Young people's sentimentality comes and goes as quickly as it comes. After a few glasses of wine, the singing soon started again.

"The red flag is flying and the bugle is sounding. Soldiers, farewell to their hometown..."

This is a new Long March suite that was released last year. It has ten tracks in total and is very popular in Beijing. At the wine party, anyone who can sing all ten songs will definitely become the most handsome person in the room.

The melody of this song is very simple, even Silly Zhu sang it at the top of his lungs, but when everyone drank too much, it was actually difficult to remember the lyrics. When we reached the part about crossing the Chishui River four times, everyone couldn't sing anymore and stared at each other.

Su Yi couldn't sing either. He just listened to the song and squinted his eyes while keeping time.

"Drink, drink..." Zhang Dingbang raised his glass awkwardly.

Everyone was a little embarrassed and cheered.

"You guys on the mountain, can you? You've been quarreling with us all afternoon, and you can't even sing!" A shout suddenly came from the bottom of the mountain, and then the whole dormitory camp burst into laughter.

Zhang Dingbang blushed and shouted: "You can sing if you are capable!"

"Sing, just sing! Everyone, I'll start and let's all sing together. Let the few above who are disturbing their lunch break listen carefully. What does singing mean?"


"The road is difficult to travel in Hengduan Mountain. The sky is like fire and the water is like silver... Everyone is here, ready - sing!"

"The road in Hengduan Mountain is difficult..."

Neat singing came from the military camp at the foot of the mountain, making everyone look at each other.

"A warrior walks the world with two feet, and he crosses Chishui four times and emerges with surprise soldiers..."

No one spoke or drank anymore. They sat quietly and listened to them finish singing "Four Crosses of Chishui", followed by "Flying Over the Crossing of the Crossing River", and then "Crossing the Snowy Mountains and Grasslands"

Until the last song "Grand Master" was sung.

The singing had stopped long ago, but everyone was silent for a long time, and it seemed that they had even sobered up a bit.

"Back then, we traveled 25,000 miles during the Long March. Where are we now?" Silly Zhu suddenly sighed with emotion.

Everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Am I right?" Silly Zhu asked.

"Yes, that's right!" Zhang Dingbang patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, I'll come see you next time we have a drink. You're an interesting person."

"You're not bad either, but you just can't drink enough." Silly Zhu said with a smile.

"It's almost done today, how about we stop here?" Su Yi looked around.

"Let's go. I'll apologize to the people below. You guys should retreat first." Yu Wenhai stood up and said.

"If you want to apologize, let's go together. What's the point of being alone?" Silly Zhu yelled.

Su Yi put his hand on his shoulder and said: "It's not appropriate. They are all drunk. A group of drunkards seem to be insincere. Just have a representative express their attitude."

"It's up to you." Silly Zhu nodded.

"Then withdraw?"


Regarding this drink, the last thing Su Yi remembered was only two things.

The first was the final chorus of the soldiers, which gave him a sense of baptismal peace.

The second is that the 80-proof first wine is really strong.

He somewhat understood why many people liked drinking.

When you can't feel happy or feel uncomfortable, wine can help you. Unfortunately, the happiness gained through indulgence is short-lived.

After a period of time, because the study class was taken seriously by the superiors and vigorously promoted, Su Yi's work became busy.

Qin Huairu was released, and the little widow became much silent, as if her energy had been drained, and her whole person was depressed.

Qin Jingru stayed at her house for a few more days, but she couldn't stay any longer. After all, she had no job and couldn't stay for a living.

She mustered up the courage to ask Qin Huairu to come to Su Yi's house to talk about matchmaking, but Qin Huairu was a little worried about Su Yi, and she hadn't gotten over the stick issue yet, so she went to find Liu Guifen.

Liu Guifen came to ask Su Yi about his attitude. Su Yi shook his head clearly this time.

"Forget it, I won't think about it for now."

He took a deck of cards that was destined to win. Even though he was unwilling to bombard the spring and leave, there was no need to dismantle the bomb into single cards to cater to the world.

Since the bottom three cards cannot be filled up well, let's not call this landlord.

This was something he had thought about that day. The reason why he had not made the decision until now was because he wanted to look at Qin Jingru and think about Wen Hui again.

He still didn't like Qin Jingru.

It has nothing to do with character or character, it's purely because he doesn't have any feelings in that regard. He can't convince himself to marry and have children for the rest of his life with a person who doesn't have feelings.

Then stay alone.

Laughing and cursing, living this life wantonly and plainly.

Qin Jingru went back to the village disappointed.

In this world, although she failed to gain a foothold in the city, she did not meet Xu Damao, who had harmed her for most of her life. How can you know that it is a blessing in disguise?

Xiaodang and Huaihua often came to Su Yi's house. These two girls not only came to eat and drink, but also took the initiative to clean up and wash Su Yi's clothes.

Su Yi didn't know whether Qin Huairu taught them or they did it spontaneously. He didn't care about the reasons behind it, but he enjoyed the current situation.

After that drinking session, Su Yi and Lu Shengli got together twice more. The last time, Yu Wenhai sighed: "Yuan Chao, after today, we'd better not meet each other, lest we harm you."

Zhang Dingbang also said: "Even if you don't get involved, isn't it annoying for you to be asked back and forth?"

"Take care of each other." Su Yi sighed, "If it's true..., you can find a way to come to my class. I can still take care of you here."

Several people nodded silently.

Li Xinmin and Liu Guifen both got what they wanted, Yang Baorui and Shazhu became colleagues, and Yang Weimin simply entered the class room.

Yu Haitang immediately drew a clear line with him again. During this period, she started to talk to Su Yi again.

Liu Guangtian has been a little uneasy these days, because Zhang Chunmei's family affairs have also affected Zhang Chunmei.

In the courtyard, Liu Guangfu, Yan Jiefang and a group of 17 or 18-year-old boys became arrogant.

Within a few days, Liu Guangfu had his hand broken in a fight.

Liu Haizhong was originally promoted to captain of the picket team by Li Xinmin because he reported Yang Baorui, but with a word from Su Yi, he became deputy.

Although he still fulfilled his dream of becoming an official, he was disgusted by Su Yi after all. He dared not express his anger and could only hate it secretly in his heart.

Within a few days, he vented his anger on Shazhu and locked him up.

As a result, the deaf old lady was alarmed. The old lady went to Liu Haizhong's house with a cane and smashed all the pots, pans, glasses, etc. into pieces. Liu Haizhong had no choice but to give up and let Silly Zhu go.

He was very unwilling.

Before he became an official, he couldn't deal with Su Yi and Silly Zhu. After he became an official, he couldn't deal with them. So wasn't his official position in vain?

He was indignant and thought about how to trick Su Yi and make a fool of himself.

After he once again accused Su Yi of being unreasonable, Su Yi didn't tolerate him and scolded him in front of Li Xinmin, causing Liu Haizhong to lose face. If Li Xinmin hadn't put in a good word for him, Su Yi wouldn't have let him go so easily.

"Support Korea, now I am in trouble and worried about everything, you have to be considerate of me..." Li Xinmin sighed to Su Yi, "I know that Liu Haizhong is not capable, and he still has some opinions about you, but you We still have to take the overall situation into consideration and focus on unity.”

"I definitely support Brother Li's work." Su Yi said with a smile.

"By the way, has Minister Hu contacted you recently?" Li Xinmin asked casually.

"No." Su Yi shook his head, "I told him last time that I just want to stay in the factory. Brother Li, if I don't want to be the inspector, the position of inspection team leader must be yours."

Study classes have spread all over the country. Going to the countryside to receive re-education from poor and lower-middle peasants, and receiving re-education from the big brother workers in the workshop, are like two-track carriages running in parallel.

This shows the importance of this matter.

Hu took this matter a step further. He admired Su Yi very much and wanted to transfer Su Yi out of the steel rolling mill and join the study class leadership group to become a supervisory specialist who inspected various places. The level would also be upgraded one level.

But at the same time, Li Xinmin also saw the future of this new department and wanted to gild it. Going one step further, he aimed at the position of leader of the supervision team.

Hu expressed his stance that he and Su Yi could only go to one, and no two people in the supervision team could be from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill at the same time.

Therefore, Su Yi and Li Xinmin must give up personally.

Su Yi gave up without hesitation, but Li Xinmin was always uneasy.

This kind of person is very suspicious. He always feels that others are doing things secretly behind his back, which makes Su Yi a little annoyed. This time, Su Yi simply makes it clear to him.

Li Xinmin said with a smile: "It's good to stay in the factory. Recently, I asked the picket team to investigate Yang Shutan's problem. If I wait until he leaves, one of your department's departments will definitely bring it up, and I can give it to you then." If you move around, you can make progress wherever you go, right?"

"You're right." Su Yi nodded.

Can promotion by the inspection team be the same as promotion in the factory? After Su Yi completed his formal examination in the inspection team, he would definitely go to a certain department to be the head of the department after the inspection. If he continued to play around with his qualifications, he could be promoted easily.

But what about in the factory? Even if he is promoted to a deputy subject by Li Xinmin, it is an unreasonable and exceptional promotion, and his further potential will be exhausted with this step. If he is liquidated in the future, Su Yi might have to pay the price.

But Su Yizhi wasn't here, so he really didn't bother to argue with him.

After hitting him with a stick, he wanted to give Su Yi a sweet date.

"Have you had any difficulties in work or life recently?" Li Xinmin said with a smile, "Don't talk to me outside, just tell me if you have anything to say."

Su Yi and he didn't know what it meant to be polite.

"Brother Li, do you have rich money here? Lend me one thousand."

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +99..."

Li Xinmin's face turned green at that time.

"Yuan Korea, it's not you... I just don't understand. Now that your home is in order, you don't need anything, and your salary has been paid, why do you still need money? You shouldn't be gambling secretly, right? "

"Am I that kind of person, Brother Li? I have my eye on a house and want to buy it. Brother Li, this is a rare opportunity. You don't want me to miss it and regret it for the rest of my life, right?"

"'s okay if you don't buy it. It's not that serious, right? I don't even have a yard." Li Xinmin said speechlessly.

"If Brother Li doesn't have enough room in his hands, forget it." Su Yi sighed, "I'll think of a way."

"Forget it, I'll lend it to you!" Li Xinmin said angrily, "I'll let you think of a way, maybe you'll do something wrong again. Make an IOU! I tell you, this is the last time, I won't do it again!"


Su Yi went out with money and whistle, feeling that the relationship between himself and the leader had deepened.

As Li Xinmin became more and more unscrupulous and unstoppable after taking power, Su Yi became increasingly disgusted with him. Moreover, Li Xinmin did something very disgusting to Su Yi. Although he comforted Su Yi promptly and gave Su Yi greater rights and trust, it still made Su Yi feel disgusted. Because of this incident, there was actually a gap between Su Yi and Li Xinmin.

But Su Yi didn't want to fall out with him. He still wanted to stay in the factory and continue to take root at the grassroots level without wavering.

"Director Su, I have your registered letter!"

"Letter? Where did it come from?" Su Yi was stunned.

"Western Sichuan, Gong County."

Su Yi was suddenly stunned, and his heart was slightly disturbed.

This is where Wen Hui went!

Wen Hui has written!

"Where is the letter?" Su Yi asked.

"In the Security Department, I originally wanted to send it to you, but Section Chief Ding refused and said that you should go and pick it up yourself."

"Ding Shangdong?" Su Yi frowned.


The disgusting thing Li Xinmin did was to recruit Ding Shangdong from the factory and appoint him as the chief of the security department.

Although it is only an internal appointment with only a name and no level, the power is real.

Originally, Ding Shangdong was a person who made serious mistakes and was fired from the police station. It was impossible for the factory to recruit him again. However, this guy also had some tricks of his own. He somehow managed to get through to Li Xinmin, and his previous criminal records were reduced to minor issues. The trivial matter has been resolved, and now it is like Bai Ding has entered the factory.

Li Xinmin was very aware of the conflict between Ding Shangdong and Su Yi, but he still recruited this person. It was not because of how capable Ding Shangdong was, but because Su Yi had no rivals in the factory during that time, which made Li Xinmin feel that his family was the only one, so he wanted to find someone to check and balance Su Yi.

Originally, he looked for Liu Haizhong, but Liu Haizhong was no match for Su Yi. Su Yi would hit Liu Haizhong until he was pissed off and helpless. Ding Shangdong came to the door and solved this headache for him.

Compared to Liu Haizhong, Ding Shangdong is much calmer.

Ever since he came to the factory, he had no contact or difficulty with Su Yi.

He didn't pretend to be here to ease the relationship with Su Yitao. He usually pretended not to see her when he saw her, and kept a respectful distance from Su Yitao.

On the other hand, Shazhu wanted to reconcile the two of them several times, but Su Yi scolded him and ran away.

He Yuyu also went out of his way to find Su Yi once, but Su Yi still didn't give her face.

This girl is really worse than Silly Pillar.

Since coming to the factory, Ding Shangdong has been steadily controlling his own land, and Su Yi doesn't bother to pay attention to him.

And this time, this guy actually wants Su Yi to go there?

I can't hold it anymore!

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