The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 568 Trivial Matters

Su Yi, Li Yukun and others in the room really listened to the conversation between Liu Haiqing and others.

Li Yukun looked at Su Yi with a complex expression, with a bit of awe in his eyes: "Brother Geng, which path of true Buddha are you?"

"I am the Clay Bodhisattva crossing the river." Su Yi sighed with a smile, then stood up and changed the topic: "Brother Li, our third shareholder is here."

"Is Liu Haiqing really a liar?" Although Li Yukun guessed this possibility from the first moment he heard Liu Haiqing's voice, he still couldn't help but say angrily.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Brother Li, ordinary people don't have the brains to deceive you at that time. Ordinary people can't deceive you either!"

These words made Li Yukun's expression soften slightly.

At this time Liu Haiqing had already walked in.

Before anyone arrived, the hearty laughter arrived first.

"Brother Geng, I'm here uninvited. Excuse me for disturbing you!" He clasped his fists from afar, came closer and bowed, very enthusiastically.

"Looking at Brother Liu's face glowing red, it must be a happy event." Su Yi smiled and clasped his fists.

"Brother Geng, I have carefully considered your previous proposal and decided to accept it!" Liu Haiqing looked solemn and said seriously, "I wonder if Brother Geng will still welcome me?"

When asked this question, Liu Haiqing felt inexplicably uneasy.

"Of course." Su Yi said with a smile, "I'm not even happy to have a talented person like Brother Liu join me. How could I not welcome him?"

At this moment, Liu Haiqing was in a daze. He suddenly felt that Su Yi pulled him into the group not because of his background, but because he appreciated his talent.

He quickly came to his senses, turned to Li Yukun and bowed deeply: "Brother Li, Hai Qing has offended many people before, please forgive me!"

"There is nothing to forgive or not. If you can lie to me, it's all your fault. I'm not someone who can't afford to lose." Li Yukun said with a dark face.

Liu Haiqing smiled bitterly: "Brother Li is still blaming me, but fortunately we will be a family from now on. There will be a long time to come, and there will always be time for me to atone for my sins."

Su Yi interrupted: "Now that the three of us are here, let's go make the contract."

"I'm ready, and I want to ask you, Brother Geng, to take a look." Li Yukun said.

When the three of them signed the cooperation agreement, Jia Changqing also received a message from Li Dasen - don't argue about Geng Liangchen's matter.

This short sentence made Jia Changqing feel very complicated.

There was a feeling of relief, but also reluctance and heartache.

To his great relief, even the old man spoke, which showed that the man named Geng had real background and was not a swindler. In this way, he did not lose his face completely.

What makes him unwilling and heartbroken is that in addition to being the leader of the Qing Gang, he is also the general leader of the foot gang, responsible for managing the power of the Qing Gang in the foot gang. But now, someone has forcefully taken away a piece of his power. The interests of him and the Green Gang have suddenly been reduced by thousands of oceans a month, so he can only give up.

But anyway, that's how it ended.

Jia Changqing felt unhappy. When he was playing with women at night, he accidentally killed another one.

On the other side, just as Jia Changqing made the decision to completely give up trouble with Su Yi, Su Yi received the news that the performance task was completed.

"The performance of the second act of the first unit, "Snatching and Looting," has been completed. Performance evaluation: excellent; reward: 20 director points."

Another outstanding one, not amazing.

But Su Yi is satisfied. After all, he relies not only on his own acting skills, but also on prescient information, such as the background of Liu Haiqing and Zhang Jingshan.

If not, it would be twice as difficult for him to complete the task.

Moreover, he completed this seemingly impossible and difficult task surprisingly smoothly, and many of the troubles he thought would happen did not happen.

The terminal determines that the performance mission is successful, which means that the Qinggang will not put obstacles in the recruitment of people for his foot trade. In this way, Su Yi's small money printing machine will soon start earning him a steady stream of money.

Of course, according to the rules, 50% of the money earned will be handed over to Uncle Ba, and the remaining 20% ​​will be given to the boss Jia Changqing.

Only 30% was allocated to Su Yi.

Of this 30%, Su Yi and other three shareholders can only take away 10% and 15%, and their subordinates such as the bosses and handlebars will share 10% equally. The remaining half of the 30% will be shared by the bottom class, who have the largest number of people and are the main force in creating wealth. —Let the Lipas share it equally.

This is only possible if the bosses are very conscientious and do not deduct their hard-earned money.

In reality, the Lipas would take at most half of this.

Then, Lipa gave about 70% of the half and half of the income to the footwear industry in the name of car rental fees and footwear guild membership fees.

It’s just heavy exploitation!

After a month, how much money can a person like Su Yi get?

The two terminals add up to about 3,000 oceans per month.

According to the shares, Su Yi alone received about 1,800 yuan, and Li Yukun and Liu Haiqing each received about 600 yuan.

This income level can definitely be regarded as the top income of this era!

The monthly income of a big head is about 3,000 yuan, and the monthly income of a big head to the foot traffic boss Ba Yanqing is about 15,000 yuan. How many legs are there?

More than three hundred people!

Bayanqing can collect about 4.5 million oceans a month just from the money from the bosses!

In this era when fifteen oceans a month can provide enough food and clothing, what does a monthly income of four and a half million oceans mean?

This is definitely a huge wealth that can make anyone crazy and fight for it!

However, this huge wealth was obtained by squeezing the blood and sweat of the Liba people.

When Su Yi finally understood the huge wealth he had to handle, there was no joy in his heart, only heavy, suffocating depression.

These days, most Liba people do not live past the age of forty. Why?

Because they don’t have enough to eat and don’t have warm clothes, they still have to do overly heavy physical work for more than ten hours a day!

They were exhausted to death!

The life of more than 70,000 coolies in Jinmen is clearly a history of blood and tears that is inhumane!

"Jia Changqing has already let the wind out. Baihe and Dinggu, whatever they are now, will be what they will be in the future! I guess those Liba people who are waiting and watching will come to us tomorrow and beg us to take them in!" Li Yukun said excitedly.

"It doesn't have to be tomorrow, they will come soon!" Liu Haiqing said with a smile, "Three-legged toads are hard to find, but there aren't many people with two legs? By the way, do you think we should pay for the car rental?" Collect it again?”

Li Yukun looked at him as if he was a fool: "Why don't you take the free money? Of course we have to collect it again! We are now a new owner and a new business, why should we admit the old debt? Especially Wang Shihaier's debt, are you willing? Do you admit it?"

"I'm not happy, I was confused!" Liu Haiqing immediately admitted his mistake.

According to the rules of the road, the car rental fee for the next month is paid on the 25th of the end of each month. Today is the 29th. It has only been four days since the Liba people paid the car rental fee. However, the Liba people at Baihe Wharf have to pay the car rental fee for the next month. They have to pay the car rental fee of twenty-five dollars again, otherwise they will lose the job that allows them to support their family.

However, twenty-five yuan is definitely a huge amount of money that is difficult to come up with for Lipa, whose monthly income is only eight or nine yuan!

How do Li Yukun and Liu Haiqing think that Kuhaha can spend so much money at once?

The answer is that they don't even think about it.

If you can't get it out, there will always be someone who can get it out by selling iron. Whoever can get it will do the job, it's that simple.

Moreover, just because the money has just been paid, the car rental fee is charged again. This money does not need to be divided with the above, and it cannot fall into the pockets of the three of them.

The total cost of two trips is several hundred liba, and each person has twenty-five yen. How wonderful is it to get all this money for yourself?

Seeing these two people taking things for granted and looking forward to a bright future for Qian, Su Yi had an indescribable feeling.

He never considered himself a good person, or a great person.

But it's hard for him to feel at ease with this kind of making money by squeezing other people's hard work.

So he couldn't figure it out.

How did Liu Haiqing, Li Yukun and others take it for granted that they deserved this money?

It seems that thousands of oppressors in this era feel that their income is taken for granted.

This is natural, like a torrent...

This is what makes Su Yi feel the most terrifying.

"If Brother Kuan and his people come back, they won't charge for the rental car!" Su Yi said, "In the future, these people will be treated more favorably. Make it clear to the people below, don't get stuck in their favor."

Li Yukun and Liu Haiqing looked at each other, both of them were a little reluctant. With Su Yi's casual words, thousands of oceans were gone.

But none of them objected, because this was the first time Su Yi spoke.

"Brother Geng is benevolent and righteous!" Li Yukun gave a thumbs up, "A Kuan and the others are blessed to know you as a noble person, which they have cultivated for three lifetimes!"

Su Yi smiled: "If you don't have long-term worries, you will always have immediate worries. I have just taken over and I have no one under my command. What I do is just trying to win people's hearts."

This sentence made Li Yukun and Liu Haiqing understand that Su Yi had already started planning to build his own team.

The two of them were silent for a while, neither of them spoke, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Su Yi didn't mean to speak for the coolies. Although he felt compassion, he would not rashly take any measures to improve the treatment of the coolies in his own industry.

This is courting death, this is committing suicide!

If Su Yi dares to break the decades-old rules, the entire foot industry and all the dignitaries who make money from the foot industry will become his life-or-death enemy!

Even those Liba who benefited from him would not be grateful to him. If they were instigated or intimidated by others, they would draw a clear line with him and regard him as an enemy.

Is this kind of thing rare in the past?

Therefore, before a person reaches a certain status, he must not do things that are inconsistent with his status.

Hurt others and hurt yourself.

When the foot shop changes its owner, it is necessary to report it to the general manager above. This reporting procedure is not just to say hello to the above, or to become familiar with it, but it is equivalent to reporting and telling the people above that from now on I will be It's yours, I'll give it to you after you pay.

When it comes to money, there are no small things.

Baihe Wharf used to be under the control of Jia Changqing, but now, the three of them are not from the Qing Gang, so naturally they can no longer pay money to the Qing Gang.

Among the remaining three general leaders, one was from the Hong Gang, one was from the Zhongyi Puji Society, and the other was a close aide of Bayanqing named Hu Desheng.

According to Liu Haiqing's wish, the two feet will naturally return to the Zhongyi Society and give Zhongyi money for socializing. If he doesn't do this, his achievements will be greatly reduced.

But Li Yukun felt that Dingzigujiao had paid Hu Desheng before, so naturally he couldn't change his ways easily now, otherwise it would be tantamount to offending Hu Desheng. Therefore, the two gangs should pay Hu Desheng.

Liu Haiqing immediately retorted, what's the use of paying Hu Desheng? This time Wang Shihai beats you, will Hu De win and save you? Didn't even fart! Hu Desheng recognizes money but not people. He is just feeding unfamiliar wolves. It is better to give it to Zhongyi Society. At least Zhongyi Society will protect us after receiving the money.

Li Yukun didn't think so. He felt that once he and Su Yi, two outsiders, gave money to the Zhongyi Society, they would end up being ungrateful in the future. They might be eaten up by the Zhongyi Society and kicked away. , nothing will be left by then.

Instead, they paid Hu Desheng. Although Hu Desheng only valued money, he would not care about the names of the people under his command. As long as Su Yi and Li Yukun were strong, their status and interests would be guaranteed.

Liu Haiqing immediately said that without a backer, he is like a duckweed without roots and cannot last long. Li Yukun said that the backer is unreliable, and it is better to ask for help from others than to ask for help yourself.

Neither of them could convince the other, and finally they both looked at Su Yi, waiting for Su Yi to make up his mind.

"Let's put this matter aside for now." Su Yi thought for a while and said.

If he looked at Liu Haiqing thoughtfully, he said: "I think there are still variables in our matter. Let's be stable. Let's start the business first and then talk about other things."

"Anyway, there is still nearly a month until the payment is made. The days are still long, so I am not in a hurry to make a decision now." Li Yukun said that he had no objection.

"I think that if we are not in a hurry, the higher-ups should be in a hurry." Liu Haiqing said, "After all, it is not a small amount. Who among the top bosses would think that he has too much money? I think even Jia Changqing is not willing to accept it, and he will definitely still find it. We are talking. The nights are long and we have many dreams, and I am afraid of another setback."

Liu Haiqing still tried his best to promote his idea. After all, he had to give an explanation to his superiors when he returned today, and he himself was eager to clarify his own credit.

"Brother Liu is based in Baihe, and Brother Li is familiar with Dinggu, so let's go to Dinggu." Su Yi changed the subject, "Liba should be here tonight. We have recruited enough people in advance. Leave two days for rectification. The day after tomorrow, the business must be opened on time! If you stop for one day, you will lose a day's money!"

Liu Haiqing wanted to say something more, but Su Yi and Li Yukun had already stood up and left the table, so he had no choice but to give up.

But there was something in my heart that made me murmur, what did Su Yi mean by the look he gave him when he said "leave it alone" before?

It always seemed like there was a little bit of pity in the eyes?

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