The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 458 Unified Thoughts



This is the judgment of all the actors on what Su Yi just said.

It's like the ancient debaters who came to the local camp. In order to gain an advantage, they often pursued surprising words. When they opened their mouths, they would say - General, your death has come.

It’s okay to deceive the ancients with these words, but how can modern people who have experienced the information explosion fail to see through this?

Everyone was disdainful in their hearts, but on the surface they were giving Su Yi face, pretending to look solemn.

Anyway, you can say whatever you want, but no matter how much you say, don't try to make us change our minds and fight for our lives.

What scene has Su Yi never seen?

How could he not guess what these actors were thinking?

But it doesn't matter, since he opened this mouth, he will naturally have a way to make these actors who are greedy for life and fear of death submit.

"Do you think I'm scaring you?" Su Yi sneered, "Are you still thinking that in the worst case, you will be deducted points for failing the mission, which is better than dying?"

Yes, everyone thinks so. In fact, why didn't Su Yi think so too before?

But this time is different from other performance tasks!

This time the mission is to "suppress bandits"!

Suppressing bandits is the theme of this film! It's the main line!

Your actor passively faced the main task, and even openly stopped acting. How could the director agree?

"You are waiting for the judgment that the mission has failed, but have you ever thought about the circumstances under which the mission will be judged as a failure?" Su Yi sneered and looked around, "It has been almost three months since the second act performance mission was released. We have completed all the tasks, and we have even completed the tasks that should not have been completed! But the tasks have not been completed for a long time, why?"

"Because we have yet to complete the task of wiping out Xu Damabang! Everyone, this task has no time limit!" Su Yi emphasized his tone, "There is no time limit, which means that this task can continue forever!"

"Three years? Five years? That's all possible! As long as we don't complete the task, this task will always be stuck there! Can we afford it?"

"Even if we want to consume it - don't forget, we have no food now! We won't have to eat it tomorrow! Tell me how we can continue to consume it! What should we consume? Do you really think that people will not die without food? Do you really think that people will not die without food? The military division said that we should overcome difficulties on our own, is that just talk?"

Su Yi's voice became more and more severe: "What's more, do you think the director would let us paddle so blatantly, wasting time and achieving nothing? When you entered the set, did the director tell you that this is a film that requires all your efforts? film? Do you think this is just casual talk? Do you really think that even if you do nothing, the director can’t do anything to you?"

Su Yi's tone became more and more serious, and by the end, it was so loud that everyone was moved.

They were determined not to be persuaded by Su Yi, but in the face of the ironclad facts, they still wavered and began to worry.

Su Yi sneered and pointed in the west direction: "Don't forget, there are spies from the Guo Army in the military division! Now the entire military region is short of food, and this news cannot be hidden! Do you think the Guo Army will give it to the bandits? Send a report to them and tell them about our lack of food?"

"If the bandits know that we are out of food, do you still think they dare not go down the mountain? After all, we have a small number of people. Just because they are suppressed for a while, it does not mean that they will always be afraid of us! When the time comes, Weihushan and Xu Damabang will unite Attacking us from both sides, do you really think that our entire army will not be destroyed?"

"Won't this happen? This is just a matter of a telegram! Do you dare to risk your life for such a fluke? Are you betting that Mountain Eagle and Xu Damagang will never know our situation?"

"Still trying to scare you?" Su Yi sneered again and again, "The current anti-bandit squad is not a full cast! Now we have eighty people! But how many actors are there? Counting me, there are only seventeen! Man You guys, to put it bluntly, I no longer have to rely on you to suppress the bandits!"

"Even if I fire all of you, I still have more than sixty people! This is more than when we first came down from the mountain, and the fighting quality is higher. Do you really think you are indispensable?"

Everyone's expressions changed, some were thoughtful, some were livid, and some had eyes full of worry and withdrawal.

Su Yi looked at them one by one, with a flash of coldness in his eyes, and said: "They are all smart people, so I won't say more! I decided to attack the mountain early tomorrow morning and fight to the death with Xu Damabang! The soldiers outside, Our thoughts have all been unified, now it’s up to you.”

"I won't force you, because tomorrow's battle will indeed be a narrow escape! Once the battle starts, I can't guarantee that I will survive."

"But there is always someone who wants to fight with the big horse stick! If we don't fight, we will all die!"

"Now, if you are willing to fight with me, come to my side. If you are not willing, I'm sorry, I won't let you stay. You have to go and get out of here!"

As soon as the words fell, the five team leaders stood directly on Su Yi's side without saying a word.

They were all promoted by Su Yi. Although there was an ambitious person like Liu Xuncang, the ability and courage of all of them were beyond words.

Su Yi analyzed the current situation so thoroughly that they completely gave up on taking chances. They still had the courage to fight to the death.

Most of the remaining actors also have courage. Sixteen people, twelve of them stood up one after another.

In the end, only four people were left, standing opposite Su Yi with ugly faces.

One of them said in a deep voice: "Chief, we just want to live in peace and act, it's not worth risking our lives for this!"

"That's right!" Another said, "Chief, I know what you said makes sense, but I just don't want to go all out. But don't worry, even if we don't go all out, we will never make trouble, let alone imitate Liu Xuncang !”

"Yes, yes, Chief, you see, after two battles at Shanlan Station and Dajiapi Valley, we lost half of our troops! The death rate is too high! We are all actors, and it really doesn't matter if we compare our feelings... "

"Chief, if you don't trust us, you can tie us up and send us back to the military subdivision. To be honest, we are really scared..."

The four of them spoke to each other with sincere expressions.

Su Yi had no expression on his face. After they all finished speaking, he nodded slowly and said, "Don't worry, they are all actors. I understand your choice."

The four of them looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, chief!"

"Thank you for your understanding, chief. Long live your understanding!"

"Don't worry, chief, we promise not to do anything that will endanger everyone!"

"This is a favor. If you have the opportunity in the future, I will repay you generously!"

Su Yi said calmly: "But one thing is that you can't stay in the team. It's getting late today. I plan to send someone to take you back to the military division tomorrow."

"And, to be honest, I can't trust you when you make such a choice." Su Yi looked at the four of them, "I have to be careful about you. This is good for you and all of us, so as not to cause any trouble. The misunderstanding cannot be dealt with."

"Chief, tell me what you plan to do." One of the four people asked.



"Find some ropes." Su Yi said calmly, "Tie up the four of them, and then keep them in separate custody to ensure that the four of them will not collude and conspire, and will not cause trouble tonight."


"Chief, this is not necessary, is it?" The four people looked very ugly.

Su Yi smiled: "I said yes! Do you want to object?"

The man's heart trembled, and he forced a smile: "No, it doesn't matter if you don't object, we just gave in, and we deserve to be a little aggrieved."

Su Yi nodded and said, "Now that we've discussed everything, let's all go down."


The actors left the scene one after another, and Su Yi sat expressionlessly in front of the candlestick. The flickering candlelight made his face look bright and dark, and uncertain.

After a while, a guard came in and reported: "Chief, Yang Zirong is here."

Su Yi came back to his senses and said: "Invite him in."


Yang Zirong saluted respectfully after entering the door, and the two of them began to talk, laugh and exchange pleasantries.

"I don't come to the Three Treasures Palace for anything." Su Yi said, "You, the special commissioner, come to my door so late. You must not be here to chat. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Yang Zirong smiled: "Two things. First, I just saw XXX...the four of them were tied up. Chief, do you know what happened?"

This thing is very strange. The four people were kidnapped inexplicably, and none of them resisted. They seemed to be voluntary.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Let me keep this matter under wraps, you will know tomorrow morning."

Although Yang Zirong still wanted to ask, he couldn't open his mouth again, so he had to say: "Okay, everyone thinks it's strange. The war is coming, so it's better not to shake the morale of the army."

"What about the second thing?" Su Yi asked.

"The second thing..." Yang Zirong took a deep breath and looked a little more solemn, "Chief, have you made up your mind to attack the mountain tomorrow?"

Facing Yang Zirong's bright eyes, Su Yi nodded slowly: "That's right!"

"Just follow the method you mentioned before, Chief?" Yang Zirong asked.

"Yes." Su Yi still did not deny it.

"Then the person who goes to negotiate is very important!" Yang Zirong said solemnly, "Who does the chief intend to send?"

"What, do you have any recommendations?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"I want to hear the chief's arrangements first." Yang Zirong looked at Su Yi and said.

Su Yi sighed and poured Yang Zirong a cup of tea.

"I plan to go by myself." He then said.

Yang Zi was moved.

"I don't trust whoever I send," Su Yi said. "There is only one chance for this mission. Once it fails, we will have to risk our lives to attack Naitou Mountain. Therefore, I can only rest assured if I go there myself."

At this point, Su Yi paused, smiled at Yang Zirong and said, "Now that we've reached this point, we might as well say a few more heartfelt words."

"The original task given to us by the organization was to mobilize the masses, restrain the bandits, and prevent them from causing trouble in the rear. However, the mountain eagle carried out massacres in Nangang and Gupai Village, which greatly shocked the villagers. Now people are panicked, and the masses do not care at all. Dare to fight bandits with us, so this road is completely dead."

"Then we won the two battles at Shanlan Station and Dajiapigou. Commander Li thought that since the bandits were so vulnerable, he might as well give me more people and let me find a way to kill them all! "

"This is simply ridiculous!" Yang Zirong couldn't help but frown and said, "Yes, the bandits are not as difficult as the regular army, but they occupy a good location, have strong soldiers and horses, and have fierce firepower. How can they be so easy to fight? The atmosphere in the military region is very wrong now. Isn’t it nonsense to think that a man can kill bandits with a gun?”

"Look at other military districts. Over in Jiamusi, a company was ambushed by bandits and the entire army was destroyed! It's because the results of our victory were so great that we gave the higher ups the wrong impression and thought the bandits were easy to fight..."

Su Yi shook his head with a smile and said: "There is such an idea in the military region, but the higher-ups definitely don't think so. Which general has not experienced hundreds of battles? How can they not know the difficulty of exterminating bandits?"

"It's just that the big thing now is the decisive battle with the Guo army. Small things like fighting bandits are naturally not taken seriously. In addition, we fought well in the previous two battles, so the superiors trust me and want me to work harder if I am capable."

"How about saying you are the chief?" Yang Zirong looked deeply at Su Yi and smiled, "Your consciousness is much higher than mine."

Su Yi didn't take the words and continued: "In short, this bandit must be beaten, but how to fight is very important. Only one man can guard Naitoushan, and ten thousand people can't open it. If we attack by force, I conservatively estimate that at least half of our lives will be lost." You can only attack it at Shenxiandu."

"What happens after we attack? Facing nearly ten times the enemy force, and the enemy has a geographical advantage, we will definitely suffer casualties!"

"Even if Xu Damabang's Naitou Mountain is captured by then, how many of the eighty of us will be left? Is it worth it to make such a big sacrifice for a grasshopper like Xu Damabang?"

When Su Yi said this, he smiled and said: "So, I personally think that we must fight against Naitou Mountain, but we can only do it wisely and never act recklessly. Otherwise, if we win, we will also lose!"

"So, I will deceive them tomorrow. If I can succeed, it will be best. If I fail, Lao Yang, you immediately take over my position, lead the brothers down the mountain, and give up the mission of annihilating Naitoushan. I think Even if my leader is dead, our superiors will understand our difficulties and will not let our brothers risk their lives to attack Mount Naitoushan."

Yang Zirong looked at Su Yi and was so moved that he couldn't help himself for a long time.

"Chief, I have to apologize to you!" After a long time, he said slowly, "You have been wandering around Naitou Mountain before, and several of your team leaders, as well as several of their close subordinates, also showed fear of fighting. and feeling withdrawn, I once thought it was because the upper beam was out of alignment and the lower beam was crooked, because you wanted to hang around... Only now do I know that you were afraid of letting the soldiers sacrifice themselves needlessly. It was because I failed to understand your profound meaning and misunderstood you. I'm sorry for you, chief, but Yang Zirong is too narrow-minded and looks down on others..."

"Hey..." Su Yi smiled, stopped him from continuing, and said, "You are right about one thing. Some people are indeed afraid of fighting."

"But this matter will be settled tomorrow." Su Yi changed the topic and said: "Lao Yang, when it comes to fighting, you have the most experience! I will go to negotiate tomorrow, and I will leave the team to your command."

"No!" Yang Zirong suddenly stood up, "Chief, where can a general go deep behind enemy lines? This is a taboo for military strategists! You can't do this kind of thing! If you think highly of me, Lao Yang, leave this matter to me! "

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