It was already in the afternoon when Su Yi received the call from Shazhu. There was no need for him to hide the death of Aunt Yi from Wenhui. After the two got married, their time living in the courtyard was extremely limited. Especially after Wenhui became pregnant, the couple basically lived at the mother-in-law's house. Wenhui and the courtyard She didn't have much contact with her neighbors, and Aunt Yi was just someone she knew once in person.

But dead people are not a pleasant thing after all. Wen Hui sighed and said: "Aunt Yi and I can talk easily. I have the impression that she is a very kind aunt. In our courtyard, this old lady and I are the only ones. It was the best time to talk, so why did she just leave?"

She was lying on the sofa, nestled in Su Yi's arms, holding her big belly, looking very melancholy.

"Birth, aging, illness and death are inevitable. Aunt Yi is not young anymore and has been tortured by illness all year round. In fact, it may not be a relief to be gone." Su Yi consoled her.

"Didn't you tell me last time that his family adopted someone's child from the courtyard?" Wen Hui said, "What is it called?"

"Xu Damao." It was Xiaodang who answered. She was holding a tray. On the tray were two glasses of pear juice that didn't look very good.

Xiao Dang handed a glass of pear juice to Wen Hui and said, "Something happened to Xu Damao and his family. Grandpa Xu and his family didn't want the child. There was no other way. Grandpa Yi's family temporarily took care of the child. As a result, he has been taking care of the child until now." . The last time I went back I heard the kid calling Grandpa Yi daddy, okay, he’s a generation older than me.”

Wen Hui smiled and took the pear juice: "Thank you, Xiaodang. Xiaodang is the most well-behaved in our family. Unlike some comrades, who act like landlords."

Xiao Dang smiled and handed another glass of pear juice to Su Yi: "Some comrades, this is for you."

Su Yi took it and asked, "Why don't you?"

"I only made three cups of those frozen pears, and I'll keep one cup for grandma and grandpa. You and Wen Hui's mother can drink it. I just tasted it." Xiao Dang said with a smile.

"That's not possible. How can my daughter not have the fruits of her labor?" Wen Hui said with a smile, "Some comrades, please carry forward your style?"

"I'll take a sip first." Su Yi took a sip and said, "Well, it doesn't look good, but it tastes pretty good. Give it to Xiaodang, you drink it."

"Drink, dad. If I want to drink, I will melt some frozen pears. Drink quickly." Xiao Dang urged with a smile.

"Here, I'll drink one with your mother Wen Hui. It's too cold, so she only took two sips and stopped drinking." Su Yi said, paused and then complained: "In the past few months, I've only eaten her leftovers. Five meals a day, eat half of each meal, and leave the rest to me, ugh..."

Wen Hui smiled half-heartedly: "It seems that some comrades have great opinions on me."

"No, I just feel that the food has been so good recently. I need to exercise more, otherwise I will gain weight." Su Yi said with a smile.

Wen Hui blinked and said: "Yuan Chao, I also feel that I have been too lazy to eat recently, and my attitude towards you is not very good. In order to express my apology, I decided to cook myself in the afternoon and make noodles for you."

Xiaodang's eyes widened: "Mom Wenhui, are you still rolling the dough? Do you roll it with your belly? Your belly is so big that it can reach the chopping board..."

Before she finished speaking, Su Yi covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Roll it! Roll it how you want! I will eat whatever it is! Your mother Wenhui has long hands and legs, so she can definitely reach it. "

Xiaodang rolled his eyes and nodded hurriedly.

Su Yi then let go of her mouth and said to Wen Hui with a smile: "Then Xiaodang and I will go to the courtyard to have a look first. We haven't said that we want to move out yet, and we are considered to be residents of the courtyard. We still have to help. Help me, I'll go see what work is arranged for me in the afternoon. I'll be back after dinner to try my wife's craftsmanship."

Wen Hui said: "Why does Xiaodang want to go?"

"Brother Zhuzi called and specifically said that her mother wanted to meet her." Su Yi explained.

"Dad, I won't go!" Xiaodang pouted, "She must be forcing me to agree to her finding a stepfather for me. I'm too lazy to go. She can look for me if she wants. As long as she dares to look for me, my name will be Su Xiao from now on. when!"

Su Yi smiled and said: "Hiding and being frozen is not an option. Let's go and have a good chat with your mother. There is also Sophora japonica. You can't really deny it, right?"

"Don't mention Sophora japonica to me, you little heartless one!" Xiaodang pouted and said angrily, "Dad, how good are you to her? She hasn't called you or visited you in more than a year, little white-eyed Wolf, it’s useless to hurt her!”

"Didn't Huaihua write me several letters?" Su Yi couldn't help but laugh, "Okay, she just feels pity for your mother and feels that you two children can't both stand on dad's side. She also has difficulties. She wrote five consecutive letters to her father to explain her thoughts, which was very thoughtful. "

Xiao Dang said: "I write letters secretly behind your back, and draw a clear line with you publicly. Isn't this double-dealing? Humph, what about this and that, they just never treat us as family!"

Looking at the angry Xiaodang, Su Yi smiled and rubbed her hair.

"You guys come back in the afternoon and bring Sophora japonica with you. I miss her quite a bit." Wen Hui said suddenly, "Xiao Dang, tell her that your godmother wants to invite her to the house as a guest."

Su Yi looked at her, Wen Hui winked at him, and the couple looked at each other and smiled.

Su Yi knew that Wen Hui wanted to resolve the knot between Sophora Flower and here, and did not want him and Xiaodang to worry and have headaches over these things.

Wen Hui originally didn't get involved in these things, but Qin Huairu's attitude became more and more clear in recent months. She saw that Su Yi had not thought about the Sophora japonica yet, but was a little embarrassed, so she Take the initiative to do something and try to resolve it in the middle.

What more can a husband ask for when he has such a wife?

Su Yi pinched Wen Hui's cheek. She was eating well and drinking recently, but she was a bit fat and her face was fleshy.

Wen Hui smiled sweetly at Su Yitian, picked up the cup and took a few sips, frowning slightly: "Ice! Drink from Yuan Chao."

"Look what I'm talking about?" Su Yi said to Xiaodang with an "I told you so" expression.

Xiaodang covered his mouth and laughed.

"Come on, hurry up!" Wen Hui started to drive people away, "Go and come back quickly. Come back on time for dinner. Yuan Chao, give me a hand."

"Okay." Su Yi helped Wen Hui up and warned, "Don't tire yourself out. You are about to give birth, so take it easy."

"I'm not that squeamish, don't worry." Wen Hui said with a smile, "I have gained some experience in cooking recently, just wait for me to show off my skills!"

As she said this, she held Su Yi's face, kissed her, and said with a smile, "I'll give you a stamp and you're not allowed to run around."

"Eh..." Xiaodang rolled his eyes and deliberately looked like he had goosebumps, "Can you two stop being so stupid all the time?"

"This is how a family should be." Wen Hui smiled and said, "Come to Xiaodang, give me a kiss too."

"No!" Xiaodang shook his head and turned around to run away, but Su Yi grabbed him and carried him to Wenhui.

Xiaodang didn't dare to struggle for fear of hurting Wen Hui. He just chuckled and looked disgusted, and Wen Hui forced him to kiss her on the face.

The two of them went out, and after the car started, Xiaodang sighed with emotion: "Dad, I can see that after I Wenhui's mother became pregnant with the baby, your status in the family plummeted. Instead of fighting for yourself, you resigned yourself to it. Degenerate and serve as my mother Wen Hui’s lackey.”

Su Yi said: "Are you still talking about me? Aren't you a bitch? Who was the one who was instigated to use a brush to draw glasses, beard and beard on my face while I was sleeping?"

Xiaodang chuckled: "It's not my fault. My mother, Wen Hui, said this is your punishment for defaulting on your account after losing at chess."

"Your mother Wen Hui has been doing better recently. In the first two months, her mood was like a baby face. She would change at any time and no one could figure it out." Su Yi curled her lips and said, "When she was angry, she passed by a dog. She even wanted to curse her. When she was so delicate, she would cry even if the weather was cloudy and she couldn't see the sun. "

"Her weird hobbies come from time to time." Xiaodang complained, "There was a time when she really liked the smell of gasoline. I asked me to turn on the car, so she moved a stool and sat in the back of the car to smell it. Last month Suddenly I fell in love with soy sauce, so I soaked the steamed buns in soy sauce and ate them..."

After a pause, Xiaodang said: "Dad, when you married Wen Hui's mother, didn't you expect that she would have such a side?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "Yes, people will always show their most relaxed appearance in front of the people closest to them. In other words, you can do whatever you want, so we must tolerate each other. For example, you must tolerate your father. "Lazy."

Xiaodang rolled his eyes: "I've tolerated you enough, but I just haven't washed your feet every day."

"Well, that's true. Xiaodang's filial piety towards his father is beyond words." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Dad, what about me? Do you think I'm doing something bad and you're tolerating me?" Xiao Dang asked curiously.

"Is it okay to be stubborn?" Su Yi said, "If I ask you to go east, you have to go west; if I ask you to chase dogs, you have to catch chickens."

Xiaodang was a little embarrassed, hugged Su Yi's arm and said coquettishly: "You are talking nonsense, I don't have it!"

"No, no, if you say no, then no." Su Yi said with a smile.

Xiaodang thought for a while and asked curiously: "Dad, I have always wanted to ask you a question, but this question may be a bit... a bit sensitive."

"You want to ask about the reform situation?" Su Yi asked.

"I hate it!" Xiaodang chuckled and punched Su Yi, "Now I know a little bit more about things, and I understand you. I know that you are a person who is quite afraid of trouble, and I also know that you don't really want to see my mother. I don’t like my mother’s self-righteous way of using you. But when I asked you to take me and Huaihua as your daughters, now that I think about it, she meant to use you. Why didn’t you refuse just because you liked me? ?”

Su Yi asked back: "What do you think? Since you have always wanted to ask this question, it proves that you must have guessed many answers."

"I think the biggest possibility is sympathy." Xiaodang said, "Looking back now, if we didn't recognize you as our godfather, my mother would definitely not be able to survive. She actually doesn't feel safe in her heart. Maybe she We have already found a godfather for Huaihua and me.”

"Although I hate Kong Ermin, I have to admit that he is actually a very good person. He is good to my mother and Sophora japonica. He doesn't care about anything, and he is not willing to let my mother do any heavy work..."

"But even if she is such a good person, she is not willing to let my mother take me, Huaihua, and my milk. I can imagine that even if she agrees, in the future, Huaihua and I will still With my breasts, we will definitely not be welcomed by others. People will definitely think that our nose is not a nose or an eye. If my mother has another baby brother, then the three of us will be even more unnecessary."

Xiaodang sighed when he said this: "Sometimes I have random thoughts and wonder what my fate would be like without you? Dad, I feel that I will either be very pitiful or pitiful, or that I will be destroyed beyond recognition by life. In my heart, They are all twisted things. You have always seen the future. Did you also see the future that might happen? That’s why you tolerated your mother’s little thoughts and became the father of me and Huaihua?”

Su Yi was silent for a moment and said with a smile: "Why am I so great in your heart?"

"You are great!" Xiaodang said with a smile, "You are not only my father, but also my role model."

Su Yi smiled and said: "What you said is not wrong. Because I like you, I can't see you suffering, so I sympathize with you; some small problems are not that important compared to your future. In the final analysis, it is still us. We are destined to be father and daughter."

Xiao Dang quietly looked at Su Yi's profile from the side, and after a while he said: "Dad, as long as my mother agrees to my changing my surname, I won't care about her or Kong Ermin. I want to be your daughter and kiss your daughter!"

"That's what you are." Su Yi said with a smile, he pondered slightly and said: "On this matter, your father and your mother Wen Hui have always respected your own ideas and attitudes, never interfered with you, and never took our The idea was imposed on you, even if you asked me several times, I didn’t give you our opinion.”

"The reason for this is that I want you and Huaihua to follow your own conscience to resolve this matter. Your mother probably called you here specifically to discuss this matter today. You should have a good chat with her and follow your own conscience. Come to think of it, no matter what decision you make, Dad will support you.”

"Yeah!" Xiaodang nodded heavily.

In the courtyard, all the paper work that should be arranged has been arranged at the main entrance, the hanging flower gate and the middle courtyard. A mourning hall is being built in front of Yi Zhonghai's house, and the men in the courtyard are all shouting and getting started.

"Hey, aid to Korea is coming? And Xiaodang..."

"Is Yuan Chao back? I haven't seen you for a while!"

"Oh, Yuanchao, you look more and more prosperous. Your status is different, your temperament is revealed, haha..."

"Aid Korea..."

Things are different now. When the neighbors saw Su Yi, they all greeted him warmly and had many flattering words.

Su Yi responded with a smile. When he arrived in the middle courtyard, he didn't waste any time. He rolled up his sleeves and started working together.

Although the neighbors were polite to him, they would not really worship him like a Buddha. When they saw him making a move, they would do whatever they were supposed to do.

Xiaodang went home and soon came out and followed a group of women to help wash the dishes.

The courtyard was very busy and a lively scene.

"Come on, come on, Silly Zhu really invited the troupe!" Yan Fugui's voice of surprise suddenly came from the front yard.

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