Looking through history, it is not difficult to find that there are many examples of powerful enemies who always have to "secure themselves" and clip their wings first. Most of them end badly in the end.

Are these people stupid?

Of course not. Some of them have seen the consequences of not being "in peace", and some want to get rid of the annoying troublemakers first.

For the brave little steel cannon, Su Yi's threat is even greater than that of Ah Xing, because Ah Xing will not encroach on his interests, but Su Yi will, and is already encroaching.

As for whether destroying Su Yi will make enemies happy, who has not been confident in his success since ancient times?

The brave little steel cannon is very confident. He believes that with the remaining three people, he can still destroy the immortal A Xing!

Li Xiang is the same, she is more wild, she believes that even if the three of them are killed, she and Su Yi will still be able to kill the immortal.

Don't talk about them, Su Yi also has such confidence, but Su Yi's confidence does not include the all-or-nothing option. His confidence lies in the fact that most of the time he has a way out. Joining everyone to kill the immortal is one of the ways out he has left for himself, so he does not play the trick of "fighting against the outside world and settling down the inside first".

Li Xiang couldn't understand Su Yi's rejection. In her opinion, with Brother Shi's character and his brave little steel cannon jumping so high, of course he should be slapped to death. Su Yi shouldn't have refused her at all. Just make a suggestion.

"You will definitely regret your choice today!" Li Xiang finally returned disappointed.

However, she did not go to Buchi Tutu, because what she had said to Buchi Tutu before was all for the purpose of joining forces with Su Yi, with the purpose of pretending to be loyal and luring the three of them into the trap she had set.

But now Su Yi doesn't agree to join forces, and she has no intention of pretending to be real, so she naturally lets go.

Li Xiang jumped into the air and chased A Xing in the direction where he left.

Maybe Ah Xing is very powerful, but Ah Fang is just a mortal. For the sake of his pregnant wife, Ah Xing had to slow down, which gave the actors a chance.

Actors who have traveled all over the world must have something special about them. Buck Yazhen used a very magical method to search for the traces of A Xing and A Fang, and successfully caught up with them.

However, Buck Yazhen and the charterer who were traveling with him did not appear rashly. They walked around to the road in front of them. Buck Yazhen took out a red talisman, added a drop of his own essence and blood, then cast a spell to hide it, and then pulled The charterer quickly retreated away.

"What is that?" asked the charterer.

"Soul-drawing talisman!" Buck Yazhen sneered, "This thing has no offensive power, but it can draw people's souls out of the body. This is a talisman that I spent 30% of my mana to refine. No matter whether the mute woman can block it or not, it will reveal its true form. !”

If the mute woman is really Su Yi, if he doesn't block her, his soul will appear; if he blocks her, his cultivation will be exposed. Whether he blocks or not blocks her is wrong.

Unfortunately, the starting point is wrong, and no matter how good the plan is, it will never succeed.

"Brother Pao, I always feel that the lunatic has guessed that I am yours, and I'm worried that she will use this to deal with the two of us." The pendant rabbit was indeed as Li Xiang said. He had married the brave little steel cannon from the very beginning. For the dark alliance. But at the moment she felt uneasy for some reason.

"She probably didn't guess, otherwise she wouldn't have lied to me before and said that the 6% Heavenly Favorite Value was the work of the two of you." Buck Yazhen said, "If she had guessed, she wouldn't have let you represent her. Follow me to find Asing."

"What if she did this just to confuse our sight and interfere with our judgment?" Pendant Rabbit frowned, "Brother Pao, I have a very bad feeling."

The brave little steel cannon's face became solemn, and after thinking for a moment he said, "If you feel something, you have to be cautious. After seeing Ah Xing's reaction, let's turn from light to dark."

"Okay." Pendant Rabbit felt slightly relieved.

There is no magical power in this world. Although Ah Xing is an immortal, he has never been exposed to these things. In addition, the brave little steel cannon is bent on hiding, so naturally he accidentally fell into the trap.

The red light erupted from the soul-attracting talisman instantly penetrated the body of the mute girl A Fang. The latter's soul left the body, screaming and struggling and twisting in the void.

"Afang!" Axing's eyes were splitting, and without even thinking, he slapped a palm in the direction where the brave little steel cannon and the pendant rabbit were hiding!


The majestic spiritual energy instantly condensed into a huge palm print, and struck the two of them with lightning speed.

The two men appeared to be vomiting blood crazily, their bones shattered inch by inch, and they fell to the ground miserably.

Before Ah Xing could strike the second blow, the brave little steel cannon crushed an escape magic talisman similar to a small teleportation talisman.

The moment the magic talisman was activated, the pendant rabbit suddenly clung to the back of the brave little steel cannon like a leech, its limbs tightly wrapped around it. The talisman's light covered the two of them, and they disappeared in an instant.

"Ah Fang! Ah Fang!" Ah Xing had no time to pay attention to them. He looked at his wife's soul in panic, at a loss as to what to do.

At this moment, a figure shot out from the horizon at extremely fast speed!

Before the people arrived, the sound had already arrived.

"The soul is back, the soul is back! The soul is back!" A white light shot out from the man's hand and fell on A Fang's body. The body immediately emitted a blazing light and shrouded the separated soul, pulling it back to the body. middle.

A Fang opened her eyes, which were still full of panic and fear. She grabbed A Xing's arm tightly and gasped sharply, like a fish out of water.

"It's okay, Fang, it's okay..." Ah Xing hugged his wife and comforted her softly, supplying internal energy to her body. The latter gradually felt relieved and fell asleep leaning against Ah Xing.

After confirming that his wife and unborn baby were safe, Ah Xing looked at the person who had just fallen in front of him.

"It's no harm to my wife and children, housekeeper, you are too despicable!" Axing asked angrily.

The person who rescued A Fang was actually Li Xiang.

"That guy's caution is indeed right." Li Xiang's heart suddenly sank when he heard this. The word "you" means that A Xing is not an ignorant fool who doesn't know anything.

"I am me, they are them, we are different." She looked at Ah Xing and said, "If I were with them, I wouldn't have taken action just now. Ah Fang, whose soul has been separated from the body, can't survive even a stick of incense. She will lose her soul and the child in her belly will not be saved. How can you still stand here and talk to me? "

Ah Xing was silent and said quietly: "I should thank you. But I just want to live quietly with A Fang and raise our daughter. Why don't you let me go?"

"How much do you know about us?" Li Xiang asked.

"There are five of you." Axing looked at her and said, "You are all here to kill me."

"You really know everything." Li Xiang was surprised, "Since you know, why don't you strike first?"

"I don't want to kill anyone." Axing said, "I have never killed anyone, and I will never kill anyone. If what you want is my immortal roots, I can give you some, but the most I can give you is 10%, no more!”

"I just ask you not to bother me again after you take the things. Please let me go, okay?"

Li Xiang looked deeply at Ah Xing and said, "You don't have to beg us at all. Even if you don't want to kill us, you can destroy our cultivation, so that we can't do anything to you."

"Is there only the five of you in your organization?" Axing smiled bitterly, "Even if I kill you all, the next time you come to me will be someone more powerful than you. I just want to settle the matter, and I don't want to cause trouble."

"You can choose not to be a god." Li Xiang said.

"You don't understand, I have no choice." Axing shook his head.

"Who did you give the immortal roots you just mentioned to before?" Li Xiang asked.

"Fire Cloud Evil God and Congzi." Axing said, "I gave Congzi 35% of his immortal roots, and I gave Fire Cloud Evil God half of his immortal roots."

Li Xiang nodded, knowing how his previous Heavenly Favorite Value had dropped.

"Why did you say that you would hand over at most 10% of the immortal roots?" Li Xiang asked again.

"This is what God told me." Axing said.


"You are not an immortal, and you don't understand even if I say it."

"Okay, then I want 10% of your immortal roots. I can guarantee that I will not come to you again." Li thought.

"Can you tell your people not to come to me again?" Axing asked.

"Sorry, I can't be their master." Li Xiang looked at him, "But as far as I know, Fat Zaicong and Fire Cloud Evil God have no murderous intentions towards you. Your appeasement policy is still very successful."

Ah Xing was silent for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hand, and a crystal thread as thick as a noodle was pulled out from his palm. He controlled the crystal and let it fly in front of Li Xiang.

Li wanted to reach out to catch it, but the crystal instantly sank into his body.

At the same time, the heavenly favoritism in all the actors’ terminals changed again——

Heaven's favor value——50%.

Li Xiang looked at Ah Xing and raised the corner of his mouth: "I wish you and your wife a safe and happy life. Farewell!"

After saying that, she simply jumped into the air and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Ah Xing stared blankly at Li Xiang's leaving figure. He didn't come back to his senses until Ah Fang woke up in his arms.

"A Xing, did something happen?" A Fang looked worried and gestured weakly, "I heard the charterer's voice, but she seemed to be a different person."

Axing smiled: "She just came to see me off, don't worry, let's keep walking."

"Impossible!" In a remote mountain col, the brave little steel cannon roared angrily. As a result, he accidentally caused an injury and spurted out another mouthful of blood.

Beside him, the pendant rabbit lying on the ground as soft as a bone was using his magic power to heal himself. His face was pale, his silver teeth were clenched, and he looked in extreme pain.

Ah Xing's angry palms broke every bone in their bodies, and their Dantians were also greatly damaged, almost leaving them in a semi-disabled state.

After paying such a heavy price, all he got in exchange was the fact that A Fang was not a shitty brother.

They guessed wrong!

The brave little steel cannon extremely suspected that he had been misled. He planned to go over it carefully while healing his wounds to see which step he made the mistake from, but he didn't expect that before he even started, the favored value changed again. information.

But this change still has nothing to do with him.

He immediately realized that someone had missed it after him.

"It's a madwoman! Mad, this bitch dares to take advantage of me!" The brave little steel cannon was simply bizarre and angry.

This time he didn't guess too far off.

Three of the five actors made contributions, but he, who was originally the most proactive, was in vain, and the pendant rabbit, like him, not only failed to make any achievements, but was also seriously injured.

"Now I can confirm that the madman is deliberately trying to get rid of me. She has known about my relationship with you for a long time!" Pendant Rabbit gritted his teeth and endured the pain, saying with great depression.

"Our direction was wrong from the beginning." The brave little steel cannon finally came to his senses, "We used the wrong method, so the harder we tried, the more we went wrong. A Xing cannot be treated with common sense at all, except for him Wife, he doesn’t care about anything, including the identity of an immortal!”

"Then what should we do now?" Pendant Rabbit asked in a muffled voice, "He almost killed us with one palm just now. We touched his reverse scale, and there is no other way except walking to the dark side."

"At this point, we can only admit the failure of the first stage!" The brave little steel cannon shook his head and said, "We can only admit defeat when it comes to reducing the value of Heaven's Favorite. Next, we will deal with Ah Xing and see if we can grab it. If you work hard, you won’t lose too badly.”

After a pause, he sighed and said: "One wrong step and one wrong step. It's me who has caused you trouble."

The pendant rabbit comforted: "Brother Pao, why should you worry about success or failure in the moment? We don't want to decide the winner on one set. There are still several rounds to come, and we still have many opportunities."

"That's right!" The Brave Little Steel Cannon nodded, "The top priority is to heal his injuries and regain his condition."

The people who were personally selected and trained by No. 031 cannot be useless fools and fools. If these four people can be ranked alongside Su Yi, they must be superior. As the brave little steel cannon thinks, temporary success or failure is not enough to judge a hero.

But a good start was enough for Su Yi to take advantage.

Su Yi was a little surprised when he received the news from the terminal that the Heavenly Favorite Value had changed again, but he didn't care much.

He found Frog, the current leader of the Ax Gang, and after casually showing off his skills, the latter immediately recognized his interest, and "Fat Boy Cong" became the leader of the gang.

After Fat Zai Cong took over, he made two moves and killed two gang bosses. Then he became a hands-off shopkeeper, turning a blind eye to gang affairs. He spent all day in the casino and made the two most famous socialites in the city arrive from early morning. Stay with her at night.

However, his miraculous skills of killing two big guys with two palms in the air and catching bullets out of thin air have long been known to everyone, and his reputation as "God of Immortality" is known to all women and children. At his suggestion, Frog used his prestige to expand the Ax Gang's territory.

The expansion of gangs has always been accompanied by blood and tears, and the cause and effect of "Brother Cong" must be attributed to Ah Xing, who passed on his skills.

Half a month later, Ah Xing's Heavenly Favorite Value finally dropped by 0.1 percentage point, falling below 50%.

Heavenly favor value: 49.9%!

The scales are broken!

On this day, the originally sunny weather suddenly became filled with clouds, strong winds and thunder, and a heavy rain poured down, as if God was angry.

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