The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 532 The third act begins

After the Baiyue military took action, the whereabouts of Xian Weicha's three brothers began to become a mystery.

Rumors are everywhere on Hong Kong Island, in magazines, weeklies and major newspapers, all kinds of rumors are flying everywhere.

Some people say that the three Xian Wecha brothers were robbed of gold and silenced by the Baiyue military. Eighty-six tons of gold have been purchased by the Baiyue military.

Some also say that the three brothers Xian Weizha exchanged a large amount of money, went to South Africa to hide their names, bought a coffee estate, bought hundreds of black slaves, and lived a life like gods.

Others swore that a certain mercenary organization in Africa secretly kidnapped the three Xian Wecha brothers and sent them to Africa to feed the lions. As for the 86 tons of gold, Xian Wecha left a treasure map before his death, and the treasure map can be deciphered. The person who keeps the secret will get this treasure.

This last statement is particularly popular, and some newspapers have actually published treasure maps. It is said that it combines the Five Elements and Bagua with the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, and also contains some kind of mysterious curse, which is very sharp.

A novelist named Ni Kuang also wrote a novel about an alien conspiracy based on this, describing Xian Weicha as a blue-blooded man...

As time goes by, Hong Kong Island gradually returns to its former hustle and bustle, and all the pain and suffering seem to be hidden behind the neon lights.

Three months is coming soon, and those actors who know that they are at the bottom of the ranking are starting to get anxious.

One day, when the Chief Justice of Hong Kong was in court, he took a sip of water on the table and suddenly foamed at the mouth and convulsed and died.

Later, when the police investigated, they discovered that the water was highly toxic, but the water was poured by a juror before the trial. She not only poured water for the judge, but also for herself. The water was poured from a jug. Yes, the cup was taken at random. After investigation, this juror had no motive or suspicion of poisoning and killing.

So how was the poison administered?

The police finally found clues on the roof of the courthouse.

On the roof of the house where the judge placed the cup, residues that were exactly the same as the poison in the cup were found, with the word "accident" engraved on it.

As soon as the news was announced, it immediately caused an uproar!

This is the second time this accidental killer has committed a crime. The first time, he killed a government member who was canvassing for votes in the square in full view of the public.

And this time, he killed the justice who was presiding over the court!

The two murders had two things in common: first, they both left the word "accident", and second, no one could figure out what incredible method he used to kill the person.

The "accidental killer" once again caused a sensation in Hong Kong.

In addition to the accidental killer He Guohui, Hong Jipeng also took action again.

It's just that he was unlucky. He planned to blow up the Central Shopping Plaza, but the news leaked out. Not only did he not succeed, he was almost shot to death by the police in the street.

But even though he failed, his reputation was still established, because this crazy guy actually planted a ton of explosives in this shopping mall!

Not long after the Hong Jipeng incident, Chen Yiyuan became popular again.

This robber who robbed three gold shops in a row did something not very harmful but extremely humiliating!

When the Governor was away, he broke into the Governor's house and stole tens of thousands of dollars, as well as some gold and silver jewelry. He also slapped the Governor's wife on the butt twice and forcefully kissed the Governor's daughter's mouth.

The worst thing is that both he and the daughter of the Governor of Hong Kong stuck out their tongues!

The whole process was captured on surveillance. When the Hong Kong Governor saw it, his face turned green.

That night, a wanted warrant for Chen's arrest with a reward of one to five million Hong Kong dollars was issued throughout Hong Kong.

On the last day of March, Zhuo Ziqiang took action again.

This guy did not choose to take action on Hong Kong Island this time. Instead, he went to Lisboa and did a big thing.

He first spent a lot of money in the casino and lost one billion.

Then after some planning, he kidnapped the son of gambling king Mr. He and extorted three billion.

In the end, this guy escaped with three billion, causing a sensation throughout Asia.

As Zhuo Ziqiang's "second rise to fame" came to an end, shortly after twelve o'clock in the morning one day, the terminal sent actor settlement notices for the second unit to all seven surviving assistant actors.

"Actor Su Yi, the second unit of "Ten Thieves" has ended. The settlement statement is as follows:

1. Ranking of the top ten thieves

1. The Tenth King of Thieves——Ajie

Deeds: For the expansion of Wang Bao Society, he killed six society leaders and personally destroyed two small and medium-sized societies.

Destruction level of famous work: three stars

Event influence: two stars

Reputation: three stars

Overall score: eight stars

2. The Ninth King of Thieves——Hong Jipeng

Deeds: Blow up the Wan Chai Police District and place a ton of explosives in the Central Shopping Center.

Destruction level of famous work: four stars

Event impact: three stars

Reputation: three stars

Overall score: ten stars

3. The Eighth Thief King——Chen Yiyuan

Deeds: He robbed three gold shops in Yau Ma Tei in half an hour, robbed the Governor's family, and molested the Governor's wife and daughter.

Destruction level of famous work: three stars

Event impact: three stars

Reputation: Four and a half stars

Overall score: ten and a half stars

4. The Seventh Thief King——He Guohui

Famous work damage level: three and a half stars

Event influence: three and a half

Reputation: four stars

Overall score: eleven stars

5. The Sixth Thief King——Zhuo Ziqiang

Destruction level of famous work: three stars

Event impact: four stars

Reputation: Four and a half stars

Overall score: eleven and a half stars

Yu Xiu

Deeds: For the expansion of Wang Bao Society, he killed four society leaders and destroyed a small society. In an unruled high seas fighting match, kill ten opponents and become the world's recognized number one fighting master.

Destruction level of famous work: three stars

Event impact: five stars

Reputation: five stars

Overall score: thirteen stars

7. The Fourth King of Thieves——Xian Weihu

Deeds: Killed the terrorist leaders Hua Tian, ​​Tian Yangsheng and others who caused the Hong Kong Island gas bomb tragedy, played tricks on the Hong Kong Island police, became the only winner of the Hong Kong Island treasury robbery, and designed the destruction of thirty-four mercenary organizations in Baiyue , seventeen private detectives, caused more than a hundred international mercenary organizations to be arrested or deported by the Baiyue police.

Destruction level of famous work: five stars

Event impact: five stars

Popularity: Samsung and a half

Overall score: 13 and a half

8. The third thief king——Wang Bao

Deeds: Assisted the police in maintaining stability after the gas bomb tragedy in Hong Kong Island, took the opportunity to occupy half of the underworld in Hong Kong Island, and single-handedly planned and led the battle of Feng Yuxiu and Fengshen.

Famous work damage level: four and a half stars

Event impact: five stars

Reputation: Four and a half stars

Overall score: fourteen stars

Wei Liang

Deeds: Killed the terrorist leaders Hua Tian, ​​Tian Yangsheng and others who caused the Hong Kong Island gas bomb tragedy, played tricks on the Hong Kong Island police, became the only winner of the Hong Kong Island treasury robbery, and designed the destruction of thirty-four mercenary organizations in Baiyue , seventeen private detectives, caused more than a hundred international mercenary organizations to be arrested or deported by the Baiyue police.

Destruction level of famous work: five stars

Event impact: five stars

Reputation: Four and a half stars

Overall score: fourteen and a half stars

10. The number one thief king——Xian Weicha

Deeds: Killed the terrorist leaders Hua Tian, ​​Tian Yangsheng and others who caused the Hong Kong Island gas bomb tragedy, played tricks on the Hong Kong Island police, became the only winner of the Hong Kong Island treasury robbery, and designed the destruction of thirty-four mercenary organizations in Baiyue , seventeen private detectives, caused more than a hundred international mercenary organizations to be arrested or deported by the Baiyue police.

Destruction level of famous work: five stars

Event impact: five stars

Reputation: five stars

Overall score: fifteen stars

2. Performance evaluation

Actor Su Yi, your performance in this unit was rated as - stunning.

3. Obtain rewards

1. According to the reward rules for ranking of the top ten kings of thieves, you will get 200 director points if you are ranked first. Ranking of King of Thieves will reward half of the corresponding ranking points and 25 director points.

2. You get 5 director points because of the amazing reviews.

3. You have accumulated 305 director points.

"The Ten Thieves" Director Team"

The ten assistant actors all received the news of the settlement of the second unit performance. Some were happy, some were worried, some were pleased and satisfied, and some were jealous and dissatisfied.

But no matter what, the result is determined.

In fact, the ranking of the top ten thieves is based on comprehensive ranking.

For example, Su Yi's two cheap brothers received five stars because of the "destruction level of their famous works" and "event influence". They stepped on Hua Tian's shoulders and caused a world-class disaster due to the relationship of more than 80 tons of gold. influence, so the rankings are very high.

Wang Bao and Feng Yuxiu also caused a sensation in the world by planning and leading the high seas unruled fighting competition, and also achieved good results as the third and fifth kings of thieves.

Although Feng Yuxiu is more well-known than Wang Bao, Wang Bao, as a Hong Kong society leader, single-handedly planned Feng Yuxiu’s fame and integrated half of Hong Kong’s underworld, so his “destructive degree of fame” is higher than that of Wang Bao. Feng Yuxiu is higher, so his ranking is naturally higher than that of Feng Yuxiu.

In the following rankings, Hung Kai-peng, who bombed the Mong Kok Police Station, was far ahead of the others with a good score of four stars in the "Destruction Degree of Famous Works". However, his second operation was sabotaged and failed, which led to his influence and influence. The popularity is very low, so it is ranked ninth.

On the contrary, it is Chen Yiyuan. If it were not for patting the butt of the Hong Kong Governor's wife to increase his popularity, his ranking would definitely be behind Hong Jipeng.

Zhuo Ziqiang ranks higher than He Guohui and others because he succeeded in extorting the richest men in Hong Kong Island and Lisboa. If Su Yi and Wang Bao were not in front of them, and one of them succeeded in ascending to heaven, he would not be the most powerful person in this century. Bandit, the ranking is definitely not just sixth, at least in the top three.

For one unit of performance, Su Yi earned more than 300 director points, creating his highest income in history!

The competition in this unit really means that the winner gets the meat and the loser gets the soup.

According to the reward rules, Zhuo Ziqiang and other four people can only get the ranking reward of 20 or 10 director points. Compared with Su Yi's 305 points and Wang Bao's 100 points, it's surprising that these people can maintain a balanced mentality.

Especially Su Yi, I'm afraid most people won't be convinced by him.

The original three Vietnamese brothers should have been the group with the worst conditions among the top ten gangsters. They were not very powerful and were still members of a gang. With Wang Bao suppressing them, they should not be able to achieve anything. Many people did not consider him as such. Take the role seriously.

Unexpectedly, Huatian and Tianyangsheng caused a ground-breaking incident, but Su Yi came behind and stole the fruits of Huatian and Tianyangsheng's work and killed the two assistants.

In the eyes of other assistants, Su Yi's behavior was like a despicable surprise attack on a family, which was very despicable.

Su Yi became famous by stepping on the corpses of Hua Tian and Tian Yangsheng, which made everyone miserable. Now he leads his two younger brothers to dominate the rankings and receive the most generous rewards. No matter how generous a person is, he will want to scold his mother.

After the performance of the second unit was settled, all the actors, including Ma Jun this time, immediately received the notice that the performance of the third unit was about to start and the performance tasks were released.

"Actor Su Yi, the third unit of this film - "The Battle of Black and White" has opened, and the performance tasks are released as follows:

1. Performance time: within three months from now on.

2. Performance mission: Kill your opponent, any means required (Note: Your opponent is Ma Jun, killing other actors does not count as part of the mission).

3. Deathmatch rules:

1. The protagonist Ma Jun must eliminate his opponents in the order of the top ten thief kings from back to front. He must not attack the top thief king before taking action against the bottom thief king; (for example: Ma Jun is the first to take action) The target should be the tenth thief king Ajie. Before attacking Ajie, the first nine thief kings must not be attacked.)

2. In this unit, the protagonist Ma Jun only has one chance to take action against each target, and the duration of each action does not exceed 8 hours. After more than 8 hours, regardless of success or failure, the lead actor Ma Jun is not allowed to take action against the target person and can only fight against the next target, otherwise it will be regarded as a performance violation;

3. The protagonist Ma Jun has the right to attack two adjacent opponents at the same time. When the protagonist does this, the duration of the action cannot exceed eight hours, and the duration does not accumulate.

4. If the target dies due to reasons other than deathmatch, the protagonist's target will be automatically postponed, and no reward will be calculated if the target dies.

5. The assistant can attack the protagonist at any time without any restrictions. However, after the assistant performs the attack, the protagonist has 8 hours of legitimate defense time. During this time period, the protagonist can attack the opponent who actively attacks him without any restrictions, and it is not counted in the shooting rules. . After 8 hours, the legitimate defense time ends, and the protagonist still needs to take action according to the established order and must not violate it.

Afterwards, all actors must arrive on Hong Kong Island within 72 hours and are not allowed to leave Hong Kong Island before the end of this unit.

4. Reward criteria:

1. Each time the protagonist eliminates an opponent, he or she will get 100 director points (including killing the opponent, forcing the opponent to admit defeat, or making the opponent use immunity props);

2. If the assistant actor can survive the 8 hours of shooting time of the lead actor in the sequential duel, he will also receive 100 director points;

3. If an assistant takes the initiative to attack the lead actor (the standard is an effective attack or a life threat to the lead actor), if it is fruitless but survives the lead actor's "8 hours of legitimate defense time", 50 director points will be awarded (if there are multiple assistant actors) If they join forces, multiple assistants will share the reward equally). There is no limit to the number of times in this rule.

4. If the assistant actor kills the lead actor at any time, forces the lead actor to admit defeat, or makes the lead actor use immunity props, he will be rewarded with 1000 director points and the performance will be ended.

Five: Special instructions: Except for force majeure reasons, you are not allowed to miss this performance arrangement, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract and you will be responsible for the consequences. Unless there are temporary changes to the performance information, no further notice will be given.

"Top Ten Thieves"

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