The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 47 The problem is big

"Where's Cao Nan?"

"I haven't seen him, he hasn't been here."

"when did you come?"

"Half an hour ago."

"Why act privately?"


"Pingzi, what happened?"

"It's nothing, Sir Lu."

Lu Mingzhe looked at Su Yi, who looked calm, and felt very awkward in his heart.

His intuition told him that the police genius he had always fancied was different from the past.

"Were you there when Roger died?" Lu Mingzhe asked.


Su Yi nodded and admitted.

"Could it be you who killed him?" Lu Mingzhe asked deliberately in a joking tone.

Su Yi grinned: "I just don't want to save you, Sir Lu."

Lu Mingzhe suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and felt a chill in the back of his heart.

He knew what the awkwardness in his heart was.

It was a strange and familiar contradictory feeling.

It's strange because Su Yi's temperament has changed.

This change is very obvious for senior police officers like Lu Mingzhe.

The original Su Yi was like a motivated calf, sunny and energetic.

But now, Su Yi is like a tiger cub that is about to grow up, cold and sharp.

The former is harmless, but the latter is a man-eating beast.

Familiarity is because Lu Mingzhe has seen Su Yi's changed temperament in others——

Cao Nan.

This is what Cao Nan is like.

"Pingzi," Lu Mingzhe looked at Su Yi seriously, "If you have done something wrong, it is still too late. Tell me and I will definitely help you, okay?"

"I didn't do anything wrong." Su Yi said.

After thinking about it, he repeated it firmly: "I didn't do anything wrong."

Lu Mingzhe stared at Su Yi for a while and said: "It's best like this. Pingzi, you were the only one present when Roger died. Now you are the only suspect. You know the rules. I don't need to explain more." ?”

"I understand." Su Yi calmly took out his gun and ID and handed them to Lu Mingzhe.

Lu Mingzhe did not answer, but said to Xiao Q: "Xiao Q, take Pingzi back to the car first. We must avoid suspicion in Roger's case and contact colleagues from the IPCC to follow up."

"This..." Everyone looked at each other, even Su Yi was startled.

The full name of the IPCC is the Independent Police Complaints Commission. Once Su Yi is taken over by someone from this department, he will definitely be investigated.

Normally, O Ji's internal matters are digested internally, and any problems will be dealt with internally. Lu Mingzhe suddenly wanted to hand Su Yi over to the IPCC. This decision was not only abrupt, but also seemed very inhumane.

"Boss, will this happen..." Xiao Q wondered.

"Is there something wrong?" Lu Mingzhe glared, "Rules are rules! We police officers don't abide by the rules, so how can we maintain public order and protect citizens?"

Su Yi felt that these words were meant for him.

Lu Mingzhe's reaction was something he didn't expect, but it didn't matter, everything had been done, he had no regrets, and he would bear the consequences no matter what.

What Su Yi is most concerned about now is not the future and situation of this identity, but that he killed Cao Nan and Ah Pa. Why didn't the director react at all?

There was no click, and no notification was given.

The crew had no reaction at all to what he did.

This is very strange.

Su Yi followed Xiao Q with a calm expression.

Lu Mingzhe watched Su Yiyuan go away and said to Situ without looking back: "Check the nearby surveillance cameras to see what time he came. Besides him, who else has been here."

"Yes, sir!"

Lu Mingzhe walked into the villa again and looked around.

After a while, Situ came back and said with a helpless face: "This house is halfway up the mountain, with barren mountains in front and behind. It's too remote. Except for surveillance at the intersection at the foot of the mountain, there is nothing nearby."

"Did you take any photos?" Lu Mingzhe asked.

"I've asked my colleagues from the information department to watch the video," Situ said. He sniffed hard and frowned, "What does it smell like?"

"Bleach." Lu Mingzhe said, "The smell is very strong. The whole house has been cleaned with a lot of bleach."

Situ was stunned for a while and said in surprise: "You don't need so much bleach to clean the room, right?"

"What if it's to clean up the blood stains?" Lu Mingzhe said quietly.

Situ frowned even more tightly and said, "If this is the case, making Luminol will be completely useless."

The so-called luminol is a chemical reagent that can reveal the form of trace amounts of blood. It is specially used to detect blood that cannot be observed with the naked eye at crime scenes.

This reagent is very sensitive to blood detection. Whether it is blood stains from a few years ago or blood stains that have been washed many times, even blood stains that have been diluted 10,000 times can be revealed by luminol.

Moreover, flushing the scene with water, scrubbing with detergent, and even repainting the blood-spattered walls are of no avail. Once the luminol reagent is sprayed, the original shape will be revealed immediately.

However, the luminol reagent is not omnipotent. If the crime scene is thoroughly treated with strong oxidants such as bleaching powder and potassium permanganate, it will interfere with the fluorescence reaction of the luminol reagent, making the detection of blood stains difficult. Unable to proceed.

"Should we ask colleagues from the Criminal Investigation Department to come in and check the DNA?" Situ asked.

Lu Mingzhe sighed and said, "Check it out."

The two of them looked at the clean and tidy villa, speechless for a long time, and their hearts were very heavy.

They all knew that Su Yi was lying.

Because according to Li Li's confession, it was Cao Nan who called her and asked her to come to the villa to meet him, which is enough to prove that Cao Nan was hiding in this villa.

in addition……

"Has Cao Nan's mobile phone been located?" Lu Mingzhe asked.

He was talking about the number that Cao Nan had called Li Li.

"The last location where the signal disappeared was in this villa, about an hour and a half ago." Situ said, "If that number is indeed Cao Nan's, it proves that Cao Nan was here an hour and a half ago."

"Pingzi said he only got here half an hour ago." Lu Mingzhe said, "Situ, should I believe him?"

Situ was silent.

Lu Mingzhe looked at the time and said, "It's half an hour until twelve o'clock. After twelve o'clock, my order of dismissal will officially take effect. Situ, I can't help Pingzi anymore."

"Boss, if you really want to help him, you should do nothing." Situ couldn't help but said.

"Now Pingzi has made it clear that there is a problem!" Lu Mingzhe suddenly lost his temper, his voice suddenly increased, and he pointed at Situ, "If I don't do anything and just watch him knowingly break the law, then I will be harming him!"

"What if no problem can be found in the end?" Situ asked.

Lu Mingzhe was stunned and said: "Then the problem is big."

As soon as Su Yi returned to the police station, he was immediately taken away by people from the IPCC.

Investigation, imprisonment, interrogation.

Su Yi spent the longest forty-eight hours.

This is also the limit of how long the IPCC can detain him.

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