The explosion at the hospital door was just the fuse. Soon, explosions of varying degrees occurred on all floors and in all directions of the hospital.

Su Yi wanted to avoid hurting innocent people as much as possible, so he installed a smoke bomb wherever he placed the bomb. Before detonating the bomb, he must first detonate the smoke bomb and then count silently for five seconds. At this time, people nearby were affected by the smoke bomb. The explosion had already been frightened and dispersed. If the bomb exploded again, at least it would not directly kill anyone.

At least 20 explosions occurred on the five floors of this hospital.

"Where did he get so many bombs? There were colleagues guarding the front and back doors for inspection. How did he bring the bombs in and install them?" A policeman in Ma Jun's ward asked in disbelief.

"Don't you remember the news we got before?" Ma Jun said in a deep voice, "He used the territory of the Baiyue Gang to get 50 million arms from Ah Shan! This much arms is enough to occupy a small country in Africa. ! As for transporting the bomb in, it is not difficult for him at all..."

"We can't wait any longer, Xiaozhi, let's leave now!" Ma Jun was anxious, seconds seemed like years, and he decided to withdraw now.

Xiaozhi is the police officer who went to get the wheelchair.

What Ma Jun and the others didn't know was that the medical equipment warehouse had also been bombed. Xiaozhi was looking for a wheelchair in the ruins, so he was slow to come back.

"Boss, I'll carry you!" A Liang volunteered.

Ma Jun failed. Although he was conscious now, half of his body was temporarily unconscious because the anesthetic had worn off. Moreover, his whole body was covered with wounds that had just been sutured. A slight movement at this time could easily cause the wounds to burst. Bleeding.

Soon, Aliang carried the cavalry on his back, and the rest of the team members were on guard with guns to clear the way. The group went out in a mighty manner, preparing to evacuate.

Because the explosion caused the circuit to trip, all live equipment in the entire hospital was shut down at this time, including the elevator, so Ma Jun and the others could only take the stairs.

There was one on each side of the stairwell. The stairwell on the left was closer to them, but the police detective who explored the path quickly reported on the intercom: "The section from the third floor to the second floor of the stairwell on the left was collapsed by a bomb, and it is difficult for people to pass through." !”

"Go to the right!" Ma Jun ordered decisively not wanting to waste time.

Things went smoothly on the right side, and the group went down from the fourth floor to the first floor without any danger.

But as soon as they came out of the stairwell, everyone was dumbfounded.

The first floor was crowded, with people running in panic everywhere.

At this moment, almost everyone in the entire hospital gathered on the first floor and wanted to escape, but the main door and back door were blown apart, so they could only climb out through the windows of each room on the first floor.

As a result, the speed of citizens' escape was naturally greatly reduced, and a large number of people were stranded on the first floor, running around like headless flies.

This also made it difficult for Ma Jun and others to move forward.

"I'll open the way!" A police officer stood up and said.

"No, once we show up we will cause even greater chaos!" Ma Jun stopped them.

The citizens now trapped on the first floor are terrified. The appearance of a group of police officers will be regarded as a life-saving straw by them, and they will immediately become the center of the storm.

Moreover, if there are too many people, it will interfere with Ma Jun's prop ability of "Whim". Once he has a warning sign in his heart, but there are so many people around him, he can't tell where the danger comes from, it will be bad.

"Go downstairs and go to the garage!" Ma Jun made a decision.

A group of people then descended the stairwell.

On the underground floor, there were still a large number of citizens stranded, and many cars collided with each other in the panic, causing the exit to be blocked.

"Boss, do you want to drive?" a police officer asked, "Our car is over there. If we drive, we can crash out of the way."

Ma Jun's original plan was to evacuate the hospital directly from the first floor, walk away from the area, and then find a relatively safe place to wait for support.

But now that I'm out of the garage, it's certainly better to be able to drive.

Just when Ma Jun was about to agree to the police officer's suggestion, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, and his expression suddenly changed.

"No, don't go to the car, let's leave on foot!"

The team members had no objections. A group of people protected the horse army, bypassed the colliding cars, and walked to the exit of the garage.

Boom boom boom...

However, at this moment, deafening explosions sounded from all directions!

The team members immediately protected Ma Jun and looked for shelter. Even so, some people were affected by the explosion. The flying debris and shock wave left almost no intact car glass in the entire underground garage, and no one could remain standing. .

After the explosion, everything was in chaos. All the cars were blaring sirens, mixed with people's cries, and the noise was extremely noisy.

The most shocking thing was that billowing smoke swept in from all directions and filled the entire underground garage.

I don't know whether the smoke is poisonous or not. Even if it is not, it is still very dangerous if you get caught in the billowing smoke.

There were already coughs coming and going.

At this moment, Ma Jun's heart was filled with a sinister feeling, and he was overwhelmed with uneasiness and fear.

"Go! Get out of here!" he shouted, asking the police officers to evacuate again.

Everyone retreated to the stairwell and looked at the two flights of stairs going up and down. Someone immediately thought in surprise: "Boss, the second underground floor is the morgue and freezer, and there is an exit below!"

The first floor was full of people, and the underground garage was swept by thick smoke. It was also possible to get out of the second underground floor...

Where to go, no need to say much.

"Go downstairs!" Ma Jun was filled with a sense of crisis and wanted to leave the building.

A group of people quickly descended the stairs again. As soon as they reached the second underground floor, Ma Jun's heart-pounding warning signs sounded loudly again.

"Stop!" Ma Jun shouted subconsciously.


There was another explosion in the underground garage upstairs, and the whole building seemed to be shaking.

"Boss?" A Liang asked in confusion.

All the police officers looked at Ma Jun, wondering why he suddenly stopped.

Ma Jun is miserable. He is now filled with a sense of crisis. There are warning signs everywhere he goes. He simply cannot tell where the real source of the warning signs is.

This is also the reason why he wants to leave this building as soon as possible, because he feels that enemies are everywhere in this building!

The layout of the second underground floor is very simple. From the stairwell, there is a corridor, turn left at the end, and go straight to the exit.

On the left side of the corridor is the morgue and on the right is the freezer.

The long corridor was empty at the moment, and the doors to the cold storage and morgue on both sides were all locked.

It seemed like there was no danger at all.

But for Ma Jun, this empty long corridor seemed to hide a monster that chose people to eat, making him stay away.

But if you don’t go here, where can you go?

"Clear the area first!" Ma Jun ordered through gritted teeth, "Check carefully to see if there are any explosives! Get the two groups out, quickly!"

At this time, Ma Jun had nothing to worry about and could only risk human lives.

Four police officers immediately dispatched, working in pairs, to investigate carefully.

It was only a short corridor, so they checked quickly and were back soon.

"Very clean, boss!" Both groups said they found nothing.

Very clean? So where did my warning sign come from?

Ma Jun didn't believe it, but at this time he actually had no choice. He had to rush out of the building as soon as possible to end the sense of crisis that seemed to be everywhere.

"Be alert and pass quickly!" Ma Jun gritted his teeth, his heart pounding.


The team members escorted Ma Jun forward quickly. Ma Jun was frightened all the way. The sense of warning was getting stronger and stronger, and it felt like his heart was about to pop out of his throat.

The corridor was just tens of meters long, but it seemed like it would never end. Every second was a torment for Ma Jun.

Soon, they reached the end of the first section of the corridor and everyone turned the corner.

This corridor is very wide, with a slope of 45 degrees. The rolling shutter door at the end of the corridor is half open. From here, you can already see the blue sky and white clouds outside.

By visual inspection, the distance was only about thirty meters, with solid walls on both sides, and the entire corridor was empty and very clean.

The warning signs in Ran Ranmajun's heart reminded him crazily——

Danger! Danger! Danger!

Ma Jun knew the danger, but the team members did not.

As soon as they turned the corner, the team members continued to rush out the door without stopping.

Perhaps the anesthetic had affected Ma Jun's thinking and reaction speed. By the time he reacted, the team members had already rushed through one-third of the corridor. At this time, the warning sign in Ma Jun's heart was at its peak!

But there is no way he can go back now!

"Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up! Fast, fast, fast!" Ma Jun couldn't help but roar.

The team members thought that Ma Jun was afraid that explosives would be installed in this corridor, so they rushed forward quickly.



Just as we were about to reach the exit, a hand suddenly stretched out from the right side of the rolling shutter door.

This hand holds a small plastic basin filled with more than a dozen transparent "glass balls".


This hand was thrown in with the basin attached, and then the owner of the hand ran away!

This scene happened extremely suddenly and very quickly!

Although some team members shot at that hand immediately, the hand retracted very quickly and did not hit it at all!

The already nervous team members fired almost immediately. In just one second, at least ten rounds of bullets were fired.

Of course there were bullets that shattered those glass beads.

"No..." Ma Jun roared in horror and despair.

He was the first to recognize what the glass beads were!

Chlorine trifluoride bomb!

That's a chlorine trifluoride bomb that hasn't appeared since Hua Tian's death!

Ma Jun once thought that this thing had become extinct with Hua Tian's death. He was also very glad that Su Yi solved this big trouble for him, without him having to face such an extremely dangerous thing personally.

It was not that he had not suspected that Su Yi might have the inventory seized from Huatian, but Su Yi had fought with him several times, and even in the last battle on the high seas, Tony died in the battle and Ahu was seriously injured. What kind of situation did Su Yi face? The dangerous situation has never been brought out.

Despite facing life and death crises several times, Ma Jun would naturally conclude that Su Yi had not seized the chlorine trifluoride bomb at all.

But I didn’t expect that Su Yi really had it!

And he is really calm!

He has endured until now and created such an excellent occasion and opportunity to give Ma Jun the most fatal blow!

The horse army cannot hide or escape!

This passage with an inclination of 45 degrees has become the perfect accomplice for the "glass beads" to quickly roll down!

At this time, Ma Jun finally understood where his warning sign came from.

This corridor is really safe, the unsafe ones come from outside the corridor.

More than a dozen transparent glass beads rushed down.

It was unknown whether it was hit by a bullet or the glass balls were broken. One of them suddenly exploded, and the fire instantly engulfed the entire corridor.


Boom boom boom boom——

More than ten glass balls all exploded, and the entire second underground floor instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, becoming a sea of ​​purgatory.

Su Yi, who ran away frantically, immediately received a message from the terminal - the leading actor Ma Jun was dead!

There was no accident, no miracle, Ma Jun was dead!

He was immediately evaporated by the blazing temperature until not even a hair was left. He had no time to use any life-saving tools.

He fell into the trap that Su Yi carefully prepared for him. After Su Yi cracked his whim ability, Ma Jun, who was already in poor condition and lost mobility, was doomed to die!

Su Yi first blew up the front and rear doors of the hospital, which greatly limited the speed of crowd evacuation.

Then he created explosions all over the hospital. In fact, they were just to create chaos, cause panic, and put pressure on the Ma Army. There was no specific purpose.

The reason why Ma Jun felt that the first floor was dangerous was because there was a large-yield bomb buried on the first floor that had not yet detonated. In addition, Su Yi concluded that the most taboo thing about Ma Jun's ability was the large number of people, which would affect his judgment of the crisis. .

Therefore, Ma Jun's refusal to go to the first floor was entirely due to Su Yi's calculations.

He just wanted to force Ma Jun to go down to the underground garage.

Su Yi's arrangement in the underground garage once again forced Ma Jun to retreat. At this time, Ma Jun and his group of policemen had almost only one way to go: the second underground floor.

After Su Yi saw Ma Jun retreating from the first floor to the stairwell on the upper floor, he began to seize the time to detonate bombs and smoke bombs in the garage on the underground floor. At the same time, he used the pulley device to slide down directly from the roof to the exit on the second underground floor. Position, pull the rolling shutter door halfway up, hide outside the door, waiting for the arrival of Ma Jun and others.

As Su Yi expected, Ma Jun and his party eventually embarked on the only dead end that Su Yi had carefully prepared for them.

So, the result that was supposed to happen happened.

If Ma Jun had insisted on evacuating from the first floor, or if Ma Jun was not afraid of the smoke and insisted on breaking out from the underground floor, maybe he would not have died.

But there are no ifs in the world. Su Yi caught Ma Jun's psychology, understood his movements, and made accurate predictions.

After running all the way out of the hospital, Su Yi stole a car on the side of the road and drove away. From the beginning to the end, he never looked back.

On the waters heading to Wanwan, a smuggling ship is moving at high speed.

On the boat, Chen Yiyuan's face showed a series of complex emotions such as shock, admiration, annoyance and shame.

He also got the news of Ma Jun's death, which was something he didn't expect.

He originally thought that the Ma Army was too powerful and almost invincible, so when Su Yi invited him to deal with the Ma Army together, he declined.

But he didn't expect that the powerful enemy he thought was invincible would actually be killed by Su Yi!

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