The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 419 A eloquent speaker

Fan Shengmei quickly received a call from Zhang Huaimin. The latter asked Fan Shengmei’s address, asked about her current situation, and then told her: "Ms. Fan, you can leave directly from the back door of the community now, go through Yumin Lane, and walk in the lane. Waiting next to the China Construction Bank at the entrance, it will take us about twenty minutes to get there."

"What about my parents? What if..." Fan Shengmei said very worriedly.

"Their safety will be guaranteed. I will arrange for police officers from the local police station to stabilize the situation first. They are not far from your community. If they are fast, they can arrive at the scene in five minutes."

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you, thank you, officer."

"You're welcome. Also, Ms. Fan, if the suspect calls you, in order to avoid unnecessary accidents, you'd better mute your phone, ignore it, and don't talk to him."

"I see."

Almost at the same time, Wang Baichuan also took out the agreement and money he had prepared long ago from the trunk of the car and returned to Fan Shengmei's home.

Before entering the house, I saw Brother Da Bing standing at the door smoking, frowning.

Just as he was about to speak, Da Bing asked first, "Where is the little girl from the Fan family?"

Wang Baichuan was stunned for a moment and said, "Wasn't she still at home when I left? What happened? Is she out?"

"Going out." The soldier frowned even more, "You didn't see her? Didn't she call you?"

"I told her I would be back in a while. What did she call me?" Wang Baichuan realized something was wrong and his expression changed a little, "What happened?"


Brother Da Bing slapped his forehead and said in annoyance: "Oh shit, I was careless..."

Wang Baichuan was a little anxious: "What's going on?"

Brother Da Bing sighed and asked with his last hope: "Mr. Wang, does the daughter of the Fan family know about the trap we set up?"

"She knows nothing!" Wang Baichuan's face turned green when he heard this. He grabbed the soldier's neck and shouted angrily: "You're not going to tell her about this, are you?"

"That's not true." Brother Da Bing coughed and scratched his head guiltily, "It's just... this little girl's movie tricked me so hard..."

Wang Baichuan was like a thunderbolt, his whole body trembled, and his eyes widened in an instant.

He couldn't believe his ears.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "What did she say?"

"Let me go first!" Brother Da Bing impatiently pushed Wang Baichuan away, and then said: "What about that? Just after you left, that little girl asked me how you negotiated the price with me. It was four hundred thousand. Or five hundred thousand? After that, she said she knew what was going on and asked me to tell her the truth."

"Then you told her the truth?" Wang Baichuan asked tremblingly, his face turned pale.

"No..." Brother Da Bing coughed, "But it's almost like saying... She must have known it anyway..."

"I'm drafting uncle!" Wang Baichuan collapsed completely. He grabbed the soldier by the collar and roared with splitting eyes, "You've ruined my big thing! You've ruined everything for me. Do you even know that?" !You stupid pig!"

Originally, Fan Shengmei's favorable impression of him was plummeting, but now his deviant tactics have been exposed by others. It is conceivable that his hope of conquering Fan Shengmei has been completely wiped out.

"Who are you with?" Brother Da Bing pushed Wang Baichuan away again and shouted, "Who are you calling a stupid pig? You are the only one who is stupid! If that little girl hadn't suspected you a long time ago, how could you have come here? Are you trying to trick me?"

"The hell you exposed yourself and didn't know, blame me? You came here with the little girl. How the hell did I know I couldn't let her know about this. Did you tell me?"

Seeing the plausive soldier, Wang Baichuan was trembling with anger.

"I didn't tell you? I didn't tell you this and let anyone know about it, so you don't have the money to say something like this?" Wang Baichuan laughed angrily, "You have shit in your ears!"

Brother Da Bing waved his hand impatiently: "You can do whatever you want! Let me tell you, our brothers have done it for you, and you can't lose a penny!"

"You still have the nerve to ask for money? I'll give you a piece of shit!" Wang Baichuan was furious.

Brother Da Bing glared and pinched Wang Baichuan's neck: "Come on, tell me again, what do you want to give me?"

Wang Baichuan, filled with anger, knew that his performance mission was completely over.

Fan Shengmei, who knows the truth, will never have a good impression of him again.

But he just couldn't figure it out, why would Fan Shengmei suspect that this was a trap?

Why is she doubtful?

This makes no sense at all...

Brother Da Bing only dared to scare Wang Baichuan, but did not dare to do anything to him, so he quickly let go of Wang Baichuan.

Wang Baichuan took out his mobile phone and started calling Fan Shengmei - naturally no one answered.

Brother Da Bing said kindly and compromised: "Okay, don't worry about it. I am also somewhat responsible for this matter. In this way, I will reduce you 10,000 yuan and ask you for 490,000 yuan. What should I do?" I've done everything for you, how about it?"

Wang Baichuan stared at him blankly, really wondering how there could be such a shameless person in this world.

He looked at Brother Bing intently for a long time, then threw all the things he was carrying in front of Brother Bing, turned around and left.

"Hey, you..." Brother Bing was about to stop him, but when he saw neat stacks of hundred-yuan bills exposed in the black bags scattered on the ground, he couldn't move his eyes immediately.

When Wang Baichuan went downstairs, he happened to see a police car parked at the door of the building.

He only glanced at it and then looked away, walking numbly out of the community.

The two policemen got out of the car, and one of them looked at the direction Wang Baichuan was leaving, as if he wanted to stop him.

But another policeman urged: "Come up quickly! Director Zhang personally explained the task. Don't let anything happen to the people inside..."

The policeman gave up his thoughts and they both went upstairs.

As soon as Brother Da Bing picked up the money, the agreement, etc., two policemen came up. The two sides looked at each other and looked at each other, both of them stunned.

"Private!" The older policeman's face darkened and he shouted.

Brother Bing is clever.

On the other side, Wang Baichuan quickly left the community and made a phone call.

There was a "Hello" on the other end of the phone, and Wang Baichuan immediately said: "Something happened to me!"

"What happened?" The voice on the other end of the phone was immediately alert.

Wang Baichuan said a little depressed: "I set a trap for Fan Shengmei and it went wrong. Now the police want to arrest me, and I may have to go to jail."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time before he said, "So, your mission is completely dead?"

"No chance." Wang Baichuan sighed and roughly explained the matter.

"Run first." The other end of the phone sighed, "There's nothing you can do if you fail the mission. At least you can still increase your participation, so you don't have to play. But if you are caught by the police, your mission will be completely ruined. ”

"The streets are full of surveillance cameras, how the hell can I run away!" Wang Baichuan said depressedly.

"Your little trouble is not worth how much police force they spend to deal with you." The other end of the phone said, "No matter how hard you run, the police won't be able to arrest you. But don't use your cell phone, and try to get a new one." When you find a temporary place to stay, call me again.”

"No, you want me to figure it out on my own? Brother, you have to help!" Wang Baichuan said in surprise.

"Help! I'm going to wipe your ass now!" The other end of the phone sneered, "Don't you know how important you are in our plan? But now something has happened to you, what will happen to our plan? manage?"

Wang Baichuan was speechless.

"You should hide yourself first." The other end of the phone said, "As long as you are not caught by the police, you will still have a chance. It is impossible to make a comeback, but it will be no problem if you get more points."

"Okay, I get it, Ma De!" Wang Baichuan rubbed his face vigorously and said depressedly, "There's something wrong with this. You'd better help me find out what's going on. Fan Shengmei can't doubt me for no reason. .”

"I will, have a nice trip."

Wang Baichuan threw his cell phone into the trash can and began his escape career.

Police Pian'er stabilized the situation, and soon the criminal police from the city bureau picked up Fan Shengmei at the appointed place and rushed to her home.

Brother Da Bing and his two men squatted in a row under the TV wall in the living room. The Fan family parents wiped away tears and excitedly grabbed a policeman and said something.

Police officer Pian'er, who came to stabilize the situation earlier, came up and reported: "Bureau Zhang, I am police officer Wan Chun from Yumin Police Station. According to your instructions, the situation has been controlled."

"These three are well-known gangsters in my area. The leader is the fat man named Zhao Hongbing. He has been arrested many times for extortion, gathering and fighting, etc. The two uncles and aunts over there are the owners of this house. In addition, we found half a million yuan in cash at the scene, as well as these agreements."

On one side, Zhang Huaimin was listening to the report of his subordinates. On the other side, Fan Shengmei hurriedly checked to see if her parents were okay, but was pushed by her father and almost fell to the ground.

"You beast! Who asked you to call the police? Who asked you to call the police?" Father Fan yelled angrily, "Do you want to kill your brother? Do you want to kill their family before you are willing to do so? Why are you so cruel? ,ah?"

"Xiaomei, you can't do things like this. If your brother is in trouble, I won't be able to live either!" Fan's mother cried.

Fan Shengmei felt extremely aggrieved by being misunderstood by her parents, but when she thought that this incident was all caused by her, and that her family had suffered an unreasonable disaster because of her, she felt guilty and explained with tears: "Dad, Mom, don't worry, brother and sister-in-law And Lei Lei will be fine, I invited Bureau Zhang from the city police station, and with him personally coming forward, they will be fine."

At this point, she couldn't help crying to Brother Da Bing: "Where did you hide my brother and his family of three!"

As soon as he said this, the policemen on the other side also looked over.

Brother Da Bing looked at this and that, with an innocent expression on his face and said: "Sister, look at what you said, how could your brother and the other three big living people be hidden by me? I'm so big Is it up to me?"

"Zhao Hongbing, answer the question honestly!" Wan Chun scolded, "Do you know what your behavior is called? Kidnapping and extortion! The sentence starts at ten years! I tell you that your problem is big!"

"Ouch, ouch, tsk, tsk, tsk..." Brother Da Bing exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Wan Suo'er, don't scare me. It's been many years since I changed my ways. Usually I don't even dare to cross the road and run a red light. How dare you kidnap and extort? A misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding!"

"Then tell me, how could there be a misunderstanding?" Wan Chun said coldly.

"Report to the government, the situation is like this." Brother Da Bing said with an apologetic smile, "Didn't I open a transportation company? I raised a few large goods. This Fan Shengqiang, he took several truckloads of goods from me without paying me. Not to mention, I even advanced him the payment for the goods. The goods totaled 1.36 million, and I gave him all the money..."

"Stop talking nonsense here!" Wan Chun scolded, "What kind of goods are worth 1.36 million? Tell me the truth. Is it a gambling debt?"

"The government has wronged you!" Brother Da Bing looked like he had been greatly wronged. "Wan Suo'er, all the procedures are complete and all procedures are legal and compliant. If you don't believe me, you can come to our company to check the accounts at any time. Everything is written in black and white. They are all things that have been signed, Wan Suo'er, I am a law-abiding and good citizen, you can't keep looking at me with discriminatory eyes just because I have committed a crime, right?"

Wan Chun wanted to continue arguing, but was stopped by Zhang Huaimin.

"Where are Fan Shengqiang's family of three?" Zhang Huaimin asked.

Wan Chun interrupted: "This is a tactic, Zhao Hongbing, answer the questions honestly, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

"How can I not recognize Mr. Zhang? We've always seen him on TV, but now I finally see him in person." Brother Da Bing said with an apologetic smile, "Fan Shengqiang asked them to give me change. I thought about going out to look for money, but I didn't know anyone. The car doesn’t work either, so I asked one of my little brothers to drive them around in the car.”

"As for us, Fan Shengqiang said that he went to find money for us. He was worried that there was no one to take care of the old couple at home. So, I brought my two younger brothers to take care of the two old people."

"Director Zhang, the uncle is the one who owes money now. I serve him as my grandfather."

"You fart!" Fan Shengmei was dumbfounded when she heard this. She had no idea that this gangster could confuse right and wrong with his eloquent tongue. "You are breaking into people's houses to extort money!"

"Sister, there is a misunderstanding!" Brother Da Bing smiled bitterly, "Hey, maybe I look a little ugly and my words are not nice, so you misunderstood. Now is a society ruled by law. We all have to abide by the law. You can't talk nonsense. Harm me."

"You..." Fan Shengmei only hated herself for being stupid before, not recording or videotaping.

"Okay, we'll talk about this later." Zhang Huaimin smiled and said, "Zhao Hongbing, please contact the driver now and ask them to take Fan Shengqiang's family of three to the Yumin Police Station."

"No problem, I will definitely comply with Director Zhang's orders!" Brother Dabing agreed, "Wan Suo'er, please return my mobile phone to me. I will call my little brother now."

Wanchun handed him the phone and warned: "Don't play any tricks."

"Wan Suo'er, what tricks can I play right under your nose?" Big Soldier yelled, "But I'm only responsible for calling. If they don't listen to me and don't come, don't blame me..."

Just as Wan Chun was about to speak, Zhang Huaimin said calmly: "If the person is less than ten minutes away, the case will be transferred to the Municipal Criminal Investigation Brigade immediately."

"Yes!" Wan Chun stood at attention.

Brother Bing suddenly felt a chill in his heart and did not dare to say any more.

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