"Mountain Master, do you think Geng Liangchen really wants to compete for the top spot?" An Yufeng asked.

"He will definitely fight for it," Jiang Banruo said, "and he will definitely win."

"Even if he now has the territory of the Baijia Gang, he is still far behind us, the Qinggang and the Santonghui!" An Yufeng was a little unconvinced, "And Wu Zantong and Jia Changqing don't want to deal with him. These two people Once we join forces, he will definitely suffer!"

"At this time, do you think Wu Xing and Zhongyi Society will still stand by and watch?" Jiang Banruo said quietly, "Since ancient times, thousands of people have carried the sedan chair. Geng Liangchen has shown his ability and value, and also won the chips. At the card table. Wu Xing and Zhongyi Society were on the sidelines before, but now, they will definitely support Geng Liangchen!"

"What if I support Jia Changqing and the others?" An Yufeng looked ruthless, "I simply shake hands with Wu Zantong and make peace, and then join forces with Jia Changqing, and the three of us will kill Geng Liangchen together! I don't believe he is alive!"

"If you do this, you may really kill Geng Liangchen." Jiang Banruo laughed dumbly, "But what good will killing Geng Liangchen do to you? What good does it do to our Hong Gang?"

"You don't want me to be the leader, otherwise why would there be no benefits?" An Yufeng snorted angrily, "I can also play dirty and watch Geng Liangchen and Jia Changqing fight with each other, and finally reap the benefits. But you don’t like me, what can I do?”

Jiang Banruo sighed and said, "If you really want to die, I won't stop you."

An Yufeng felt a shiver in his heart and hurriedly smiled and said: "Don't dare, I will definitely listen to you. I just want to complain. I have given up on the position of the leader a long time ago."

"I know you must blame me in your heart," Jiang Banruo said lightly, "But Yufeng, if I hadn't reminded you this time, you would have been kicked out by Wu Zantong and Zhai Lili! You can't even deal with these two people, you Do you really think you are qualified to be a leader? People are most afraid of not knowing themselves, because such people often harm others and themselves."

An Yufeng's expression changed and he hurriedly said: "Mountain Master, I know I was wrong!"

Jiang Banruo glanced at him and said: "Your only advantage is that you are loyal enough. Based on this, all your weaknesses are nothing."

"Hey!" An Yufeng felt relieved knowing that Jiang Banruo was not really angry, and couldn't help but giggle.

"Dedicate twenty feet to Geng Liangchen as a meeting gift from our Hong Gang." Jiang Banruo got back to the topic, "Choose the territories where the Qing Gang was attacked before. Those territories are in our hands, and we will inevitably fight against the Qing Gang in the future. Go, it will take at least three to five years to settle down. It’s not enough to worry about the trouble after acquiring these territories. It’s better to treat them as a favor and throw them to Geng Liangchen and let Geng Liangchen have the headache. "

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" An Yufeng readily agreed.

"You go see Geng Liangchen in person and tell him about this. Just say you want to thank him for helping us get rid of the Baijia Gang." Jiang Banruo continued, "In addition, you tell him that our Hong Gang fully supports him in becoming a footwear leader."

An Yufeng hesitated slightly and said, "Mountain Master, is it necessary to praise him so much?"

"Yes." Jiang Banruo said lightly, "Geng Liangchen is a figure, and he will definitely be a figure in Jinmen in the future. Building a good relationship with him will definitely be beneficial in the future."

"Then what if he doesn't know how to praise..." An Yufeng asked again.

"No." Jiang Banruo smiled, "Judging from his behavior, this person takes one step at a time and sees three steps ahead. He is a foresighted person. If he is determined to compete for the leader, he will definitely think of what he will face after becoming the leader. situation."

"The Santonghui and the Qinggang are bound to be the targets of his suppression. The martial arts and loyalty societies he relies on may not always be of the same mind as him. So he needs us, the Honggang, as the third force to check and balance both sides. As long as Geng Liangchen is not stupid, he will definitely They won’t treat us as enemies.”

"In that case, why don't we wait for him to come to us?" An Yufeng spread his hands, "Mountain Master, you also said that it is he who needs us, not us who need him."

Jiang Banruo sighed: "The worst thing about many things is arrogance."

He looked at An Yufeng and said with a straight face: "Go if you are told to go. If you keep talking nonsense, I will incite you!"

An Yufeng was startled: "If you had said this earlier, wouldn't I have understood?"

the other side.

Qian Jin came with a battalion of soldiers.

Su Yi went downstairs to greet him.

After the two shook hands, Qian Jin said to Su Yi: "Mr. Geng, there is a telephone in the satin shop next door. Could you please go and talk to Representative Liu?"

"Okay." Su Yi nodded, not surprised.

He had discussed the matter of annihilating the Baijia Gang with Liu Haiqing as early as the day of Bayanqing's death. The reason why he was able to grasp the movements of the Baijia Gang so accurately was because of Liu Haiqing's help.

After Liu Haiqing went to Jinling, he specifically told Qian Jin about this matter. Qian Jin was able to bring troops to cooperate with Su Yi today because he had received Liu Haiqing's order long ago.

Otherwise, no matter how great Su Yi's reputation is, he is not big enough to bypass Liu Haiqing and directly order Qian Jin.

The call was answered quickly.

"Representative, Mr. Geng is next to me. I will let him answer the phone now." Qian Jin said respectfully, then handed the receiver to Su Yi and waved to the owner of the silk and satin shop on the side to signal him to go out.

"Mr. Geng, I'll deal with the outside matters first," Qian Jin said.

Then he wisely retreated, closing the door for Su Yi and ordering no one to stand nearby.

"Director Qian is a very exquisite and wonderful man." Su Yi smiled and said to Liu Haiqing on the other side of the receiver.

Liu Haiqing's voice immediately came over there: "This person is available and trustworthy, but he cannot be used as a confidant."

Then the conversation changed: "I heard what he said, you have already captured the Baijia Gang? Are you planning to create public opinion?"

"My power is small, my seniority is small, and my background is not deep enough." Su Yi said, "Even if I have the territory of the Baijia Gang and the support of the Zhongyi Society and the Wuhang, I can't defeat the Santonghui and the Qinggang."

"The Zhepeng people behind the Santonghui will appear at any time. You can help me with the Qing Gang, but they are playing tricks like those in the world, and you can't help me."

"I am too weak. If I want to stand out and break the game, the only way is to strengthen myself."

"To strengthen yourself, you must first have a reputation. The Baijia Gang is so sinful that it is perfect for me to gain a reputation."

Liu Haiqing's tone on the other end of the phone was cautious: "Xiao Geng, with this step, you are really on the stage. If you want to retreat in the future, you will have no choice but to do so."

Su Yi was slightly startled.

He understood the meaning of these words, and it could be explained in just eight words - people are in the world, and they can't help themselves.

Once he steps on the numerous skeletons and rises to the top, he can never look back or lose power, he can only move forward.

Otherwise, his enemies and enemies will definitely not let him die a good death.

"Isn't it too late to talk about this now?" Su Yi smiled.

"I know you won't retreat, I just feel a little emotional." Liu Haiqing sighed, "I have always felt that I was protecting you, but in fact, it was you who was always protecting me. If you can succeed this time, I’m 10% more sure of things this time.”

"You'll be able to cover me soon." Su Yi said with a smile, "What do you mean, so much money still doesn't get Tengjie?"

"I underestimated Zheng Jiemin." Liu Haiqing said, "He served as the chairman's aide-de-camp. When fighting against the Guangxi clique three years ago, he was instrumental in instigating Li Mingrui's rebellion, and he has always been remembered by the chairman. This time because of this Qian, Tengjie has been speaking for me, but Zheng Jiemin has direct access to Tianting and is a direct descendant of the Chairman."

"If Dai Chunfeng hadn't spoken for me at the critical moment, I would have failed this time and declared a failure!" Liu Haiqing said with emotion, "Dai Chunfeng was such a cold stove. I was really wrong. Now Dai Chunfeng is still the secret service." Director, but the chairman of the committee ordered him to temporarily serve as the leader of the Wang Yaqiao pursuit team to make up for his mistakes."

Su Yi did not expect that Liu Haiqing spent nearly tens of millions of dollars to "buy an official position" but still failed to buy it.

"Zheng Jiemin is superior to me in terms of seniority and merit, but now Tengjie and Dai Chunfeng support me, so the chairman cannot ignore their opinions." Liu Haiqing continued to explain, "The only advantage I can take now is It means the control of the situation in the Pingjin area and the ability to do things."

"This time you take down the Baijia Gang and create public opinion. At the same time, I can also take advantage of it and gain some credit and impression for Jinmen Lixing Society."

"And now I can report to the superiors about your and my plans for the Jinmen Foot Touring Head."

"With these chips, how confident do you feel?" Su Yi asked.

"To be honest, I don't have much confidence." Liu Haiqing sighed, "My biggest emotion when I came to Jinling this time is that no matter how great my credit is, it is not as good as my deep background."

Su Yi thought for a while and said: "I read in the newspaper that Zhang Jingyao and Itagaki Seishiro colluded and became the commander-in-chief of the Puppet Manchukuo Second Army of Peking and Tianjin. This incident made Chang Kaishen very angry and scolded his mother in public. Is it true? ?”

The Zhang Jingyao mentioned by Su Yi was first a warlord of the Anhui clique, and later served as the military governor of Hunan Province. He successively served as commander and army commander under Zhang Zuolin, Wu Peifu, and Zhang Zongchang.

In recent days, it has been revealed by the media that he colluded with Itagaki Seishiro, joined the puppet Manchukuo government, planned to be the commander-in-chief of the puppet Peiping-Tianjin Second Army, plotted to carry out riots in Peiping, and supported Zhepeng's Kwantung Army to invade Peking and Tianjin.

This matter was originally a secret, but somehow it leaked out. It was first reported by foreign media, and then caused a commotion in the Pingjin and Tianjin areas. For a time, Zhang Jingyao was accused by thousands of people and became notorious far and wide.

This Zhang Jingyao had dealt with Chang Kaishen in the early years. When the latter heard about this incident, he was so angry that he cursed his mother on the spot and called Zhang Jingyao a "national traitor."

"Are you so well-informed?" Liu Haiqing was a little surprised, "Do you even know about this?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "I know where Zhang Jingyao is. I can deal with him within three days!"

There was a slight silence on the other end of the phone, and after a while Liu Haiqing's suppressed and excited voice came: "Is it risky?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "It's foolproof."

"If this happens, I'm no better than Zheng Jiemin. I won't take this job!" Liu Haiqing said fiercely.

Chang Kaishen was very angry about Zhang Jingyao's defection to Zhe Peng. At this time, Liu Haiqing wanted to let Zhang Jingyao return to the west within three days. The position of director of the North China Special Economic Zone must go to Liu Haiqing!

In fact, it was Zheng Jiemin who originally accomplished this matter half a year later. With this credit, Zheng Jiemin secured his position as the director of the North China Special Administrative Region of the Fuxing Society.

And why was Su Yi so sure of killing Zhang Jingyao?

Because this person has been living in the Liuguo Hotel in Peiping and is secretly protected by the Zhepeng people.

Since Su Yi knew where this man was, it would be easy to kill him.

The reason why Su Yi is so committed to helping Liu Haiqing is because once Liu Haiqing becomes the district chief of Fuxing Society's North China Special Administrative Region, Su Yi will definitely be considered a person with a strong backing in Tianjin, even if he doesn't walk sideways in Tianjin.

On the other hand, if Zheng Jiemin becomes the head of the North China Special Administrative Region of the Fuxing Society, Liu Haiqing, as a loser, will have no choice but to leave Tianjin sadly, otherwise he will never be able to get ahead under Zheng Jiemin.

In that case, Su Yi would lose Liu Haiqing, his most trusted and reliable supporter, and Su Yi's life in Jinmen would be much more difficult in the future.

Therefore, helping Liu Haiqing is helping yourself.

"I have asked Qian Jin to fully cooperate with you regarding the Baijia Gang." Liu Haiqing said, "I am calling you this time because Zheng Jiemin already knows that I am competing with him for the position of North China District Chief. The biggest reason is that is you."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do you think he will be detrimental to me?"

"He will definitely be detrimental to you, and he will do it very quickly, maybe in the next two days!" Liu Haiqing said, "This is how officialdom battles are, it is never about affection, but about doing everything possible. If you can pass the blow If your method hits me, Zheng Jiemin will definitely use every means to deal with you. Even if he can't hit me, he won't mind getting rid of my arm."

"Then will he cause trouble today?" Su Yi frowned.

"I'm worried too, so I've already made this clear to Qian Jin before." Liu Haiqing said, "Qian Jin said he would stand by my side and support me. He is a smart man, and I don't think he will play tricks. .”

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief: "Qian Jin is a member of your system. With him here, we can at least prevent some tricks."

"That's what I mean." Liu Haiqing said, "But it's not safe. I know Zheng Jiemin to a certain extent. This person is very insidious. You have to be careful that he deliberately sets a trap to harm you. Xiao Geng, if you are dealing with anyone recently, you must Be careful, especially if there is anything unusual about the people around you."

"I understand." Su Yi nodded.

"But you don't have to worry too much. I will work harder as soon as possible." Liu Haiqing said, "As long as my affairs are completed, he will not dare to deal with you again."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi couldn't help but shake his head.

Once a person climbs higher, and the rights and interests involved become more intense, he is bound to encounter this kind of thing.

He and Zheng Jiemin had never even met, but the latter was coming to deal with him.

Liu Haiqing's reminder made Su Yi be more careful, but now is not the time to think about this matter carefully.

When he walked out of the Silk Village, Su Yi saw that the soldiers had taken away the disciples of the Baijia Gang.

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