In the real world, although MMA looks bloody and brutal, it is actually a very safe sport.

In the more than 80 years of MMA competition history, there has been only one death record, and it was caused by chaotic management and unclear rules.

But in other sports, such as Sanda, boxing, wrestling, football, and even tug-of-war, there have been more casualties recorded.

In the real world, exaggerated descriptions of MMA are just commercial hype, a gimmick designed to attract more viewers.

But it’s different in this world!

Many maiming and death techniques that are strictly prohibited in the real world, such as the head-turning stake that almost killed Lin Siqi in the original plot, can be used in this world.

Just like Su Yi broke off Amin's arm just now, as long as he didn't commit a foul and signed a liability exemption agreement, it was allowed by the rules.

The MMA competition in this world is the bloodiest, most violent, and cruelest fighting sport!

Amin was crippled and his right arm was broken, which basically declared the end of his fighting career.

Even after he had his bones reattached, he would no longer be able to do strenuous movements.

Brother Luo immediately took Amin straight to the hospital. After all, after many years of relationship, it is impossible to be truly heartless and unconditional, no matter what.

Su Yi walked down from the ring, faced all the different eyes, and walked up to Cheng Hui and the others.

Cheng Hui smiled and patted his arm: "Well done."

"Brother Hui, don't you think I'm too cruel?" Su Yi asked.

He dared to say that most people present felt that he was too cruel, and breaking Amin in the end was definitely intentional and irrefutable.

Now even Tai Sui on the side looks unnatural when he looks at him.

"What cruelty?" Cheng Hui smiled faintly, "Amin wants to destroy you today! Someone is destined to lie down today! If the one lying down is you, they will also think that Amin is cruel. It's not you anyway. Lying down means he lies down. Would you rather be called cruel, or would you rather lie there?"

Su Yi smiled: "It doesn't matter to others, as long as you understand me."

"Ahem!" Tai Sui said a little sarcastically, "Ah Hao, of course we understand you. It's Ah Min who doesn't care about being first. You're just a passive counterattack, right?"

"Don't worry, Hao." Cheng Hui said, "As long as they are boxers, they won't think there is any problem. They just feel sorry for Ah Min now, but no one will blame you. Go to the ring and sign a waiver, what will be the consequences? , you have to bear it yourself. This sentence applies to Amin today, and it will also apply to you in the future."

Su Yi took a deep breath and nodded slowly: "I understand!"

Just a few minutes of fighting brought far-reaching significance to this club.

The club boss quickly met Su Yi in his office. The two parties first had a friendly business exchange, and then the boss showed his sincerity.

First, the identity of Su Yi's professional boxer was determined. He wanted to sign Su Yi's management contract in the name of the club with a signing fee of 300,000. During the signing period, the club was responsible for all matters related to Su Yi's food, clothing, housing, transportation and training. Basically Su Yi didn't have to worry about anything except focusing on training.

Then after becoming professional, Su Yi will actively participate in various MMA competitions and strive to win. The club will share 20% of the winnings. At the same time, Su Yi needs to become the club's image spokesperson and coach, and has the obligation to cooperate with the club's business activities.

Finally, there is a series of personal business income sharing and so on.

All in all, the boss, under Luo Ge's suggestion, was very optimistic about Su Yi's development prospects and wanted to sign Su Yi before Su Yi became successful.

If Su Yi were the original Yang Zihao, he would definitely have to be careful when encountering such a thing. If he was ambitious, he would even wait until his value skyrocketed after playing the game, and then sell it at a higher price to gain more benefits for himself.

But Su Yi is just a passerby in this world, and he is too lazy to argue about this kind of thing.

Seeing that the conditions were similar, he sealed the deal with a stroke of his pen.

The boss, who thought he would be wrangling for a long time, was so happy that he opened his mouth from ear to ear and called Su Yi a cheerful person.

Then the boss happily signed a check for 300,000 yuan and gave it directly to Su Yi, which was regarded as the signing fee. He also promised to build a full-scale coaching team dedicated to serving Su Yi as soon as possible, including assistants to take care of Su Yi's food and daily life.

He asked Su Yi if he had any favorite candidates to recommend? Su Yi thought about it and only mentioned Luo Ge and Cheng Hui. The rest were left to the boss to arrange as he pleased. He had no requirements.

The boss admits everything.

After signing the contract, the boss called Brother Luo in front of Su Yi and told him the good news. Brother Luo asked the boss to give the phone to Su Yi.

"Ah Hao, you have accomplished everything you said three months ago." He said with emotion on the phone, "Congratulations, your efforts have not been in vain."

"Brother Luo, how is Amin?" Su Yi asked.

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment and said: "Severe fracture and one arm is useless. Fortunately, the club bought him insurance, which can compensate him more than one million yuan. I have also discussed with the boss and will give him a retirement fee. As long as If you don't act recklessly, you won't have to worry about food and clothing in this life."

"Ah Hao, don't be mentally burdened. As a professional boxer, you should have had this awareness a long time ago. I retired because of this..."

Luo Ge's kneecap was injured by someone using a knee cross, causing permanent trauma. Although it was not as disabling as leaving a disability, he could no longer go on stage, so he became a coach.

Su Yi soon stopped caring about A Min, and he had no intention of apologizing or compensating A Min. He disdains shedding crocodile tears.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Yi, who had just finished training, received a strange phone call.


"It's me, Ah Hao, Xiao Dan. Ah Hao, do you have time to come to our school gate now? I have ten minutes to go from school. At noon, I called Fatty a pig, and he said he wanted me to wait after school. , I’m so scared..."

Su Yi then remembered that he had promised to stand up for Liang Peidan yesterday.

"Okay, just wait, I'll be right away."

In fact, Su Yi considers himself a relatively cold-blooded and selfish person, but sometimes, he can be compassionate.

He couldn't bear to see a nine-year-old girl trying to take care of her mentally ill mother while going to school.

As he gradually came into contact with this little girl, he even saw the shadow of Su Wei's childhood in this little girl, which made him even more unable to bear to ignore them.

When going out, Su Yi saw Lin Siqi pestering Cheng Hui, seemingly wanting Cheng Hui to teach him.

Seeing Su Yi's furious look, the two of them stopped immediately.

"Are you going out?" Cheng Hui asked in confusion, "What happened?"

Su Yi was thinking about how to help Xiao Dan, when he saw the two of them, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother Hui, Aqi, my sister is being followed and bullied every day. I can't bear it anymore. If you are friends enough, then come with me!" Su Yi said, pretending to be angry.

"Let's go!" Cheng Hui and Lin Siqi said in unison.

The two of them had solemn expressions without any hesitation.

Liang Peidan's school is not far from the club, just across two streets.

The three of them walked quickly and arrived at the gate of Wenshan Girls' Primary School. It was time for school to end, and the girls walked out of the school in groups of two or three.

Cheng Hui and Lin Siqi looked at each other, realizing that they might have been tricked.

Su Yi's cell phone rang again, and when she picked it up, it turned out to be Xiao Dan calling.

"Hey, Ah Hao, have you arrived?" Xiao Dan's voice on the phone was very frightened, "Xiao Li just told me that Fatty and a few bad guys from the boys' school are waiting for me in the alley outside the school gate! I’m so scared, he’s so strong, he’ll beat me to death.”

"Alley?" Su Yi looked around: "Turn left at the school entrance?"


"Okay, come to the alley now and see how I can stand up for you."

Su Yi hung up the phone and turned around to see Cheng Hui and Lin Siqi staring at him with unkind expressions.

"My sister was being followed and bullied, right?" Cheng Hui asked in a negative tone, "It was so serious, I thought I was going to have a fight with some pervert!"

Lin Siqi snorted coldly: "Brother Hao, it's obvious that you are playing tricks on us!"

"Hey, my sister was being followed and bullied. I was right." Su Yi put on an innocent face.

"But you didn't say your sister is a primary school student!" Cheng Hui said.

"It's because you have unhealthy thoughts. When you hear tailgating, you think it's like those in island country movies." Su Yi spread his hands and said, "What does it have to do with me?"

"So you called Brother Hui and me here to stand up for the elementary school students?" Lin Siqi said, "Are we three grown men going to beat up the children?"

"That's not necessary." Su Yi smiled, "But in order to settle things once and for all, you have to put on a play with me."

"Acting?" Cheng Hui and Lin Siqi looked at each other.


A fat boy and three children were standing guard under the school bus station, staring at the entrance of the alley.

"Little Fatty, would it be too much for the four of us to bully a girl?" a child asked.

"Don't disturb the morale of the army!" Xiaopang glared at him, "Our Four Kings Gang wants to be prestigious in the school, dignity is very important! Liang Peidan dared to call me a pig today. He insulted the boss of the Four Kings Gang like this. Don't let him If you pay the price, how can our Four Kings gang still hang out in the school in the future?"

"That's right, I must teach her a lesson today!"

While the children were talking, they saw three burly uncles with fierce expressions walking towards them.

Two of the uncles backed away, as if they were forced by the last uncle to come over.

The four children immediately fell silent.

They look so fierce... They don't even button their shirts, and they don't look like good people at first glance.

"Hey, my Lisboa Hao brother, what I hate most is men bullying women! Especially when I hate several men bullying one woman!" The uncle facing them shouted in a rough voice, "Jianhui, Xiao Qi, you guys Two girlfriends who dare to scold me, I will teach you a lesson today!"

"Hahaha! Ah Hao, my humble Hui likes to bully girls the most, how about it?"

"And I, Xiao Qi, I like to bully girls with other boys. How about that?"

"If you dare, come and beat us!"

The two shouted exaggeratedly.

"Today, I, Lisboa Ahao, will do justice for heaven! Wow!"

Lisboa Ahao screamed and rushed towards Jianhui and Xiaoqi.

The two of them also shouted and rushed towards Lisboa Ahao.

The three of them collided with each other fiercely, hitting each other very brutally with punches to the flesh.

This scene made the four children on the other side tremble and turn pale with fear.

The battle ended quickly. Lisboa Ahao killed everyone in the crowd. He hit Jianhui with a combination of punches and somersaulted backwards for two weeks. He screamed and fell in front of four children. Another Xiaoqi was thrown from the back and lay on his back. His limbs were twitching on the ground, his mouth and eyes were crooked.

It took a long time for the two of them to get up and beg for mercy.

"Brother Hao, please forgive me. I, Hui Hui, will never dare to bully a girl again!"

"Brother Hao, please let us go. It's wrong to bully girls. We know we are wrong!"

"Hmph! As long as someone dares to bully a girl, I, Ahao, will definitely not let him go and beat him until his teeth are everywhere!" Lisboa Ahao waved his fist and shouted, "Get out of here! If it weren't for me, he would still pick me up. Sister Xiaodan, I won’t let you go so easily!”

"Yes, yes, let's leave now!"

The two of them rolled away in despair.

Lisboa Ahao smiled ferociously and glanced at the four children. The four of them lowered their heads in fear and trembled.

At this moment, Xiao Dan appeared at the entrance of the alley. When he saw it, he waved happily and shouted: "Ahao! Ahao!"

"Xiao Dan, this way!" Lisboa Ahao laughed and waved.

Xiao Dan on the other side immediately rushed over.

The four children on one side looked at each other, all dumbfounded.

"Ah Hao, you're really here! It's so great, hee hee hee!" Xiao Dan was so happy that he laughed and jumped around Su Yi.

The Lisboa Ahao is naturally Su Yi.

"Xiao Dan, I'm here to pick you up. Tell me, are there any boys bullying you in school?" Su Yi said loudly, "If so, tell me now and take me there." Find him!"

Xiao Dan was startled and understood immediately.

"The boys who bullied me..." Her eyes fell on the faces of the four primary school students on the other side.

"Huh? Is it them?" Su Yi frowned and looked over fiercely.

The four primary school students were shocked. The fat boy reacted quickly and shouted hurriedly: "Sister Xiao Dan, we are here to protect you after school!"

"Yes, yes!" Another one said quickly: "You are the eldest sister of our Four Kings Gang..."


He received a slap on the head, and another primary school student apologized and said with a smile: "What Four Kings Gang? We are Sister Xiao Dan's four major bodyguards. Hey, Sister Xiao Dan, don't worry. With the four of us protecting you, no one can bully you." you."

"Yes, yes!" Fatty nodded, "We hate people who bully girls the most! Sister Xiao Dan, just accept our protection!"

Xiao Dan was surprised and happy, and looked at Su Yi in disbelief, who winked at him, smiled and nodded.

In this way, Xiao Dan gained four more little guards. With Xiao Dan's quirkiness, the four children will always protect Xiao Dan from being bullied until they can't erase the psychological shadow that Su Yi has brought to them.

Seeing the four children boarding the school bus around Xiao Dan, Su Yi waved goodbye to them and retired.

When they turned the corner, they saw Cheng Hui and Lin Siqi squatting on the roadside in despair. The three of them looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

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