The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 517 Come on, sister-in-law

A wise man will surely make a mistake if he thinks a lot. No one in this world can guarantee that they will be absolutely thorough and will not leave any flaws.

Because things are always changing, maybe what was foolproof one second will be a flaw in the next second; what was a flaw in the last second will become a trap in the next second.

Su Yi quickly broke away from his annoyance. He calmed himself down and found that the situation was not that bad, and that this matter might not be a bad thing at all. If used properly, it might even be useful to him.

But he definitely couldn't stay in this place any longer, and he didn't intend to continue staring at Hua Tian and his group. He already knew the goal, and there was no need to stay here.

Thinking of this, he directly took out the phone card, then cleaned the room, took the map, and drove away.

An hour later, police headquarters.

It was already midnight, but Ma Jun and his men were still staying up late and working overtime.

The evidence in Zhang Wenyao's case has basically been established. The phone call this guy made to Tian Yangsheng and his previous plan to rob the Standard Chartered Bank's payment vehicle were all caught by Ma Jun, and there was no denying it.

What Ma Jun is following now is the clue derived from Wu Jinfa.

As Su Yi expected, Ma Jun indeed confirmed Su Yi's identity based on Wu Jinfa, and then found Su Yi's previous number. Then through Su Yi's number, he found Ahu and Adi, and also found Su Yi. My whereabouts from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock this afternoon.

He didn't find out about Su Yi's chartering a boat. After all, he was not a god and he wasn't that comprehensive. It's just that Su Yi will definitely not take chances with luck.

But he did find Adi's number and located Adi in Nanshengwei, so he sent someone to check.

As a result, the people who went there quickly disappeared, and even the mobile phone signal disappeared. Ma Jun immediately understood that something had happened to them.

He immediately asked the Information Department to lock all calls made near Nan Sang Wai, and at the same time sent his men to Nan Sang Wai to find the two missing police officers.

Then he located Su Yi's location in Kwun Tong.

Soon, the two missing police officers also walked out of Nan Sang Wai. They reported their experiences of being kidnapped, intimidated, beaten and interrogated by Tony. They reported that Tony and others had long since left the building, and they were glad that they had escaped. life.

Ma Jun was very upset.

"I should have thought of it earlier! Xian Weizha bought so many alarms from Wu Jinfa. I should have reminded the two brothers to be careful. Now it's better, it's a big deal!" Ma Jun patted his forehead with regret.

The subordinate comforted him: "Boss, how can I blame you? The number we traced was not Xian Wei's. Who knew that was their home base? Besides, so what if they were located? They didn't do anything illegal. We can’t arrest them, we can detain them for forty-eight hours at most.”

Ma Jun shook his head and had no intention of explaining to his men.

He doesn't want to arrest people, he wants to control them!

"Boss, the signal from the number Nan Sang Wai called Kwun Tong disappeared an hour ago." Another subordinate reported.

Ma Jun thought for a long time and muttered: "According to what the two police officers said, they only saw Tony and Ah Hu, but not Ah Zha... It's very possible that the number in Kwun Tong belongs to Ah Zha!"


Ma Jun thought quickly. He thought of the hidden address he revealed to Su Yi Huatian, but now Su Yi was in Kwun Tong...

Nam Sang Wai and Kwun Tong are far apart to the east and west. What was Su Yi doing in Kwun Tong at night?

Let’s look at the trajectory of this number again…

Ma Jun's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his face gradually became happy.

The police lost Hua Tian, ​​and he once felt that Hua Tian and Tian Yangsheng were completely out of control.

But now it seems that this may not be the case!

He believed in Su Yi's ability as an actor. In his opinion, it was normal for Su Yi to insist on following Hua Tian. On the contrary, if Su Yi lost Hua Tian, ​​it would mean that Su Yi was a waste.

Unexpectedly, what was lost in the east was reaped. The three Vietnamese brothers lost control, but he reconnected with the clues to Hua Tian and Tian's health!

Although it has not been confirmed yet, Ma Jun has basically confirmed this fact in his heart, because just based on the movement trajectory of Su Yi's number, he can be sure that Su Yi is chasing Hua Tian and others to Kwun Tong.

Thinking of this, Ma Jun pondered for a long time and ordered: "Get Huang Wenzhan Shazhan from the Criminal Intelligence Division's tracking team. I want to see him within half an hour!"

According to the performance regulations, Ma Jun cannot directly participate in or interfere with any assistant performance as usual, but he obtained information and shared it with his colleagues and did not participate in any operational matters, which does not violate the regulations.

"Xian Wecha, Brother Zha..." Putting aside Hua Tian's affairs for the time being, Ma Jun now became extremely interested in this opponent, and - fearful!

At 1:30 in the morning, Su Yi, Tony and others met at Kwai Chung Container Terminal No. 7.

More than sixty boys drove eight vans.

"Brother (Brother Zha)!"

Tony came up to him from a distance, leaving Ahu to watch the younger brothers.

Su Yi didn't talk nonsense and asked straight to the point: "How's it going?"

On the way, the two contacted each other using a new set of numbers. Su Yi told Tony that the boat he was looking for during the day was no longer safe and he had to find it again, but not through the society, but through relatively legal procedures.

Tony immediately thought of a way. He said that there was an African customer who was a second-hand dealer. He would get the goods from Tony and then go back to Africa to sell them.

This guy is a ship runner, the captain of a cargo ship, and comes to Hong Kong Island every three months. I was about to pick up the goods this time, but due to Su Yi, the exclusive product transaction was canceled, resulting in a shortage. The African guy is still stranded on Hong Kong Island.

"It's settled," Tony said. "He promised to let us get on the ship and take us to Siam. The condition is that the volume of cargo will be tripled this time and it will be free of charge."

"Is it possible that this guy will betray you?" Su Yi asked worriedly.

"Probably not." Tony thought about it seriously and said, "He specializes in supplying to some rich people or generals in Africa, and he is very happy. Here, he has no other options. We are the only ones who come here. I think he is just Just greedy for money.”

After a pause, Tony narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "When we get on the boat, we can kill him and the crew! Mad, it's not like we don't know how to sail the boat, so we won't give him a dime of money!"

"What are you doing?" Su Yi said angrily, "Why do you want to kill people every day? For a little money, you have extraneous problems. If you lose a big thing because of a small thing, what big thing can you do?"

Tony was stunned for a moment and fell silent.

"Why, you don't want to listen?" Su Yi looked at him sideways, "If you kill him, who will be responsible for dealing with the coast guard and customs? There is not even a nigger on board an African ship. Everyone knows there is a problem! Hello! , at this critical moment, safety is the most important! Just keep an eye on them, wouldn’t it?"

He shook his head and said: "We gave him the unfinished goods first, stabilized him, and told him that we would give him the remaining goods after arriving in Siam. We used benefits to dangle him, and then he was targeted. You won’t cause trouble.”

At this point, he hugged Tony and said in a low voice: "There is a big deal these days! If it is done, we will not be able to spend it all in three lifetimes!"

Tony suddenly became energetic and looked at Su Yi in surprise.

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Train those guys well, be careful and don't let the cops touch our butts. In short, let's wait and get rich!"

Tony grinned: "Okay, I will listen to you, brother."

Su Yi soon met the African guy Tony was talking about. This guy spoke Chinese fluently and kept saying "Good brother, I'm telling you..." blah blah blah.

Things went smoothly, and more than sixty brothers got on the boat.

"Tony, stay on the boat and let Ahu watch the niggas buy food. Tell the boys to wait for two more days and make them rich!" Su Yi ordered, "Don't use the phone card now if it's lost. , if anything happens, I will call the nigger’s phone number to find you.”

Tony nodded: "Don't worry, brother, the younger brothers are all from the White Rock Refugee Camp. What hardships have they not suffered? They can endure it. There is one thing..."

Tony hesitated slightly, then said: "Sister-in-law... I have always been very polite, but isn't it... not very convenient? With more than sixty men on board, will she feel bored?"

Su Yi looked at Tony's subtle eyes and knew that he had misunderstood.

But he didn't explain. Instead, he pondered slightly and said, "Then let Adi follow me. It just so happens that I also need a helper."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief: "That's the best! By the way, brother, when the things in our warehouse came, I moved them out. Do you want to take some with you?"

The warehouse Tony was talking about was the place where the three brothers hid their money and arms. Su Yi thought for a moment and said, "Bring me half a million, a long gun, three short guns, more bullets, and five grenades." .”

"Okay, I'll get it!" Tony agreed happily and immediately went back to get the things.

After a while, Tony and his brother walked over together, each carrying a suitcase.

Su Yi asked them to put the box in the back seat, and then said to his brother, "Go to the car and wait for me."

"Yes, Brother Zha." Adi didn't say much.

This woman knows how to survive on the road, knows when to do what kind of things, and she positions herself very correctly.

Su Yi pulled Tony over and explained a few more words, mainly about safety and concealment.

He needed to explain it over and over again to attract Tony's attention and vigilance.

At half past two, Su Yi drove Adi away from Pier 7.

Along the way, the woman was silent, staring at the night outside the window in a daze.

"Are you feeling better?" Su Yi broke the silence.

Adi came back to his senses, smiled and said, "Much better, Brother Zha."

After a pause, he said softly: "Thank you, Brother Zha, for taking me in. Otherwise, I would have been beaten to death by Hua Tian."

"I have a grudge against Hua Tian. We are just using each other. You don't need to thank me." Su Yi said straightforwardly.

Silent all the way, Su Yi drove to Causeway Bay, found a hotel that didn't require registration, and booked two rooms.

He was tired after a long day's work. After taking a shower, he was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door.

Su Yi was suddenly alarmed, picked up the gun, and asked cautiously: "Who?"

"It's me." Adi's voice came from outside the door.

Su Yi did not let go of his vigilance and cautiously approached the door. While looking out through the peephole, he asked, "It's so late. What's wrong?"

Outside the door, Adi was wearing pajamas and his hair was wet. He had obviously just taken a shower.

"I... have something to ask you." Adi hesitated slightly.

Su Yi opened the door suddenly, raised his gun and patrolled left and right.

Fortunately, it was a false alarm, everything was normal, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

When he turned around to look, Adi was looking at him in surprise.

Su Yi looked this woman up and down and had some guesses in his mind.

"Come in." He put away the gun and opened the door.

Adi walked in silently.

Su Yi closed the door, thought for a moment, pulled a clothes drying pole and pushed it against the door, then turned around and walked into the room.

Adi was standing by the bed, looking at Su Yi with strange eyes, breathing rapidly and his chest heaving.

The two of them knew what she wanted to do and what would happen next. This was a tacit understanding that belonged to adults.

Su Yi thought for a while and asked, "You just had surgery, can it be used?"

Adi bit his lip and said, "Be gentle, it'll be okay."

Su Yi smiled, took off her bathrobe and opened her arms: "Then come, sister-in-law."

Adi's eyes suddenly burst with astonishing brilliance, and he suddenly rushed towards Su Yi, riding on Su Yi like a female leopard, hugging Su Yi's neck, and asking for a kiss crazily.

Su Yi took a few steps forward, and the two fell onto the bed.

The noisy night wind quietly buried all the dull breathing.

Two hours later, the bed was a mess.

The naked Adi lit a cigarette, took two puffs, and handed it to Su Yi.

Su Yi hesitated slightly, took it, took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and hid his face behind the thick smoke.

Adi put his head on Su Yi's arm and said softly: "Brother Zha, do you think I'm cheap?"

Su Yi took another puff of cigarette and said calmly: "Don't be silly, sister-in-law. It's normal for an orphaned man and a widowed woman to comfort each other. They are all adults and have needs. Otherwise, how can we solve it ourselves?"

Adi smiled and said: "Although I know you have no feelings for me, but we just went to bed, can't you say some sweet words to comfort me?"

Su Yi stroked her and said: "Emotions can be cultivated slowly, but telling too many lies will hurt your feelings. I won't lie to you, so don't lie to me, okay?"

Adi was stunned. She raised her head to look into Su Yi's eyes and said seriously: "Then let's make an agreement. I won't lie to you, and you don't lie to me either."

Su Yi smiled at her and nodded slowly.

The two fell asleep hugging each other, saying nothing all night.

The next morning, Su Yi was awakened by the noise, only to find Adi sneaking out in his pajamas.

He pretended to sleep calmly.

After his brother went out, he immediately got up, quickly dressed, picked up his gun and followed him out.

He looked around, walked to the door of the next room, put his ear to the door, listened, and breathed a sigh of relief.

But then his expression changed, and he ran to the stairwell in a few steps and hid in the stairwell.

Almost at the same time that Su Yi had just hid in, Adi, who had changed his clothes, went out and walked towards the elevator.

Su Yi watched his brother disappear into the elevator and hurriedly took the stairs downstairs to follow him.

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