Previously, the bandit suppression team broke out from the east and escaped part of the way. The remaining part first started fighting among themselves and was then "annihilated". The bandits really saw this, so they thought there would be no more enemies in the hangar. , which is also a reasonable thing.

A group of bandits were almost unsuspecting, making noisy noises and searching around the hangar.

The dim hangar was full of shadows, and there were figures walking around everywhere.

Someone shouted: "Hey? There are a lot of guns here! Come and take a look!"

A large crowd gathered around them immediately.

"Why does it look like our gun?" Someone picked up one and asked doubtfully.

"Isn't that good? It looks similar." Su Yi mingled in the crowd, nodded seriously, and touched Sun Dade next to him with his elbow, "Look at it!"

Sundade was frightened. He never expected that Su Yi would dare to join the crowd. If he was discovered, he would be seeking death.

"Yes, yes, like..." He muttered vaguely.

"Put them all away and hand them over to the uncle later." A little boss shouted, "Stop standing around and continue searching!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

The bandits scattered again.

At this time, Su Yi and the other four people all came out, but everyone noticed that there were four more people among them.

"Hey, hey, hey, come and follow me to the back to have a look!" Su Yi greeted loudly, staggering towards the back, cursing as he walked, "It's so numb, it's so dark, there's not even a light on it." No……"

"Hey! There are grenades and explosives here! Damn it, I found it. These are really weapons from Weihushan! Look, there are our marks on them!"

Someone screamed again.

The bandits immediately surrounded Wuyang Wuyang.

This time Su Yi didn't join in the fun, and strode out through a gap in the back wall. He looked around cautiously, and as he expected, there wasn't a single ghost!

The other three people followed Su Yi and came out. Su Yi waved them to follow him. Just as he was about to speak, a fourth person came out of the gap!

Su Yi was taken aback, but he reacted very quickly. He immediately rushed forward, took out a gun and put it on the man's head, and shouted sternly: "Don't move!"

Sundade and the other three were startled, and then they all reacted and drew their guns!

This man was following closely behind the three of them, but they didn't notice it at all. This was so inappropriate!

"It's me, Chief!" Su Yi was thinking about how to kill this man without saying a word, but when this man spoke, it was a familiar voice.

Su Yi was startled. He took off his hat and saw that it was Gao Bo!

The long-lost high wave!

How could it be Gao Bo?

Why is he in the bandit team?

Is it really him who betrayed everyone?

After all, this is the person the director has chosen to deal with. He holds a grudge and wants to destroy the director's play. It is not impossible!

Is he a traitor?

Su Yi's mind was changing rapidly, but on the surface he was reacting quickly.

Without saying a word, he put away his gun, waved his hand to the other three people and said, "We, put down your guns!"

He chose to believe Gao Bo, and he believed in his previous judgment.

Sun Dade and the other three were shocked and confused.

They had never met Gao Bo, and they did not know the existence of Gao Bo, because Gao Bo had been assigned to scout the enemy's situation long before Su Yi found them.

Su Yi has never contacted Gao Bo all this time.

But when Su Yi spoke, they still put down their guns in doubt.

Gao Bo felt hot in his heart at this moment. He didn't expect that Su Yi would trust him without hesitation.

Before deciding to meet Su Yi, he imagined countless scenarios, and in each scenario Su Yi doubted himself. After all, if he put himself in his shoes, he would also doubt himself.

But he didn't expect that Su Yi would choose to believe him as soon as he recognized him.

"Chief, it was Luan Chao's family who betrayed you!" Gao Bo lowered his voice and said directly, "His identity was exposed as soon as he came, but I know him, but he didn't know that I am also an actor... This person also came here today, we must not Let him see you!"

"Luan Chao's family? He's from the second group!" Sun Dade was shocked and angry. "Did he rebel alone? Or did the entire second group rebel?"

Gao Bo glanced at him, shook his head and said, "Then I don't know."

Then he looked at Su Yi again and said quickly: "Chief, the bandits thought that you could escape and die, and there will be no survivors! You are right to go from here! Everyone is looking for things everywhere now, and there is no time to check. Man. I came to see you to tell you two things. The first is the name of the traitor. The second is that I went to Weihu Mountain for various reasons. Now that I am with Master Qi, I am safe for the time being!"

Having said this, he looked around cautiously and said: "I didn't bring much food with me this time. We will go back to the mountain soon and won't stay long. You don't need to run too far, just find a safe place to stay." !”

"Chief, do you have any other instructions?" Finally, Gao Bo looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi's thoughts were racing in his mind at this moment. He looked at Gao Bo and asked, "Who are the leaders coming this time?"

"The boss cannon head, the second brother is turning over the stack. There are five people including the fifth man Yangzifang, the old Qihuatongue and the eighth little tiesuo." Gao Bo said quickly, "Weihu Mountain is considered a big operation this time. The reason is that Guo Jun is alone. The commissioner surnamed Hou went up to Weihu Mountain with the advance map. Mr. Cui wants to be the commander-in-chief of the Guo Army’s advance army, and he also wants the advance map. This operation is to submit a certificate!"

"So, now that the mission is completed, Luan Chao's house is useless to the bandits?" Su Yi followed closely and asked.

Gao Bo was startled and his heart trembled, but he still said truthfully: "It's useless, but Mr. Cui will not burn bridges by crossing the river! He will not destroy his own sign."

"Find a way to deceive him! Then try to avoid having anything to do with his disappearance." Su Yi slapped Gao Bo on the shoulder, "I'll give you five minutes, go!"

Gao Bo was stunned for a while, then hurriedly said: "Chief, what are you going to do? This..."

"Don't ask why, don't make excuses!" Su Yi interrupted him, "Go quickly and execute the order!"

"...Yes!" Gao Bo sadly accepted the order and left.

In his opinion, the most important thing for Su Yi right now is to take the people and escape quickly, rather than causing any trouble.

Go to deceive Luan Chao's family?

Luan Chao's family is now with several heads of family, and they are closely guarded. How can they be deceived?

Not to mention only five minutes?

Moreover, Gao Bo feels that this move is very dangerous, and if he is not careful, he will get involved.

He went to Weihu Mountain due to some accidents, and now he is struggling every step of the way. He lives very cautiously, fearing that he will be doomed if he makes a wrong step. He always thinks twice about every word he says.

But now, Su Yi actually asked him to do such a dangerous thing?

But is it okay not to do it?

Su Yi was waiting there. He didn't lie to Luan Chao's family. What if they never left and were eventually discovered and arrested?

Will he sell Gao Bo by then?

Thinking of this, Gao Bo couldn't help but regret. Why couldn't he hear Su Yi's voice and take the risk to come to see him?

Sure enough, you can't do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise it will be trouble!

Full of thoughts, Gao Bo walked through the hangar and walked to the front door. He almost bumped into someone. When he looked up, he was stunned.

Who is this person in front of me, if not Luan Chao?

There was no one following him, he was the only one!

At the same time, outside the back door courtyard wall, Su Yi said to the other three people: "Now there is no doubt that we have been betrayed! If we can't figure out what happened, even if we escape this disaster, we will not be able to escape the next time, or even the next time. Whether we can contact the organization again is a problem! We are too passive!"

"We can escape now, but we can also seize this rare opportunity and take away the traitor Luan Chao's family!"

"You all heard it just now. The enemy is busy looking for things and can't take care of us for the time being. In other words, we still have some time to take risks..."

"Chief, we all listen to you!" Sun Dade was the first to express his position, and said in a hateful voice, "I also want to find out whether one person in the Luan Chao family is a traitor, or whether the entire second group is a traitor!"

"Yes, that's right!" A team member agreed, "We must not let any traitor go!"

"But, can that guy trick the traitor just now?" Another team member questioned, "How long do we have to wait?"

"It won't be long!" Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, "At this time, Luan Chao's family is anxious to confirm whether we are dead or not. He is easier to deceive than ever!"

Outside the front door.

"Boss Luan?"

Gao Bo was surprised and full of doubts, but he didn't show any signs of it. He smiled and said: "It's already hidden inside, so why do you have to go in in person? The master said that you are an honored guest. If I need anything, I can just give you instructions."

Luan Chao's family said absently: "No, I'm the only one who recognizes the identity of the Labor Party - by the way, is there any corpse of the Labor Party inside?"

Gao Bo suddenly woke up!

At this time, the Luan Chao family must be eager to confirm whether the 203 leader died here!

Because a group of workers were indeed killed, the leaders at this time must have gained more trust in Luan Chao's family, and they were not afraid of him playing tricks if they let him act alone for a while.

Gao Bo suddenly felt happy, and he was keenly aware that this was an excellent opportunity!

"Corpses...oh! You said they were dead people? Yes." Gao Bo nodded and said, "I was about to report to some heads of household. When the back window was opened, there were three dead people. I looked like they were officials. ——”

Luan Chao's family immediately beamed with joy when they heard this, grabbed Gao Bo's hand and said eagerly: "Brother, what did you find on them?"

"I haven't had time to search yet." Gao Bo replied.

Luan Chao's family was dubious, but they didn't seem to have the intention to pursue it. Instead, they said "I'll go take a look" and hurried back.

Gao Bo's heart was pounding. He looked around cautiously and found that no one was paying attention. He pretended to be nonchalant and walked back to the hangar.

Then he watched Luan Chao's family walk out of the gap in the back wall alone and disappeared from his sight.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but he was always wary. His current task is to try to ensure that no bandits who are too idle will accidentally run into the back.

On the other side, as soon as Luan Chao's family came out of the gap, a gun was put on his head. He was shocked, a clever idea!

The next moment, someone grabbed his neck from the other side and stuffed a smelly thing into his mouth.

Luan Chao almost vomited.

He wanted to struggle, but he was violently pushed to the ground, and his whole head was stuffed into the snowdrift. The other party moved extremely quickly and tied him up.

who is it! who is it!

Luan Chao's family was horrified, and then he heard a voice that was so familiar that it scared him to death.

"You two, carry this person away! Sundade, clean up the aftermath and get rid of our footprints!"


It’s the voice of the 203 leader!

Luan Chao's heart sank to the bottom, his body was shaking violently uncontrollably, and his eyes were full of despair.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his body suddenly lifted into the air and was lifted up. He saw the snowy field retreating quickly, and he was already being carried forward.


Luan Chao's family had a premonition of their fate and struggled like crazy.


He was hit hard on the back of his head and was stunned. He gradually lost consciousness in the howling cold wind.

I don't know how much time passed, but Luan Chao felt a sharp pain in his thigh. He screamed and woke up.

When he looked closely, he saw that there was a knife stuck in his leg.

This time he was even more frightened and screamed even louder and shriller.


Sun Dade stepped forward, slapped him hard on the face, and said coldly: "Scream again, and you will get into trouble!"

Luan Chao's family was beaten so hard that stars appeared in their eyes. They were frightened and did not dare to scream anymore. They only made a whining sound and shed tears.

He looked up with misty and teary eyes, only to find that Su Yi and Sun Dade were looking at him as if they were dead people. After looking at him again, he realized that he was in a narrow cave.

"Chief! Team Leader Sun! Spare me! I'm just following orders! It's Liu Xuncang, he did everything! I didn't want to do it either! I even tried to persuade him to come, but he insisted on forcing me to do this. If I don't do it, he will kill me, Chief..."

The two of them hadn't asked anything yet, but Luan Chao's family had already talked about everything like they were pouring beans into each other's mouth.

Although it was a bit incoherent, it at least made it clear that everyone was betrayed this time not by Luan Chao's family, but by Liu Xuncang's mastermind behind the scenes!

"Made, Liu Xuncang! You bastard!" Sun Dade was furious, gnashing his teeth in hatred.

Su Yi's expression remained unchanged.

He didn't have much anger in his heart. He didn't have much trust in Liu Xuncang. Now that he was betrayed, he only blamed himself for not being careful enough, but he didn't have much anger.

However, the murderous intention has filled the bottom of my heart and is difficult to dissolve.

He looked at Luan Chao's house and asked, "Did everyone in the second group participate?"

"They are all involved, they are all involved." Luan Chao's family hurriedly replied, "In Nangang, as soon as you left, Liu Xuncang gathered all of us together, saying that wealth can be found in danger, and as long as you are here, we can It’s just a matter of soy sauce. Only by killing you will we have more roles and be able to stand out. He also said that you are unreasonable and asked us to stay behind. He just doesn’t want us to have a good reputation and surpass you..."

"Made, are you fools? How can you believe what he says?" Sundade couldn't help but curse.

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