The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1579 Sweeping Snow

In January 1974, there was only one day left until New Year’s Eve.

It snowed all night last night, and the snow was a foot thick. It was difficult to open the door in the morning. It was still dark, so Shazhu got up and mobilized the neighbors to clear the snow. His loud voice floated from the front yard to the back yard, and the sound was louder than the gongs and drums.

"Uncle Liu, I don't care about the backyard. Just watch and clean up your three-quarter acre of land with Uncle Xu."

"Silly Zhu, how old are we two? Xu Wood is still hemiplegic, what should we do? You have to send us a young man!" grey-haired bangs complained.

Another thin old man walked out of Xu Damao's house, his mouth tilted and babbling, as if he was protesting to Silly Zhu.

This is Xu Damao's father. Ever since Xu Damao and his wife were miraculously imprisoned and shot, the Xu Wood couple moved back to the compound. Xu Damao also had a younger sister, and he didn't care about the two of them at all. The old couple depended on each other, living on Xu Wood's meager pension, and their life was very difficult.

Compared with him, although neither of Liu Haizhong's two sons came home to see him, he finally resumed his job. Although he was demoted, his salary of fifty yuan a month was not low at all. In addition, Liu Guangtian could not move and asked Yi Zhonghai to send him ten yuan every month. Apart from being lonely, the old couple's living standard was not low.

Silly Zhu kept the house of the deaf old lady for himself. He planned to keep this house and the house of his sister He Yuyu for his two sons, each with a room.

Speaking of He Yuyu, she and Ding Shangdong divorced.

In the first few years, He Yuyu loved Ding Shangdong so much that when he was imprisoned, he would chase him to his home and serve his parents, waiting wholeheartedly for Ding Shangdong to come out. I even had a falling out with Silly Zhu over this matter, and we haven't had any contact with each other for two years.

Later, after Ding Shangdong came out, a reform-through-labor prisoner couldn't find a regular job and lived a depressing and poverty-stricken life, so he developed the bad habit of drinking. He got drunk and beat his wife every day. He Yuyu was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Her parents-in-law didn't care, and they still He summoned He Yueyue in a different way and used her as a slave.

Later, Sha Zhu found out about this, and he was so angry that he knocked on the door without saying a word, beat Ding Shangdong half to death, and almost lost his house. If Ran Qiuye hadn't called Su Yi in advance and Su Yi rushed over in time, there would have been a big disaster that time.

But even so, He Yuyu was unwilling to divorce Ding Shangdong. He was so angry that Silly Zhu scolded her that she deserved to be beaten to death.

But after all, she was still her biological sister. Silly Zhu was soft-hearted and used some thought to warn Ding Shangdong. The family finally restrained themselves and did not dare to do anything to He Yuyu.

Last year, when Qin Huairu and the Kong family were in a desperate quarrel, He Yuyu didn't know whether he was moved by Kong Ermin's "infatuation" for Qin Huairu or something else, but he finally came to his senses and divorced Ding Shangdong.

Their two-year-old child was given to He Yuyu. He Yuyu was too embarrassed to take the child back to live in the compound. He applied for a dormitory in their unit and lived with the child. Recently, the relationship with her brother has become increasingly relaxed.

"You two are the only ones in the backyard, and no one else is willing to come, so what should I do?" Silly Zhu frowned and looked at Liu Haizhong, "In this case, let Aunt Liu and Aunt Xu go together. This slap has a bigger space, and you guys The four old men can also stretch their bodies and sweep the snow away from the wall. I will shovel it away later when I have time."

The reason why others are unwilling to come to the backyard is because the backyard is very unlucky and unlucky.

People died in the three apartments, not to mention the deaf old lady. They were mourning, but Xu Damao and his wife were at the mercy of each other. In addition, the tragedy of the Liu Guangfu brothers killing each other...

In the end, Liu Guangfu couldn't hold on and died. He didn't wake up until his death. After his death, the old Liu family breathed a sigh of relief.

Having such a vegetative person sleeping at home who cannot live without human care is actually a double torture for the family, both physically and psychologically. Liu Haizhong and his wife have been numb over the years. After Liu Guangfu's death, they felt relieved. .

"That's all we can do." Liu Haizhong sighed, "Forget it about Aunt Liu, she twisted her waist last time and it wasn't easy."

"Where's Guangqi?" Silly Zhu frowned, "Didn't I say that the boss of your family is too heartless? When you were a child, you held him in your hands as a treasure, and the second and third children were beaten like grandchildren by you. Yes, when Guang Qi grows up, he will be given a wife and a job, which is good. Once they get married, they will completely forget about their parents. I can count the number of times they have come back over the years. ?”

Liu Haizhong was a little embarrassed and said: "He is busy, mainly because he is too busy."

Silly Zhu sneered: "You are so busy that you can't come back, and can't you get your money back? Look at Guang Tian'er, they give you money every month, and there is a lot of rice, noodles, meat and oil during the holidays. If it weren't for you two The words broke people's hearts. I think Guangtian is a filial child..."

"Ahem, Silly Zhu, you don't want to pick up any of the pots, right?" A thin old lady walked out of the Xu family, "You are filial. You have become a big boss now, and I haven't seen you do anything about that." Bring back the father who ran away with the widow?"

Silly Zhu said "Hey" and said: "Yes, you are also the one who doesn't open the pot, Aunt Xu, crows should not laugh at pigs. Okay, then you go ahead and go to the Central Court to mobilize!"

Silly Zhu walked away on the snow. Aunt Xu sneered and spat at his back: "This big old man was beaten to death by his wife in one day, and he has no future at all!"

Liu Haizhong hummed and smiled shyly, holding his hands behind his back: "If it weren't for his wife to take care of him, how could he be able to open such a big business just because he was stupid? But it's just because he was lucky and found a noble person."

When Liu Haizhong mentioned the "noble man", the faces of the Xu family and the elders became ugly.

"Su Yuanchao is such a noble person!" Aunt Xu glanced at him with disdain, "If you get a pair of dentures, you will forget who gave you the bones in your mouth? You are also a good-for-nothing."

"Hey, why are you scolding people?" Liu Haizhong said unhappily.

"What a shame!" Aunt Xu muttered and went back to the house.

"What are you going back for? Come out and sweep the snow!" Liu Haizhong yelled, "I tell you, I only sweep half of our house! What kind of virtue is that?"

In the middle courtyard, Shazhu knocked on the door of Qin Huairu's house, shouting.

"Come on, come on! The spirit is calling so early in the morning!" Qin Huairu opened the door angrily, and said angrily while buttoning up her cotton coat, "It's such a big yard, you only need two brooms for a man." , Do you have to mess with everyone?"

"Haha, my wife said, this is called collective consciousness." Silly Zhu chuckled, "I used to be the old sweeper, who cares about me? Sister Qin, are you going to marry to another house soon? Don’t you want to do the work here?”

"Don't talk nonsense, who said I'm getting married?" Qin Huairu rolled her eyes at him.

"Meng, keep on trying, can you fool me?" Silly Zhu said with a smile, "When I went to Yuan Chao's family last Sunday, Xiao Dang told me that you and the Kong family had already decided on a wedding date. Really? What? You’re going to get married, and you don’t even want to inform your old neighbors?”

"No, how is it possible?" Qin Huairu sighed, "It's because the conditions haven't been agreed upon yet."

"Ermin is about to draw a clear line with the Kong family. Can't we reach an agreement?" Shazhu didn't believe it. "I heard that Ermin went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to sue his father, saying that his father interfered with his freedom of marriage. "Sister Qin, is this your idea?"

"Go, this is Er Min's own wish." Qin Huairu said, "That being said, Er Min can't really disown his parents. They are also quarreling with me now, and they just won't let go."

"Then what should we do?" Silly Zhu frowned, "You really don't want Huaihua and Xiaodang to break up, do you? Xiaodang is easy to say, Huaihua broke up with Yuanchao and Xiaodang because of the incident where you were in jail for half a year. We haven’t interacted with each other until now... By the way, I forgot to ask you at this point, why don’t you talk to Xiaodang?”

Qin Huairu looked grim and said, "Say, this little heartless guy has been clamoring to change his surname recently. He insists on being named Su Qu. He is really heartless."

Silly Zhu smacked his lips and said: "That's childish. You insist on looking for Kong Ermin..."

In the middle of saying this, Mrs. Jia Zhang suddenly came out of the door, stared at Silly Zhu for a while, then turned and went to the front yard.

"Mom, be careful!" Qin Huairu shouted.

"Is your mother-in-law sane?" Shazhu rubbed her chest and looked frightened. "Every time she looks at me, her eyes are straight. It's quite scary."

"Good times and bad." Qin Huairu replied absentmindedly, and asked in a low voice: "Silly Zhu, I told you that last time, you see... I don't sell here in Dongcheng, I go to Jishuitan in Xizhimen While selling, just use your signature..."

"I asked my wife about this, and she said, no." Silly Zhu waved his hands and said, "Sister Qin, don't think about it, it's definitely out of the question."

"No, are you so afraid of your wife? What does she say? Are you her son?" Qin Huairu was anxious.

"She is our old Buddha." Silly Zhu chuckled, "You are right, my life belongs to her! Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. In the middle yard, you can ask people to clean up. I'm going to the front yard!"

Seeing Si Zhu shrinking his neck and heading to the front yard, Qin Huairu cursed silently at his back, her eyes full of depression.

She is now a released prisoner with no job, no income, nothing. Last year, even Kong Ermin left her for a time.

Later, she finally regained Kong Ermin's heart, but his father Kong Damin was firmly opposed. Even if Kong Ermin resisted with death, they only agreed that you can come with Qin Huairu, but your mother-in-law and daughter are not allowed to bring you, otherwise the old couple will also have to Drink pills to commit suicide.

Things had reached a standstill here, and Qin Huairu felt a little relieved, but how to arrange the escape route for Huaihua and Jia Zhang was a headache for her.

In the past six months, under the guidance of Su Yi, Shazhu has made a fortune selling large bowls of tea in Qianmen Building. The two cents a bowl of tea has allowed him to start a big business that makes a lot of money every day. It is said that there is a counter-offer now. I have opened a big store and am planning to open a Tanjia Cuisine restaurant.

Sha Zhu, who used to sweep the streets, became a big boss, making many people in the courtyard jealous and envious. Sha Zhu also did not forget his roots and hired many unemployed young people in the courtyard to help him, which made him look for odd jobs everywhere. Ergan's Qin Huairu was also interested.

She had her eye on a location and planned to ask Kong Ermin to invest some money. She would then use Shazhu's sign to open a tea stall at Xizhimen.

But Silly Zhu had already planned to expand there, and he didn't intend to let her use her sign.

She had been so hard-pressed before that Silly Zhu relaxed, but now Silly Zhu was famously afraid of his wives in the courtyard. He was scolded by Ran Qiuye when he went back, and now he changed his mind, which made Qin Huairu extremely depressed.

"Mom, do you want to clear the snow?" Huaihua walked out sleepily wearing a cotton-padded jacket.

"Yes, go, get dressed, and mom will go greet people." Qin Huairu said.

Sophora japonica did not move. She looked at her mother and said, "Mom, you promised me that you would never abandon me no matter what..."

Qin Huairu said: "What are you talking about, silly boy?"

"You promised me, right?" Huaihua still stared at her mother, "Because of you, I broke up with my sister, and I haven't spoken to Yuan Chao's father for so long. No matter what happens, I will stand by On your side, you can’t leave me behind.”

Qin Huairu touched Sophora japonica's hair, forced a smile and said, "Why did mom leave you? You've grown up too. Really, why are you having trouble with your godfather? Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Mom will buy some gifts tomorrow. , let’s go to their house and see your godfather. It’s time for your godmother to give birth.”

"I won't go." Huaihua said, "I'm embarrassed to see him now! Mom, it's really because of you that I had trouble with Yuanchao's father. You have to see my efforts, so you must never abandon me. , okay mom? Please mom!”

"It's so early in the morning, why are you talking about this? Go back and get dressed and start working!" Qin Huairu couldn't help but push Sophora japonica in, then turned and walked towards the first man's house across the street.

When she turned around, worry flashed in her eyes and she let out a long sigh.

The front yard.

"Uncle Yan, I know you know how to handle it. Now, this is my broom. You can use mine as you wish! You are an uncle. No matter what happens in your family, you have to work alone, right? You deserve to take the lead!" "Si Zhu couldn't help but put a broom into Yan Fugui's hand.

"Who recognizes me as an uncle now? Everyone recognizes you as Boss He." Yan Fugui laughed at himself, "I mean, silly Zhu, I was listening to the radio yesterday, and you told the reporter that you have made a lot of money in the past few months. Forty thousand yuan? Is it true? You’re not bragging? How much can a big bowl of tea cost?”

"It's a lie, don't believe it!" Silly Zhu waved his hand, "Those people who lined up hundreds of meters outside the front door waiting to drink my big bowl of tea are all hired by me, don't believe it either! And I came back with big bags and small bags. "Ba Mao hired so many people to wash the bowls for me in one day. It's all fake. Don't believe it! Okay, you can ask everyone to clean it. I'll borrow some shovels from the alley."

Silly Zhu said, waving his hands and walking out the door.

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