Director, I deeply reflect on my mistakes. I have failed the trust of the party and leaders in me. I will correct my thoughts and reflect on myself."

Yang Baorui said a little tiredly: "I never listen to opinions. What I want to see is your future performance. After Li Dengfeng is removed, what arrangements will be made for the department under you?"

"In the Party Building United Front Section, I plan to ask Section Chief Liu Ying to return. He is a veteran of the United Front and has rich experience in this area, so there will definitely be no problem. As for the General Office, Comrade Liang Yanqiu is steady and down-to-earth, and has a good mass base. , let her seize this stall, I believe the comrades will not have any objections. "

Yang Baorui looked at Li Xinmin: "Director Xinmin, tell me your opinion."

"I have no objection." The result was not satisfactory, and he had already accepted it.

Yang Baorui nodded and said to Yang Shutan: "Just do as you say. Send a report as soon as possible and let the Organization Department review and evaluate. In the future, the appointment of cadres should not be made by convention, but should be strictly appointed according to rules and regulations."

"Yes, I understand." Yang Shutan nodded.

"That's it, let's all disperse." Yang Baorui issued an eviction order.

Yang Shutan left directly after going out, without saying a word to Li Xinmin and Su Yi, without even looking at them.

This turmoil has almost completely eliminated the possibility of peaceful coexistence between the two parties. In the future, it should be a bridge back to the bridge, each going his own way.

"You have to flatter other people's bad feet, haha, are you hiding your waist?" Li Xinmin looked at Yang Shutan's back and felt a little gloating.

Su Yi sighed and said: "Brother Li, I have offended him severely this time. People say that the county magistrate is not as good as the current governor. I will definitely fall into someone else's hands. If I am unlucky in the future, I will rely on you." Give me a hand."

Li Xinmin smiled and patted Su Yi on the shoulder: "I thought you were fearless. What? Are you afraid sometimes?"

"I'm not afraid of him." Su Yi said, "I just want to express my merits to you."

Li Xinmin was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, I can't blame you! How about coming home for dinner in the afternoon? Let's have a few drinks."

He really wanted to train Su Yi to be his confidant.

"Not in the afternoon." Su Yi looked around, lowered his voice and said to Li Xinmin, "Wen Hui invited me to be a guest at the senior leader's house, and it seems that Factory Director Yang will also go."

Li Xinmin was startled, and his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Yuanchao, please call me Brother Li, and I will tell you a few words that a brother should say. You and that side can't get too close." Li Xinmin said with profound meaning, "In the next few years, Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or...huh? You are a smart person and you should understand what I mean. Don't play around with people, because the end result will only be unfavorable to both sides. You must stand firm in your stance. This is your fault. The basis for progress, understand?”

Su Yi said: "Your words are good words, how can I not listen to them? Don't worry, Brother Li, I know what I'm saying."

Li Xinmin said: "Where in the world is there no fragrant grass? Don't fall into other people's beauty traps."

"Who am I? Is it worth it for someone to trick me?" Su Yi laughed, "You are overthinking it. That means you value me and think I am important. In fact, I am just a fledgling unknown."

Li Xinmin said: "It's good to know. Only by following me will there be real benefits. If you follow them, what's the use of shouting slogans? Right? People should be more realistic and pragmatic. For example, this time, as soon as Li Chengwen left, Liang Yanqiu One liter, these two official employee quotas, this is a real thing, right? "

Su Yi's heart moved and he said with a smile: "Brother Li, I heard it. I seem to be responsible for this."

Li Xinmin smiled and patted Su Yi on the shoulder: "Don't say I don't take care of you. I'll give you a recommendation quota. Remember, this quota is not a temporary job, so don't waste it."

He looked at Su Yi and thought to himself, this is still not enough to tie up your wild donkey that is about to run free?

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