Before the movie finished, the leaders left the table one after another.

The wind always blows from high altitude to the ground. When the wind blows, those in the highlands are always the first to feel it.

But the rest of the people are still watching the movie with gusto. They are still worried, passionate and moved by the fate of the characters in the movie.

Su Yi had known for a long time that the wind would come, but maybe because he knew it, when the wind actually came, he felt it stronger than anyone else. Even the most sensitive person could only hear the howling of the strong wind, but Su Yi had already seen that a hurricane was about to sweep across the world.

It was precisely because of this feeling that Su Yi realized that he was not stable enough now, and he needed to do something more to stand firmer in this storm.

After the movie screening, the audience burst into thunderous applause. They discussed the plot of the movie enthusiastically and dispersed in twos and threes.

Su Yi was packing up the machines when he saw Liu Guangtian and Zhang Chunmei squeeze in from the crowd.


"Brother Yuanchao!"

Both of them looked very happy and greeted Su Yi.

"We are here to help you!" Zhang Chunmei said with a smile, while helping Su Yi pack things, Liu Guangtian also followed suit.

"Hey, why are you two so winking today?" Su Yi joked, "Normally I ask you to do some work and you complain all the time. Why did you take the initiative to help today?"

"Looking at what you said, we have nothing to complain about. We have always resolutely completed the tasks you assigned." Zhang Chunmei said hurriedly.

"That is, not only did it be completed resolutely, but it was also overfulfilled!" Liu Guangtian also said, "You don't know that Chunmei has almost completed the interview work you assigned to Chunmei in the past few days. My work here has also been completed. It’s done, it’s still early to publish the factory report, we’ve almost done the work now.”

"Don't show off your merits, just say what you have to say." Su Yi seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and had a clear understanding of the two people's thoughts. "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, leader, I really can't hide anything from your eyes!" Zhang Chunmei smiled apologetically and kicked Liu Guangtian.

Liu Guangtian scratched his head and said, "Brother Yuanchao, Chunmei and I have something to do tomorrow. Can you give us a day off?"

"What's going on?" Su Yi asked deliberately.

"Hehe...hehe..." Liu Guangtian scratched his head and smiled stupidly without saying anything.

Zhang Chunmei blushed and turned away shyly without saying a word.

Su Yi sighed and said: "Go, go, go and do your business!"

"So you approve it?" Zhang Chunmei said in surprise.

"As the saying goes, I'd rather tear down ten temples than one marriage. I have to accumulate virtue." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Oh, what are you talking about, leader? Brother Guangtian and I are revolutionary friends!" Zhang Chunmei stamped her feet and said angrily.

"Yes, it's so pure! I didn't even hold hands!" Liu Guangtian said hurriedly.


Zhang Chunmei kicked him again, causing him to grimace in pain.

The stench of love.

Su Yi patted the boxed equipment: "Do you know where to put it?"

"I know, I know." Zhang Chunmei nodded hurriedly.

"Leave it to us, Brother Yuanchao, there's no problem at all." Liu Guangtian said, patting his chest.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you then." Su Yi clasped his hands behind his back and happily waved it away as the shopkeeper, "I'm going to leave first. You guys should pack up and go back to your homes quickly. Stop wandering around at night."

"Don't worry, Brother Yuanchao. I'll send Chunmei home after I finish packing."

"You don't need to send me off, I'll ride back by myself." Zhang Chunmei said hurriedly.

"I'll take you. It's a long way and you can't pedal." Liu Guangtian said cheekily.

"I can't pedal without you. You are as heavy as a pig." Zhang Chunmei covered her mouth and laughed.

Su Yi shook his head, too lazy to listen to their flirting, and turned around and left.

Su Yi's bicycle was parked at the door of the office building. Before he arrived, he saw a man wandering next to his car from a distance, holding a cigarette in his mouth, the red cigarette butt flickering in the night.

Su Yi was a little surprised, why was it him?

Since that conflict, he hadn't seen this person for some days.

When Su Yi approached, the man threw away the cigarette in his hand and coughed lightly.

"Fear from Yang Weimin +66..."

"Is something wrong?" Su Yi asked.

"Ahem, I just...ask you something." Yang Weimin pretended to be calm, "Haitang said she broke up with you, is that right?"

"What did she tell you?" Su Yi smiled.

"She said that your personalities are not suitable for each other," Yang Weimin said, "She also said that you are troublesome."

Su Yi thought for a moment and said, "That's right."

"That means you are indeed broken up, right?" Yang Weimin was a little excited and confirmed again.

"Yes." Su Yi was too lazy to explain, and admitted while opening the lock.

"I will tell my dad in the near future that I want to be transferred back to the radio station." Yang Weimin said, "Su Yuanchao, it was my fault for what happened before. I apologize to you, but in the future, what happened between me and Haitang... I hope Don’t get involved either.”

"What do you mean don't get involved?" Su Yi smiled and got on the bicycle and asked, "Are you afraid that I will snatch Yu Haitang away again?"

"Maliciousness from Yang Weimin +88..."

He took a deep breath and said seriously: "As long as you don't interfere with our affairs, I will tell my father and ask him to promote you more!"

Su Yi smiled.

"Thank you." He said, "I don't have to interfere with you and Yu Haitang's affairs, but I have a request."

"As long as it's not too much, I can promise you!" Yang Weimin gritted his teeth.

Su Yi nodded: "My request is that you must not let your father promote me."

Yang Weimin was stunned.

But Su Yi had already stepped away.

He stared blankly at the direction Su Yi was leaving, and remained silent for a long time before leaving in depression.

Su Yi met Shazhu on the way. He was walking back with his head bent like an eggplant beaten by frost. Su Yi rode past him without even looking up.

Su Yi ignored him and went straight home. But after not staying at home for a while, Shazhu took the initiative to find Su Yi.

"Yuan Chao, have a drink with me." He said to Su Yi gloomily as soon as he entered the door.

"Don't drink." Su Yi didn't want to hear him vent his frustration. He hadn't even thought about his future yet.

"No, brother, something happened. Really, you have to enlighten me!" Silly Zhu said with a bitter face.

"There is no way out despite the mountains and rivers, and there is a village with bright flowers and dark willows." Su Yi said, "Okay, that's it, go back and figure it out for yourself."

Silly Zhu said: "Don't you want to hear something about me?"

"I don't want to hear it." Su Yi shook his head.

"That's what I said!" Silly Zhu said, "I was kicked out by Teacher Ran and her old-fashioned father, and Aunt Liu was also scolded by others. Alas, people thought I was uneducated and a big boss. Yuan Korea, What do you think we should do about this?"

"If you don't leave, I will chase you away just like your father-in-law!" Su Yi threatened.

Silly Zhu pointed at Su Yi: "I won't argue with you, my father-in-law. Come on, go back to the house and drink alone!"

He deliberately clicked his tongue, shook his head, sighed and walked away looking very disappointed.

After Si Zhu left, Su Yi turned on all the lights in the house and wandered around the house several times.

The neighbors in the courtyard were still awake at this time. Every household was either laughing or quarreling and crying. All the noise could not escape Su Yi's ears.

At the house of the third uncle across the street, Yan Fugui and the third aunt were discussing how to persuade Yu Li to pay an extra dollar every month so as to "not lose money"; Yan Jiekuang was bragging to his sister Yan Jiedi about his great achievements in beating people in school.

Next door to the third uncle's house, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li were also discussing work matters. Yan Jiecheng was a little disappointed that Su Yi only arranged a temporary job for Yu Li, and Yu Li scolded him for being crazy.

In the middle courtyard, Yi Zhonghai was giving medicine to his aunt, and the two were talking about Qin Huairu's family. Yi Zhonghai talked about Jia Zhang's drug addiction, saying that he had been sent to a rural farm for "reeducation through labor" for one year. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for half a year. The aunt was very gloating and said that she deserved the misfortune. It was hard for Yi Zhonghai not to be "noble" when he was not in front of others. She was in a happy mood and said that Jia Zhang's evil deeds were punished.

Silly Zhu was rummaging through boxes and cabinets at home, probably looking for something to drink with.

At Qin Huairu's house, Qin Jingru was asking the two little girls about Su Yi again. In fact, Su Yi knew that Qin Jingru had been paying attention to him, but he did not receive emotional values ​​such as Qin Jingru's love and desire. He knew very well that this girl had nothing to do with love in her mind right now. Her biggest wish was to get rid of the poor life in the countryside through marriage.

She will follow anyone who can let her stay in the city. If Su Yi couldn't do it, she could settle for the next best thing, or even do it again.

Having said that, talking about relationships is actually very luxurious in this era, and talking about relationships with someone like Su Yi is also ridiculous.

A vague good impression, a liking at first sight, and equal appreciation, are these considered love?

Even Wen Hui admires and suits Su Yi. It would be nonsense to say that she is in love with Su Yi.

If Su Yi wants to pursue love, he will most likely be disappointed. His own impurity determines that it will be difficult for him to encounter pure love.

The ignorant and simple emotions between Zhang Chunmei and Liu Guangtian would never appear in Su Yi's place.

Therefore, Su Yi is very clear-headed. What he has been pursuing from the beginning is marriage, a partner suitable to accompany him throughout his life.

He is like an experienced poker player, choosing a deck of cards for himself that can last a lifetime.

Wen Hui seems to have four twos, and the cards are big enough, but Su Yi himself is a double king, and having her is just the icing on the cake. For those scrappy single cards and small pairs, it would be a pity to break them apart and play them. If you don't break them, you can't control them. It's better to have a pair of Aces.

Needless to say, Yu Haitang is like a straight child. It seems to be useful, but it seems to be useless.

Shen Yanzi has four mistresses, and the cards are neither big nor small, but Su Yi's own cards are good enough, and these four threes are likely to be blown up in the end.

You Juanjuan is a series of small single cards, and Su Yi needs to use his brain to think of how to play them in order to play the cards well.

After excluding these people, who else could Su Yi choose?

Qin Jingru, what card will she play?

Su Yi thought she had three queens and a king.

She is obviously not good enough, but if it is placed in the game of marriage, maybe she is what Su Yi lacks.

Su Yi has always been decisive in doing things, but when it comes to Qin Jingru, he still has to "look at it" again, because Qin Jingru is indeed not good enough, and because it is difficult for souls from later generations to accept a marriage without an emotional foundation.

If he marries Qin Jingru, the original intention of the marriage is very utilitarian, and both parties are very utilitarian.

Will such a marriage be happy? Will it go well?

Maybe Su Yi can break through many things, but this is definitely not included.

It is precisely because of such "unbreakable" that Su Yi thinks about the future he wants and the future he can accept when the strong wind is about to rise.

He listened to the voices of every household in the courtyard, felt the fireworks in this world, and thought about himself and his original intention of coming to this world.

Gradually, he had the answer in his heart.

The next day was the official start of the study class.

As the head teacher, Su Yi naturally couldn't be late or take advantage of the situation. He came to the auditorium early and started to get busy.

At 8:50 in the morning, the study class leadership group held an emergency meeting, and the senior leader personally presided over it. His expression was solemn, and there was a hint of lingering worry in his eyes.

Yang Baorui looked even more gloomy and worried.

Some of the other leaders were worried, some had twinkling eyes, but they all looked distracted. The biggest feeling that Su Yi felt during the entire meeting was just four words - people's hearts were floating.

Not to mention others, even Su Yi felt worried because the person who came to interview this morning was not Wen Hui, but another male reporter whom Su Yi didn't know.

Where is Wenhui?

The topic of the emergency meeting was that some experts and scholars who were originally scheduled to come to class had canceled their plans to teach here due to some reasons, including the leader who had a great background.

Although the big leader didn't explain the reason, Su Yi couldn't tell that some of these people were "persuaded" to leave because of their composition, and some were "dissuaded" because of their concerns, especially those who had some concerns about the big leader and didn't want to get involved with him. relationship, so I can’t take the initiative.

The class lost more than half of its teaching staff before the class officially started. This was tantamount to a slap in the face and pouring cold water on everyone.

Everyone present was full of worries, some were discouraged, and some were worried and wanted to quit.

Both Yang Baorui and Li Xinmin felt that they were at a loss.

But now the arrow has to be fired. The media has been blowing the news for so long. All the work has been prepared and the students are waiting for classes to start. No matter what, everyone has to bite the bullet and attend.

The first class was taught by a veteran cadre with a political background. As he stepped onto the podium, it also marked the official operation of the workers' theoretical learning experimental base.

The senior leader listened to the entire first class before leaving the factory surrounded by the two factory directors.

Perhaps out of the desire to appease Su Yi, he specially sent his secretary to visit Su Yi privately and informed him of the reason why Wen Hui did not come.

"The top leader asked me to tell you that Wenhui's father is under investigation within the party due to some policy issues. Wenhui and her mother will also be investigated together. The top leader has been actively seeking a solution to this matter since last night. He asked you not to go to Wenhui recently, and not to have any worries or psychological burdens, just do your job well..."

Su Yi was not surprised that this happened, but he did not expect it to come so soon.

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