The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1862 Meeting Again

The Taoist priest and his three apprentices sneaked into an ambush at the entrance of the village, obviously wanting to retaliate against Su Yi for robbing his business. But they didn't expect Miss Duan to stand up for Su Yi and teach them a lesson. ,

In fact, they should be glad that it was not Su Yi himself who took action, otherwise their end would have been even worse.

When Su Yi returned to the base of the city wall, he found that the fat monk had painted the fish demon's past experiences on the city wall.

"Xuan Zang, the fish demon you met today was originally a very kind person." The fat monk said without turning his head. "In order to save a child who fell into the water, he was regarded as a human trafficker by the villagers and beat him to death. He also threw his body into the river and let fish and wild beasts eat his body. He was so resentful that he turned into a demon and came back to take revenge on the villagers. "

At this point, the fat monk turned around and looked at Su Yi seriously: "Xuan Zang, why didn't you use "Three Hundred Children's Songs" to inspire him, but instead used violence to subdue him like other exorcists? Xuanzang, you are Don’t you have any doubts about our concept of exorcism?”

"Of course not!" Su Yi said with a serious face, "Master, I just have doubts about my own abilities, so I caught him back and planned to let you, Master, demonstrate it to me in person!"

As he spoke, he took out the water drop and squeezed it gently.


As a large pool of water poured down, a man covered in red fruit also fell heavily to the ground.

This is the human form of the fish demon. After transforming into a human form, it seems to have become much more honest. It lies on the ground shivering and does not dare to move.

"Master, please!" Su Yi took out "Three Hundred Children's Songs" and handed it to the fat monk with a solemn look on his face.

"You want me to show you how to use "Three Hundred Children's Songs" to exorcise evil spirits?" the fat monk asked with a strange look on his face.

"Yes, Master." Su Yi nodded, "I really don't have a clue, so I have to ask Master to give me an idea first. I will know what to do if I encounter this kind of thing in the future."

"But I'm very busy and don't have time." The fat monk didn't answer "Three Hundred Children's Songs" with a look of embarrassment on his face. "Besides, my method may not be suitable for you. Xuanzang, things like exorcism and subjugation of demons have to be different from person to person. You still have to do your own thing after all."

"It's better than this. I'll exorcise the demons, and Master will guide and observe." Su Yi said, "If I do something wrong or bad, or if Master you have any opinions or suggestions, you can always tell me so that I can let you know." Disciples, avoid taking detours.”

"Xuan Zang, you have become smarter." The fat monk looked at Su Yi with a smile, his eyes full of meaning.

"It's all master's teachings." Su Yi said.

"I didn't teach you this." The fat monk muttered, "Then just start."

"Thank you Master!"

Singing to exorcise demons is as unreliable as asking a widow to give birth to a child. Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Su Yi does not believe it.

In the original plot, the fish demon was subdued by Miss Duan, the pig demon was subdued by Sun Wukong, and Sun Wukong was subdued by the palm of the Tathagata falling from the sky. None of them have anything to do with "Three Hundred Children's Songs".

Therefore, Su Yi extremely doubted that the fat monk asked Chen Xuanzang to sing to exorcise demons. It was actually similar to the way of refining one's heart in the world of mortals, rather than really expecting him to be able to exorcise demons.

So naturally he would not use such a ridiculous and funny way to exorcise demons. In order to put an end to this kind of thing, he decided to make it clear between the carriage and the fat monk, whether the fat monk came in person or in front of the fat monk, in short, it was to prove that this thing would not work.

Spreading the patched blanket on the ground, and spreading "Three Hundred Children's Songs" in front of him, Su Yi sat cross-legged, holding a hand-cranked music box, and smiled at the dull fish demon in front of him.

The latter hurriedly put on a flattering smile and looked at Su Yi's posture with twinkling eyes, obviously having a premonition that something bad was going to happen.

As Su Yi turned the rocker of the music box, an ethereal and soft melody sounded.

The melody of this music box is a fixed tune, and all the songs in "Three Hundred Children's Songs" must be sung to this tune.

"Child, child, why are you so bad? Why do you bully and deceive? Learn to be a good child and love each other; care is in the heart, full of colors. Darling, come back quickly, my arms are always open for you; Darling , you must truly repent, you will always be my favorite child..."

Su Yi sang very seriously. After all, he believed in his heart that he would only do such a boring and stupid thing once, so why not do it better?

But as he sang, the fish demon opposite him started to cry loudly.

The sound of his crying even drowned out Su Yi's singing voice, which made Su Yi have to frown and stop.

"Why are you crying?" Su Yi asked speechlessly.

"I'm so touched!" The fish demon sobbed and wiped his tears. "I'm so touched! Master, you have awakened the truth, goodness and beauty in my body. I am willing to change my ways and take refuge in my Buddha from now on. I will be devoted to good deeds and will not change until death. !”

Su Yi was startled, then frowned deeply and looked at him.

He realized he had miscalculated.

His previous performance was so powerful that he was so disgusted with this fish demon now. Not only did the latter not dare to make any resistance, but he also tried his best to cooperate with him.

He couldn't help but look at the fat monk, who looked at him with a smile and nodded with relief: "That's it Xuanzang, very good. You have implemented our exorcism concept. Although it is still a little bit behind, as a teacher Very pleased with you, I'm proud of you."

"Master, he fears power rather than virtue, and surrender is just an appearance." Su Yi said.

"Xuan Zang, you're in trouble." The fat monk said with a smile, "In this world, every drink and every peck is determined by cause and effect. Only when the cause and fate meet, will the result be produced. There is never a result that can be achieved overnight. Just like you exorcise demons and subjugate them. , it cannot be achieved overnight. Is it important whether he fears power or virtue? What matters is that the consequences will come sooner or later. What he plants now will bear fruit sooner or later."

"Master, I don't understand." Su Yi sighed, knowing that his temptation had failed.

"So you are just a little bit short." The fat monk looked at Su Yi with a smile, "Go ahead, your path is not with me, you need to find it yourself."

"It's Master." Su Yi nodded and looked at the fish demon at his feet.

"Let him stay here," said the fat monk, "I will reform him for you."

"Thank you, Master."

In this way, Su Yi embarked on his second journey to subjugate demons and exorcise demons, this time the target was Gaojiazhuang Zhugang Hyena.

Gaojiazhuang has long since become a wasteland, with broken walls and ruins everywhere, and only the ancestral hall on the cliffside is brightly lit.

When Su Yi arrived, he could clearly hear the bustle of laughter and laughter inside, and the air was filled with the rich aroma of meat and wine, making people want to stay here.

There was a flash of green light in his eyes, and he had seen through everything inside. He held his breath with some disgust, opened the door and walked inside.

The ancestral hall is brightly lit, and the place where ancestors were worshipped has now been transformed into a restaurant.

The place where the ancestral tablets were placed was turned into an oven, with golden-skinned "roast pigs" hung; the large open space in front of the oven was built with rows of stone platforms and became a dining table.

The hall was full of guests at the moment, and everyone was laughing and chatting while eating roast pig, creating a lively scene.

Su Yi looked around, and his eyes suddenly fell on a figure in the corner.

Miss Duan!

She is actually here too, and she came here before Su Yi.

But when Su Yi looked at her, she pretended not to recognize Su Yi at all.

"Hey, sir, welcome to our Gaojiazhuang!" A middle-aged woman greeted him with a smile. At the same time, the door behind Su Yi closed without any wind, making a loud "bang" sound.

"Sir, you are really discerning. Our famous roast pig here is famous far and wide. All the guests who have eaten it say it's good!" the middle-aged woman said enthusiastically, "Look at all the customers who came today, they are all here for our store. The famous roast pig is here! Sir, you are in luck. There happens to be freshly baked roast pig. Do you want to try it? But there seems to be no seat now. Sir, please wait, I will help you. Find a seat..."


Before the middle-aged woman could finish speaking, Su Yi's eyes were still looking around, and he slapped her plump chest without looking back.

Just hearing a "boom", the woman exploded.

But there was no scene of blood and flesh splattering. This woman's beautiful skin was filled with sand.

Following Su Yi's movement, the laughter and laughter in the entire hall suddenly stopped, and everyone looked at Su Yi. Except for Miss Duan in the corner, who had a stunned look on her face, everyone else's eyes were full of strangeness.

"Go to hell!" The next second, the two guests closest to Su Yi suddenly jumped up with ferocious faces and flew towards Su Yi.

At the same time, all the customers in the store stood up with gloomy expressions.

Su Yi flicked his sleeves, and two wind blades accurately penetrated the heads of the two people in front of him. There were only two "bang bang" sounds, and the two people exploded directly, causing sand and gravel to fly.

"Hey!" Miss Duan's strange cry came from the corner, but she saw her flying up and kicking the person closest to her away. Then she took out a golden ring, infused it with magic power and separated it. Throwing it out, the whole person shot towards Su Yi like a swallow throwing itself into the forest.

Bang bang bang!

Wherever the golden ring passed, everyone it touched exploded, escorting Miss Duan all the way to Su Yi's side.

This girl was very familiar with Su Yi and stood back to back. She stretched out her hand and the golden ring immediately flew back to her palm, floating and spinning around.

"These people are all puppets made by the pig demon. Their flesh and blood were made into roasted pigs, and their skins were peeled off to make such disgusting things!" Miss Duan said quickly, "Hey, let's join forces to destroy the pig demon. , let’s add the bonus to one and make it five, how about it?”

"Okay." Su Yi was noncommittal.

"How happy!" Miss Duan was overjoyed, "You can help me!"

Without waiting for Su Yi's consent, she jumped up and kicked away a puppet that was rushing towards her. At the same time, the indefinite flying ring in her hand flew out again, turning one into ten and ten into a thousand, covering all the puppets on her side. Inside, sand and dust filled the air, and soon dozens of puppets all returned to the west.

But when Miss Duan looked back, the battle on Su Yi's side was over.

Su Yi casually sent out dozens of wind blades, one at a time, killing all these puppets in less than three breaths.

"Okay! It's so refreshing to cooperate with experts!" Miss Duan was overjoyed, "Now the only one left is the pig demon!"

Su Yi smiled, and his eyes fell on the more than ten "roast pigs" hanging not far away. Suddenly, with a flick of his finger, more than ten gray flames shot out, turning all the roast pigs into ashes and dust. Return to dust, return to dust.

Miss Duan was stunned for a while when she saw this scene.

"Come out!" She suddenly looked around and shouted, "These disgusting things you have turned into are all dead. If you don't come out, we will burn your pig nest!"

Before he finished speaking, Su Yi suddenly struck the wall in front of him with his palm out of thin air.


But there was a loud noise, and a huge palm print was pierced through the thick stone wall. A shrill scream was vaguely heard from the other end of the wall, and a figure was thrown away.

In the turbulent smoke and dust, the figure suddenly grew larger quickly. It struggled to get up and ran away into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

"No, it's going to run away!" Miss Duan's expression suddenly changed when she saw this.

"It can't run away." Su Yi took a step forward and grabbed Miss Duan's arm. The latter felt her body light up and suddenly rose into the air. She was surprised, but soon she found that she was being Su Yi held her in his strong arms and flew through the moonlit night, passing over the mountains and forests.

Miss Duan looked up at Su Yi's side face, her eyes gradually becoming crazy.

Su Yi frowned slightly and suddenly raised his hand.


A golden thunder light fell from the sky and immediately knocked the running pig demon to the ground!

It twitched on its legs and slid for a distance, breaking several trees before stopping. During this time, Su Yi and Miss Duan had landed in front of it.

Miss Duan felt the arm holding her suddenly loosen. She stared blankly at Su Yi's back, watching him pop up a gray fireball and burn the fallen pig demon completely, leaving no hair left.

"If you burn it, you won't get the bonus." Miss Duan said softly, as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"I never kill demons for money." Su Yi did not look back, "I'm sorry, but you don't have any money."

Miss Duan thought of Su Yi's disgusted expression when he looked at those "roast pigs" before, and said softly: "Actually, I'm not doing it for money...Chen Xuanzang, where are you going next?"

"Go find Master and return to life." Su Yi turned around and looked at her, "Miss Duan, I probably haven't told you yet, but I am actually a monk."

"Monk?" Miss Duan was startled, her eyes falling on Su Yi's thick hair.

"Sooner or later I will be ordained and become a monk," Su Yi said. "When the time comes, I will be with the ancient Buddha Qing Deng for the rest of my life. I will not care about worldly affairs and will devote myself to the Buddha."

Miss Duan was stunned for a long time before she forced a smile: "That's great."

"It's very good." Su Yi smiled and said, "Thank you Miss Duan for your help today. Let's say goodbye. See you later."

"...Goodbye!" Miss Duan looked a little at a loss.

Su Yi smiled and nodded, turned around and walked on the moon.

"Hey!" It wasn't until Su Yi's figure almost disappeared from the sky that Miss Duan suddenly wanted to stop him, but it was already too late.

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