"Director, the relationship between my family and Su Yuanchao is too complicated. It's really hard for me to get involved in this matter." Qin Huairu smiled apologetically at Li Xinmin, "How about I pretend that I don't know anything and promise to keep it secret?" ?”

"Qin Huairu, over the years I promoted you to the position of workshop director. You don't have to do any work, sitting in the office and blowing the electric fan with a salary of more than fifty yuan. You are very happy, right?" You were quite happy with the money, but now you are needed to help each other, do you want to get off the boat? Do you think that people in this world are like idiots like Kong Ermin, who were deceived by you and lost all their wages? More than a year!”

"Sister Qin, don't pretend to be arrogant, we are all the same kind of people!" Xu Damao also sneered, "Let's put it this way, for a serious person like Su Yuanchao, the closer we are to him, the more serious he will be. You have to be cruel. Why? He has to show his selflessness! When the time comes to report to the boss, they will say that my daughter-in-law’s own mother has been jailed by me. Am I good enough? He is a saint, why don’t we give him a three-level promotion immediately?”

Qin Huairu's face looked uncertain.

Li Xinmin sneered and said: "Qin Huairu, if nothing else, if the higher authorities check the quotas you have resold in the past two years, they will be accurate!"

"Director, I didn't get any of this money, I gave it all to you!" Qin Huairu said hurriedly, "And this is all what you asked me to do. The most I can do is eat someone else's meal, and I don't get anything!"

"Really? They didn't give any gifts to your family?" Li Xinmin asked.

"Yes, but how much is it?" Qin Huairu said.

"Corruption for a penny is also called corruption!" Xu Damao chuckled, "Don't you know what happens to corrupt elements once they are investigated, right Sister Qin? By then, the good guy will have a partner, and the mother and son will be in jail together. This has been the case since ancient times. You are now considered a legend, maybe you, Qin Huairu, will be publicized by the newspapers and reported as a rare thing! "

"Hey, we are all talking so rudely. We are all our own people. Don't be so scary." Li Xinmin said, "As long as we can get through this, everything will be calm and everything will be fine."

After a pause, he looked at Qin Huairu, whose face was pale and full of fear, and said warmly: "Qin Huairu, you don't have to worry too much. The fact that we can call you here proves that you are still one of our own, and we must unite as one." , to spend time together.”

"Director, I..." Qin Huairu trembled and wanted to say something, but Li Xinmin reached out to stop him. He said sternly: "I, Li Xinmin, don't tell lies. If we can't pass this test, the three of us will be finished together, and no one will." Maybe you can escape! If you can get through... you two will be my deputy directors!"

These words shocked both Xu Damao and Qin Huairu!

But it's not over yet.

Li Xinmin continued: "In addition, I will give each of you a deputy section chief leadership position. You can decide the manpower yourself. Even if you put a pig up, I will sign it for you! What does this mean? No need for me to say more, right?"

Xu Damao and Qin Huairu both breathed a little faster, and their eyes shone with a strange light.

"As long as we can pass this test, we can talk about anything! From now on, the three of us in the steel rolling mill will share the world equally!" Li Xinmin continued in a bewitching tone, "We are just like brothers and sisters. We will make money together and enjoy the blessings together in the future. Damao, Huairu, in fact we have no way out, we can only give it a try!"

"As long as we succeed, the sky will be clear and the future will be bright!"

"Sister Qin, why are you hesitating?" Xu Damao's eyes were red, "You don't really want to go in and be with Banggeng, do you?"

"Stop talking!" Qin Huairu said irritably, "Director, what can I do?"

"I have already thought of the plan. Our troops will be divided into three groups." Li Xinmin said, "I have already given orders to Damao. His methods will only be used when we really have no other choice. It is best not to use them." After all, our goal is not to confront Su Yuanchao. It’s best not to quarrel unless we have to, so the key is between you and me.”

"Qin Huairu, you have to do two things. First, doesn't he like your eldest daughter the most? You first ask your eldest daughter to talk to him, and ask if you can let her mother go..."

"That's not okay, director!" Qin Huairu frowned and waved her hands hurriedly upon hearing this, "Xiaodang didn't listen to me at all. She even quarreled with me this morning about Su Yuanchao. I told her that there was no Su Yuan at all. It’s easy to talk to the emperor.”

"Child, you lied and forced me, but you still can't win her over?" Xu Damao clicked his tongue, "You are her biological mother anyway, so just say that if your godfather doesn't raise his hand, your mother will He's about to be shot. If you don't want your mother to die, please hurry up and ask your godfather to go!"

"Isn't this a bad idea?" Qin Huairu said excitedly, "As soon as she asks Su Yuanchao, won't the secret be completely exposed? Then it will be me who lied to her, and she won't believe anything I say!"

"Then don't talk about being shot, just talk about going to jail." Li Xinmin said, "This is the truth, and you didn't lie to her. Just say, if your godfather doesn't let me go, your mother and I will go to jail. With you Brother, you don’t want this either, right? Then go and beg your godfather. If you ask your daughter to kneel down for him, he won’t get up if he doesn’t agree! ”

"But, Xiaodang can only speak for me. Director, you and Damao..." Qin Huairu still looked embarrassed.

"Oh, it's rare that Sister Qin can still think about others." Xu Damao sneered.

"You don't have to worry about this. As I said just now, we are all on the same line. If he protects one, he cannot ignore the other, otherwise he will not be able to protect anyone." Li Xinmin's words made Qin Huairu tremble again, "As long as he is willing to To protect you, you must protect me first. If you protect me, you will protect Damao."

"That's right." Xu Damao chuckled, his eyes twinkling, "None of us have known who's who in these years? We have to advance and retreat together on this matter, and no one can think of leaving anyone behind. If you want to go ashore, you have to go ashore, as long as If one person is in the water, the other two will have to be pulled out sooner or later!”

Anger flashed in Li Xinmin's eyes, but the smile on his face remained unchanged. He nodded and said: "Da Mao is right. The more times like this, the more we must work together. Qin Huairu, as long as Su Yuanchao relaxes with you, you You can just mention it to him and say that I want to see him. I, Li Xinmin, have been an official for so long, and the people above also want to protect me. He, Su Yuanchao, will have to consider giving him some benefits when the time comes. Let's discuss a comprehensive countermeasure together. If that doesn't work, pushing Deputy Director Liu and Deputy Director Jiang out as scapegoats will allow him to do his job, and the matter will be over."

"To summarize, first, you have to let Xiaodang cry to Su Yuanchao until he becomes soft-hearted and willing to let you go." Xu Damao said, "Second, as soon as he relaxes, tell him that Director Li wants to see you As for him, as long as he relaxes, these two things will be the same thing."

"That's right." Li Xinmin said seriously, "Qin Huairu, the wealth and lives of the three of us are in your hands! This time we cannot fail, we can only succeed!"

"Director, I'll try my best." Qin Huairu's face was heavy.

"It's not about trying your best, it's about making sure!" Xu Damao added, "By the way, there is also the matter of Kong Ermin going to work. Sister Qin, how much did Su Yuanchao take in Kong Ermin?"

"No money was confiscated." Qin Huairu shook his head.

"Confiscated? Impossible, right?" Xu Damao sneered, "Sister Qin, if I don't do anything to Kong Ermin, it would be pointless to hide it now, right?"

"I really didn't take the money, I won't lie to you." Qin Huairu said.

"Impossible. Kong Ermin is not the son of Su Yuanchao. Did he give Kong Ermin his quota in vain?" Xu Damao didn't believe it at all. "Didn't his house be repaired by Kong Ermin at that time? Or the money to repair the house was paid... This is not enough. Ah, did you buy some furniture or something?”

"Oh, stop guessing, it's not like that at all!" Qin Huairu said impatiently, "I asked Ermin about this. He bought his job quota from Liu Guifen from our street office. Su Yuan Korea didn’t intervene at all.”

Li Xinmin and Xu Damao were stunned.

"Yes, yes, I remembered that this happened." Li Xinmin said, "When Kong Ermin came, Su Yuanchao said that he was the person introduced by Liu Guifen."


Xu Damao slapped his thigh and suddenly realized: "I understand, Su Yuanchao made a deal with Liu Guifen, and Kong Ermin bought the job from Liu Guifen... Hiss, this guy is too cunning and sophisticated. With such an extra step, it is equivalent to killing him. He was removed! Director, can we go find Liu Guifen..."

"Don't talk nonsense, and don't make trouble for yourself!" Li Xinmin frowned and waved his hands, "Don't think about Kong Ermin. Let's focus on our own affairs now, and don't involve others if we can. Then. Liu Guangtian and Yan Jie are the only ones left here."

"And Li Lan, I have to try again." Xu Damao said, "Liu Guangtian can't do it either. We can't punish him, can we? It's useless to beat him. This grandson has been beaten by his father since he was a child. Let's beat him He doesn’t take it seriously, he’s used to being beaten, maybe he still wants to do this.”

"Just hurt you!" Qin Huairu rolled her eyes at him.

Xu Damao chuckled: "Then only Yan Jiecheng is left. I have a handle on this grandson! Don't worry, if I scare him, if he doesn't wet his pants, I won't even call him Xu Damao!"

"Then let's split up!" Li Xinmin looked at the two people in front of him, "I'm waiting for your good news!"

Qin Huairu left the factory worriedly. After many struggles, she finally determined to give it a try.

She doesn't want to lose everything she has now!

The idea was good, but it was a pity that she failed to succeed. She tried her best to find out where the gate of Wenhui's courtyard opened, but she couldn't get in.

No matter what she said, the guards standing guard at the door would not let her in at all.

It's useless to mention Wenhui, because since Wenhui appeared in the newspapers, many people have come here to see Wenhui. The guards have already been troubled if they want to see Wenhui.

In the end, Qin Huairu was really tired of talking to the guard, so he said: "If you say you know each other, then ask the leading comrades to call our post. As long as they call, I will let you go immediately! But if you continue to mess around here, Don’t blame me for being rude!”

Qin Huairu didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he went outside to find a phone number and called Li Xinmin, asking Li Xinmin to check Wen's phone number.

Things are not going well here, and Xu Damao is not going well on the other side either.

He first went to find Li Lan, but unexpectedly he was in vain, so he had to go back to the factory to find Yan Jiecheng. Unexpectedly, the person who worked in the same office as Yan Jiecheng said that Yan Jiecheng answered the phone and hurried home.

So he led his men to Yan Jiecheng's house again, but it was General Tie who guarded the door again.

"Hey, there's something wrong!" Xu Damao was puzzled. How come no one is here? Where have you gone?

After thinking about it, he simply led his people back to the compound to find Yan Fugui.

At the same time, Su Yi was answering the phone upstairs at Lu Shengli's house.

Half an hour ago, Li Lan called Lu Shengli's house to find Su Yi. This was the contact information Su Yi had left for Li Lan long ago, because if he needed to contact Su Yi urgently, Li Lan had no way. Lu Shengli There must be some.

When Lu Shengli received the call, Su Yi was visiting a certain leader at his home. Lu Shengli made a call directly to his home, where Su Yi used his phone to call Li Lan back.

Li Lan told Su Yi about Xu Damao's call to her on the phone. Su Yi immediately understood that the fact that he was going back to the steel rolling mill had been leaked.

The enemy's final counterattacks have always been crazy and hysterical. Although Su Yi despised Li Xinmin and Xu Damao, he would not give them any chance to take advantage of the loopholes.

He made a few calls and arranged everything, and then he and Wen Hui came to Lu Shengli's house. At this moment, the call came back to him.

"Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng's family are all here with me now." The voice on the phone was a little lazy, but it was full of charm and was actually very solemn. "I also passed the message to Director Liu of the Subdistrict Office. Liu Guangtian just now I called his dad and he said there would be no problem on his side. Do you think I should send someone to confirm?"

"No, Guangtian is reliable in doing things. If he says there is no problem, then there will be no problem." Su Yi said, "Where are you here? Have you talked to Xiaoyong? Does he have any ideas?"

"No, he has known about this day for a long time and has been waiting for it." The woman on the other end of the phone said, "When something happened to him that year, I followed your instructions and went to find Li Xinmin. Although Li Xinmin kept Xiaoyong from going to jail, , but you also took advantage of him. You later told him that he would have to pay it back sooner or later, and he listened to it. He has been saying this to you all these years. "

"Going in proactively and going in passively are two different things." Su Yi said, "Repay the past and come out clean and clean!"

"Yes, we all understand this, and we are all very grateful to you." The woman said respectfully, "I have all the account books over the years, and I also know some of the things that Li Xinmin didn't approve of us. In addition, Liu and I Lan also said that as long as you say a word, she will come forward. If Xiaoyong goes in with these things, he will definitely be able to get the maximum reduction of his sentence. He has no other thoughts in his heart but to be grateful to you. "

Su Yi smiled: "After this is done, you can change your residence, change your name back, and live a good life in the future."

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