The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 578 Ninth Brother

"Junior brother, I don't care what the Kung Fu I teach you will look like in your hands in the future, but when you represent the Wing Chun Kickboxing Hall, I hope you use the most orthodox Kung Fu of Wing Chun."

"Okay, senior brother, I promise you."

This battle of ideas, which lasted for nearly ten days, finally came to an end.

In the end, neither of the two could convince the other, but Su Yi agreed to use orthodox Wing Chun Kungfu when kicking the gym, which made Chen Shi feel relieved and a smile bloomed on his face again.

"Zheng Shanao, have you mastered your quick method?" Chen Shi changed the subject.

Su Yi shook his head: "If he just wanted to know the superficial things and knew what was going on but didn't know why, he wouldn't have actually asked me."

"But the man was very ambitious, he wanted to know more, and I suspect that later on he would know more about quick fixes than I did."

Modern fighting training methods, in terms of principles, involve all aspects of knowledge and are very complicated. Strictly speaking, Su Yi can only understand a rough outline, and cannot really fully understand everything.

But Zheng Shanao was obviously eager to gain a thorough knowledge in this area. The old man recently hired a Western doctor at a high price to attend lectures every day and explain to him knowledge about human biology and anatomy.

And he has already started training in person according to the training methods Su Yi taught him.

Although Su Yi was not optimistic that he could really understand it thoroughly, he admired his spirit of research.

At this level, Zheng Shanao is not just doing it purely for fame and fortune.

"Did you really tell him all your most valuable secrets?" Chen Shi couldn't help but ask. He always thought that Su Yi wouldn't be so "generous". Maybe he was dealing with Zheng Shan'ao, or there was another conspiracy. .

But a month had passed, and he was surprised to find that all the things Su Yi gave to Zheng Shanao were true.

He really introduced the "quick fix" to Zheng Shanao.

"If I tell him it's fake, he will definitely be able to detect it." Su Yi said with a smile, "In that case, all the efforts I have made before will be in vain."

"He has really learned how to do it. What if he kicks you away in the future?" Chen Shi asked, "I have discovered more and more recently that this old guy is too insidious. He has tested me several times in secret and overtly, and beat me. Don’t teach your disciples the truth. Fortunately, I listened to you, otherwise I would have been a wolf."

Su Yi said: "Don't say he can't kick me away. Even if he can really do it, he won't dare to do it soon."

Chen Shi was startled and said: "You have become so famous on the street recently. You have already gained a reputation as a little Mengchang. I know you are trying to win people's hearts. What are you going to do?"

"You will know soon." Su Yi gave it a try.

He looked at the time and said with a smile: "It's almost time. I have something else to do in the afternoon, so I'll finish my practice today."

"Okay." Chen Shi nodded.

"I brought some things to my sister-in-law and put them in the basket at the door. They are some ingredients shipped from France to the chef who specializes in cooking for the French Ambassador." Su Yi said, "We need to eat them as soon as possible. They are all seafood. Something like that, I can’t let it go.”

"I'm interested." Chen Shi smiled.

"A sister-in-law is like a mother." Su Yi muttered.

Chen Shi's face turned dark immediately. He always felt that Su Yi's words were mocking him.

After saying goodbye to Chen Shi, Su Yi crossed two streets and arrived near Quanyechang.

When a passing rickshaw driver saw Su Yi, his eyes lit up and he ran towards Su Yi.

"Master Geng! Brother Kuan is looking for you everywhere."

Su Yi got into the car without saying a word: "Take me to see him!"


The driver pulled the cart and ran wildly.

In the past month, Brother Kuan has become Su Yi's best confidant, and now Su Yi has begun to use this person to do some shady and secret things.

Soon, Su Yi met Brother Kuan in a private house on the street behind the Ministry of Legal Affairs.

Brother Kuan is hiding in a room with the curtains drawn, closely monitoring a house across the street.

Seeing Su Yi arriving, Brother Kuan immediately came up to greet him and called "Master Geng".

Su Yi nodded to him without being polite and asked, "Is the person still in there?"

"Here!" Brother Kuan nodded, "Master Geng, something is wrong. Suddenly there are some new faces around here. I have never seen these people on the streets of Jinmen before."

Su Yi looked outside through the gap in the curtains and asked after a moment: "Are you talking about the waiters in the teahouse over there, the old lady selling melon seeds on the street, and the young man pulling the rickshaw and playing chess under the tree? Those two old men?"

Brother Kuan was inexplicably shocked.

He looked at Su Yi as if he were a monster. He was able to detect something wrong with these unfamiliar faces because he was familiar with the people and things on the street and had been lurking here to observe.

But Su Yike has never been here!

This was his first time here. He had been here for less than two minutes. He just glanced downstairs and could tell there was something wrong with so many people!

"Master Geng, you have good eyesight!" Brother Kuan said with sincere admiration.

Su Yi smiled faintly and said: "The waiter in the teahouse doesn't serve tea well and is always hanging around the door. The old lady selling melon seeds seems to have no problem, but she is wearing a headscarf so tightly in this weather. Is this right?"

"The legs of the young man pulling the rickshaw are too white, and he doesn't look like someone who has been exposed to the weather. And the two old men playing chess over there, although they are disguised, they sit too upright."

Every time Su Yi talked about someone's problem, Brother Kuan looked at that person. He felt something was wrong because he had met these people before. But now it seems that even if these people don't meet each other, their own behaviors and characteristics have already changed. Something is very wrong.

Especially in Su Yi's eyes, these people have flaws everywhere.

"I've learned a lot." Brother Kuan said, "Master Geng, you were too showy before, weren't you? With such an ability, you didn't show it at all. No wonder we old brothers can't recognize the people around us in ten years. A real dragon."

Su Yi looked at him with a smile and said, "It's nothing. It's something you can see with more thought."

The conversation changed: "How long have these people been here?"

"It's almost a cup of tea away." Brother Kuan replied, "I noticed something was wrong and immediately asked the dealer's brothers to look for you everywhere."

"Has anyone been in?" Su Yi asked again.

"Yes, three of them went in. They went in early this morning." Brother Kuan said, "One of them came out half an hour ago and never went back."

Su Yi's expression changed and he said, "Did these strange faces appear not long after this person left?"

"Yes." Brother Kuan confirmed.

Su Yi secretly thought that it was very dangerous, but fortunately he arrived in time.

"Don't wait, let's start immediately!" Su Yi ordered.

After a pause, he asked again: "Are you ready for the preparations I asked you to make before?"

"Don't worry, it's no problem!" Brother Kuan assured, hesitated, and asked: "Master Geng, let me ask more, the people in this house..."

"A man who can neither die nor die." Su Yi said lightly, "A rare man."

Brother Kuan nodded silently: "Then I'll go."

Just as Su Yi was about to nod, his eyes suddenly froze and a question came to his mind: "Have you never opened the curtains since morning?"

Brother Kuan said: "Yes, didn't you say that you can't let others see me?"

Su Yi's face was filled with surprise and uncertainty. He looked around through the gaps in the curtains, and finally fixed his eyes on a room in the small courtyard next to the house opposite.

The window of that room is facing here.

The curtains on the window in that room were also drawn.

"Master Geng, is there something wrong?"

Su Yi's mind was changing rapidly, and he said for a long time: "You should have been discovered."

"Ah?" Brother Kuan was a little in disbelief. He felt that he had been very careful.

"With the curtains drawn in broad daylight, any interested person will suspect that there is something wrong with this house." Su Yi said solemnly, "You said before that you paid to rent this house from the landlord on the first floor? Does he recognize you? Do you? Have you ever told him who you are?"

Seeing Su Yi's serious question, Brother Kuan also became nervous: "He doesn't recognize me. You said before that what you were doing this time was a fatal thing. I was careful and gave a false identity."

Su Yi thought for a while and said: "After finishing the matter, give him some money and give him a warning. It shouldn't be a big problem. Then withdraw immediately. Go back and hide for a few days to listen to the news."

"I listen to you." Brother Kuan agreed happily.

"Cover your face and go." Su Yi stared at the window in the courtyard opposite that also had curtains drawn.

Su Yi's guess was correct. Behind the window, there was also a pair of eyes staring at Su Yi's window.

The owner of the eyes has a hooked nose, gloomy eyes, and looks very cold.

Behind him, a subordinate was reporting to him: "I have inquired. There used to be a poor teacher living in the house on the second floor opposite, but he moved out half a month ago. The house has always been empty and no one lives in it. ."

"Have you asked the landlord?" Hook-nosed asked.

"No, the landlord is on the first floor. You have given us orders before not to allow us to approach that building casually," the subordinate replied.

The hooked nose looked at the closed curtains on the second floor opposite and murmured: "That curtain has been touched and moved before. There must be someone inside. He is also staring at the next door."

"Is it a secret sentry arranged by the king?" His subordinate's expression changed and he asked.

"Maybe, it could be another wave of people." Aquiline nose said.

"Then will they find us?" the men asked nervously.

The aquiline nose glanced at him and said, "I don't know, maybe there is, maybe there isn't."

The subordinate hurriedly asked: "Do you want to report this situation to the superiors?"

"The higher ups are mobilizing manpower. They will arrive soon. They sent us here so that we can keep an eye on the target and hit the frontline..." Hawk-hook nose said.

He seemed to be trying to explain why there was no need to follow the above, but mid-sentence, he heard a loud noise not far away.

The sound that seemed to be a grenade exploding suddenly startled everyone.

Almost everyone on the street turned around.

But the hook-nosed people in the room and his men were not included in this list, because their windows could only see one direction, and that was the building opposite.

The two of them also subconsciously looked towards the opposite side, and were immediately surprised by this sight.

But on the roof of the two-story building opposite, they saw a strong man with his face covered holding a slingshot, shooting marbles into the yard of their target next door!

The strong man with the masked face turned around and retreated after shooting the slingshot, and disappeared.

The two of them were startled almost at the same time. It was now confirmed that the people living on the second floor opposite were either secret whistles for the target, or they were here to warn the target.

In short, they are enemies, not friends.

"Section Chief!" his subordinate said anxiously, "We must notify our superiors immediately!"

"Okay!" Hawk Nose agreed decisively this time, "I'll make a call, and you can guard the back door. Don't act rashly, and try to wait for reinforcements."


The men hurried out.

But Hook Nose stood still and thought for a while. He didn't go out until he heard the sound of gunshots.

On the second floor opposite, Su Yi heard the explosion and watched the marbles flying from the roof shatter the glass in the house opposite.

This was a plan he had made with Brother Kuan before. The other side used explosions to attract the enemy's attention, and the other side immediately used a slingshot to break the glass as a warning.

Seeing the broken glass with his own eyes, he immediately went to the window on the other side, waited for a moment, and watched Brother Kuan, whose face was covered, get into the rickshaw that had been waiting for him in the back alley, and then quickly drove away.

After confirming that no one was following Brother Kuan, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief and then hurriedly went downstairs.

In the yard opposite, the glass shattered, immediately alerting the three people in the room. The three people who were sitting around the table and discussing something almost all took out their pistols and pointed the guns at the door and window.

"Brother Ninth, I'll cover you, you and Xiao Tang retreat first!" A long-faced man shouted in a deep voice as he cautiously approached the window.

"Don't panic." The man known as Brother Nine shouted softly. He looked at the marble that broke the window. His heart moved and he stepped forward to pick it up.

But it was a wax pill, with the surface already cracked.

With a gentle pinch, the stones and notes inside were immediately revealed.

The stones are supposed to increase the weight of the wax pellets, but are of no use.

Brother Jiu unfolded the note and saw a sentence written on it: "You have been exposed, get out of trouble at Pier 8."

Brother Jiu was suddenly shocked and said, "Someone is helping us!"

After that, he showed the note to Xiao Tang.

The long-faced man also came over.

When they saw the words on the note clearly, they were both surprised and suspicious.

"Who is this? Is it credible?" Xiao Tang asked warily.

Brother Jiu took the note, read the words on it, then put it directly into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Ignore these for now, let's leave here before we talk!" He said solemnly.

"What about Xiao Bai?" the long-faced man asked, "He went to inquire about the situation..."

In fact, Ninth Brother was a little suspicious of his subordinate who had been out for half an hour, but at this time nothing was clear about the situation, and he couldn't say much.

"Xiao Bai will get out of trouble when he realizes something is wrong." Brother Jiu said, "Take the back door!"

The other two people didn't say anything anymore and hurried to the backyard with Brother Ninth.

Xiao Tang quickly passed Brother Jiu, opened the back door first, and ran out in a flash.

Outside the back door was a long alley. Two people in robes were standing in the corner chatting. They glanced this way when they heard the door open, and immediately turned their heads.

Xiao Tang looked at them warily, unable to tell whether there was something wrong with these two people.

After Ninth Brother came out, he looked the two men up and down, then decisively raised his gun and shot.

Bang bang!

His marksmanship was extremely accurate. After two shots, the two disguised agents immediately fell into a pool of blood.

"Sure enough, it's been exposed!" Ninth Brother said in a deep voice, "Get out!"

The three of them ran towards the end of the alley without saying a word.

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