The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 466 The end of this volume

This wasn't the first time Su Yi felt so shaken inside that he couldn't help himself.

This is not the first time Su Yi has been baptized and sublimated.

The person who made Su Yi burst into tears last time was named Wang Tianxiang, codenamed Crow.

But this time, the soldier who died was named Li Erniu.

Wang Tianxiang's sacrifice can be described as vigorous, just like his life, with its ups and downs.

But Li Erniu's sacrifice was so natural, just like him and his name.

He is so simple and he is so great.

And there are more than tens of thousands of such great people and simple warriors in this war-torn era and in this devastated land?

Everyone took off their hats and saluted, in this dark mountain stream, in this cold night with howling wind and snow.

But time is running out and no one here has the right to grieve freely.

Another soldier who volunteered came to Su Yi.

"Chief, it's my turn!" the soldier said.

There was no fear or flinching on his face, only determination to move forward.

Su Yi was silent.

He was filled with unbearability, but in the end, he nodded slowly and said, "Be careful."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" The soldier saluted, then picked up the ropes and pulleys, prepared climbing tools, and started climbing.

Watching your comrades fight for their lives is an unspeakable torture and a long wait.

Half an hour later, the warrior reached the same position as the first warrior.

His physical strength has long been exhausted, but he is still persisting.

He climbed hard on the Internet, and every move and every climb touched everyone's hearts.

One step, one step, one step...

When the figure of this warrior finally disappeared from the top of the cliff, almost everyone couldn't help but cheer in low voices!

Everyone was waving their arms excitedly, and everyone's eyes were flashing brightly in the dark night.

After a while, the rope hung down.

This means that the upper pulley has been installed.

Now everyone can follow the rope and use the pulley to easily send themselves to the top of the mountain!

"I'll go up first!" Yang Zirong was the first to stand up.

"Okay!" Su Yi agreed. The person who goes up first will not only be responsible for guarding the pulley, but also responsible for security and investigation. Yang Zirong is undoubtedly very qualified for this task.

Yang Zirong tied the rope around his waist, tugged on the rope, and signaled to the warrior above that he was ready and that he could pull.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement from above.

Yang Zirong tugged a few more times, but still no response.

A bad premonition filled everyone's mind, and everyone's expressions became solemn again.

problem occurs!

I just don't know what happened.

Yang Zirong gritted his teeth and said: "There is a rope, I can climb up and have a look!"

This is a very risky decision!

Because no one knows whether the rope above is firmly tied, and no one knows whether there are enemies waiting there, waiting to harvest heads.

But now that the matter has come to this, we have no choice at all!

Chu Hongshan showed hesitation, and quickly approached Su Yi's ear and said: "Chief, Yang Zirong has a special status, why don't you ask others to take risks..."


Su Yi slapped him with a big-eared melon seed and staggered him. He stared at him with sharp eyes and pointed at his face.

He didn't say anything, but Chu Hongshan felt a kind of fear that would break his liver and gallbladder.

Su Yi quickly turned around and said to Yang Zirong: "If it is confirmed to be safe, pull the rope four times."

The secret code was agreed upon first to avoid accidents, and the following people went up one by one in a daze.

Yang Zirong nodded solemnly, then tugged hard on the rope, and then climbed away on the Internet.

Behind him, Li Hongyi approached Chu Hongshan and asked quietly: "What did you say to the chief?"

Chu Hongshan was a little annoyed and said: "Nothing!"

He had already realized in his heart that what he said was inappropriate. He was really immersed in such a situation. Everyone's life matters. Even if he is an actor, he cannot be superior to others, especially after he just witnessed the sacrifice of a soldier with his own eyes.

He knew very well that he had hit the target. If he said this normally, Su Yi might not pay attention to him, but at this time and under such circumstances, what he just said was too inappropriate.

Yang Zirong's physical strength was very good, and with the help of a rope, it took him less than ten minutes to reach the top of the cliff.

Soon, the rope was tugged four times to indicate that all was safe.

"I'll go up first!" Su Yi stood up.

Someone wanted to persuade, but Su Yi did not give them a chance to refute, and directly ordered: "Bai Ru, you take the injured soldiers and Dong Zhongsong's group to build fortifications outside the main gate of Weihu Mountain. Once During the fight, if a bandit wants to escape, your task is to intercept it and don't let a bandit escape!"

"Yes!" Bai Ru was a little reluctant. She wanted to go up with Su Yi, but this was an order and she had to obey.

Su Yi looked around: "Everyone has prepared the baggage and checked the equipment again. This time the code is to pull the rope five times. Do you remember it?"


Changing the code again was just a precaution for Su Yi.

Su Yi tied the rope and tugged it to signal that he was ready.

This time there was an immediate reaction from above. Su Yi felt a strong force coming from him, and his whole body was immediately pulled upwards.

Su Yi hurriedly walked on the cliff wall to reduce the burden on it.

The ascent was extremely fast this time. It only took Su Yi less than three minutes to reach the top of the cliff.

After passing a section of slope, Su Yi immediately found a huge open doorway, presumably the exit of the runway.

The pulley was fixed above the door opening, the steel rope passed through the pulley, and Yang Zirong was pulling the rope on the other side.

However, what Yang Zirong was pulling was not the end of the rope. Behind him, the rope stretched all the way to behind a huge boulder.

Su Yi vaguely saw a figure lying there.

Su Yi's heart sank, and he untied the rope and walked over: "Lao Yang, what's going on?"

"Chief!" Yang Zirong suddenly broke down and cried, "I'm so stupid! If I don't tear off the head of a mountain eagle today, I will never be a human being! Wuwuwu..."

The seven-foot-tall man cried like a child.

The crying must be suppressed and not too loud.

Su Yi's heart had sunk to the bottom. He quickened his pace and quickly reached behind the boulder. He took a quick look, and his heart was suddenly shocked. He stood stunned on the spot!

I saw the soldier from before lying silently behind the stone, with two loops of rope wrapped around his body, and an iron hook for climbing was tied to the head of the rope, and the iron hook was deeply hooked into the soldier's flesh and blood!

He has been dead for a long time!

Su Yi could easily guess the scene before the soldier died——

He tried his best to climb to the top of the cliff, hung the hook, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he found that he was sweating profusely, he felt cold, he began to sway, and his consciousness began to blur.

But he still used his last strength to wrap the rope around himself twice and tied the end of the rope to the iron hook.

Then he walked behind the boulder, maybe he wanted to hook the boulder with an iron hook, but eventually lost consciousness and fell down, and the iron hook happened to be hooked on him.

Perhaps, he was afraid from the beginning that the rope would fall off if he hooked it on the boulder, so he hooked the hook on himself, then lay down behind the boulder, pressed the hook with his body, and then used the boulder to block his body. fall asleep...

In other words, Yang Zirong just pulled the rope to climb up. Every time he pulled, the iron hook went deeper into the soldier's body.

With every step he climbed up, the warrior's blood would flow out more and his wounds would tear more.

How cruel is this?

And how could Yang Zirong, who had inadvertently caused all this, not feel guilty about it? Not painful?

The tough-as-nails man also collapsed.

Su Yi pulled out the iron hook from the soldier's body and took off the rope.

He was silent for a long time and then said to Yang Zirong: "Come here and help!"

Yang Zirong wiped away his tears, and the two tied the rope, sent a signal to the people below, and started to pull people up.

The battle will continue, but grieving and remembrance should be left for later.

Forty minutes later, everyone came up.

Sundade has already led people to investigate the inside of the airport runway.

"This airstrip was expanded from an air raid shelter. It is very large inside. Food and other supplies are piled inside. There are two bandits who are responsible for guarding it. They were sleeping when we went there. There was no movement, so we just took care of it. Them! They have keys on them, and the air-raid shelter door is locked from here, which means we can just use the key to unlock it and then break out!"

At this time, Su Yi was surprisingly calm. He instantly reviewed the topographic map of the entire Weihu Mountain Village in his mind, and reviewed the plan that had been discussed and formulated long ago. He looked around and began to order: "Sundade, you take two people with you. Go and occupy the No. 1 Arsenal; Ma Baojun, take two people to take charge of the No. 2 Arsenal; Chu Hongshan, take two people to the Third Alley to meet Gao Bo. Watch out for dogs! Li Hongyi, take your group and secure the wall. All the sentry posts on the top, occupy the heavy firepower points! Yang Zirong, can you drive a tank?"

As Su Yi arranged in an orderly manner, the soldiers were divided into small groups and spread out in the mountain stronghold.

It was late at night, and all the bandits were sleeping soundly. The team members acted quickly and vigilantly, without any accidents. Almost all the secret sentries and sentries at key positions were easily wiped off the necks by the team members, and died quietly in their sleep. !

Soon, all the groups' tasks were completed, except Chu Hongshan's group.

They didn't find Gao Bo.

"Ignore him for now!" Su Yi couldn't think about Gao Bo at this time. He was leading two soldiers to place explosives everywhere.

"Go find Sundade and Ma Baojun, help them arrange the explosives in the two arsenals, and then transport all the remaining explosives out! Send them to me! Also, tell Yang Zirong to aim the tank gun at Overlord Gai Top, as soon as I start blasting here, he will immediately fire to knock down this protruding mountain peak for me!"


An accident happened. A bandit who had woken up at night accidentally discovered the soldiers who were carrying explosives. He was startled and shouted something.



The bandit fell to the ground.

The sudden sound of gunshots was particularly loud in the village, and most of the bandits were awakened.

"You, guide the fuse, and you, inform everyone to evacuate to the sentry post on the outer wall! I will detonate the explosive immediately in one minute!"

The two soldiers immediately took the order and left.

The bandits got up one after another and came out to check, making noises and the whole village woke up.

This process can be said to be short or long.

A minute later, Su Yi decisively lit the fuse and led the soldiers to retreat to the air raid shelter.

The bandits did not realize at this time that disaster was about to strike.

At a certain moment——

Boom boom boom boom...

A series of explosions broke out all over the village. Among them, the residential area and the arsenal were taken care of by Su Yi, and the explosions were particularly violent.

As the earth trembled and the mountains shook, Yang Zirong aimed his tank cannon at the mountain top of Bawang, and fired two cannons directly.

The entire mountain peak suddenly collapsed and rolled down, burying half of the Juyi Hall.

It's just that this wave of operations killed most of the bandits.

The remaining bandits ran out of the room disheveled and ran around in panic.

They wanted to raid the guys for weapons, but both arsenals were blown up.

I wanted to go to the sentry post on the wall, but before I got there, I heard a vicious "beat", and suddenly all the heavy machine guns on the eight sentry posts around the wall spurted out tongues of fire.

Da da da……

The bandits fell down one after another, screaming and wailing, like cutting leeks.

The war is burning, with broken walls and corpses everywhere!

It took Su Yi less than ten minutes to turn this cottage into a purgatory.

Under the heavy firepower, the bandits were unable to organize any resistance.

In the end, some bandits seemed to break through the defense line and rushed out of the gate, but they directly ran into Bai Ru's defense line outside the gate.

Under the cover of night, this group of bandits could not put up any resistance, so they were all beaten by heavy firepower.

There were more than a dozen bandits, surrounded by the embarrassed Mountain Eagle and other leaders, and fled into the air-raid shelter.

But here, Su Yi has long been waiting for work, waiting for a mountain eagle.

He had long guessed that the mountain eagle would definitely escape from here. After all, the mountain stronghold was breached, and he had the only way to escape by flying a plane.

Bang bang bang...

They plunged into Su Yi's ambush, and after a round of gunfire, only the mountain eagles were left holding a woman hostage, standing there in panic.

"Get back! Get back! Or I'll kill her!" the mountain eagle roared with a ferocious face. He carefully hid his entire body behind the woman to prevent the team members from having any chance to shoot him.

The team members looked at each other and did not dare to shoot.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way for me!" The mountain eagle's eyes flashed with fierceness, he shouted loudly, and slowly moved forward, while more than a dozen soldiers were forced to retreat continuously by him.


At this moment, a gunshot rang out, and a lamp above the mountain eagle's head suddenly exploded.

The mountain eagle subconsciously looked up and the back of its head was exposed.


Another shot, and his entire skull was ripped off by this shot.

The mountain eagle froze, and then fell to the ground helplessly. The woman he held hostage was unharmed and trembling.

Su Yi put away the gun calmly.

This thunderous battle ended quickly.

The squad was like a magic weapon descending from the sky, and the bandits could not react at all. Moreover, all the firepower fell into the hands of the squad from the beginning, and even the tanks changed hands.

Everything seemed so simple, natural and smooth, and the bandits in Weihu Mountain were captured in one fell swoop.

There were no casualties among the team members, as if this was a deserved victory.

Half an hour later, the two soldiers came back, suppressing Gao Bo.

"Chief, he used our pulley to let go of the old eight little iron locks in Weihu Mountain!" A soldier complained angrily.

Su Yi looked at Gao Bo, who nodded to Su Yi with a smile, and then fell straight backwards.

Only then did everyone realize that a large amount of blood was leaking out of his chest, and the wound from the previous shot by Kurouji had collapsed again.

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