Lu Shengli regarded Su Yi as his benefactor, so he brought a truckload of things here with the intention of repaying his kindness.

Of course, he didn't think that these things could offset the kindness, but he thought that it would make Su Yi happy and help Su Yi.

He was so kind that he didn't even realize that he had posed a problem for Su Yi.

A very troublesome problem.

When was this?

The storm is coming!

Under such circumstances, he sent Su Yi such a large number of "luxuries imported from capitalism", which were brought by trucks. Now he even alerted the young and middle-aged labor force of the whole hospital to help him carry these things...

This has caused such a fuss that it will be impossible to think of anything going wrong in the future.

Su Yi was sure that the root cause of this matter had definitely been laid.

But someone sent it over with good intentions, so Su Yi had to accept it even though he pinched his nose.

If you are afraid of something happening and you return these things, it will not only be a disappointment and loss of face.

Having said that, Su Yi just didn't want to cause trouble, but it was definitely not that he couldn't afford to cause trouble, so he just had a slight headache and simply stopped thinking about it.

If others dare to give it away, I dare to ask for it.

Shazhu called seven or eight people, including the two brothers Liu Guangtian, Liu Guangfu, Yan Jiecheng, and Yan Jiefang, as well as young people such as Xu Damao in the backyard.

In addition to those who came to help, a group of elderly and children also came out with flashlights to watch the fun.

Now the whole compound knew that Su Yi was going to turn the newly built house into an indoor flush toilet.

This thing is a new thing, and most people in the courtyard have never heard of it. Everyone discussed it very enthusiastically and they were all very interested.

At the same time, Su Yi was able to mobilize a truck to bring so many new gadgets that there was no place to buy this night, which shocked the neighbors no less than the big scene that morning before.

Now if anyone says that Su Yi is a helpless martyr, even the dogs in the courtyard won't believe it.

Su Yi took out the formal documents Lu Shengli mentioned from the refrigerator. After a cursory glance, he smiled knowingly.

This excuse is perfect.

"Support Korea! Come on, come on!" Yan Fugui sat on the ceramic toilet that had just been moved out of the truck. He called Su Yi over with a smile, "Is this what this thing is used for? Is it for sitting down to relieve the big hands?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded.

"Did you hear that, second uncle? I told you that you still don't believe it, but I've read it in a book! Now it's true to aid Korea, do you believe it?" Yan Fugui said proudly.

"Sit down and relieve yourself...can you pull it out?" Liu Haizhong felt puzzled, "This foreigner is doing a lot of work, and even after he poops, he can pull out all kinds of tricks."

"Yuanchao, you said you were in the whole hut, how stinky is it?" Auntie worried about Su Yi, "When summer comes, maggots won't crawl all over the house? Isn't it disgusting?"

"You just eat carrots and don't worry!" Yi Zhonghai rolled his eyes at him, "Two years ago, a group of old workers like us visited a nursing home for old leaders. I have seen this kind of water toilet. It was clean inside and had no smell at all. . When the water is flushed, all the stool goes into the pit. The floor drain below can block the smell, and a fan is installed in the room to exhaust the smell. Isn’t that true? "

"The First Master is well-informed, yes, that's it." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Hey, if this aid Korea has installed a high-end hut, I'll have to go and use it." The third aunt said.

"Damn it, I've heard people eat at their homes, but I haven't heard of them relieving themselves at home!" Yan Fugui cursed angrily, causing the neighbors to laugh.

At this time, a group of young people in the truck were lifting the large bathtub down. Su Yi hurriedly stepped forward to lend a hand, and he and the others put the thing down from the truck and dropped it on the ground.

"Yuanchao, tell me where to put things, and we will put them in place for you in one breath!" Silly Zhu worked the hardest, shouting at Su Yi to speak quickly.

"Let's go, brothers, come with me!" Su Yi waved his hand, picked up a box of ceramic tiles, and motioned for everyone to follow him into the yard.

"Come on, come on, don't go in empty-handed. Grab whatever you can. If you can't carry it, just a few people will lift it together. Everyone help!" Yi Zhonghai asked everyone to help, and then took the lead in picking up one of them without even pretending to do so. Some kind of wooden box went inside.

The young people are all busy, and the elders and aunts are not idle either, looking for things to move. The children who came to watch the fun helped to light up the scene with flashlights. The inside and outside of the courtyard were even busier than during the Chinese New Year.

Su Yi opened the door and vacated the south wall of the outhouse, letting the helpful neighbors pile their things here.

These porcelains are fragile. There has been construction in the yard for the past two days, and they will break if someone accidentally touches them. Su Yi has no place to buy replacements, so he just leaves them at home.

The walls of the toilet room have been completely built today, but the roof is just about to be capped. During the day, workers at the water plant have already dug out the locations for the pipes and drilled holes in the walls where they should be drilled. They will just have to lay and install the water pipes tomorrow morning.

So these things came at the right time. The tiles can be laid tomorrow, and the sinks and toilets can also be marked with reserved positions for laying pipes.

Su Yi poured the melon seeds into a big iron plate and asked the third aunt to help share a portion with the neighbors. He quickly opened a few packs of cigarettes and poured them on the plate, giving a cigarette to everyone who helped.

Even non-smokers would put one on their ears and laugh with Su Yi.

Originally, the outhouse was not big, but now it was even more crowded. Women and children had no place to stay. They all went out, and a group of old men in the room were puffing away.

"Yuan Korea, you have a flush toilet, a big white bathtub, and such high-end ceramic tiles in your house. Our factory director doesn't have the treatment you do. To be honest, at your level, the rich landlords in the past can't do more than this! "Xu Damao said with a smile, "You are the most special one in our courtyard. None of the three uncles can compare with you! Alas, we ordinary people are not like this. I'm afraid we won't be able to use such high-end things in our lives. "

This guy definitely had evil intentions when he said this, because Su Yi had received several waves of ill intentions from him from just now until now.

In fact, not only him, but all the neighbors contributed ill will to Su Yi. In this era where it’s hard for everyone to even have enough to eat, your neighbor’s house suddenly installs a high-end toilet that you can’t even imagine. Who would feel better after the replacement?

Even Silly Zhu contributed ill will to Su Yi, which shows that Su Yi's wave of hatred really caused a lot of hatred.

Everyone was smiling on the outside, but actually they felt quite uncomfortable inside.

"It's not impossible if you really want to use it," Su Yi smiled half-heartedly, "but you have to go to the class organized by our factory this time."

"What does this have to do with the study class?" Xu Damao asked curiously.

Su Yi handed the formal documents he took out from the refrigerator to Yan Fugui, who was standing next to him, and said, "Third uncle, please read it to everyone."

"Proof of donation, in order to provide real-life physical teaching aids for critical teaching at the workers' theoretical learning experimental base, our unit specially donated the following materials..."

This is the legitimate reason Lu Shengli found for shipping these things. He even thought of the reason why they should be installed in Su Yi's home - Su Yi, the head teacher of the class, voluntarily donated one of his houses to the base. Build this critical live classroom.

Did you hear that? It's not that Su Yi is greedy for pleasure, but that Su Yi donated his house to build this capitalist toilet. Su Yi is the giver, not the beneficiary.

In fact, Su Yi was very dissatisfied with the above reasons, and even felt a little shameless.

But this thing can at least alleviate the jealousy and hostility of the neighbors that Su Yi is facing now.

However, I am afraid that Su Yi will inevitably bring his students to his home to "criticize and criticize" him and go through the motions, so that this certification document will be worthy of the title.

As Yan Fugui finished reading the proof, the neighbors suddenly accepted this somewhat nonsense excuse.

Ordinary people are actually very flexible about the scale of unfairness. When everyone is in the same class, the slightest bit of unfairness will be very offensive and unacceptable.

But if you are a member of the privileged class and are still claiming to be a public servant, then most people will take it for granted, and jealousy will turn into envy.

Even if the matter itself is unreasonable and unfair, everyone will digest and explain it themselves.

"Xu Damao, if you were also a college student and the head teacher of the workers' study class like Aid Korea, then maybe this toilet could be built at your home, but it's a pity that you are not." Liu Haizhong laughed and mocked Xu Damao.

"I just said that spending so much money to build a house as a toilet is too wasteful. It turns out that the aid to Korea was donated to the government." The third aunt looked like she was belatedly realizing, "The government occupied a room in aid to Korea. I think it’s reasonable for Yuan Chao to use this toilet and clean it at the same time.”

"That's right, that's right. This room costs more than a hundred yuan to build. It can at least accommodate a whole family. It's not in vain to use this high-end toilet to aid Korea. It's a disadvantage to say the least." The eldest mother said with deep understanding. .

"Anyway, if it were our family, I would definitely not do it." Silly Zhu shook his head like a rattle, "There is a toilet in the courtyard, which is convenient. If I had an extra room, I would rather use it as a warehouse than build another one. bathroom."

"Who says it's not? This thing looks fashionable, but it's superfluous! What's wrong with this room?"

"There's nothing we can do about aiding Korea. Didn't you listen to what Third Master said? He donated it to the government. Otherwise, how comfortable would it be to live in three rooms? You're crazy to turn a good house into a place for shitting!"

"Yes, it's not cost-effective, it's such a loss..."

The neighbors' ideas suddenly "turned around", and they all felt that the toilet was poorly repaired...

In fact, some people know that this is an excuse, but they need this excuse, and their psychology is much more balanced.

Silly Zhu even knew the whole story. He knew that these things were what Su Yi wanted to buy and enjoy, but Lu Shengli gave them to him directly.

But will Silly Pillar talk nonsense?

So the atmosphere that followed became much more harmonious. The neighbors talked and laughed and said goodbye to Su Yi. In the end, only Silly Zhu and Su Yi were left.

"Xu Damao's grandson has been acting weird today. I don't know which pill he took the wrong way." Silly Zhu said to Su Yi, "He was obviously stirring up trouble just now."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Whatever."

He knew very well that the more Xu Damao thought about it, the more he felt that five hundred yuan was not worth the money, so he felt very uncomfortable...

"Shengli should be reversing outside. You go and take a look." Su Yi said, "I'll tidy up a little. There are still a few bottles of wine in the cabinet. I'll carry it directly to your house later."

"I'll prepare the food and drinks for you, let's work together!" Silly Zhu said happily, "I'll call Shengli, come quickly!"

After saying that, he couldn't wait to go out.

Su Yi lowered his head and looked at the cigarette butts and melon seed rinds all over the floor. He shook his head and sighed. He picked up the broom and dustpan and started working with his buttocks stuck out.

On the other side, not long after Yi Zhonghai returned home, Qin Huairu knocked on the door and came in.

"Huairu is here? Sit down and I'll pour you some water." The eldest mother stood up in a hurry.

"Auntie, stop working. I'll talk to the uncle for a while and then leave." Qin Huairu said.

"You go to the back room first." Yi Zhonghai said to Aunt Ma.

"Hey!" The eldest mother responded, went into the back room and closed the door.

Qin Huairu sat down worriedly and said, "Master, thanks to you for stopping the aid to the DPRK and not letting him call the police. Thank you!"

"Confirmed? What a great joke?" Yi Zhonghai asked with a frown.

"They haven't come back yet. I don't know where they died." Qin Huairu choked up as soon as she said one sentence, and tears fell down all of a sudden. "But it's probably this little beast!"

Qin Huairu gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "He went out when I was cooking, and the meat was lost at that time. I asked his grandma, and he asked how much the pig hind legs were worth several times before, and then he asked Gone! This little beast didn’t even study because he stole things, and now he still refuses to change his mind and steals whatever he wants... Master, how can I live with such a traitor? "

Qin Huairu cried until she was out of breath.

Yi Zhonghai sighed and said: "A habitual thief is a thief. It's hard to lose your thief nature. In the past, you couldn't control the stupid guy who stole things from the neighbors in the yard. He stole here and there and there was nothing wrong with him. That's not the case. Addicted to stealing?”

"Being expelled from school is a big deal for adults, but Banggeng doesn't like studying in the first place. To him, this is not a punishment at all, but rather a reward! In addition, your mother-in-law also Don't take it seriously... Well, I'm not surprised if he steals things again. You guys are too spoiled to this kid!"

"Master, what should I do now..." Qin Huairu cried, "My mother-in-law won't let me say anything, and she will scold me when I say it, calling me a cruel mother... She's going out now Went to greet Banggeng. If Banggeng really stole this pig leg, she would definitely refuse to admit it."

"Is it okay if you don't admit it?" Yi Zhonghai subconsciously touched the scar on his face and sneered, "With such a big pig hind leg, whether he sold it or hid it, there will always be traces. If aid is Chaozhen reported it to the police. The police specializes in this, and they must be sure to check it out! If you think about it again, we can all guess that it is Banggeng. Banggeng has just registered at the police station, and the policeman is still there! Can you not doubt him?"

"And let me tell you Huai Ru, Yuan Chao is not a fool. He must have thought of BangGeng. BangGeng is the only one in our courtyard who has unclean hands and feet. People can't help but doubt him. Now it's not up to you to admit it or not. It’s about how to give people an explanation!”

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