The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1576 Extinguishing

Li Xinmin is definitely going to cause trouble this morning, and Su Yi knows this. Of course it couldn't be a coincidence that Hu stopped him at the factory gate.

Vested interests have always fallen into hysterical madness in order to protect everything they own. For Li Xinmin, this is a war.

In a war, the most important thing is intelligence. He always pays attention to the movements at the factory gate, just to confirm whether Hu can stop Su Yi, so that Su Yi can go home without even entering the factory gate.

Although this possibility is slim, it does exist, and Li Xinmin is still lucky about it.

But once this luck breaks down, he will be ready to take action.

He would rush to the South Square, immediately cause chaos and create conflicts to resist the investigation, and then temporarily control and block the entire factory area in the name of emergency. At that time, he, the leader, would naturally take the initiative and negotiate with Su Yi.

Of course, Li Xinmin will try his best to control the situation. He also wants the situation to develop in such a way that it threatens Su Yi but does not make it completely unmanageable. The degree of this is actually very difficult to control. One mistake and Su Yi would be left with an out-of-control mess.

The fish that had entered the net wanted to break free. Of course Su Yi could not accept such a thing happening, and he did not want this fish to affect other fish and tear the net. Therefore, he would not turn a blind eye or be disdainful of Li Xinmin's actions. His personal actions must be smooth and steady.

Li Xinmin has to listen to reports here at any time on the phone. This is considered a sudden and unexpected situation. Fortunately, both Xiao Gong and Shen Yanzi had rich experience in handling this situation. After hearing Li Xinmin's words, they reacted immediately. They first asked the young man to agree to his "reasonable request", and then immediately decided to stay and The young man delayed and stabilized Li Xinmin while the other went to report the situation to Su Yi.

The one who wanted to stay was Xiao Gong, because he was originally a bad guy, and his staying would be more intimidating to the young people. Shen Yanzi did not hesitate, and left quickly after leaving the situation to Xiao Gong.

"Tell him that they are still talking in the car and there is nothing happening outside..." Xiao Gong lowered his voice and ordered in the young man's ear.

Shen Yanzi rushed to Su Yi and reported the situation concisely.

"You still hope for luck in a life-or-death situation?" Su Yi smiled and shook his head, "Brother Li, I am more cautious than courageous. If I were him, the sentry at the door would have to be prepared inside without hesitation as soon as he saw someone coming. The food will be brought to the table. You will have to eat it when the time comes, and you will have to walk around if you don’t eat it.”

Shen Yanzi rolled her eyes at him: "Why do you always think of yourself as a bad guy? People will definitely become suspicious if the phone call is delayed for a long time. What should we do?"

"It doesn't matter, call Qian Jin. He will come in through the back door and we will come in through the front door." Su Yi said, "Don't play around and take a two-pronged approach and control the situation without hesitation. Everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared. I don't want to see any setbacks. My request is only in four words - destroy everything!"

Shen Yanzi was shocked and saluted: "Yes!"

She waved her hand and the motorcade drove slowly forward. After Su Yi and Shen Yanzi got in the car, the car headed straight towards the south square.

At the same time, the young man in the reception room was sweating profusely and said to the other end of the phone: "Director, we are still talking in the car and haven't gotten off yet... That's right, the cars are parked far away and no one is getting off." car."

In the square, although Li Xinmin did not arrive, the leaders of various departments spontaneously maintained order. People with evil intentions exchanged glances with each other, making the scene orderly and strange, as if they were suppressing something.

The radio was still playing exciting songs. On the rostrum, Yu Haitang and Kong Ermin, who were in charge of the loudspeaker equipment, were doing the final debugging of the equipment. Xu Damao stood beside the rostrum, looking at the direction of Li Xinmin with a gloomy face, rubbing his hands from time to time. Get rid of the beads of sweat on your forehead.

He knew very well that as long as Li Xinmin sent a signal over there, all the links here would be activated immediately, and the orderly scene would immediately turn into chaos, with bloodshed and wailing all inevitable.

As one of the perpetrators of chaos, you can imagine how much risk he took. If things go wrong and he is held accountable, this incident alone will be enough for him, Xu Damao, to drink a pot of water.

Now he had a vague feeling that he had been deceived by Li Xinmin and boarded the pirate ship again, but the situation was like this, and he was riding a tiger.

And he also holds the expectation of success. After all, as long as there is chaos here at the moment when the investigation team enters the factory, the investigation team will definitely throw mud into their crotch, it is either shit or shit, and it is impossible to explain it at all.

Xu Damao suppressed his fear and nervousness and gradually calmed down.

At this moment, Xu Damao inadvertently looked towards the southeast corner and saw a motorcade speeding towards this direction with billowing smoke and dust!

He was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed drastically!

How is this going?

Didn't Li Xinmin already arrange sentries?

In order to prevent someone from the security department from cheating on him, he even sent the entire security department out for training. Why was someone still sneaking in quietly?

Xu Damao was shocked and angry. At this moment, his mind was changing rapidly. He suddenly turned around and rushed towards the rostrum!

In fact, Li Xinmin was not here, and he should have decisively triggered the conflict, but Xu Damao was still timid after all. When the sky was about to fall, it had become the instinct of a person like him to find someone taller. In a critical moment, there was only one thing he could think of and be willing to do - inform Li Xinmin.

There was no telephone in the square, so he could only use a microphone to make announcements through a loudspeaker.

Not only Xu Damao saw the convoy, but Kong Ermin and Yu Haitang on the rostrum also saw it.

Kong Ermin didn't know what was happening at all, and he even put up a pergola and looked over in confusion.

But Yu Haitang understood what was happening. Seeing Xu Damao rushing towards the stage, she was smart and immediately realized what Xu Damao was going to do. She suddenly unplugged the microphone cord, turned around and ran under the rostrum!

"Yu Haitang! You stinky bitch!" Xu Damao was shocked and angry when he saw this, pointed at Yu Haitang and shouted: "Stop her, stop her!"

His picket team members immediately intercepted Yu Haitang from the other side. Seeing that he was surrounded by two sides, Yu Haitang shouted in desperation: "Sister Hua! Sister Hua!"

The sudden change made most people unable to realize what happened. Everyone was a little confused. Some people realized that something was wrong, but they were also waiting and watching, waiting for others to react first.

This is usually the case with a mob. Everyone has the idea of ​​​​"you go first", which ultimately leads to a situation where no one comes at all.

But there are always a few who are simple-minded and devoted to Li Xinmin, such as Li Chengli.

Seeing the motorcade arriving, but before Li Xinmin arrived, Li Chengli suddenly took out the firecrackers from his arms, lit them and threw them into the crowd as instructed.


The dense sound of firecrackers exploded instantly, and the workers at the impact point scattered in panic and curses. The scene suddenly showed signs of becoming chaotic!

Seeing someone making a move first, some people's courage was aroused.

"The scoundrels of the investigation team are going to mess up our factory..." Some department leaders who had been ordered to do so before raised their arms and shouted, and with their cronies, they began to beat everyone on sight.

Some people took out gasoline bottles and poured them on the rotten clothes they had prepared in advance, preparing to light them.

With everything around him in chaos, Qin Huairu also stood up in confusion, gritting his teeth and preparing to incite a few of his cronies to cooperate with everyone.

But before she could say even half a word, she suddenly felt a tearing pain in her scalp. She screamed, and Sister Hua pulled her hair involuntarily and tore her to her face. She was slapped so hard that stars appeared in her eyes without waiting for her to react. , and the next second he was severely beaten to the ground by Sister Hua.

"It's tied up!" Sister Hua waved her arms and shouted, "Students in the study class, brothers and sisters of the workers, it's now!"

As Sister Hua gave the order, people everywhere responded and took action!

Regardless of whether they were responding or not, the department leaders suddenly found that their previously unpopular workers were rushing toward them like hungry wolves. Without explanation, they pushed them to the ground and took out the rope bundles they had prepared. stand up. It would be useless to let them curse and scream.

If their henchmen resisted or made the slightest move, they were immediately attacked by the crowd and beaten until they fell to the ground with their heads in their hands, without the ability to fight back.

The sound of firecrackers hadn't ended yet. Li Chengli, who had just finished throwing the firecrackers, was immediately pushed to the ground by four people.

Before the man pouring gasoline over there could take out a match, he was kicked over. Several people swarmed up to him, punching and kicking him.

Seeing that Yu Haitang was surrounded by two sides, a group of stubborn gangsters rushed out with sticks and beat the pickets while Yu Haitang protected him behind him.

At the other end of the square, the security department who was supposed to go to Jiuxian Bridge rushed over under the leadership of Qian Jin.

"Everyone is here. Group into groups to maintain order. Don't accidentally hurt your comrades in the study class. Action! Action!" Qian Jin roared and rushed into the crowd first.

Xu Damao stared at this scene dumbfounded, with a look of fear in his eyes. He turned around and ran out of the square without thinking, but as soon as he turned around, a foot quickly enlarged in front of his eyes and landed heavily on his chest.

He flew backwards as if hit by a truck and fell hard to the ground.

Xu Damao curled up in pain and covered his chest, unable to breathe for a while. He looked in disbelief at the person who kicked him down. It was actually You Xiaoyong who Li Xinmin called to cooperate with the picket team.

Before he could say a word, two people held him down, one on the left and the other on the right, and began to tie him up with ropes.

"You Xiaoyong, what are you doing! What the hell are you doing!" Xu Damao struggled violently and screamed in horror.


You Xiaoyong stepped forward and kicked Xu Damao hard in the face, causing his mouth and face to be covered with blood. Xu Damao made a "wuwu" sound and his whole body tensed up in pain.

"Tie it up tight, this is a corner!" You Xiaoyong ordered, waved his hand and shouted: "Keep an eye on the pickets, get on!"

The gangsters who were supposed to mix in the crowd and create chaos now all rushed towards the pickets with shouts and screams. There were so many of them, they were all surrounded by two or three. In the blink of an eye, all of Xu Damao's men were knocked to the ground.

"Sister Hua! Sister Hua! Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding..." On the other side, Qin Huairu reacted and did not dare to struggle, but let out a heart-breaking scream of fear.

"No, you go on to call me Wang Guihua, what's your name, Sister Hua?" Sister Hua sneered, "Misunderstanding? I made a mistake... You, the embroidered pillow scoundrel, should have ended up like this!"

Actions were taking place everywhere in the square. People from the study class and the security department took the lead in controlling all Li Xinmin's cronies and subduing those who were planning to cause trouble. Xu Damao and his picket team had not even caught a single Yu Haitang. He was beaten and subdued by You Xiaoyong and his men.

There was a commotion in the square, but the chaos was controlled within a certain range. Soon some students from the study class spontaneously stood up and shouted to maintain order and explain the situation to the workers to avoid accidents caused by panic.

At the edge of the square, the investigation team's motorcade stopped, and everyone in the car got out of the car. The cars behind were all police officers in full gear. Under the command of Shen Yanzi, the police quickly entered the venue, divided into four or five teams, and began to take over the maintenance of order in the entire square.

At the same time, Su Yi also strode toward the field.

On the other side, the moment the sound of firecrackers came from the square, Li Xinmin realized that he had been fooled.

He cursed angrily, hung up the phone and ran out. His secretary also reacted and ran with him.

But before he could run out of the door, a figure suddenly stretched out his legs from behind the door. Li Xinmin was caught off guard and tripped. He fell to the ground and rolled around for several weeks, falling all over.

"Ouch, a yellow dog eats shit, haha!" Silly Zhu gloated, clapped his hands and walked out from behind the door, "Director Li, why are you running away at your age? Did you fall? You should be more honest as you get older. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been such a bad fall, right? Haha!”

"Silly Zhu, you are so brave!" The secretary who was following him finally realized what he was doing and shouted angrily.

"Thief Sun, you've never been beaten by the cook, have you? Don't force me to whip you, do you believe that you dare to slap you to death for talking nonsense?" Silly Zhu pointed at him and glared, "Your days of pretending to be arrogant and domineering are over, admit it. It’s time to get out of here!”

The secretary's face turned blue and purple, and he wanted to rush forward, but looking at Silly Zhu's physique, he didn't dare to move.

"Silly Zhu...Silly Zhu! I treat you, you traitor!" Li Xinmin gritted his teeth and struggled to get up.

Silly Zhu was happy: "You are the traitor. This time, Yuan Chao came back to deal with you. Director Li, are you dumbfounded? Haha, Yuan Chao told me last night, let me keep an eye on you, haha ! I originally wanted to prevent you from inciting everyone to cause trouble, but I didn’t expect you to hide here. It’s a good feeling and saves me a lot of trouble.”

"You let me go, I'll give you money, I'll restore your job, I can let you be the leader!" Li Xinmin said hurriedly.

"Call daddy." Silly Zhu stood up straight and said.

Li Xinmin glanced at the secretary not far away, gritted his teeth and said: "Silly Zhu, let me go, I will give you whatever you want!"

Silly Zhu said: "I just want to hear you call me daddy. Just bark, and I will make way for you. I lied to you that I am a dog."

"Dad, get out of the way!" Li Xinmin gritted his teeth.

"Haha, woof woof, I'm a dog, and I'm your dog daddy!" Silly Zhu clapped his legs happily.

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