The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 408 Midnight Visit

Regarding how to win the GI project, Su Yi almost broke it apart, chewed it up and fed it into Qu Xiaoxiao’s mouth.

If she can't get this, it can only be said that she is not suitable for business, and she should just continue to be a rich second generation who eats, drinks and has fun.

To put it bluntly, GI and Zhengxin are actually in love and concubine. The key is how they confess to each other and confirm their relationship.

It is worth mentioning that the annual profit after the completion of this project is definitely not small. If Zhengxin is still willing to OEM for GI, the scale of the project will further change qualitatively.

But Qu’s father obviously didn’t pay enough attention to this project, obviously because this project had nothing to do with Zhengxin’s core business.

This is the advantage and disadvantage of veteran entrepreneurs. They distinguish between making money and career very clearly, but they also distinguish too clearly.

Logically speaking, it is absolutely reasonable to charge you a commission of a few percentage points for business consulting of this level. Although Su Yi is just talking, the few words he said are still worth hundreds of thousands. But neither Andy nor Su Yi even mentioned it because they didn't care.

Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes darkened. She had no idea about it at all. She just thought it was a favor between friends. Why talk about money? Talk about money hurt feelings.

The guest had left for a long time, but Andy was not sleepy at all, and the scene that had just happened kept echoing in his mind.

Su Yi's performance made Andy very satisfied.

The reason why we say satisfaction is because when we are curious about a person, we often outline and imagine his image in our minds.

This imagined image must be relatively tall and perfect. At this time, after contact in reality, if the person's appearance in reality overlaps perfectly with the appearance in your imagination, you will get a sense of satisfaction and pleasure.

In Andy's imagination, Su Yi should be a hermit with strong thinking ability and high IQ. He once dominated the business world, but for some reason he retreated into the bustling city and preferred to be ordinary.

And everything that happened tonight corroborated all of Andy's guesses about Su Yi.

It is true that Qu Xiaoxiao's agency project is not big, but just because it is not big does not mean that it is not difficult.

Even Andy couldn't ignore these difficulties, but in Su Yi's eyes, they were never considered.

The way people solved this matter was so easy and casual.

However, the solution is not simple and crude at all, but very detailed and practical.

That's all. What impressed Andy the most was Su Yi's perspective on the problem, which was broad, deep, and sharp.

He pointed out that the fundamental purpose of this agency project was to fight for Qu Xiaoxiao's family property. However, Andy, as an outsider, was limited to the game with Qu Xiaoxiao and could not jump out to see the overall situation.

He has a big mind that everything in the world is a chess piece. To him, whether it is things or people, they are tools to achieve his goals. And Andy herself had to admit that despite her pursuit of freedom, she was still a pawn in the chessboard unable to act independently.

The more he explored Su Yi, the more Andy felt that this person was full of mysteries.

She always felt that Su Yi was full of contradictions that she couldn't understand. This man was undoubtedly kind, but he was also cold.

For example, last night, when she noticed that Fan Shengmei was not very happy when she left, she realized the importance of the 50,000 yuan to Fan Shengmei.

Then she further recalled Su Yi's inconsistent attitude changes, and realized that this person was overbearing and did not tolerate disobedience and blasphemy.

Thinking about this person's attitude towards Qu Xiaoxiao, he showed concern for his neighbors, but also seemed to have a businesslike alienation and indifference.

Too strange……

Maybe she can ask Su Yi for help with the problems that have been troubling her in the past two days?

This thought emerged uncontrollably in Andy's mind.

Then the more she thought about it, the more plausible the idea became.

Usually, people with strong execution ability also have a derogatory term - impatient, or quick-tempered.

As soon as Andy's idea came up, it was immediately transformed into action.

She didn't want to waste time, or let herself be troubled anymore.

She originally wanted to call Qiu Yingying and ask for Su Yi's contact information, and then visit her at home after making the call.

But when I looked at the time, it was already a quarter past twelve o'clock in the evening.

It's so late, please call Qiu Yingying again...

When she thought that this confused girl might pester her to ask questions, she immediately gave up the idea.

She decided to go directly downstairs to find Su Yi.

Just do it, Andy tidied up his appearance and went out.

Two minutes later, Andy ran back again, rummaged around the house, and finally found two bottles of red wine.

She was very satisfied. With the gift, it would not be considered rude to visit the neighbors again.

Of course Su Yi didn't sleep at this time.

As a young and strong man with lots of energy, I feel sorry for my age and body when I go to bed before two o'clock.

He is reading some economics books.

The world of the studio is Su Yi's extra life. He will not squander it because he thinks it belongs to others. In fact, as long as conditions permit, Su Yi has always taken the time to recharge himself and improve himself.

At this stage of his life, reading is not to learn, but to understand more.

When Andy knocked on the door, he squeezed himself a pot of orange juice and was lying on the deck chair on the balcony, reading a book and eating snacks.

At first he thought it was Qiu Yingying who had found her, because he hadn't answered Qiu Yingying's calls or videos for a long time. The reason was that he wanted to read a book, so please don't disturb her.

So when he saw clearly that it was Andy standing at the door, he was also surprised.

"Will I disturb you if I pay you a hasty visit?" Andy said with a smile.

Su Yi glanced at the two bottles of red wine in her hand with a strange look.

"Please come in."

He stepped aside and invited Andy in.

This was the first time Andy came to Su Yi's home. She looked at the furnishings and environment in the house, and then quickly analyzed and judged Su Yi's daily habits based on the style of the room - this had become her subconscious the behavior of.

"This place is very interesting." After looking at it for a long time, Andy didn't know how to describe the decoration style of this room. It felt very awkward. The style was very mixed and matched, and some places were very vulgar.

She really couldn't find any words of praise.

"Sit wherever you like." Su Yi smiled, went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water for Andy, then took his own glass of orange juice from the balcony and sat across from Andy.

"Thank you." Andy felt very comfortable. She never seemed to have said that she only drank water, but Su Yi naturally understood her habit.

"In the middle of the night, a very beautiful single lady came to a man's room with two bottles of wine," Su Yi said with a smile, "This kind of behavior usually means that you are sending a courtship signal to me."

Andy was immediately stunned.

Her face immediately turned red and she hurriedly explained: "This...I didn't mean that. I'm not interested in you at all! I came to you because I encountered some problems and wanted to consult you and seek advice and advice from you. Help. Sorry, I didn't expect to cause you such a misunderstanding."

Su Yi smiled and waved his hand: "Of course I know you don't mean it. I just want you to know that your behavior is inappropriate and don't do it again in the future. If I don't say it and you think it's normal, then in the future It will make a joke.”

Andy breathed a sigh of relief, still a little embarrassed, and smiled: "I'm not very good at social etiquette. Thank you for pointing out my problem. To be honest, this is the second time I've been so embarrassed."

"Actually, it's not important." Su Yi said with a smile, "What's important is that you actually forgot that I don't drink."

"Ah?" Andy was really dumbfounded this time.

Her brain seemed to be shut down, and she couldn't make any reaction for a while.

Offering wine to non-drinkers as a welcome gift...

Su Yi leisurely took a sip of the orange juice and said, "This must be the third time you've been embarrassed."

Andy stood up suddenly and said, "Can I borrow the bathroom?"

Su Yi smiled and pointed in a direction, and then Andy ran over as if running away.

Five minutes later, Andy came out, back to normal.

She smiled helplessly and spread her hands: "Okay, I have to admit, embarrassment is indeed the best way to break social isolation. I feel like there is nothing I can't talk about with you now, even if it's some privacy and worries that belong to me."

"It seems that you came to me for psychological counseling tonight?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"No, you should use counseling." Andy said, "I don't need counseling, my emotions are not fragile."

Su Yi smiled noncommittally and said: "Before you speak, I have to declare in advance that I will take the initiative to tell Yingying tomorrow morning about what you and I came to see me tonight, so as to show the selflessness and seriousness of my boyfriend. But about I will keep the subject of our conversation confidential. If you can accept that, congratulations, you have gained a good mentor tonight."

Andy was a little surprised and said, "Actually, it's hard for me to imagine that you would be bound by these socially conventional moral frameworks. And judging from your appearance, you don't reject it at all."

"If you don't plan to live alone in the mountains, it is necessary to maintain a minimum respect for morality and human ethics." Su Yi said, "I am not bound by moral values, but I am using moral values ​​to restrain myself."

Andy thought thoughtfully and said, "You are really a very reassuring person."

"I like this comment very much." Su Yi smiled.

Andy seemed to relax a lot. He pondered slightly and said, "I have encountered some troubles recently, which makes me sleepless. I hope to get some inspiration and help from you, but Xiaobai, I also hope that this matter can only be solved by You and I know, but no other person knows. Tomorrow you can tell Xiao Qiu that I am looking for you to discuss work matters. "

"Tell me about it." Su Yi said calmly.

"You and Lao Tan are old friends. I don't know if he has told you that we have known each other since childhood." Andy looked at Su Yi and said with a serious expression, "We have been together since the beginning of school until college. In the same school, the person who knows me best and is closest to me in the world is none other than him. I have always treated him as my brother. This time he called me to come back to China. Firstly, I entrusted him with One thing he did for me started to kick in, and the other thing was that he needed me to help him.”

"But as soon as I arrived in China and got off the plane, I received a strange phone call. The caller called me by name. He also knew that I had just gotten off the plane and that Lao Tan personally came to pick me up at the airport."

Su Yi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. It was obvious that this was done by another actor.

This guy has been eyeing Lao Tan from the beginning.

"I originally thought it was Lao Tan's business rival or a private detective or something, so I warned him that I would call the police." Andy continued, "But I didn't expect the other party to tell me that he only wanted to tell me one thing. It’s up to me to decide, and then you won’t bother me anymore.”

"The things he told you must be about Tan Zongming, right?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes." Andy nodded solemnly, "This person told me that Lao Tan's temperament changed drastically due to emotional frustration and became abnormal and twisted. Lao Tan called me back to pursue me and satisfy his desire to conquer. "

"Of course you won't believe it," Su Yi said, "but the seeds of doubt have been planted in your heart."

"That's right." Andy said quietly, "Looking back now, the person who called me must be a master at playing with people's hearts! He was right. Even if I didn't believe him, I wouldn't tell Lao Tan directly about it. , but will first secretly observe if there is anything unusual about Lao Tan."

"This is human nature." Su Yi said.

This incident was obviously done by an actor. Actors have a lot of knowledge about the personalities of plot characters like Andy. It is not difficult to predict Andy's behavior.

"I soon discovered something was wrong with Lao Tan." Andy said solemnly, "From the first glance, I noticed that there was a look in Lao Tan's eyes that I didn't have before. And his words and actions were different from my memory. There is also a big deviation in Lao Tan."

This is inevitable, Lao Tan has been replaced.

"I began to believe what the mysterious man said," Andy said. "I also secretly tested Lao Tan and found that he did care about me beyond friendship. Not only that, in many things, he seemed They respected my thoughts, but actually arranged everything behind my back. For example, I moved into the Ode to Joy Community."

Andy looked at Su Yi: "Old Tan asked me where I wanted to live? There were villas, hotels, and a high-end wealthy community. But in fact, he knew my character, and none of these three places would satisfy me. Of course. After I refused, he immediately told me about the arrangement of Ode to Joy Community."

"From this, I inferred that he originally wanted me to live in this community. I didn't know what his purpose was at first. Until you showed up."

"Me?" Su Yi thought about what Andy was thinking, and felt a little dumbfounded.

"Yes, you." Sure enough, Andy's eyes were bright. "The only person in this neighborhood who knows Lao Tan is you! So it must be because of you that Lao Tan arranged for me to live in Ode to Joy! At first, I suspected that you were also Lao Tan. The purpose of the arrangement may be to monitor my life. But later I overturned this suspicion because you are not Lao Tan’s subordinate at all, and you would not do such a thing for Lao Tan!”

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