The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 495 Kidnapping and Blackmail

"Ah Hao! They captured my mother and me! Wuwuwu..."

As soon as the call was connected, Su Yi heard Xiao Dan's cry, and his expression suddenly condensed.

Before Su Yi could think about it, the phone was taken away by another person.

"Brother Hao, right? Is Jianhui at your place? If so, can you let him take a call?" A slightly playful voice came from the other end of the phone.

Su Yi closed his eyes.

After a long time, when he opened his eyes again, his expression had returned to calmness.

"Wait a minute," he said.

He answered the call in the locker room and walked out the door with the phone in hand.

Cheng Huizheng and Tai Sui were talking and laughing. When they saw Su Yi coming over, they stopped chatting.

"What's the matter, Ah Hao?" Cheng Hui asked.

Su Yi smiled at Tai Sui, then put his arms around Cheng Hui's neck and left.

Cheng Hui was stunned for a moment and allowed Su Yi to pull him away.

Tai Sui looked at the backs of the two people strangely, frowning in confusion.

Su Yi directly pulled him into an empty office, then turned on the speaker phone. Under Cheng Hui's confused eyes, he said into the phone microphone: "You can talk now, he is here."

When Xiao Dan's cry was faintly heard on the phone, Cheng Hui's expression changed. He recognized Xiao Dan's voice.

Hearing Su Yi say this, he was even more surprised and suspicious.

"Hehehe, Jianhui? Are you okay?" The man's voice from before came from the other end of the phone, "Can you tell who I am?"

"Brother Dadong?" Cheng Hui was shocked and angry. Of course he remembered this voice. It was this person who forced him to have no choice but to cross the sea to Haojiang. "Brother Dadong, I am ready to pay you back. What tricks are you doing now?"

"Really? It turns out that you came to Haojiang to make money for me to pay off my debts, not to run away? So I misunderstood you? I'm so sorry, Brother Jianhui!" Dadong on the other end of the phone said strangely.

Cheng Hui hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath and said: "Brother Dadong, I have really collected enough money. I can send it to you now. This matter has nothing to do with Xiao Dan and his mother and daughter. Don't hurt them." They, let them go!”

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Dadong sneered, "Five hundred thousand, bring me the money!"

"Brother Dadong, isn't it two hundred thousand?" Cheng Hui said hurriedly.

"Made, why don't I come here by boat for free? Brothers eat, drink, and have sex for free? I lost so many white hairs to collect debts, don't I have to pay for it? Stop talking nonsense, five hundred thousand, have the money ready, and wait for me to contact you ! If you dare to call the police... Haha, don’t even think about seeing this mother and daughter." Brother Dadong sneered.

"Brother Dadong, it has nothing to do with them!" Cheng Hui shouted angrily.

"You are talking nonsense to me! It has nothing to do with it, it's not you who has the final say!" Brother Dadong scolded, "Give the phone to your precious apprentice Yang Zihao, I have something to say to him!"

"What does it have to do with him!" Cheng Hui howled in pain.

Su Yi shook his head at Cheng Hui, put his index finger on his lips, and made a silent gesture.

Cheng Hui looked at the expressionless Su Yi, his eyes full of guilt.

Su Yi picked up the phone and said, "Speak."

"Oh, Brother Hao is very cool." Brother Dadong said with a smile, "But I understand, you will be the champion soon, with more than two million bonuses, a lot of money, the most important thing is that you will be a big shot by then, be more cool, That’s what it should be.”

Su Yi listened silently and remained silent.

"Actually, brother, I don't have anything else to do. I just heard that Brother Hao is a righteous person and is willing to give charity, so I want to get some money from you." Brother Dadong said with a smile, "I don't know if Brother Hao is willing. Do you want to give me this face?"

"What will happen if I don't give it?"


After a playful laugh, the sound of the ship's whistle came. Brother Dadong then spoke leisurely: "Brother Hao, do you think sharks can't chew their bones?"

"Dadong! How inhuman are you? You'd better stop messing around!" Before Su Yi could speak, Cheng Hui couldn't help but roar.

"Fuck you, you scared me!" Dadong cursed on the other end of the phone, "Jianhui, if you keep yelling and screaming, I'll throw that lunatic into the sea first!"

"Why? If you want money, I'll give it to you! Why do you want to kidnap someone! Is it so necessary?" Cheng Hui roared with anger.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you!" Dadong said impatiently, "Brother Hao, one million! I'll let him go for one million! Of course, if you think this mother and daughter don't matter to you, then it's up to you. Pretend I never made this call. But Jian Hui’s money must be returned to me!”

"You can also call the police and see if you can catch me and rescue them."

"After you have thought it through and made your decision, go prepare the money. I will give you three hours to raise the money. In order to prevent you from playing tricks and causing any unpleasantness, I will remind you in advance that I will conduct a video inspection at that time. You'd better not fool me with fake money or newspapers or anything like that! That's it!"


Dadong hung up the phone.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Cheng Hui shouted hurriedly and wanted to pick up the phone to call, but was stopped by Su Yi.

"Ah Hao, they came for me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Cheng Hui said painfully,

Su Yi waited for him to finish and asked, "Do you have two hundred thousand there?"

"Yes." Cheng Hui was stunned and said.

"I'll lend you another three hundred thousand," Su Yi said.

"Let's call the police!" Cheng Hui said, "Ah Hao, I know Dadong. I don't believe they dare to kill people! Let's call the police. Human lives are at stake, and the police will definitely help us!"

Su Yi was about to speak when he suddenly received a photo on his phone.

He opened it and saw that it was Xiao Dan and her daughter holding each other with frightened eyes, facing the camera.

The background is on a ship, with the endless sea behind.

Su Yi was looking at the picture when the phone rang again, and it was the same number as before.

Su Yi picked up the call and put it on speakerphone.

Dadong's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother Hao, I forgot to tell you something just now. Don't make a small thing worth one million too complicated, and don't harm others or yourself. Brother, I just want money. That’s it, if you call the police or play any other tricks, I will know immediately. Believe me, this is not to threaten you! Haha, if you really do this, then you’d better not be alone in the rest of your life. Don't let us know where you live, let alone have a wife and children..."

"Besides, you can say goodbye to this mother and daughter now. Brother Hui, you are jade and I am tile. You are not so stupid that you really want to confront me head-on, are you?"

Su Yi paused for a while, made sure that the other party had nothing to say, and hung up the phone directly.

He looked at Cheng Hui: "Get your two hundred thousand ready and wait for me here."

"Ah Hao! Call the police!" Cheng Hui said, "We two can't handle it! Calling the police is the most correct thing to do! Don't believe what he said when he threatened you. He was just afraid that you would call the police, so that's why he said that!"

Su Yi looked at Cheng Hui for a while and said: "Brother Hui, this matter is not that simple. If we don't care about the lives of Xiao Dan and her daughter, I can call the police now. If we don't want them to be harmed, then it's best not to Call the police."

Cheng Hui was stunned for a long time and said: "If you don't call the police, what will happen to the 1.5 million? If you lend me 300,000, it will only be enough for my 500,000. What will happen to your 1 million?"

"I'll try my best to find a way." Su Yi said.

"You still want to lose money to avoid disaster?" Cheng Hui said angrily, "Ah Hao! Last time, someone helped you recover 200,000 yuan. This time, the money was 100% wasted! If I can only use money to save their mother and daughter, I Absolutely no objection, but now you can obviously call the police, why do you still do it?”

Su Yi looked at Cheng Hui and said word by word: "Believe me, don't call the police, prepare the money, and wait for me here."

After that, he turned around and left.

When he went out, he met the assistant coach Ah Hai, who said hello and asked with a smile: "Ah Hao, are you going to sleep in the club tonight or go home? If you don't go back, I will have someone clean up your room for you?" "

"Trouble." Su Yi nodded to him.

Su Yi went directly to the boss. He proposed to advance one million and pay it back to the boss after the bonus was paid. The boss asked him what happened. Su Yi only said that a friend had a problem and needed money urgently, and didn't say much else.

The boss pondered for a moment and then directly wrote a check to Su Yi.

He is not afraid that Su Yi will not be able to pay back, because even if Su Yi loses the championship, he will still get more than one million yuan in bonus, not to mention other commercial value.

Lending money to Su Yi was regarded as selling Su Yi's face and winning over people's hearts.

Su Yi went to his cabinet and took out all the money he had before, which added up to more than 400,000.

He took the money, called Cheng Hui, went directly to the nearest casino, and spent a "handling fee" of 80,000 yuan to change the one million check into cash. At this time, the bank has long been closed, and the most convenient way to change cash is to go to the casino.

A total of 1.5 million in cash was packed in two black plastic bags, and then the two returned to the club.

Su Yi directly sent a video call to Dadong.

The call was picked up quickly and Dadong was in a cabin, looking a little messy.

Su Yi calmly took the screenshot and pointed the screen at the 1.5 million he got back.

"I brought the money," Su Yi said, "When will he be released?"

"It's very efficient!" Dadong didn't seem surprised and said with a smile, "Turn the camera on the money, Jianhui, turn over the piles one by one and show them to me."

Cheng Hui complied with a calm face.

After looking through all the money, Dadong said with satisfaction: "Very good, you two will take the money and come to the Outer Harbor Pier now."

"When will they be released?" Su Yi asked again.

"When you get the money, you will naturally let him go. Why are you so anxious?" Dadong said.

"I want to see if they are okay." Su Yi requested.

"No problem." Dadong readily agreed and said with a smile, "Brother Hao, don't worry, I'm just looking for money. If it's not necessary, I will never make things worse. As long as you don't act recklessly, I will abide by the rules. Whether mother and daughter are safe or not depends entirely on your attitude."

As he spoke, he walked out of the cabin with a smile and walked in the narrow corridor. The camera kept shaking as he walked.

Suddenly, the heartbreaking cries and screams of Xiao Dan's mother came from the mobile phone. Dadong's expression suddenly changed, he cursed "Madeh" and hurriedly quickened his pace.

The crying became louder, the camera was blocked by something, and then Dadong's yelling was heard.

"Did you draft it? Didn't I say don't touch her? What the hell are you doing? Ah? Damn it!"

"Brother Dadong, I haven't touched a woman for a long time. Even if I fuck her once, I won't do anything to her..."

"I draw hemp!"

The sounds of fighting and screaming were heard immediately.

After a while, Brother Dadong reappeared in the camera. He grinned and said: "It was just an accident. Don't worry, I promise that my people will never touch mother and daughter again." This time I’ll be here to guard it myself!”

Su Yi said expressionlessly: "Where is Xiao Dan?"

"Here, there!" Dadong hurriedly walked out again.

Soon he arrived in another room and pointed the camera at Xiao Dan.

The little girl was hiding in the corner, crying and shivering.

The camera turned again, revealing Dadong's ugly face again.

"How about it? I told you everything is fine, right?" Dadong said with a smile, "Brother Hao, you send me the money, and I'll let you go. It's fair and reasonable. Let's not play any tricks, so we can get together and part ways."

Su Yi stared at his eyes for a while, then nodded slowly and said: "Okay, I'll let Brother Hui go find you with all the money. As long as you keep your promise and let him go, let this be over. Just treat me as depression to luck."

Dadong frowned when he heard this: "You asked Jianhui to come, but what about you? Why don't you come?"

"Is it enough if the money is enough?" Su Yi said calmly.

"No, you have to come!" Dadong shouted in a deep voice, "Otherwise, how do I know if you can play tricks?"

"I said, I will treat it as a waste of money and avoid disaster." Su Yi said, "As long as you don't mess around, I will never mess around!"

"I said no, I can't! You have to come!" Dadong said impatiently.

"I have the final tomorrow. There is no way I can run around tonight." Su Yi also flatly refused, "There is no way I can go!"

"You have to come!" Dadong said word by word, with a ferocious expression on his face, "Yang Zihao, you are not qualified to speak, I have the final say on this matter!"

"Why do I have to go?" Su Yi frowned.

"I heard that you are very cunning. Who knows what tricks you are playing?" Dadong sneered, "Only if you come, I will feel relieved and I will let him go. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about anything!"

Su Yi was silent for a moment and said, "Do you have to let me go?"

"What do you think?" Dadong said impatiently, "This matter is non-negotiable! In half an hour, at the Outer Harbor Pier, if you dare not come, I will chop off the younger one first, and I will do what I say!"

After speaking, Dadong hung up the phone directly.

Su Yi put down the phone, let out a long breath, and leaned back on the chair.

"Ah Hao, now that you've made it this far, let's do it." Cheng Hui sighed.

Su Yi looked at him, shook his head slowly, and said: "I wanted to settle the matter, because tomorrow is the championship final, and it's not worth delaying my own affairs with these people."

"But now I'm sure that unless I don't take Xiaodan and her daughter out of the equation, it's impossible to solve this matter just by spending money, and it's impossible to make peace with it."

"Actually, I shouldn't take any chances."

Cheng Hui was a little confused: "Ah Hao, what do you mean by this?"

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