The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 552 Fierce battle on board

The fishing boat was blown up by Ma Jun!

He attached the bomb to the bottom of the boat and then detonated it. A big hole was blown out of the fishing boat!

The seawater quickly filled the bottom chamber. Fortunately, the bottom chamber was sealed, which prevented the fishing boat from sinking completely.

But even so, the ship was also tilting and sinking severely. If left alone, it would sink to the bottom of the sea sooner or later.

Su Yi broke into a cold sweat and was filled with fear.

He had to admit that he had made a mistake.

As the saying goes, a wise man will always make mistakes. Su Yi considered many possibilities, but he just didn't expect Ma Jun to go to the meeting alone with a bomb.

If he hadn't been lucky, the bottom warehouse would have been closed all the time, and the ship would have sunk by now!

The three brothers had no choice but to jump into the lifeboat and escape.

The three of them were squeezed into the small lifeboat, but Ma Jun was wearing a diving suit and fully armed in the water. He could give them a fatal blow at any time, or even destroy the lifeboat, allowing the three of them to fall into the water without protection.

If that time really comes, one can imagine the danger that Su Yi and the other three will face.

Even so, the three of them have now reached an extremely dangerous moment.

Because no one is sure whether Ma Jun still has a bomb.

If Ma Jun still carries a second bomb, blow it up again...

Then everything is over.

Da da da da…

Ahu was shooting wildly underwater again, but it was all in vain.

"Stop fighting! I'm going into the water!" Tony gritted his teeth and was about to jump into the water to find Ma Jun, but was stopped by Su Yi.

"I'll go!" Su Yi shouted.

If Ma Jun really has a bomb, can Tony stop it by going into the water?

It's simply impossible! Not to mention that Ma Jun was wearing a full set of diving equipment. Even if he wasn't, how could Tony be Ma Jun's opponent?

Just go down and deliver food!

So it was better for Su Yi to go down by himself, at least he would be more confident.


Su Yi conveniently picked up a harpoon from the fishing boat and jumped into the water.

Without further ado, Ma Jun might continue to install bombs at any time. Su Yi did not dare to waste even half a second and jumped directly into the water.

The cold seawater instantly enveloped Su Yi's body, and the omnipresent seawater squeezed him. After entering the water, Su Yi did not stay in place but tried his best to swim to one side.

Puff puff!

Then he clearly saw a bullet pass through the water curtain and pass through the place where he fell into the water before.

When Su Yi stabilized his body in the water, he saw a man carrying an oxygen bottle not far away holding a pistol and shooting in this direction.

He was almost close to the bottom of the ship now. It seemed that he had hid far away when he blew up the ship. Seeing that the ship hadn't sunk, he came back and planned to blast it again.

As a result, Su Yi got off before anyone could reach the boat.

So he immediately shot Su Yi.

In fact, the distance between the two people was not far, but the light in the water was refracted, and coupled with the power of the water flow, the bullets fired were not only weak, but also difficult to hit the target.

Ma Jun fired again and again, and Su Yi swam backwards to a position about ten meters away, out of the range of the pistol.

Ma Jun raised his gun and pursued him. Su Yi did not escape because the opponent was carrying a gas bottle, but he could only hold his breath under the water. He would definitely not be able to escape.

If he turns around and runs away, the horse army can kill him!

Su Yi transferred the harpoon to his left hand and pulled out a pistol from his waist with his right hand. He fired at the Ma Jun and swam towards the Ma Jun at the same time.

The two of them fired guns at each other!

Within a distance of less than ten meters, no one was hiding, they were just shooting at each other.

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. At this time, whoever hides first means that whoever surrenders in this sudden game.

The price of losing is losing the opportunity!


A bullet grazed Su Yi's thigh, and blood suddenly dyed the sea water red.


Su Yi's bullet also hit Ma Jun's forearm.

The two of them still rushed towards each other and kept shooting at each other!

Like two lunatics who are desperate for their lives!


The distance got closer and closer, and the shooting accuracy became higher and higher. Su Yi was shot in the abdomen, and Ma Jun was shot in the left shoulder.

Su Yi gritted his teeth and still rushed forward!

At this time, the bullets in Ma Jun's gun were all gone, and he had to retreat.

He dived hard and ran back.

Su Yi fired while chasing after him.

At this time, Su Yi felt that his lungs had become hot and he was in urgent need of ventilation.

But he still used his last strength to swim forward desperately, and then concentrated on shooting all the bullets in the magazine!

Two more bullets hit Ma Jun's back and buttocks, and another bullet directly penetrated the gas cylinder Ma Jun was carrying.

Unable to hold on any longer, Su Yi hurriedly surfaced, took a deep breath, and then immediately dived back down.

When he entered the water again, he found that Ma Jun was rushing towards him with a cylinder in his arms.

Su Yi was not afraid, he went up to him, raised his harpoon and struck!

Ma Jun blocked it with the gas bottle in his hand, and then quickly approached. Before Su Yi could take back the harpoon in his hand, he suddenly swung the gas pipe around and entangled the harpoon and the gas bottle. As a result, Su Yi was not able to immediately Retrieve the harpoon.

In this second, Ma Jun got in front of Su Yi and moved forward with his left hand.

Su Yi dodged, and then noticed a flash of cold light, and Ma Jun was holding a dagger in his hand!

He was so frightened that he reacted slowly just now, but now he was stabbed.

Su Yi didn't dare to neglect. He grabbed Ma Jun's knife-holding wrist, then let go of the harpoon. He grabbed Ma Jun's left shoulder with his other hand and dug his thumb into his penis, which was still oozing blood. In the wound.

Ma Jun struggled violently in pain and slammed his head towards Su Yi. Su Yi leaned back, but unexpectedly Ma Jun used his strength for the second time and hit Su Yi's chin with his head.

The collision was so strong that Su Yi felt pain and let go of Ma Jun's arm, using his last strength to swim back and surface.


As soon as Su Yi showed his head, he took a big breath, and then shouted sternly: "Shoot! Shoot!"

Da da da……

Tony and Ahu, who were standing by the boat and paying attention to the movements in the water, hurriedly fired at Su Yi's surroundings. The bullets carefully avoided Su Yi's position.

Su Yi took a big breath and felt a little relieved.

"Stop! Stop!"

He yelled, signaling Tony and the two to stop shooting, and then got back into the water.

Ma Jun was forced to run away by the gunfire just now. He was holding his breath now. His lungs were on the verge of exploding after the fierce fight just now.

As soon as Su Yi got off the boat, he saw Ma Jun getting from the bottom of the boat to the other side of the boat and carefully lifting himself up from the side of the boat.

Su Yi was shocked and hurriedly swam over.

On the boat, Tony and Ahu held AKs in their hands and looked nervously at the position where Su Yi had just dived into the water, ready to continue shooting at any time.

They didn't notice that on the other side of the ship, Ma Jun's head quietly poked out from the side of the ship.

He was like a cheetah, quietly staring at his prey.

At a certain moment, he suddenly jumped onto the boat and shot toward Tony and Ahu like lightning.

The sound of "crash" on the water surface alerted Tony and Ahu. When they turned around in horror, the dagger in Ma Jun's hand had been released.

The dagger directly pierced the palm of Ahu's left hand holding the gun with a pop. Before he could scream, Ma Jun dwarfed and slid under the two men. He grabbed the barrels of the two guns and thrust them upwards.

Da da da da…

Bullets were thrown into the sky at him for free.

The crazy-looking Ma Jun roared and took the two AKs into his arms, flipped his elbows, and used a clever joint technique. Tony and Ahu suddenly felt pain and had to let go of the guns in their hands.

The gun was taken away just like that!

But the Ma Jun who took away the two guns had no time to turn the guns and shoot at Tony and Ahu, because the two men were close at hand.

He yelled, raised his hands in the air, used the two guns as sticks, and smashed them down on Tony and Ahu's heads.

The two brothers shouted and took action, two against one.

The two sides fought back and forth for two rounds. Tony kicked the gun in Ma Jun's left hand and flew it into the sea. Ma Jun took the initiative to throw away the gun in his right hand, which caused Ahu's left eye to crack!

The three separated briefly, and then quickly rushed toward each other crazily.

They were biting each other like the most ferocious hyenas, eager to kill each other with every move.

The Ma Army fought faster and faster. Ahu had been hit frequently and his face was covered in blood. Even Tony could barely keep up with the Ma Army's rhythm.

At a certain moment, all the bones in Ma Jun's body were rattling, and his palms seemed to be attached to Tony and A'hu's arms, and they drew a circle toward the outer space, forcing the two men's chests to open wide.

Ma Jun's eyes widened with anger, and he shouted, turning his palms into fists, stepping forward, like two dragons coming out of a cave, and punched Tony and Ahu hard on the chests.

At that time, Ahu spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

Tony was also beaten until his face turned red and his veins popped out, showing a look of extreme pain.

Taking advantage of the victory, Ma Jun pursued the attack, raised his leg and struck Ahu hard on his right shoulder. Ahu knelt on the ground with a "thud", Ma Jun's body flew into the air, and another A foot kicked hard on A'hu's chin, and several teeth flew out mixed with blood. A'hu's entire chin moved to one side, and his entire face could no longer see his true face, and he fell to the ground in confusion.


Tony yelled and rushed forward.

The two quickly broke up the attack. At first, both Tony and Ma Jun were carrying it. Both sides were beaten, but no one retreated, and their speed was extremely fast.

But as time went by, the horse army's speed increased again, and Tony began to be beaten frequently. Then he gradually only had the power to parry, not to fight back.

In the end, he couldn't even parry.

Bang bang bang bang...

Ma Jun's fists fell like raindrops on Tony's head, face, and body!

At a certain moment, Ma Jun's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He opened his fingers slightly and suddenly grabbed Tony's neck. His fingers were deeply embedded in his flesh. He pressed the top of Tony's head with his other hand and twisted hard——


Just then the evil wind struck.

Ma Jun reacted very quickly and tilted his head.


As a result, a grenade hit Tony squarely on the forehead. Tony was hit with a bloody head and fell on his back.

Ma Jun was horrified when he saw this thing. Without thinking, he quickly ran to the side and jumped into the sea to avoid the explosion.

But as soon as he reached the edge of the boat, almost before jumping off, he realized something was wrong, stopped suddenly, turned his head, and glanced out of the corner of his eye.

I saw the grenade bouncing to the ground without even opening the ring!


Ma Jun reacted and turned around with a punch without even thinking.

His reaction was right, because Su Yi, who had just jumped on the boat, immediately rushed towards the Ma Army after scaring them away with an unexploded grenade.

Although Ma Jun reacted quickly, Su Yi's movements were not slow either.

He anticipated Ma Jun's movements, dodged with a dive, and then hit Ma Jun in the jaw with a hard right hook.

If it is in the MMA arena, this punch can even knock out the opponent.

But this is not a competition, it is a life and death fight!

Ma Jun was indeed stunned by the punch, but he tilted his neck at the critical moment, causing the focus of Su Yi's punch to deviate and failing to block the blood flow in the aorta.

He quickly started to fight back. Su Yi and Ma Jun only exchanged a few moves before the latter began to recover and began to punch faster.

Not an opponent!

Su Yi made a quick judgment.

In fact, he had long known that he could not be Ma Jun's opponent in terms of fists and kicks.

Ma Jun is so awesome!

Tony plus Ahu are not enough!

Although Su Yi has built up his physical fitness and muscles in the past few months in Baiyue, and his fighting skills and level have improved than before, when he and Tony competed, they were at most a tie. In other words, he and Tony Tony's boxing skills are among the best.

So the difference between him and Ma Jun is probably two Tonys.

After realizing this, Su Yi decisively changed his tactics.

He suddenly launched a critical attack combination, taking advantage of the situation to force Ma Jun to the side of the boat, and then suddenly dived down to hug him.

Although Ma Jun took precautions, he still fell heavily to the ground along with Su Yi.

When Su Yi fell to the ground, he started to do a cross brace on his left knee. Unexpectedly, Ma Jun was very experienced. His body suddenly curled up, preventing Su Yi from having a chance to control his left leg.

Su Yi's body was pulled forward as Ma Jun curled up. He reacted very quickly, wrapping his legs around Ma Jun's waist from behind, and then wrapped his arms around Ma Jun's neck.

Bare twist forming!

Ma Jun accidentally grabbed his throat and his face became red with blood.

He struck back with his elbow, trying to force Su Yi to let go with his attack, but he soon realized that this step would not work because Su Yi's position made it impossible for him to exert any strength.

Helpless, he had no choice but to focus on Su Yi's arms.

However, before he could make a move, Ahu had already stood up unsteadily. Seeing the situation here, he gritted his teeth, screamed, pulled out the dagger stuck in his palm, and rushed towards this side.

Ma Jun felt the crisis and burst out with unparalleled strength. He grabbed Su Yi's wrist and roared to break free.


Ahu's knife stabbed Ma Jun's blocking left arm hard and penetrated him!


Ma Jun screamed and burst out, broke free from Su Yi's restraints, and kicked Ahu over hard.

Just as he was about to take another step, Su Yi grabbed his arm, lifted his legs into the air and clamped his neck, strangling Ma Jun again.

However, the movement was not fully formed this time. Ma Jun gave himself room to move, and the two began to wrestle.

"Go! Tony, go!" Su Yi, whose face was twisted with ferocious force, roared angrily.

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