"Dad, I know you want me to have a sense of right and wrong and a correct stance." Xiaodang was very depressed, "But if possible, I still want to plead for my mother... I think so, do you want me to Disappointed?"

Su Yi shook his head with a smile and said: "No, it's normal for you to think like this. After all, your mother gave birth to you and raised you. If you don't feel sorry for her and don't care about her, that would be wrong. No matter what ideas and thoughts you have, The premise is that the most simple and basic emotions of being a human being must not be obliterated.”

"Actually, your godmother suggested to me before that it would be better for me or her to talk to you about this matter first so that you can be mentally prepared. But I decided not to do anything and let your mother come to you first. ,Do you know why?"

Xiaodang said: "You want to educate me..."

"No, no, no..." Su Yi waved his hand, "Dad doesn't need to educate you or test you in such a painful way."

"Then why?" Xiao Dang didn't understand.

"Clear your mind and imagine it. Come on, take a deep breath..." Su Yi guided Xiaodang with a smile, and Xiaodang followed suit.

Seeing that Xiaodang was much calmer, Su Yi said: "Suppose you don't know anything yet, and I or your godmother suddenly come to tell you that your mother can't keep her job and will be punished for some things. Dad is responsible for handling it. These things, but dad can’t be accommodating to your mother, so what do you think?”

"Embarrassed and sad." Xiaodang said without hesitation, "I will be very worried about my mother. Even if I know that she made a mistake, I will feel very guilty because I can't help her."

Su Yi nodded and said: "I have two choices next. First, I won't let you see your mother until this matter is over, so that you can stay out of it. If I choose this way, it may take ten years. It's only eight days since you suddenly saw your mother looking haggard and miserable, what would you think?"

"I... feel guilty." Xiaodang imagined such a scene, hesitated for a moment, and then said honestly, "I may still blame you a little in my heart. But dad, you have to believe me, I will definitely figure it out myself."

"I know." Su Yi smiled and rubbed her head. "I have a second option, which is to let you meet your mother. Now that I have made my position clear, your mother comes to beg you. What do you think? Can you just say no to your mother?"

When Xiaodang fantasized about her mother crying and begging for her, she hesitated and shook her head.

"If you can't refuse so decisively, will you allow your mother to try to beg me?" Su Yi asked again.

"I... can." Xiao Dang said unsurely.

"What if I reject you again?" Su Yi asked.

Xiaodang said: "I will be very sad and feel guilty that I can't help my mother."

"You will also have complaints against me, right?" Su Yi smiled.

Xiaodang thought for a while, suddenly became nervous, stood up hurriedly and said: "Dad, I am not disowning you..."

Su Yi waved his hand to stop her and said: "There is no need to explain this. It is human nature for you to think so. It has nothing to do with whether we are intimate or not. If your mother and I were to reverse our roles, you would still think the same way."

Xiaodang nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes."

Su Yi smiled and said: "Both of these situations will make you fall into embarrassment, self-blame, regret, and resentment and misunderstanding towards your father. Firstly, I don't want us to misunderstand because of this matter, and secondly, I don't want you to It’s uncomfortable and confusing, that’s why dad didn’t want to tell you first, it’s that simple.”

Xiaodang looked at Su Yi in a daze, then suddenly his mouth dropped, and tears burst out of his eyes.

"Dad! I won't beg you anymore. I'm sorry, Dad. I shouldn't have made it difficult for you... Wuwu..." Xiaodang cried.

Su Yi smiled and patted her back and said, "Don't cry, don't cry. Although dad didn't mean to test you, dad is satisfied with your attitude towards this matter. I'm proud of you."

Xiaodang raised his head with tears in his eyes and looked at Su Yi, sobbing: "Dad, why do I feel that you are mocking me? Shouldn't I still beg you for mercy?"

"Didn't I just say it? It's human nature for you to beg for mercy." Su Yi said with a smile, "The important thing is that you begged for mercy at the right time. If you cry and plead for your mother indiscriminately when you see your father, then Dad will be disappointed."

Xiao Dang was stunned for a moment, and then he said, "You have always taught me to have my own thinking and judgment when looking at problems. If I ask you to let my mother go from the beginning, it means that I have no thinking or judgment. I believe whatever my mother says."

Su Yi nodded: "Yes. In fact, you have always had the ability to think independently, so dad believes that you can do it. If you fail to do it, it can only mean one problem."

"what is the problem?"

Su Yi scratched her nose and said with a smile: "It means that your father is not as important as your mother in your heart."

Xiaodang hugged Su Yi and said, "Dad, you are the most important, you are more important than anyone else!"

Su Yi smiled very contentedly. In the past six years, she and Xiaodang had been together less and apart, but her daughter's pain was not in vain.

He had told Wen Hui before that in the end, Xiao Dang had to choose between him and Qin Huairu. He didn't need Xiao Dang to really give up one and choose the other. He only needed Xiao Dang to really let go of him and Qin Huairu. Let's choose together and be in a dilemma, instead of choosing my biological mother without hesitation.

As long as Xiaodang shows what he wants, that's enough.

"Dad clearly told you that your mother will not go to jail," Su Yi said with a smile, "This is not because dad is being lenient, but based on the information I have, your mother will not go to jail."

"Really, dad?" Xiaodang was surprised and happy, his eyes widened.

Su Yi nodded and said: "Your mother is selling job quotas in my name. In fact, Li Xinmin is behind it. She is just accepting gifts from others, and then getting benefits such as rice, flour, and oil from Li Xinmin. The amount involved is not large, so as long as she actively returns the stolen goods and sincerely admits her mistake, this is not a big problem. "

"There are also some things in which your mother played a disgraceful role, but she did not play a major role, and she cannot be held accountable legally."

The most outrageous thing Qin Huairu did was to report two people for her position, one was Guo Dazi, and the other was the deputy director of the workshop who had a grudge against her.

The former deserved it. Her reason was that Guo Dapai had tried to harm her before, which ruined Guo Dapai's reputation. He also pulled out the carrots and brought out the mud, causing other outrages. This person was shot last year.

The deputy director of the workshop was quite innocent, but based on the current situation, what Qin Huairu revealed at that time was also true and not a false accusation. The main responsibility for the subsequent negative consequences of this incident lies with Xu Damao, and Qin Huairu can only be regarded as the instigator.

Qin Huairu herself is a little woman in the market. After becoming the workshop director, she only wanted to be proud of herself, how to bring benefits to her family, and how to maintain her good reputation. In addition, she did not participate in other activities, so she did not What evil.

From what Su Yi knew, the most likely outcome for Qin Huairu would be expulsion + voluntary labor + review package, and jail time would really not be a problem.

Qin Huairu went to Xiaodang to plead with Su Yi. Firstly, she was reluctant to part with her official position. Secondly, she knew that she would pay the price but did not want to bear it. Thirdly, she was indeed frightened by Li Xinmin and Xu Damao.

"But your mother's job will definitely be lost." Su Yi said with a smile, "Do you still want to plead for your mother?"

Xiaodang shook his head vigorously: "No, Dad! As long as my mother doesn't have to go to jail."

"Then if you see your mother doing voluntary labor miserably in the future, will you regret it or blame dad?" Su Yi asked again, "After all, dad really didn't show mercy to your mother this time."

Xiaodang continued to shake his head vigorously: "Dad, I will be satisfied if my mother is safe. I can't push myself too far and use the mistakes my mother has made to embarrass you. If my mother has a bad life in the future, when I grow up, I will Make money to be filial to her. If she blames me..."

Xiaodang's expression suddenly darkened: "She will definitely blame me, and Sophora japonica will blame me too."

"Xiao Dang, how you face your mother and your sister in the future will indeed be a test for you." Su Yi said, "But you have really done a good job this time."

He touched Xiaodang's hair and said: "We have to face many bad things in our lives. No matter how these things happen or who caused them, Xiaodang, you have to remember, firstly, don't blame yourself too much; secondly, don't blame yourself too much; Two, remember the first point and try to come up with a good way to solve it.”

"Is there a third one?" Xiao Dang asked.

"Third, if you can't think of a good way, come to dad." Su Yi smiled.

Xiaodang smiled.

"I love you, Dad!" she said to Su Yi.

Su Yi rubbed her face: "Let's go and have some soup!"

"Yeah!" Xiaodang nodded happily and jumped off Su Yi.

The two men went downstairs talking and laughing, and Wen's mother made a small gesture and pointed to the living room.

Su Yi looked over and found that Wen Hui was answering the phone.

He nodded knowingly, while Xiaodang obediently stopped talking.

Wen Hui looked back at Su Yi, nodded with a smile, and said to the other end of the phone: "Minister Hu, I'm really sorry. Yuan Chao can't answer your call. It's not that I'm unreasonable. He's talking to my uncle at the moment." Talk, I can't disturb him... Yes, yes, my uncle is still at my house. It was too late and I didn't let him go. He stayed at our house tonight. He came to Yaxing and said he wanted to talk to Yuan Korea Bingzhuye... …No, no, don’t bother me, you’re serious...Okay, I’ll ask Yuan Chao to call you back early tomorrow morning...Okay, okay, bye Minister Hu!”

After hanging up the phone, Wen Hui said to Su Yi: "I guess they are asking you to intercede, so I will help you stop them first."

The conversation changed and he said, "Shengli just made a call and said that two people called his house to look for you and said that you knew who they were."

"Then I have to call back and ask what's going on." Su Yi walked over, handed the small dumpling to Wen Hui and said, "You go and drink the soup first."

"Come on, Xiaodang, let's try your grandma Wen's craftsmanship." Wen Hui smiled and led Xiaodang away.

Su Yi sat on the sofa and dialed You Juanjuan's phone number.

He only left Lu Shengli's home number to two people, one was You Juanjuan and the other was Li Lan. Lu Shengli said that two people were looking for him, not that someone called twice, which meant that both of them were looking for Su Yi.

He first called You Juanjuan back, and You Juanjuan reported to him Li Xinmin's movements.

She said that Li Xinmin had contacted her before and asked her to send some people to mix among the workers tomorrow, listen to his secret signals, and wait for opportunities to cause trouble and cause trouble.

This was undoubtedly a foolish move that injured the enemy a hundred times and damaged himself a thousand times. This showed that Li Xinmin was completely cornered and had become irrational.

You Juanjuan felt that this matter was not a small matter and did not dare to neglect it. She quickly reported it to Su Yi and listened to Su Yi's further instructions.

"No matter what he says, agree to it straight away." Su Yi said, "But just don't do anything."

After hanging up the phone, he called Li Lan again. What the latter told Su Yi was about Xu Damao's box of gold.

Li Lan knew very well that if she wanted to get this box of gold, Su Yi would never be able to get around it.

"False." When Su Yi heard this, he frowned without hesitation, "If Xu Damao really got a box of gold, how could he tell Lili? He doesn't trust her, so isn't he afraid that Lili will betray him?"

Li Lan was a little unwilling and asked: "Maybe he wants to use this box of gold to hang Lili so that Lili will not remarry and wait for him to come out of jail."

"That's not possible." Su Yi smiled, "Sister Lan, you have also come into contact with gold bars. If it were really as full of gold as you described, how heavy do you think it would be? Can Xu Damao carry it alone? "

Li Lan was stunned. She really hadn't settled this account.

Su Yi added: "But since there is evidence, let Lili give it to you. You can send it to me tomorrow. You can try this. I can arrange for Xu Damao and Lili to meet, but don't hold anything hope."

Li Lan was a little disappointed and said: "Yuanchao, if you say there is no one, then it must be no more..."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi came to the kitchen, where Wen Hui and Xiao Dang were chatting and laughing.

"Why don't you drink the soup? The soup is almost cold." Su Yi sat across from the two of them, "Drink it quickly. Where is Auntie?"

"My mother helped you make your bed." Wen Hui smiled and handed Su Yi a spoon, "Tonight Xiaodang and I will sleep on the second floor. You have to deal with it temporarily on the first floor."

Su Yi tasted the soup and couldn't help but praise: "Auntie's soup is so delicious, please try it quickly."

"It tastes good!" Xiao Dang praised with a smile after taking a sip.

She looked at Su Yi, then at Wen Hui, and asked doubtfully: "Dad, godmother, aren't you already married? Then dad, why do you still call Grandma Wen aunt?"

"Although your father and I have obtained the certificate, we have not yet entertained relatives and friends as husband and wife, and have not held a wedding ceremony." Wen Hui explained with a smile, "After discussion, we unanimously decided that we will wait until the wedding ceremony is held before letting you Dad officially changed his tune.”

"Then when will you get married?" Xiao Dang asked again.

"It's almost time." It was Su Yi who answered her, "Hurry up and drink the soup!"

"Oh!" Xiao Dang stuck out his tongue.

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