Su Yi lay down on the back seat almost the second before Tao Chengbang fired. He clearly felt the bullet shattering the car glass and whizzing past him.

His heart almost jumped into his throat, huge fear seized his heart, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

What should I do? Why are I still afraid?

He took a deep breath and held the door handle on the other side of the car tightly with his sweaty hands.

At a certain moment, he gritted his teeth, pushed open the door, and jumped out of the car in an instant.

He took the opportunity to check the situation while he was in the air, but the place where Tao Chengbang's car was originally located was now empty.


Before landing, Su Yi heard the violent roar of the accelerator and saw the rear of Tao Chengbang's car going away.

He rolled on the ground for a week before getting up. He felt a little disappointed and relieved, which was a little complicated.

At this time, many people had not realized what was going on, but the traffic policeman at the intersection had his hand on his waist and was approaching cautiously. When he saw the gun in Su Yi's hand, he was shocked.

"Record O is handling the case!"

But before he could react further, Su Yi took out his ID card, flashed it, shouted loudly, and said angrily to the shivering driver on the other side: "I'm a policeman, and I was almost killed by you!"

The driver was stunned for a moment and said, "Police? I thought you were going to rob me..."

"Why?" Su Yi said speechlessly, "I will tell you to go to the police headquarters as soon as you get in the car. Have you ever seen someone take a taxi to the police headquarters to rob someone?"

The driver scratched his head: "I'm sorry, I was scared when I saw you pulling out a gun... By the way, the glass of my car was smashed, will you pay for it?"

The traffic policeman remained vigilant and approached, and he was completely relieved when he saw the ID in Su Yi's hand.

"Brother, did someone shoot just now?" the traffic policeman asked in surprise.

"Someone shot." Su Yi felt confused, "I'm sorry, I need to call my boss first."

With more than seven million people on Hong Kong Island, there was a one in seven million chance that he would bump into Tao Chengbang on the way back to the police station. He felt that he was completely ruined.

Although he was just a sidekick, he didn't want to receive the lunch box out of nowhere.

The more Su Yi thought about it, the more he became frightened.

He just wants to wait in peace until the performance starts, and then use the traps arranged in advance to catch up with Cao Nan's gang and end everything completely, but who knows what will happen the more he fears.

The call was quickly connected. Su Yi didn't waste any time and immediately reported to Lu Mingzhe the situation he had just encountered.

At this time, Su Yi, who had completely calmed down, slowly had a huge question in his heart.

Why did Tao Chengbang suddenly shoot him?

is this necessary?

Lu Mingzhe obviously thought of this too.

"Tao Chengbang saw you at the prison gate," he said. "He knew you were a policeman, and you sat in the taxi and looked at him. I guess he must have thought you were secretly following him."

"Even if I was following him, why did he shoot me?" Su Yi asked, "I saw his face and he shot me. With so many surveillance cameras at the intersection, he must have been photographed! He didn't know this What are the consequences?"

The more Su Yi talked, the more he felt something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt.

Tao Chengbang's behavior just now was a self-destruction. Just because of that shot, no matter what he was doing, he was definitely going to jail. The charges of illegal possession of firearms and assaulting the police were definitely found guilty. .

"There must be something shameful in his car, otherwise he would have no reason to shoot. Even if he could kill me, what would he want?" Su Yi's eyes grew brighter as he spoke, "Sir Lu, do you think there was something wrong with him in the car?" He would be carrying the arms they used for robbery. He misunderstood that I was following him because he wanted to keep the arms?"

Don't blame Su Yi for being so imaginative, because despite all the impossibilities, this situation is the most likely.

It makes Tao Chengbang desperately want to get rid of Su Yi. Unless there is something in the car that cannot be discovered by the police, otherwise the consequences will be a hundred times worse than if he shot the police in the street.

All Su Yi could think of was arms.

"Sir Lu, I suggest tracking Tao Chengbang's car immediately and intercepting the arms in his car! He..." Su Yi said anxiously.

"No!" Unexpectedly, before Su Yi finished speaking, Lu Mingzhe flatly refused.

"Our target is Cao Nan, not Tao Chengbang! Pingzi, you must understand this!" Lu Mingzhe said, "I don't care why Tao Chengbang ran away, and I don't care what is in his car, but we must not alert the snake. ! Pingzi, if Cao Nan and the others give up their plans or change their goals because we are chasing Tao Chengbang, everything we have done before will be in vain!"

Su Yi was stunned. He opened his mouth to refute, but he hesitated.


The person he wanted to kill most was Cao Nan, not Tao Chengbang.

But if Tao Chengbang is arrested with great fanfare now, will Cao Nan still rob the payment vehicle as originally planned?

If Cao Nan was alerted and made to change his plan, the afternoon performance would be ruined.

What will be the consequences if the show is gone?

he does not know!

What makes him even more unacceptable is that he also lost the perfect opportunity to wipe out Cao Nan's gang.

Which is more important or less important is self-evident.

"But Tao Chengbang has been exposed in front of us. Just now he mistakenly thought that I was following him and shot me. It was already a warning." Su Yi frowned.

"So we have to put on a play." Lu Mingzhe said quickly, "We want him to think that this incident was an accident! I will break the news to the media and tell them that one of our police officers was shot at an intersection while on vacation, suspected of corporate revenge. Behavior. Also, I will ask the traffic control department to be interviewed as soon as possible and admit to the outside world that the surveillance at that intersection was broken and no one was photographed at all."

"Does it need to be so complicated?" Su Yi couldn't complain. He felt that although Lu Mingzhe was very charming, he had a big problem, that is, he tended to complicate simple problems and make complex problems difficult to understand. Too easy.

"Everything is for the sake of the overall situation, Pingzi. Only if Cao Nan moves can we catch him. If he doesn't move, he will always be a good citizen!" Lu Mingzhe said solemnly, "If your reasoning is right, then this time it will be us. The closest I have ever been to Cao Nan, such a good opportunity, how could you tell me to give up?"

Su Yi wanted to refute, but Lu Mingzhe said, "Come back as soon as possible" and hung up the phone.

Su Yi held the phone, and no matter how much he thought about it, he felt that something was wrong with this matter.

He used to think that Tao Chengbang had arms or other shameful things in his car, so he wanted to run away, but now that he thought about it carefully, he thought it was not the case.

How long has it been since Tao Chengbang was released from prison?

And after the accident at the prison gate, did Cao Nan really have no doubts about Tao Chengbang at all?

Would Cao Nan still leave such an important matter as purchasing and transporting arms to Tao Chengbang?

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