With the surrender of the remaining bandits, the Xu Damabang banditry in Naitoushan was officially destroyed.

The last wave of fighting just now was fierce, and the bandits survived. There are only about thirty left.

Except for the seriously injured ones, all the bandits were disarmed, tied up, and imprisoned.

In such a fierce battle, it is naturally impossible for the team to escape unscathed.

Seven members of the team died, including an actor.

Five people were injured, including two actors.

When Su Yi went to visit the wounded as soon as possible after making arrangements, three of the five wounded died, including the two actors.

Both the dead and injured were miserable.

The cruelty of war is far beyond anyone's imagination.

Especially in such close encounters with only a few dozen meters between the two sides, both sides use more powerful rifles. Basically, as long as they are shot, whether they hit a vital point or not, it means death.

Under such circumstances, the scene in the movie where you are still alive and kicking around after being shot several times and firing back to kill is absolutely impossible!

For example, of the two actors who were seriously injured and died, one was shot in the leg and the other was shot in the stomach.

The one who was shot in the leg, when the bullet entered from the front, only a small bullet hole was left. But when it comes out from behind through the thigh——

There is a hole as big as the mouth of the big bowl of Lanzhou Ramen!

It's a mess of bones, muscles, blood vessels, etc. inside.

There was no way to stop the bleeding effectively in time for this kind of injury, and the actor died of excessive blood loss.

Within fifty meters, the damage caused by rifle bullets is terrifying. Basically, many people who died in the war died this way.

As long as you are shot, whether it is a scratch or a scratch, you will lose your combat effectiveness instantly.

Another actor who was shot in the stomach was even worse. His intestines and stomach were all smashed to pieces, and the feces in his intestines flowed all over his stomach. His internal organs were everywhere. From the time he was shot to death, his mournful wailing never stopped. Pass.

Bai Ru was trying his best to treat the two people who survived. One of them was shot in the arm. Only a little skin was left on the whole arm, and all the bones and muscles inside were broken.

In order to save this man's life, Bai Ru could only amputate his limbs, treat the wounds and stop the bleeding on the spot without anesthesia and in poor hygiene conditions.

When Su Yi arrived, four people held down the wounded man and asked Bai Ru to operate on him.

"Get out! Don't stand around here!" Bai Ru noticed someone coming and scolded them without raising her head.

"Little Bai Ge, see clearly..." An actor was dissatisfied and was about to remind Bai Ru when he was pulled away by Su Yi.

Three hours later, the battlefield was basically cleared.

The harvest from this battle is so rich!

First of all, there was a large amount of food. The bandits gathered enough food to feed more than 500 people for half a year, and left all of it with Su Yi.

Guns and ammunition are useless. All the wealth that Xu Damabang has accumulated over the years is here.

There are also hard goods such as gold, silver, jewelry, tobacco, and more than 100 horses, which are also completely preserved.

Not to mention these external gains, the most important thing is that once again we defeated more with less, and once again won a great victory, which showed the bloody spirit and confidence of the bandit suppression team.

Especially for the fourteen actors who survived, after experiencing the baptism of war three times, at least they are no longer afraid of war.

And Su Yi, who led them to victory, naturally reached its peak prestige.

"Send a report to the military region and ask them to send people to take over the food and arms immediately."

Su Yi led his small team to repair on Naitou Mountain for twenty-four hours. When a battalion from the military region came to take over the arms and supplies, he took more than thirty bandit prisoners, brought enough rations and weapons and equipment, and set off directly. , heading to Weihu Mountain.

When passing by Xiaojiapigou Village, a team member asked if they wanted to go in for repairs.

Sundade said: "This is at the foot of Weihu Mountain. There must be secret whistles and spies of bandits in the village. I think we'd better go there and pull out these nails to avoid any accidents."

"It's pointless for us to enter the village, so don't waste time." Su Yi rejected his proposal, "And it will take time to find the hidden sentry, and it also needs the understanding and cooperation of the villagers. Our most important task now is to strike while the iron is hot. Capture Weihu Mountain, not identify the bandits’ spies.”

"It's better not to alarm them. Let's go directly to Weihu Mountain. Once Weihu Mountain is destroyed, without us taking action, the villagers who have been bullied will not be able to spare the spies of these bandits."

Su Yi spoke, and naturally no one refuted, so the team bypassed Jiapigou and went straight to Weihu Mountain.

Arriving at the territory of the Weihu Mountain bandits, Su Yi asked the team to suspend repairs and sent two groups up the mountain to investigate.

The news that came back surprised everyone.

There was not even a single figure outside Weihu Mountain!

There were no patrols or secret sentries. From the foot of the mountain to the stronghold at the top of the mountain, there was not even a shadow of a ghost in between.

The bandits all retreated into the stronghold and completely abandoned the outer perimeter.

"Could this mountain sculpture also learn from Xu's big horse stick and become a tortoise with a shrunken head?" Dong Zhongsong asked with some surprise.

If that's the case, it's going to be big trouble.

The situation of Weihu Mountain and Naitou Mountain is different. As long as Naitou Mountain crosses Shenxiandu, Xu Damabang's mountain stronghold will basically be undefended.

But on Weihu Mountain, there is a military base surrounded by high walls and fortresses!

The high wall of more than 20 meters is built like a dam on the Yellow River.

There are patrolling bandits everywhere on the high wall, and there are sentry boxes arranged at regular intervals. The sentry boxes contain not only heavy machine guns, but also heavy artillery.

Not to mention, there is a tank and an airplane in the base.

What is impregnable?

This is impregnable!

If there is no air power attack on this military base, no matter how many people come, they will only be killed.

No matter how many lives there are, there are not enough!

When Su Yi led the team members to the opposite side of this military base and looked at the solid high walls and tight security in front of them, everyone felt awe-inspiring.

This is a fortress that cannot be captured by a frontal attack!

So we can only outsmart him.

"Bring those bandits here!" Su Yi ordered.


Soon, the bandits who were captured on Naitou Mountain were brought over.

They were tied up in a string with ropes. When they saw Su Yi, they all nodded and bowed and said hello flatteringly.

Su Yi's stern eyes swept over them one by one. After they all calmed down, he said: "I have told you why I brought you here. If I had escorted you directly back to the military area, according to the For the crimes you have committed, I can guarantee that every one of you will be shot!"

"But I allow you to exchange your merits for your crime. As long as you sneak into Weihu Mountain, I guarantee that after taking Weihu Mountain, I will let you go immediately! But you can't stay in Mudanjiang anymore. You decide where to go. As long as you are not here Mudanjiang, anywhere, do you understand?"

"I understand, chief. As long as you don't kill us, you can do whatever you want."

"Don't worry, sir, it'll be fine!"

"Look, this mission has definitely been completed!"

Su Yi smiled faintly, turned around and ordered: "Untie them and give them some guns. You don't need to equip them all, just have them."


When untying the bandits, Yang Zirong winked at Su Yi, walked to the side and lowered his voice: "Chief, I still suggest that I go with them, otherwise if they go in without restraints, they will rebel immediately. Leak all our information to the mountain eagle..."

Su Yi shook his head and said: "Lao Yang, I told you, our real purpose of using these bandits is to use them as smoke bombs to confuse the public, rather than really expecting them to do anything for us."

"We don't really expect them to play any key role at all, so it makes no sense for you to follow them. The most important thing is whether the Mountain Eagle will accept them or not, I'm afraid it's all a question..."

"You shouldn't refuse to accept it, right?" Yang Zirong asked doubtfully, "Zuoshandiao just lost more than 500 people, and we are in need of people. At this time, Xu Damabang's old subordinates came to submit. Couldn't it be that they were dozed off and someone gave them to them? Pillow, is it just right?"

"He needs to think so, maybe not," Su Yi said, "but there is no need for you to follow me and risk your life on what he thinks. There is really no need."

The actual situation is completely different from the original plot.

But what does Yangzi have now? There was nothing, and there were more than thirty bandit prisoners who could betray or drag him down at any time.

"And we will capture Weihu Mountain either tonight or tomorrow night." Su Yi said, "You won't be trusted immediately if you sneak in. You will definitely be monitored or even put under house arrest. It won't be of any help to us."

Yang Zirong was finally convinced and gave up his plan to go up the mountain.

The bandits were all loosed, and the soldiers gave them a dozen guns and a few grenades, making them look like deserters after being routed.

"Go," Su Yi said to them, "remember your mission. After sneaking in, do whatever you want, and don't show your flaws. After we attack the mountain, you take the opportunity to create chaos, set fires everywhere and cause destruction, and then hide. Just get up and wait until the battle is over."

The task Su Yi gave them was very simple, and his words revealed a very confident attitude, which made the bandit captives, who were already afraid of him, not dare to think otherwise.

At least now I don't dare.

The bandits obeyed and walked towards the base gate under Su Yi's expulsion.

The bandits in Weihu Mountain soon discovered these downtrodden colleagues.

"Stop, Mushroom? Mohamoha? (Who, what?)" shouted from the high wall.

"I'm talking at noon, no one has a home!" One of the prisoners walked out and stepped forward to reply, "Brothers from Weihushan, I wonder if you have heard about our kiln revolution. A few of our brothers are desperate. I came here to live in the kiln, and I asked Mr. Cui to take him in!"

"A man with a big horse stick?" The person on the high wall asked in surprise.

After being silent for a long time, he suddenly shouted: "Hey! The king of heaven and the tiger of the earth! (Bold, dare to lie to your grandpa)"

"Pagoda suppresses the river monster! (If I lie to you, let me fall into the river and drown)" was the reply below.

"How can you go to Tianwang Mountain with a pheasant's boring head! (You don't look like you are real.)" The person above sneered.

"There is plenty of rice on the ground. Hey, we have a solid foundation! (We are genuine and will never dare to pretend.)" The following replied.

"Why are you blushing?"


"Why is it yellow again?"

"Wax for cold protection."

A quick question and answer, smooth and concise, the team members who were ambushing in the distance listened and marveled.

Especially the actors, hearing this dialogue, felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and couldn't help but become more excited.

"Wait, I'll report to Third Master!" the bandit on the high wall said, and then fell silent.

Five minutes later, they gathered in Yitang.

After listening to the bandit's report, the mountain eagle asked coldly: "Do you still remember what I ordered before?"

"Remember, Third Master said that all the people who have been relying on the kiln recently have been hacked." The bandit said, "But this wave of people who came are on the right track and they seem to be fine."

"The right way?" The mountain eagle sneered, "It doesn't matter if he is right or not, if he comes to rely on the kiln at this time, he will die!"


"Don't leave a word behind!" said the mountain sculpture, "Wait until they die and see if there is really nothing wrong with them. If there is anything wrong with them, bury them. If there is anything wrong with them, feed them to the dogs!"


The bandits took the order and left.


The bandits and captives were waiting anxiously outside. Suddenly, someone on the high wall shouted "Hit me", and suddenly there was a loud burst of gunfire!

Da da da……

The heavy machine guns in the bunker spurted flames, and the people below didn't even last for half a minute. They were all beaten into sieves and died on the spot.

There were patches of red and patches of yellow on the snow, and there were corpses and severed limbs all over the ground, a mess.

Pity these thirty or so people, they didn't even splash the water.

Not far away, the people in the squad felt chilly in their hearts.

Especially Yang Zirong, if Su Yi hadn't dissuaded him, he would have died like the thirty bandits without a complete body!

Fear surged in his heart, and he looked at Su Yi gratefully and said, "Chief, you saved my life!"

Su Yi was also surprised by this scene. He didn't expect the mountain eagle to be so decisive and ruthless.

"This old fox, Mountain Eagle, would rather kill the wrong person than let him go!" Su Yi said, "This guy is too cruel!"

"It seems that it is completely impossible to sneak into the mountain gate," Sundade said, "We can only think of other ways."

In front of the mountain gate, the small door opened, and about fifty bandits came out. They began to search for the bodies and clean up the scene.

"This is an opportunity, chief!" Yang Zirong said excitedly, "Would you like to give it a try and go up and seize the door?"

Su Yi used the binoculars to check carefully, shook his head and said: "They are very cautious. The heavy machine guns above are always pointed below. If we dare to rush out, we will definitely die miserably!"

"Furthermore, it is a tough battle to get in through the door, which is not in line with our plans and expectations."

Seeing the bandits finishing cleaning up and returning to the high wall, Su Yi waved his hand: "Retreat first!"

Although the mountain eagle's ruthlessness and determination surprised Su Yi, and Su Yi failed to successfully put in a free move.

But Su Yi did not return without success.

Don’t forget, there’s a high wave in it.

Gao Bo would definitely know about such a big movement, and he would definitely guess that it was Su Yi greeting him.

It means - I'm coming!

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