Wine makes a hero brave, and wine strengthens the courage of others.

When a person drinks, he will always become bolder; words that he usually dare not say or are embarrassed to say can now be said out with the help of alcohol.

Silly Zhu forced Su Yi to drink three glasses of wine and revealed his secret - Teacher Ran.

"Support Korea, as the old saying goes, adversity reveals a person's heart! Really, I just saw through this sentence today. I, He Yuzhu, am really stupid, so stupid! These days, I want to die. But I Not dead, I’m alive again, do you know why? Because of three people!”

"One is the deaf old lady, one is you Su Yuanchao, and the other is Teacher Ran."

"Who is Teacher Ran?" Lu Shengli asked.

"Hehe, my partner." Silly Zhu giggled, "This is the woman that Silly Zhu must marry!"

He looked at Su Yi proudly: "You didn't expect that Teacher Ran and I have already reached the stage of discussing marriage! I have already thought about it. I will ask Aunt Liu to come to our house this Sunday to talk about matchmaking. I will take advantage of this time to make up for it. Make up for my culture, my father-in-law is a cultured person, I can’t let others look down on me!”

Su Yi said: "This is a good thing, you have to drink another one yourself."

"Drink, I will definitely drink this wine! But I want to thank you for aiding Korea!" Silly Zhu was a little emotional, "Our buddy said this is hypocritical, but Teacher Ran told me, if it weren't for you, she would definitely see it Don’t fuck me! I have to thank you! When we get married, you will definitely be our number one benefactor!”

"That's serious." Su Yi smiled.

"Brother, I remember it in my heart." Silly Zhu patted his chest, "This is not a drunken talk, it is sincere. Yuan Korea, I, Silly Zhu, have lived in confusion for nearly thirty years. This is the first time I know what true friends are like. What’s the matter, what’s the matter with loving someone sincerely, and what’s the matter with someone who truly regards me as a relative!”

Silly Zhu picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. He stared at his red eyes and smashed his mouth, as if this glass of wine had a thousand flavors.

"One sentence!" He held out a finger, "I don't want anything, this is the sincerity! This is the truth that I, Silly Zhu, have only just understood after living for twenty-nine years!"

"I didn't say it before, but I don't like people calling me stupid! But now I find out that I was really stupid before! Really, I am a stupid person! A big stupid person! They were right. ! I can’t tell the difference between a good person and a bad person! I think I live a very clear and transparent life, but in fact, I’m just such a fool in the eyes of others!”

"I have told Teacher Ran everything about me these days. Teacher Ran analyzed it for me one by one. What did I do well and what did I do poorly? I roughly did the math. I have to do ten things. All nine of them are wrong. Tell me, how did I get here in my thirties? Aren't I just stupid?" Shazhu laughed at himself and shook his head.

"Brother Zhuzi drank too much." Lu Shengli looked at Su Yi, "How about we stop here today?"

"Come here? Why don't you try to walk? My legs are broken for you!" Silly Zhu glared, "Come on, come on, pour the wine, fill it up, how many drinks did you just miss? Be more conscious and do it yourself Fill!"

"You drink wine as water. I'm not stupid. I don't want to make up for it. I don't dare to get drunk and get punished when I go back." Lu Shengli shook his head like a rattle.

"Why are you drinking it if you don't want to get drunk? You're stupid!" Silly Zhu scolded, "Drink! Let's have three drinks first, come on, come on, you're a grandson!"

He forced Lu Shengli to drink three drinks, and then he smiled with satisfaction and continued to Su Yi: "I am happy today. I have to get drunk. I really want to get drunk. Yuan Korea, will you accompany me?"

Su Yi picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, savoring the spicy taste, and sighed: "Actually, drinking is not interesting to me at all."

He was not drunk at all.

"Same goes for smoking." Su Yi said, "No matter how much I smoke, I won't get addicted to it, so every time I smoke, I actually find it hard to get into my mouth and make myself stink."

"Then it's over if you don't smoke?" Lu Shengli said.

"I have to experience life." Su Yi shook his head, "Smoking and drinking, isn't this what ordinary men do?"

"You don't like it, so why force yourself to do it?" Lu Shengli said he didn't understand, "There are ordinary people who don't smoke or drink."

"You don't understand." Su Yi said.

He needs to be popular. For ordinary people, the mortal world is a big stain, but for Su Yi, this place is simply paradise.

He didn't feel it when he first came, but now he has discovered that the more he lives with all five poisons, the better he can integrate into the world.

The more he integrates into this world, the more peaceful his heart becomes and the more mellow his spirit becomes.

So he forced himself to do some things that he clearly hated. It didn't matter what he did, but the feeling of reluctance and displeasure but having to continue doing it when doing these things was very important to Su Yi. It makes sense.

He has to tell himself that he is a human being, and as a human being, he cannot do anything.

"I can understand what you mean by aiding Korea!" Silly Zhu said, "This guy needs to live a little dirty, he's too clean."

"Dirty?" Lu Shengli raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not asking you to be unhygienic." Silly Zhu said.

"Nonsense, I'm not stupid!" Lu Shengli rolled his eyes angrily.

"Haha, I know you are not stupid, but you don't live a dirty life, so you are tired!" Silly Zhu laughed and said, "Let me give you an example. In our courtyard, the second uncle's family has a child named Liu Guangtian. The uncle’s family has a child named Yan Jiecheng, and neither of them is a good person.”

"One of the two is polite to everyone, has a daughter-in-law, and the couple lives a loving life; the other is idle all day long, and is beaten up by his father at every turn. Yuan Chao will definitely understand, Victory, Who do you think lives a comfortable life among these two?"

"According to what you mean, it must be a beating." Lu Shengli was not stupid, and he could hear the implication of Si Zhu's words.

"That's right!" Silly Zhu clicked his tongue, "The polite one is always scheming about this and that. He has to be polite and fake with everyone. Let me tell you, I'm exhausted for him. The key is for everyone. Everyone thinks he has to be successful, and he can be successful, but he doesn’t even have a formal job. Do you think he is tired from living? "

"Go on." Lu Shengli couldn't deny it.

"The other one is just an alley boy." Silly Zhu said, "In the first few years, I was a stubborn leader and was beaten when I saw Tian'er. Later, he was tied up by his father for three days and he didn't dare to mess around anymore. He beat temporary workers from time to time. , Everyone thinks he has no future, but people can do whatever they want, even if they know they will get beaten sometimes, do you think such a person can live a comfortable life? "

"So what is your conclusion?" Lu Shengli asked.

"The conclusion is that people have to live a little dirty to feel comfortable." Silly Zhu said, "If you are too clean, whether it is others or yourself, you will have higher requirements for yourself, then can you live without being tired? Everyone says that Yuan Chao is promising and has a bright future. Isn’t it perfect that such a person does not smoke or drink? Let me tell you, if this continues, Yuan Chao will make a fuss in front of everyone in the courtyard. Shit, people say he is morally corrupt. Why? Just because you are Su Yuanchao, so you shouldn't do this!"

"But we also have Xu Damao in our courtyard. This grandson is so bad that he broke the windows of the grandpa's house. Everyone takes it for granted. Why? He is just such a person. Look, one day he He picked up a piece of trash in the yard and everyone had to praise him. Do you think this is fair to Yuan Chao who still got scolded for farting?"

"Get out of here, you just farted!" Su Yi scolded.

"It's just a metaphor!" Silly Zhu chuckled.

Lu Shengli thought thoughtfully: "Do you mean that great achievements are missing? This principle is not new, but your example is good, and I listened to it."

"Then you have a drink." Shazhu persuaded him to drink.

"Just drink." Lu Shengli was also happy, picked up the glass and drank it, "Brother Zhuzhu, actually you are not stupid at all, you are quite smart."

Silly Zhu waved his hands and said: "Don't praise me, haha, I have only recently enlightened myself. Let me tell you, I have been studying literature and poetry recently. Do you know Uncle Pu? Uncle Pu who writes poetry!"

Lu Shengli shook his head blankly.

"Uncle Pushkinpu, don't you know? Oh, your cultural level is not good!" Silly Zhu said with disdain.

Lu Shengli almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: "Your uncle! I'm sorry, I'm a foreigner!"

"Foreigners have to be called uncle when they are older. It's not polite to call them by their first names!" Silly Zhu said matter-of-factly.

Su Yi looked at this scene with a smile, picked up the wine glass and drank one himself.

At this time, he faintly heard the sound of the door opening coming from beside him. After listening attentively for a moment, the movement next door immediately reached his ears clearly.

Bangge is back home.

Jia Zhang had been waiting at the entrance of the alley until now, and finally waited for Bangge to come back. She explained things outside, and then took Banggeng back home.

Xiaodang and Huaihua were not asleep yet. They were sitting barefoot on the kang and playing. The two little girls were very eye-catching. When they saw their brother and grandma coming back, they immediately fell silent. The atmosphere in the house also changed instantly. Become solemn.

"Mom." Banggeng called out in a muffled voice, turned around and walked into the back room.

"Stop." Qin Huairu Damajindao sat on the chair in the living room, his face as sinking as water.

She had already made up her mind to solve the stick problem tonight.

Like Jia Zhang, Qin Huairu also spoiled Banggeng and would protect Banggeng after he made mistakes, and even allowed Banggeng to steal Silly Zhu's things.

In fact, Qin Huairu is not much better than Jia Zhang in terms of spoiling children, but many times what she wants to do has already been done by Jia Zhang, so she just takes advantage of the situation and becomes popular.

Furthermore, she is not as partial as Jia Zhang, and she can still take care of her two daughters.

But Qin Huairu was not as indifferent as Jia Zhang. She had realized that the stick was out of control.

If you don't restrain Bangge and let him get rid of his habit of stealing things, sooner or later it will lead to disaster.

Especially this time when the pig's hind legs were lost, Qin Huairu even felt fear in her heart. She was just cooking, but without paying attention, the child stole something worth more than 20 yuan and ran away.

Bangge was expelled from school a few days ago. She beat her until her butt was red and swollen, and she swore that she would never steal anything again. Qin Huairu once believed that Banggeng had really changed his past.

But what's the result?

I still stole when I needed to, and even stole more efficiently and decisively.

Not only did the kid fail to learn any lesson, but he only got worse.

If this is ignored, Bangge will really become a thief that everyone hates on the street!

Qin Huairu worked hard to raise Banggeng so big, and never wanted Banggeng to become a thief.

"Kneel down!" She shouted coldly to Banggeng who was stopped by her.

She no longer has to ask Bangge if he stole anything.

How can you not understand your own children?

Qin Huairu knew that Banggeng was the one who had done this from the first moment he looked at her after entering the door.

"Huairu, you have wronged the child. I just asked, it was not Banggeng who did this." As expected, Ms. Jia Zhang defended Banggeng.

"Mom, I'm going to discipline the child today, so don't talk or interfere!" Qin Huairu looked at Jia Zhang and said every word, "If you feel distressed, then you can go for a walk in the hospital now and come back in an hour. "

"No, he didn't steal. He didn't do it. Why did you discipline him?" Jia Zhang frowned, "Banggen, tell your mother, did you steal?"

"Mom, I really didn't steal it. I swear, if I had stolen it, I would be worse than a pig or a dog, and I would be struck by lightning!" Banggeng swore smoothly.

It was okay if he didn't swear, but Qin Huairu's blood pressure suddenly went up as soon as he swore.

She didn't understand. He obviously stole it, so how could he swear so confidently?

"You don't admit it, do you?" She rushed forward and grabbed Banggeng's collar to find some evidence.

But she discovered that Banggeng's clothes were a little damp and smelled of soap.

Grabbing Banggeng's hand again, she found that Banggeng's hands had also been freshly washed.

Qin Huairu turned to look at Jia Zhang in surprise.

Jia Zhang asked: "Why are you looking at me?"

Qin Huairu was so angry: "Mom, you think you can't notice the ghost like this, right? Let me tell you, once Su Yuanchao calls the police, the police are not vegetarians. How can they find such a big pig leg? Where have you been?"

"Li Fenglan's bicycle in the next door yard has been lost for half a year. Have you found it?" Mrs. Jia Zhang sneered, "Li Dabaihua, the person opposite, has lost a bag of white noodles at his house. It's been two years. Has the thief been caught? Let’s not talk about distant places, let’s talk about our courtyard. Last month, Lou Xiaoe was stolen from someone in the alley, and her pockets were cut open with a knife. Where is the thief? "

"The police are not vegetarians...who are you trying to scare? Don't tell me that this pork leg wasn't stolen by Bangge, even if it was, we're not afraid! One day he said something mysterious, as if the police were all fortune tellers. You can figure out who stole it! You are so capable, why didn’t they catch so many thieves?”

"Can that be the same!" Qin Huairu was trembling with anger, "Mom, this time people know that it was Banggeng who did it. Then the police only need to find out where Banggeng has gone and who he has been in contact with, and the matter will be clear! "

"Who knows that it was Bangge who did it? Do you have evidence?" Jia Zhang shouted with a dark face, "Catch thieves and seize stolen goods. If you don't have evidence, you will talk nonsense. It doesn't matter who it is. I don't care if you are a college student or have some background." , I tear his mouth apart!"

"You are simply unreasonable!" Qin Huairu was strangely angry.

"You only found out today?" Mrs. Jia Zhang raised her eyebrows.

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