The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 428 The wind stops and the rain stops

"Lin Jing is stealing the chicken but losing the rice." Tan Zongming said with some regret, "This person is quite vicious and ruthless. It's a pity that he met Brother Bai."

"I think this person has antisocial personality disorder," Andy said. "Now it's almost certain that he broke the elevator before, causing us to almost fall to death in the elevator. This time, he did such a crazy thing again. Come on, I really can’t imagine that if Xiaobai is killed this time and his evil deeds are buried again, what kind of evil things he will do next time, it makes people shudder just thinking about it.”

"Justice will surely defeat evil, and people like this will eventually get their due end." Tan Zongming said.

Andy glanced at him: "I've always felt that you don't believe in justice."

"Of course I believe in justice," Tan Zongming smiled, "otherwise, how miserable would life be?"

Andy's heart skipped a beat.

The next moment, Tan Zongming's face suddenly fell, and he said: "Oh, I offended Brother Bai so much this time. I always felt that he was harming me."

"If he wants to harm you, he doesn't have to go to such trouble, okay?" Andy said angrily, "I don't know how you, who have always been such a rational person, can be so stubborn. You won't listen to me no matter how much I explain to him."

"Alas..." Tan Zongming sighed and looked at Andy somewhat faintly.

Why didn't he listen?

First, because of the previous grudge against Su Yi, he felt that Su Yi would definitely take revenge on him. He went to such great lengths because he wanted to drive him out of existence.

Second, Andy is actually not very good at lying. He was vaguely aware that there seemed to be some unknown secrets between Andy and Su Yi. For this reason, he even more suspected that Su Yi wanted to harm him.

"Andy, I want to talk to Bai Muyang alone first." Tan Zongming suddenly made a decision, "Can you wait for me for a while?"

"Of course no problem." Andy said.

Five minutes later, Su Yi was waiting for Tan Zongming in the conference room.

At this time, Su Yi had just finished calling Qiu Yingying and had coaxed his little girlfriend.

When Tan Zongming knocked on the door and came in, Su Yi was rubbing his forehead and going over everything that happened today in his mind.

"Brother Bai." Tan Zongming walked in with a smile and said hello, "Is it convenient for us to chat?"

Su Yi glanced at him and said, "This is your territory, you have the final say."

"It's no longer my territory." Tan Zongming sighed, first ran to the side and poured two cups of tea, then brought it over and placed a cup in front of Su Yi, "I didn't expect that Lin Jing and the others would play such a crazy game. , Really, is this the case? Is there any mission required, why do you have to fight to the point of life and death? "

Su Yi said: "Actually, if I put myself in Lin Jing's shoes, if I were Lin Jing, I would have lost the possibility of a successful performance from the beginning, and maybe I would do whatever it takes."

"It's just a winner and a loser." Su Yi shook his head with some emotion.

"You saved me again," Tan Zongming looked at Su Yi seriously, "and this time you ignored the past grudges, which is even more valuable."

Su Yi smiled half-heartedly: "Don't you suspect that I have another purpose?"

"I did doubt you," Tan Zongming said calmly, "especially about the singularity. Now I know that you are sincerely helping me, so forget it if I don't appreciate it. If I still doubt you, I will take care of it. It's very unreasonable, and because of this, the relationship between us that should have been close has become estranged."

"Later, Wang Baichuan said bad things about you in front of me, and I was doubtful about you." He continued, "This time the stock market is turbulent, I was the first to doubt you. Brother Bai, this matter between us I am indeed sorry for you."

"I don't doubt you now, not at all." Tan Zongming said, "Even if I knew that you and Andy were hiding something from me, I don't think you would do anything to me. I..."

"Stop it." Su Yi stopped him from talking, "Old Tan, don't play this trick with me."

Tan Zongming looked a little unnatural, scratched his head, smiled, and said: "Okay, blame me too. I know you don't rub sand in your eyes, so I should tell you directly."

After a pause, he looked at Su Yi calmly: "I am indeed worried about you and Andy...Brother Bai, if you really don't have any shady relationship with Andy, I will definitely trust you unconditionally in the future!"

"Am I very curious?" Su Yi sneered, "Old Tan, you are good at everything, but you are too self-centered. As long as you are willing to put yourself in other people's shoes and think about everything, you won't even think about Wang Baichuan and Wei Wei. People like this can make you suffer and be fooled.”

Seeing what Tan Zongming wanted to say, Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Okay, let's stop this topic. Old Tan, I will still not come after Shengxuan, and I will also take back Andy's voting rights." You are still your chairman, and if you continue to attack your Andy, whether you can succeed or not is up to you."

"As for the two of us, we should try not to interact with each other in the future." After saying that, Su Yi stood up and walked out.

In fact, Su Yi felt a little sad. He once admired Tan Zongming and thought he was a good person to be friends with. Unfortunately, a crisis of trust made it impossible for the two of them to go back to the past.

He did not answer Tan Zongming's question directly, but he proved his innocence with his actions.

Not for anything else, just not to cause unnecessary hostility and trouble.

"Brother Bai."

Just as Su Yi was about to walk out, Tan Zongming called him from behind.

Su Yi stopped but didn't look back, holding his hand on the door handle.

"Before you came, I transferred all my shares to Andy." Tan Zongming said, "I don't plan to come back."

Su Yi smiled: "Then you made a good move."

After that, he opened the door and strode out.

Tan Zongming looked at the door that kept shaking and smiled sincerely.

After Su Yi went downstairs, he received a call from Andy.

"I thought you were going to have a meeting, but you just left. Don't you care about your money at all?" Andy asked helplessly.

With such a big thing happening to Shengxuan, it is conceivable that he will go through a lot of turmoil. At least, the acquisition of Red Star will be shelved because of this.

As the largest shareholder, Su Yi's wealth will not only shrink sharply, but his dividends will also be affected.

Everyone would treat this matter with caution, but Su Yi didn't seem to care.

"The matter has come to this, and all that's left is to make amends." Su Yi smiled, "As the CFO of the group, you are bound to take on this responsibility. I trust you, so naturally I have nothing to say. "

"I don't know whether I should say that you are courageous, or that whatever you want?" Andy said a little speechlessly.

"It doesn't sound like you're praising me." Su Yi said, "Anyway, I'll leave it to you. By the way, the authorization I gave you will be terminated."

"Understood." Andy didn't think much about it, it was a matter of course, "Do you know that Lao Tan transferred the shares to me before to prevent Lin Jing and others from succeeding?"

"I heard what Lao Tan said." Su Yi said, "You don't have to, but you do, and you want to test him? Do you like him?"

Andy was not shy like other girls, but said openly and honestly: "Honestly, his behavior today really touched me. I have always felt that although he is not full of money, he is also a person who puts interests first. . But today he has subverted my imagination of him."

"I understand." Su Yi heard Andy's strange emotions and couldn't help but smile, "I wish you all your wishes come true."

Andy smiled and said: "Thank you. Xiaobai, I am really lucky to have a friend like you."

"I think so too." Su Yi replied.

Not long after, Su Yi received calls from Fan Shengmei and Guan Ju'er respectively.

Both of them expressed condolences to Su Yi.

Fan Shengmei said that things at home would not be over for another day, and it was estimated that she would be back on Sunday.

Su Yi took the opportunity to invite her to the weekend party.

I also told Guan Ju'er about this, and the latter readily agreed.

Guan Juer also mentioned what happened at noon.

"Brother Bai, it was my fault at noon. Are you angry with me? I won't be like this again."

In response, Su Yi smiled and said thank you, then changed the subject.

Soon, Su Yi arrived at the relevant department and was questioned and recorded as a victim.

Lin Jing's matter is serious this time. He will definitely not be able to get out of prison. Even if the police can't find any evidence for the time being, they will never let him be released on bail.

Because this matter not only involves a terrorist attack, but also involves a diplomatic incident.

Now the African side is very suspicious. Bai Muyang's half-brother there knew of his existence, so he deliberately set up a trap to kill him.

And our country must also make an explanation there.

As for Wei Wei, Bao Yifan and others, if there is no problem after investigation, they will naturally be released.

But this time they didn't eat the food and made a fuss, so it was okay.

When Qu Xiaoxiao called Su Yi to express her condolences in the evening, she also revealed the news that her father was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, looking for someone to smooth the relationship, and wanted to save Qu Lianjie, but he came to So far there has been little progress.

Of course there won't be any progress. The matter this time is so serious. The police will never let him go until Qu Lianjie's innocence is proven through a thorough investigation.

Not only that, Qu Lianjie had better hope that he has never done anything illegal before. According to the nature of the relevant departments, they will definitely investigate Qu Lianjie this time, and it is very possible to pull out the carrot and bring him out of the mud. , find out other things about Qu Lianjie.

Su Yi didn't say much to Qu Xiaoxiao.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Zhao Qiping and Wang Baichuan were "arrested" one after another.

The connection between them and Lin Jing was difficult to hide from the police who wanted to investigate the matter clearly, so they were naturally arrested and brought to justice.

The nature of the matter this time is so bad that it will take at least ten days and a half to investigate everything clearly.

In other words, the person caught this time will not appear for at least ten days and a half.

From an actor's perspective, they have been eliminated early.

The next day, Saturday, Qu Xiaoxiao told Su Yi that her father had heard some news from somewhere and knew that Qu Lianjie's affairs were related to Su Yi, so he wanted to visit Su Yi.

In order to avoid the noise, Su Yi took Qiu Yingying to buy a car early in the morning.

His Phaeton had been burned to the ground, and he had no choice but to buy a new car for transportation. This time he didn't choose much. He chose a moderately priced brand, paid the price, and took delivery of the car.

Su Yi, who was interested in picking up a new car, took Qiu Yingying directly to the amusement park to celebrate. Qiu Yingying really had a good time.

That night, Fan Shengmei came back from her hometown, brought some local specialties, and came to Su Yi's house to thank Su Yi.

On the other side, Tan Zongming also passed Andy's test.

He persuaded Andy to become the chairman of Shengxuan, while he only served as an honorary director and was no longer responsible for anything in Shengxuan.

"With such a large amount of wealth, such a high status and power, are you really willing to give it all to me?" Andy asked Tan Zongming with a complex expression.

"As long as it's for you, there's nothing I can't bear to do." Tan Zongming replied.

Andy dodged Tan Zongming's blazing gaze, pretended not to understand what he meant, and ran away.

"Tomorrow, Sunday, I want to invite you to dinner!" Tan Zongming called loudly from behind Andy.

"I have an appointment tomorrow." Andy hurriedly refused, "Tomorrow Xiaobai will invite all of us to have a party on the 22nd floor. I heard from Xiaoqiu that Xiaobai arranged the place in a villa. The place is a bit remote. I may play for a day. Time, I won’t be able to come back until evening.”

Tan Zongming sighed and said: "I really envy the friendship of you neighbors. Andy, I also want to move to your building. There should be a lot of houses there."

Early the next morning, three cars drove to the outskirts and started the first team-building activity in the Ode to Joy community.

Everyone had a great time, and everyone drank a little except Su Yi.

When the atmosphere was in full swing, an uninvited guest pretended to be a chance encounter and shamelessly forced his way in.

This person is none other than Tan Zongming.

Except for Su Yi, everyone welcomed Tan Zongming and showed great enthusiasm.

Tan Zongming has been particularly popular in the past two days, firstly because of the turmoil in Shengxuan, and secondly because his transfer of all shares and chairmanship to Andy was discovered by the media and immediately became a hot topic, causing a sensation across the country.

Some people call him stupid, but more people think that he is a sweet-tempered person who values ​​love and righteousness and prefers beauty rather than country.

Especially women, almost all regard Tan Zongming as the "national husband".

Thanks to his help, Andy became famous. Now Andy's photos are all over the Internet. Some good people called Tan Zongming's move a "pursuit of the century", which immediately aroused the resonance of all netizens.

Guan Ju'er seemed to have really come out of her own knot. She showed the image of a good girl and had a lot of fun with the three girls Fan Shengmei and Qiu Yingying. After three rounds of drinking, the three girls even danced a disco under the influence of wine. , it was like a group of demons dancing wildly, and they even pulled Andy along. It was the first time for Su Yi to appreciate the robot-like stiff dance.

The team-building event was a great success. Everyone played until around one o'clock in the morning, and then You didn't have enough fun and called a driver to drive everyone back.

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