"870,000 expected votes! There are actually 870,000!"

It wasn't until No. 032 entered this empty screening room that he could no longer hold back and started shouting excitedly.

Her expression was both excited and a little regretful.

Su Yi didn't understand and asked: "Director, what is the use of this anticipation ticket?"

"It's not a question of whether it's useful or not," No. 032 still couldn't hide his excitement, "It's a very important value."

"Everyone watching the live broadcast of this film festival has an expectation vote. This expectation vote can be voted for any one of the three thousand rookie films, but it can only be voted for one!"

"We received 870,000 waiting votes, which means that 870,000 viewers are interested in our movie, which is already amazing! You know, the viewers who pay attention to the rookie unit only account for a small part of the total audience, and This small group of viewers has 3,000 shortlisted films to choose from, but there is only one waiting ticket per person..."

"Let me put it this way, you should understand how rare it is that we can get 870,000 tickets, right?" No. 032 said excitedly, "More than 750,000 tickets means that our film is a movie with an audience expectation of A stunning video! This rating is the same as the rating of your performance, so you know how rare it is."

"It is precisely because of the amazing expectations that we are now allocated this golden exhibition hall that can accommodate millions of visitors. Otherwise, our exhibition hall will be smaller than this, and the display effect will be one level worse than this..."

"The most important thing is that the stunning level of expectations will attract more passers-by to watch our videos! In this way, we will have more viewers!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity. It would be great if there were one million expected votes. If we could get perfect expectations, our film would be completely stable..."

Su Yi seemed to understand. He wanted to ask again, but No. 032 asked him to stay where he was and left in a hurry.

When he came back, No. 032 had already walked over with ten men in black robes.

She had no intention of introducing these people to Su Yi. She led these ten people to the only VIP box in the exhibition hall. She bowed and smiled apologetically before retreating.

Su Yi was obviously relieved after seeing her go out.

No. 032 waved to Su Yi and motioned for him to come over.

"The screening will start soon. We will be sitting next to the VIP box later," No. 032 instructed. "The people inside are all distinguished film critics. The ratio of their evaluation votes is one to one hundred thousand, so every vote It’s very important to us.”

"Evaluation vote?" Su Yi asked.

"Vote for finalists for major awards." No. 032 explained, "In addition to film critics, audiences also have evaluation votes. Although the proportion of audience votes is small, the number is large and cannot be ignored..."

Su Yi seemed to understand. As of now, his understanding of this film festival is only superficial.

No. 032 said it was fast, and it turned out to be fast.

Ten minutes later, Su Yi was shocked to find that the screening hall was filled with audiences without even realizing it!

The figures of these spectators were blurred and their appearance could not be clearly seen. The clothes are all different, and the style seems very weird to Su Yi.

When they arrived, there was just a flash of light and they sat in the corresponding seats, as if they were teleported directly to the seats through some method that Su Yi could not understand.

Director No. 032 checked the real-time data on the terminal from time to time. When the light in the exhibition hall gradually dimmed, she excitedly said to Su Yi in a low voice: "It's full!"

This means that in addition to the 870,000 viewers who voted, at least more than 100,000 passers-by also came to watch the movie.

If it weren’t for the limited capacity of this golden exhibition hall, more visitors would be needed!

Su Yi couldn't help but feel excited at this time.

There are about to be a million people watching his performance. This is not the ordinary relationship between actor and audience, but more complicated than that!

Although Su Yi still doesn't fully understand what this means, it does not prevent him from knowing how important it is.

Gradually, the exhibition hall fell into darkness, with only the suspended ball in the middle emitting a faint blue light.

At a certain moment, the little ball suddenly spun and shone brightly.

The next moment, just like the magical scene in the promotional video before, the scene in front of us suddenly changed.

The smoke is filled and the war is raging!

It’s still that immersive feeling, whether it’s sight, hearing or senses, it’s infinitely close to reality.

At the very beginning of the film, the background of the entire story was introduced from a high-in-the-cloud perspective, showing the cruelty and bloodshed of war, and the overwhelming depression and despair that enveloped everyone's hearts in an instant.

"I have seen a story with this background. There is a movie called "Assembly"..."

Su Yi heard the audience whispering and chatting behind him.

But his attention was quickly drawn to the film.

A series of dazzling quick cuts present the bloody assassinations and struggles one by one. This kind of quick cuts is by no means the montage technique that Su Yi has seen, but a play on time and space!

The moviegoer is like a high-altitude god, following the director through time and space in the movie world, witnessing everything that has happened here.

At a certain moment, Bai Xiaonian in the film suddenly appeared in front of all the viewers.

Bai Xiaonian stood by the West Lake with falling snowflakes, looking at the frozen West Lake with melancholy eyes, and at the mountains and rivers with snow falling thousands of miles away.

Birds in thousands of mountains have disappeared, and all traces of people have been wiped out.

A feeling of desolation came over me.

The scene was frozen for more than ten seconds, and words introducing his background appeared next to Bai Xiaonian, but did not include his hidden identity as a military commander.

After a while, the writing disappeared.

Bai Xiaonian in front of him sighed quietly and reached out to touch his face.

"Secretary Bai, if you don't leave, I'm afraid you'll be late..." Liu Dequan, the driver behind him, reminded carefully.

Bai Xiaonian suddenly raised his lotus fingers and covered his lips with a smile: "So what if I'm late? The commander has gone to Aurous Hill. Even if I don't go to work, who can do anything to me?"

The voice is particularly feminine.

"I'm going, sissy..." an audience member behind him exclaimed.

As he spoke, the scene changed.

The footage shows the appearances of other main characters in turn.

Takeda stabbed a Zhe Peng soldier who insulted him in the face with a pen at the military council meeting; Wang Tianxiang interrogated an underground party with a sick smile; Wu Zhiguo led a group of men to encircle and suppress the members of the military anti-rape team; Zhang Yiting was Jin Ling attended the meeting and flattered the puppet government officials; Jin Shenghuo hid the embezzled gold bars in his safe; Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng drank and danced in the bar...

Different from the original plot, this plot similar to the main characters is very lengthy. It basically shows the basic situation of each character in turn. The process takes about ten minutes.

After this process, not only did the film not continue, but everything was suspended, all scenes disappeared, and the eight main plot characters lined up, standing in front of Su Yi, and in front of every audience.

Beside the eight people, an hourglass was passing sand, as if it was counting down in this way.

What is this for?

Su Yi was a little surprised and looked at No. 032.

No. 032 glanced at him and explained: "This is the time when the audience chooses to take on the role. When watching the film, the audience must choose one of the characters to take on the role and follow the character's senses to experience the movie. To put it bluntly, It is to follow the person in the plot and re-experience everything he has experienced, and you cannot switch your senses and vision while watching the movie."

Su Yi was surprised and uncertain, and his face became a little ugly.

The meaning contained in these words made him feel very uncomfortable and shocked and angry.

No. 032 seemed to have guessed what Su Yi was thinking, and said: "You don't have to worry about this kind of thing, because what the audience experiences and what you experience are essentially completely different things. Moreover, some private and sensitive points, If it is not necessary, the audience's senses will be blocked. For example, if you and the lover in the play are together, the audience's senses, vision and hearing will be locked in a dark room. Unless it is a cult movie or a pornographic movie, nothing will happen. Not blocked.”

While speaking, Su Yi also heard the comments from the audience behind him.

"Which one do you substitute?"

"I think Takeda is a good character. He shouldn't be a marginal character, so I chose him. What about you?"

"Wang Tianxiang, this guy looks like a villain, so he shouldn't suffer much. I usually experience it with 90% realism, and I don't want to ask for trouble."

"Go ahead, you are fierce! How dare you use such a high level of realism to experience this kind of film? I adjusted the level of realism to 25%, the lowest standard."

"Why didn't you choose Bai Xiaonian? The director took this person on the road to stardom before. There is no doubt that this is the most important role."

"Forget it, I don't like sissy."

"An important role does not mean that it is a suitable role..."

"Xiaorong, what about you?"

"I am a girl, so of course I can only take on the role of the heroine. Alas, I am still torn between Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu..."

As the audience behind them started talking, the upper layer of the hourglass was almost running out of sand.

"The time is coming, hurry up and choose!" Some viewers urged their companions, "If you are not satisfied, you will have to do it again. If you miss the casting, you can only watch the movie with a pure tourist vision. How boring is that?"

Su Yi also chose the role he played at the last second when the hourglass ran out - Bai Xiaonian!

The selection method is actually very simple. You look at the character you want to take on, and as soon as your mind moves, your eyes flash, and the next moment you will find that you have become "Bai Xiaonian".

Su Yi became Bai Xiaonian again. Standing by the West Lake, he felt the biting cold wind blowing against his face, felt his breathing, and felt his heartbeat, as if he really became Bai Xiaonian again.

Except for one thing - he can only feel it, but not control it.

"Fuck, it's so cold!"

"This Bai Xiaonian doesn't know how to wear thicker clothes..."

"I am most afraid of the cold, and I have begun to regret taking on this role."

"Will Bai Xiaonian be fucked? I'm so looking forward to it..."

"Hey, there's something wrong with you up there, come on, come on, don't leave after the movie is over..."

Text barrages appeared in the void above his eyes, and there was a switch to turn off the barrage, which gave Su Yi a very strange experience.

People often say that five words come from the sky, and this is what Su Yi is experiencing now.

Su Yi did not choose to turn off the barrage.

He tightened his arms and pulled out of consciousness. When he turned around, he found that he was sitting in the theater again, with Director No. 032 next to him.

The movie has begun to continue. In the reality-like movie scene in front of him, Bai Xiaonian is turning around and walking towards the car. However, Su Yi has cut off the sensory connection with Bai Xiaonian, so now he cannot feel Bai Xiaonian's senses. Now This kind of feeling is like watching a movie normally.

"Your role substitution ratio is around 39%," Director No. 032 explained the reason why she woke up Su Yi. "The second best to you is Li Ningyu, which is at 21%. The rest of the characters are below 20%, and Jin Shenghuo is the least. , at 1.6%.”

39% of one million means that 390,000 people are experiencing Bai Xiaonian.

However, is there really anyone who can take on the role of Jin Shenghuo?

What do you think?

"If you hadn't walked on the red carpet with me, there wouldn't have been so many viewers on your behalf." No. 032 said, "Only if there are more people on your behalf, your probability of getting support will be greater, and your hope of winning an award will be greater. "

Su Yi nodded to express his understanding, and then continued to dive in, entering Bai Xiaonian's senses.

Just like everything Su Yi has experienced before, Bai Xiaonian entered the headquarters, and other characters also appeared one after another, testing each other and doubting each other.

The conflict with Jin Shenghuo, flirting with Gu Xiaomeng, Su Yi felt that apart from being unable to experience Bai Xiaonian's thoughts and control his actions, he could personally experience all Bai Xiaonian's experiences.

For example, he had physical contact with Gu Xiaomeng and felt the soft and boneless touch of Gu Xiaomeng's small hands. In the barrage, a group of LSPs shouted words such as "Love, love," and "I'm done."

For another example, he took a sip of water and felt the sensation of being burned in his mouth.

This is really a magical movie-watching experience. The audience cannot feel the character's thoughts or control the character's actions. All physical senses are experienced personally.

When Su Yi's hidden identity as a military commander was exposed, the barrage was instantly filled with dense barrage. Su Yi analyzed from this information that only the person who assumes this role can know the hidden identity of each character.

In addition, the audience who takes on the role of the performance will also see it.

The first conflict broke out, and Bai Xiaonian scratched Jin Shenghuo's face. The audience said things like "There are threads of flesh between the nails" and "It's so greasy". It really felt like scratching someone's face with your own hands. It was amazing.

As the plot progressed, the comments from the audience became more intensive, and everyone had heated discussions. Two people even started to yell at each other.

Su Yi tried to block these two people and did it easily. In other words, if you want to filter out some barrages you don't want to see, you can do it.

Su Yi himself also tried to send a few barrages. Although he was drowned in the dense barrage, like a stone sinking in the ocean, he succeeded without any obstacles.

And it’s really easy to post a barrage. Just concentrate on the content you want to post. It’s very convenient.

Because Bai Xiaonian's thoughts and emotions cannot be shared, Su Yi's inferences about the identities of other actors will also be reflected in text in front of the audience when the task is settled.

Seeing that Su Yi guessed that Takeda was an actor, the barrage was filled with "666" and "Unknown Jue Li". The director also thoughtfully added Su Yi's reasoning basis at the time for the audience's reference, so that the audience who was acting as Bai Xiaonian suddenly realized.

Then, while the audience continued to be immersed in the sensory experience, they continued to have heated discussions about guessing other actors in the barrage.

This is really a novel viewing experience.

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