The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 462 Do I only have one machine gun?

As soon as he heard that the ammunition had arrived, Xu Damabang immediately perked up and said, "Brother, how about we go take a look first? Then we can continue drinking when we come back?"

When Su Yi heard this, he looked unhappy at being interrupted and boasted about his elegance, and said: "Brother, when the arms arrive, why don't we just let the kids carry them back? Why do you and I need to go and see it in person for such a small thing? What's the matter? Are you afraid that I’m short on weight, little brother? Don’t worry, brother, if there’s a bullet missing, I’ll give you another Maxim!”

At the mention of Maxim, Xu Damabang's eyes straightened.

These days, heavy firepower weapons are in short supply! This thing is definitely a good treasure at the bottom of the box for any force.

"Brother! Your engineering army also has the Maxim heavy machine gun? Don't your engineering armies all use Soviet-style Deggarev?" he asked hurriedly.

"Haha, that's all the old days. Today is different from the past. Most of our military region's weapons and equipment now are Qing Yishui'er's German weapons and equipment! Do you know how many Maxims we took with us when we went down the mountain this time?" Su Yi pretended. Mysteriously, he bent his index finger slightly and said, "Nine points!"

"So many!" Xu Damazang was restrained and doubtful, "Brother, tell me the truth, is it true or false?"

"Then can I lie to you, brother?" Su Yi pretended to be unhappy, "Don't you think about it, if it weren't for Jiu Ting Maxim, how could we kill more than 500 mountain eagles with such a small number of people?"

"Yes, yes..." Xu Damabang's heart suddenly became excited, "Brother, can you give me two handfuls of this Maxim? Haha, my brother is not evil, just two handfuls will make..."

Su Yi glared and said: "Brother, don't trick me! Who doesn't know that you have three heavy machine guns in Naitoushan? These three heavy machine guns of yours are definitely more than enough to defend the mountain! You want two more, what do you want to do? Wait. Once the mountain eagle is dead, there will be no other forces in this area except our engineering army. If you prepare so many machine guns, could it be that..."

"No, brother, who did you hear that we have three heavy machine guns in Naitoushan? Isn't this nonsense?" Xu Damabang said hurriedly, "I tell you, it's just one, or I spent it when the Japanese retreated." I got a Type 92 at a big price! You also know this thing, the bullet caliber is 7.7 mm, which is not the same as the German, American, Guojun, and yours. Mad, those bullets are missing one bullet. Normally, I don’t dare to shoot. Just put it there for decoration..."

Su Yi sneered, waved his hand and said: "Brother, we have this relationship, and you are still playing tricks with me? This is not authentic! We have our own news channels. As far as I know, your Shenxiandu watchtower Inside, there are two Type 92s, and there is another one on the cliff behind the mountain, three in total!"

"Brother, listen to my younger brother's advice. These three heavy machine guns of yours are definitely enough! If you give more, we won't be able to sleep."

"The conscience of heaven and earth!" Xu Damabang felt that he was even more unjust than Dou E. "Brother, your information was definitely deceived by others! If I had three heavy machine guns, I would laugh in my fucking dreams. Wake up! Really, just a handful! I lied to you, I’m a bastard!"

"Haha, forget it, brother, just take one handful." Su Yi picked up the wine bowl with a smile, "Come on, brother Xu, keep drinking!"

How can I drink this wine, Xu Da Ma Bang?

"Brother, you still don't believe me!" Xu Dama said, "In this way, seeing is believing. Come with me to the watchtower and see with your own eyes, you will know whether my brother has lied to you."

"Haha, it's not that bad!" Su Yi hurriedly smiled and waved, "Brother, I believe it. I believe it, isn't that enough? Let's just sit here and drink, and don't go anywhere! Come on, come on, brother, Have another bowl!"

"You..." Xu Damabang was extremely depressed. Su Yi obviously didn't believe him and was perfunctory. He didn't care about this matter at all.

But Su Yi doesn't care, he does!

He desperately wants Su Yi to support him with two Maxims!

Moreover, Su Yi just said that it is reasonable and acceptable for the engineering army to equip Naitou Mountain with three heavy machine guns.

Mudd, but he really only has one!

One is one, three is three! He Xu Da Ma Bang only had one heavy machine gun, why was he wrongly accused of having three?

This is not fair!

After drinking the wine from the bowl in one breath, Xu Damabang looked at the swaying Su Yi and was still unwilling to give in. He said: "Brother, we still have to go to the watchtower! It's not that my brother insists on disturbing your pleasure, but because Prove that I really didn’t lie to you! I really only have one heavy machine gun! Your information is really wrong!”

"Brother, why are you still bringing this up?" Su Yi pretended to be helpless, "You said you only have one, but my intelligence sources have always been reliable."

"That's why I dragged you to the watchtower! Seeing is believing, brother, once you take a look, you will know whether what brother said is true!" Xu Dama said, "Brother, if you recognize me as brother, give me To save face, let’s just go and come back as soon as we go. When we come back, my brother will punish himself with three bowls and make amends to you, okay?”

Su Yi regained his energy and pointed at Xu Damama: "Three bowls of punishment! Brother, this is what you said!"

"I said so!" Xu Dama slapped his arm with a stick, "Three full bowls, if you drink even one drop less, I will call you brother from now on!"

"Hahaha! I've already said that I've got this job, so I'll go with my brother!" Su Yi stood up with a smile, staggered, and almost fell down on the table.

"Hey, brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay! What can happen to me? I'm telling you, brother, I'm happy today..."

"Okay, okay, I know you are happy, come on, whoever is that, help my brother walk in front, to the Shenxiandu Diaolou!"

"I don't need help! I'm not drunk! I can walk by myself!"

", you almost fell, so let me help you. Brother knows that you are not drunk, but this is my only intention..."

Anyway, Su Yicai kept chattering and was supported by Xu Damajang's men and walked ahead.

Seeing his drunken state, Xu Damabang followed behind and said with emotion: "This Shao Jianbo is really a cheerful person! What can I say? I won't make you fool. I really want to make friends with you." Got him as my friend!"

"Yes, brigade commander," the master behind him said jokingly, "Young brother, he is very good at talking, doing things, and drinking. Compared with the commissioner of the Fruit Army who came up the mountain before, he is not a bit better! That bullshit commissioner who came before is so superior. He looks like he looks down on us, speaks in a weird way, and doesn’t tell the truth! Ninety-nine of the hundred words he says are useless nonsense!”

"How can that bullshit commissioner be compared with young brother?" Xu Damagang sneered, "Let me tell you, it seems that the Industrial Army only gives a regiment leader, and it's just a name, but I would rather work in the Industrial Army. Commander, I don’t want to be the brigade commander of the Dry Fruit Army! Do you know why?”

"This is because the Guo Army has no good intentions for your brigade commander. They just want us to fight to the death with the engineering army. They don't care whether we live or die! Although the engineering army also uses us, it is more sincere and honest than them. They are much more sincere! Just saying that they can meet the brigade commander and Commander Li of Mudanjiang in person makes us feel more at ease! For such a big commander, in the eyes of others, we are nothing! But they are willing When he meets us, he is willing to write something in black and white for us..."

Xu Damabang nodded repeatedly after hearing this, which was also the most important reason why he was persuaded by Su Yi.

"Meeting Commander Li is something that will happen in the future. Right now, let's sort out the Maxim incident first!" Xu Damabang said excitedly, "Why did I pull Shao Jianbo to see Type 92? That's it. I want him to know that we really only have one heavy machine gun! We should definitely get two more!"

"Shao Jianbo is so drunk now that his words are all clouded." The master chuckled and said, "Brigade commander, let's praise him a little later. He is young and energetic. How can he still find Bei? Maxim's matter, Why don't you just make a decision on the spot and settle it for us?"

"I just want him to make up his mind on the spot with the help of alcohol!" Xu Damao's eyes were full of longing, "It would be best if he could just ask his men to bring us things up the mountain like before! That would be refreshing. !”

"If the brigade commander takes action, he will be successful immediately!" the master said flatteringly.

The two of them followed with great expectations and arrived at Shenxiandu together.

At this time, a group of bandits were transporting arms from the other side of Shenxian Ferry to this end. All the arms are packed in large wooden boxes.

These wooden boxes were all in the hangar of Shanlan Station and were considered waste.

Yang Zirong was also present, chatting and laughing with the bandits, and instructing the bandits to place the boxes in the open space under the watchtower.

Su Yi drunkenly stood still, broke away from the bandits around him, waved his hand and shouted: "Who is that! Come here!"

When Yang Zirong saw this, he immediately ran over and stood at attention: "Hello, chief!"

"Damn it, grandma!" Su Yi kicked his leg and opened his mouth to curse, "Didn't you understand what I said or something? Did I ever say that this is our first contact with Naitoushan? , it is very important for both parties to establish trust! No one among us except me is allowed to cross the Immortal Crossing! Ah? Did I say that? "

"Have I ever said that after the arms are delivered, we will all withdraw from the mountain immediately! Have I ever said that? Ah? Damn it, are you treating what I said as fart?"

Yang Zirong pretended to be aggrieved and said: "Adjutant Chu said that we have to leave one person to hand over and take inventory with the people in Naitou Mountain. Is it okay for me to stay here alone without weapons to hand over?"

"How dare you talk back?" Su Yi glared and slapped him on the back of the head, "Am I the one who has the final say or Adjutant Chu has the final say? What the hell are you..."

On the other side, Xu Damabang also learned about the situation from his subordinates. He knew that the man who called himself Xiao Yang was left by the engineering army to hand over and count the arms. After the arms were moved, all the boxes would be opened and the inventory would be completed on the spot. He said that he would only be willing to go back if he had to sign it personally.

This Xiao Yang is a good talker and knows how to talk things out, and he can chat with the bandits very well.

Xu Damabang was too lazy to care about these trivial matters, and through this incident, he felt more at ease with the engineering army.

Su Yi was so drunk that he emphasized the trust between the two parties, which made him feel safe.

"The Industrial Army is a regular army. A regular army has procedures for doing things as a regular army. Just sign it. When the count is over, you can bring him to me."

Xu Damabang gave an order, walked towards Su Yi with a smile, put his arm around Su Yi's shoulders and said, "Brothers, you have your own rules. There is no need to embarrass the people below because of me!"

"Give me brother Xu some face today, otherwise I will beat you to death!" Su Yi stared at Yang Zirong, "Why don't you get out?"

"Yes, Chief!" Yang Zirong looked aggrieved.

"Brother, brother, why bother getting angry with your subordinates?" Xu Dama said with a smile.

"Made, I, Shao Jianbo, always keep my word. This guy made me break my promise in front of my brother. He is a minor offender if I don't kill him!" Su Yi yelled, holding his neck, "I can't tell anyone what I said. Come here, why is he here?"

"Okay, okay, brother! Don't talk about one person, even if you come up to ten people, it will be fine!" Xu Dama said with a smile, "Brother, can I still not trust you? Let's go up to the watchtower!"

"Okay, my brother and I will go up to the watchtower to see how many heavy machine guns there are, haha!"

Yang Zirong calmly watched Su Yi, Xu Damabang and others go up to the watchtower. He secretly admired in his heart that in such a short period of time, 203 was able to win so much trust from Xu Damabang. Anyone else would never have been able to do so. !

At this time, the last box of arms had been moved across the Immortal Crossing. The bandits restored the roadblocks and deployed their firepower.

They are quite cautious.

Yang Zirong looked around calmly. At this time, there were almost three hundred bandits operating in this open space, which meant that more than half of the bandits were here.

There are a lot of people and it’s a bit difficult...

Yang Zirong looked up at the watchtower.

Su Yi just hinted that he would handle the firepower on the tower, but after all, there was only one person...

Yang Zirong decided that after taking action later, he would immediately clear out the enemies around the watchtower, and then quickly lead people up to meet Su Yi and join him.

"Hey, hey, brother Xiao Yang has moved here. Now let's unpack and inspect the goods?" a bandit shouted.

"Okay, here you go!" Yang Zirong hurriedly greeted him with a smile.

On the other side, the drunken Su Yi and Xu Damabang arrived at the top of the watchtower and saw the only heavy machine gun in Naitoushan!

This watchtower only has three floors, and the heavy machine gun is placed on the roof of the third floor.

It is at least ten meters above the ground, and the view is very broad. Su Yi immediately saw the big guy standing in the east - the Type 92 heavy machine gun developed by the little devil in 1932 based on the three-year-old heavy machine gun.

This thing is not small. The gun body, gun frame and cooling rack all add up to a weight of about 110 kilograms. It is very heavy!

It is fixed on a concrete platform, and all three legs are fixed with screws. This is obviously to prevent the recoil from being too strong when shooting, causing it to jump and run around.

"How are you, brother?" Xu Damagang pointed at the Type 92 heavy machine gun with an excited expression, "I didn't lie to you, did I? Do I only have one heavy machine gun? Ah? Do I only have one?"

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