The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 519 Everyone has their own concerns

Although Ma Jun knew that if his colleagues from the Criminal Operations Division went to arrest Hua Tian and others, there would be a high probability of increasing casualties, he did not dissuade him.

First of all, Luo Peiquan, the senior inspector in charge of this operation, and Zhang Wenyao, who he had just arrested, were good friends. If they wanted to arrest Huatian at this time, they might not want to avenge the shame of their department. Ma Jun, the instigator, went to persuade him. Don't arrest people, it will only have the opposite effect.

Secondly, Ma Jun was happy to witness another failure of the police.

One general's success will lead to tens of thousands of withered bones. These withered bones should not only belong to the enemy, but also to one's own people.

Only if the price paid by the police is heavy enough, when Ma Jun succeeds in the future, will his power and glory be highlighted.

It was going to rain and his mother was getting married. Ma Jun no longer thought about whether he could catch Hua Tian this time. He was now thinking about the other two issues.

First, what is Huatian going to do?

Second, what is Xian Weicha going to do?

These two questions are not unrelated. Ma Jun has an intuition that as long as he finds out what Xian Weizha is doing, he can find out what Hua Tian is going to do. Because A Zha has tracked Hua Tian and now he suddenly disappears. It is definitely not just It was so simple to be scared away by the police. This person should have a deeper intention.

Therefore, the key to this matter is to regain control of Ah Zha's whereabouts!

Thinking of this, Ma Jun immediately dialed a number: "Has the Baiyue Gang contacted your boss?"

The other side replied: "Not yet, but my boss has prepared the goods. I couldn't find it when I looked for him. I was still cursing just now."

Ma Jun narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Zha's agreed delivery time is tomorrow, and he will definitely contact Ah Shan today! Keep an eye on Ah Shan, try to get Ah Zha's new number, and then notify me immediately."

"Boss, what should I do? Don't always give me impossible orders!" The other side said excitedly, "The last time you asked me to find out the contents of the deal between Ah Shan and Ah Zha, it was because I asked Dongwen Xi, now that Ah Shan has doubted me, you still want me to get my phone number? People will die!"

Ma Jun said calmly: "If you catch Ah Zha and the three brothers, your informant fee will be doubled! In addition, I will solve the problem of your son's schooling, and I will erase his bad files."

The other end of the phone then became quiet, and after a long time he said angrily: "What Ah Zha exchanged the land for is arms, all of them are arms! But I don't know what they are specifically and where they are traded. I need Ah Shan to take me there." I guess I know."

Ma Jun was surprised: "His land will be sold for at least tens of millions, and tens of millions of arms? What do the three brothers want to do? Form an army on Hong Kong Island?"

"Who knows?" said the other end, "But they probably don't have the guts! In addition, the hero called Ah Shan before, and the two had a very unpleasant quarrel on the phone. It seemed that the hero wanted to prevent Ah Shan from taking over the Baiyue Gang. territory, but Ah Shan refused. After hanging up the phone, Ah Shan said, ‘I don’t care about dead people.’ I suspect that he wanted to kill Da Xia and the three of them.”

Ma Jun perked up, his eyes flashed, and said, "How to kill? Are any of his men missing? Have you noticed any clues?"

"Not at all." The other end said, "Maybe he only has one idea now."

"No, no, no, it shouldn't be..." Ma Jun thought quickly and muttered: "Could he let the three brothers take action? Maybe killing the heroes and the others is part of the deal?"

"It's possible..." The other end was taken aback, "Your idea is quite reasonable."

Of course it makes sense. The three heroes in the original plot ended up being killed by three Vietnamese brothers!

Ma Jun spoke quickly: "You keep an eye on Ashan, the task I just gave you must be completed. I'll wait for your call at any time, that's it!"

"I, I'll try my best." The other end of the phone said helplessly.

After hanging up the phone, Ma Jun immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the informants around Daxia and the other three bosses, telling them that people from the Baiyue Gang might kill the bosses they were following, so that they could immediately tell them if there was any trouble. report.

Then, he immediately called the superintendent of O Ji and reported that he had received a tip that the three Vietnamese brothers might want to kill the three heroes and asked O Ji to set up an ambush secretly.

After doing this, Ma Jun walked to a wall full of photos, looked at Su Yi's photos, and murmured: "Zha, where are you?"

At this time, Su Yi and Adi arrived near Diaoyu Bay. He installed a new phone card and called Ah Shan.

The call was connected, and Ah Shan's voice on the other end was slightly irritable: "Who is it?"

"It's me." Su Yi said, "Your tone is so bad, why can't you be tough?"

"Damn!" Ashan shouted excitedly, "Made, do you know I've been looking for you all day! Brother Zha, what are you doing? I can't get through on the phone, and I can't see anyone. Do you still want to trade?"

"Hey, I've given you the territory, and I haven't even seen a hair on it yet. If you have to be anxious, it should be me who is anxious, right?" Su Yi said disdainfully.

"A shipful of arms, boss! We are about to arrive at Hong Kong Island. One more minute of drifting on the sea is one more minute of danger! Once the coast guard finds out, it will be all over! I can't let the ship dock. Otherwise, where should I deliver it? Do I have to go through customs and load it into a warehouse?" Ah Shan said dissatisfied, "Anyway, I will pick up the goods on time at seven o'clock tomorrow morning. The address is..."

Su Yi cursed in his mind and suddenly interrupted him: "Is there anyone next to you listening?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then suddenly shouted: "Hey, bitch, why are you standing behind me? Are you eavesdropping on me?"

Another voice came: "Brother Shan, I have something to ask you. I saw you were talking on the phone, so I will wait for you."

"Get out of here! Get out of here!" Ah Shan yelled impatiently, "Mader, you don't have any rules at all, you are looking for death!"

After dozens of seconds, Ashan said: "Okay, there is no one now."

Su Yi was speechless for a while, someone really listened to Ah Shan's call.

He was very suspicious that this person was actually a police informant.

But he didn't bother to talk nonsense about things without evidence. He just said: "You decide the time, and I have the final say on the delivery location! I will notify you half an hour before delivery tomorrow morning."

Ah Shan said nonchalantly: "Okay, you have the final say. One more thing, the hero called me earlier, and they actually sent a message to you through me, saying they wanted to see you three brothers..."

"I know." Su Yi said.

"When will you finish them?" Ah Shan couldn't help but ask.

"Before delivery." After Su Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone. After thinking about it, he called the hero.


"Brother Daxia, it's me, A-Zha."

"Ah Zha, you are really busy right now. I can't find you even if I want to, and I have to make an appointment through an outsider." The other end of the phone said sarcastically.

"Don't say that, Brother Daxia." Su Yi said with a smile, "Something happened recently. The police have been looking for us. They are hiding here and there. We have no choice."

"Do you want help?" the hero asked.

"No, we brothers can handle it ourselves." Su Yi said with a smile, "Brother Daxia is so anxious to find me, why is it?"

"I heard that you sold all the land in Tuen Mun to Ah Shan. Is this true?" the hero asked straight to the point.

"That's what happened." Su Yi said with a smile, "Brother Daxia, do you have any advice?"

"Any advice?" The hero sneered, "We also have shares in these places! The three of us assigned the Tuen Mun site to you! Now you want to transfer the place to Ah Shan, have you asked us? Views?"

Before Su Yi could speak, he heard another voice saying: "Ah Zha! There are two places that belong to me. You are just helping me look at the places. Why do you sell them too?"

This is the sound of a bald head.

"It's not like I won't give you some money! And!" Su Yi said disdainfully, "Without further ado, let's meet up at the Guangqi Restaurant in Tsuen Wan Metropolis Plaza at 11 o'clock tonight!"


There was still talk over there, but Su Yi hung up the phone first, and then directly took away the phone card, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Go to Lippo Building in Tuen Mun!" he said to his brother.

Police headquarters.

Ma Jun soon received a call from the informant.

"Sir Ma, Ah Zha called Ah Shan just now, but Ah Shan kicked me out. I only heard that the goods will be picked up at seven o'clock tomorrow morning, and the address is on the high seas."

"High seas? Hong Kong Island is surrounded by high seas. Which high seas?" Ma Jun frowned.

"Then I don't know, Sir Ma, Ah Shan seems to be suspicious of me." The informant said nervously.

Ma Jun reassured: "Don't call me from now on. When you pick up the goods tomorrow morning, you can find a way to send me the address. After this matter is over, I will find a way to get you away from Ah Shan." "

"Okay, Sir Ma, I believe you!"

After hanging up the phone, Ma Jun immediately called the Information Department and asked him to check the communication records of Ashan's number.

Then I found the number Su Yi just used, and also found out that Su Yi was in Diaoyu Bay.

"Why are you here?" Ma Jun frowned, somewhat confused as to what Su Yi was doing here.

Of course he couldn't figure it out, because Su Yi specifically picked this place to be an unrelated place.

Ma Jun soon received a report from another informant, saying that Ah Zha had made an appointment with Da Xia and three other big guys to have dinner at You Guangqi Restaurant in Tsuen Wan at 11 o'clock.

A-Zha is going to kill the three heroes!

Ma Jun made a judgment immediately!

You still have some backbone, do you think you are a big D?

Ma Jun sneered, he was sure that Su Yi would take action tonight!

He made a phone call to Secretary O and asked the commander of Secretary O to immediately go and set up defenses with courage. He specifically warned that A Zha was a very cunning person and would notice the slightest sign of trouble. He told the police to be cautious and cautious and not to take any chances!

Of course, Ma Jun also knew that the possibility of catching Ah Zha on the spot was very low, so he called the paparazzi again and told them that if Ah Zha and the others escaped, remember to follow them closely, and they must not let them go this time. Azha and the others once again escaped from the police's sight.

Ma Jun was still worried, so he arranged for a team of people to protect the three heroes all the way to the Guoli Restaurant.

"Sir Ma, where are these three people now?" the police officer who received the order asked.

"According to the tip, Da Xia and Bald Head are now at Lippo Building in Tuen Mun, which is the address of Da Xia's company." Ma Jun said, "As for Si Yan, they should be at his home in the Lok Hing Court community. Get there as soon as possible, and then The troops were divided into two groups and escorted them safely to Tsuen Wan. When they arrived in Tsuen Wan, colleagues from Mark O would take over. Be careful not to expose your whereabouts and stay hidden! Once you encounter an unexpected situation or attack, you must call for rescue as soon as possible. , fight back immediately!"

"Yes, sir!"

Tuen Mun, Lippo Building.

The car stopped across the road from Lippo Building. Su Yi took a gun and bullets from the back seat and started loading them into himself.

"Who to kill?" Adi asked, "I'll go with you!"

"You have to stay and take care of me." Su Yi refused.

He put two grenades and a micro-blast into Adi's hand and asked, "Can you use it?"

"It works." Adi loaded the gun skillfully and aimed out the window.

Su Yi put his hand on her shoulder and said: "No matter what happens later, please stay still and don't move. If it's calm when I come out, don't move either. But if something goes wrong, I'll cover you as soon as I come out." I."

"Okay." Adi nodded solemnly.

"You are my escape route, I leave my life to you." Su Yi smiled and pinched Adi's face.

Adi suddenly grabbed Su Yi's neck and kissed him wildly.

After a long while, Su Yi pushed her away, got out of the car without looking back, and headed towards the Lippo Building across the road.

Daxia is the boss of the three Vietnamese brothers. The three brothers come to this building frequently, so the front desk and security guards of the building all recognize Su Yi. When they see Su Yi, they all stand up and call him "Brother Zha".

Su Yi smiled and nodded, got on the elevator without saying a word, and pressed the eleventh floor button.

While the elevator was rising, Su Yi took a deep breath to make himself feel extra calm.

Killing the three heroes is part of the deal between him and Ah Shan. The deal will be made tomorrow morning. To prevent Ah Shan from temporarily changing his mind, the three heroes must die!

In addition, killing these three people can also deter Ah Shan to a certain extent and prevent him from messing around.

The reason why Su Yi made an appointment to have a backbone in Tsuen Wan at eleven o'clock, but now came to Tuen Mun to kill people, was naturally to prevent the police, and also to make the three heroes relax their vigilance.

When they made the phone call just now, Daxia and Baldhead were together. Su Yi didn't know if Siyan was with them.

But if they are not there, Daxia and Baldhead will definitely call Siyan to discuss the matter. After all, for them, the three Vietnamese brothers are doing big things, which is not trivial, so Siyan will definitely come as soon as possible to talk to Daxia and the others. Discuss countermeasures.

According to normal circumstances, Siyan should be at home with his family during this time. This guy is a very family-oriented person. Siyan's home is not far from Lippo Building, so he will be able to join Daxia and the others soon.

Of course, this is only a possibility if there are no accidents. Su Yi's speculation may not be accurate, but there is a high probability that it is.

But that's enough!

At worst, Four Eyes escaped, so he was lucky.

Killing the heroes and the bald ones is enough to deal with Ah Shan.

So if Four Eyes really doesn't come, it doesn't matter to Su Yi.

With this thought in my mind, the elevator has reached the eleventh floor.

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