As the saying goes, those who understand current affairs are heroes.

This is a special phrase for giving in. When you want to give in on something but feel embarrassed, it is more effective to use this phrase to comfort yourself.

Su Yi's aura was so strong. There were more than a thousand subordinates standing behind him, and he issued orders vigorously and resolutely. Although he talked and laughed happily when facing foreigners, his tone was unquestionably firm.

Especially when he questioned Brownie, a Frenchman, the eyes of more than a thousand people all fell on Brownie. One can imagine the pressure Brownie was under.

His back became wet on the spot.

Then Browne gave up decisively: "Dear Mr. Geng, I did not mean to be provocative. I apologize for my behavior just now..."

There was a roar of laughter from the Liba people, and they were grateful for Brownie's arrogance, and the laughter was also mixed with a little pride.

But Su Yi frowned and scolded sternly: "Why are you laughing? It is a gentleman's virtue to admit your mistakes frankly, but you are a coward if you know your mistakes but still don't change them!"

The Liba people immediately dared not laugh, and the horse leader on the other side hurriedly admitted his mistake to Su Yi.

"Master Geng, I was wrong, I shouldn't laugh."

"Master Geng, I was wrong too."

Brownie was startled for a moment, and he breathed a sigh of relief. His favorable impression of Su Yi rose sharply.

Just when he was smugly thinking that Su Yi let him go because he didn't dare to offend him, Su Yi suddenly changed the subject: "Sir, although I respect your gentlemanly qualities, I don't want you to point a gun at me." But I cannot turn a blind eye to the mistakes of my men! Otherwise, I would not be able to explain them to the more than a thousand brothers behind me."

After a pause, Su Yi suddenly raised his voice: "Brothers, can the grievances of Ma Baotou be in vain?"

"Can't! Can't! Can't!"

More than a thousand people chanted in unison, and everyone present was moved. Brownie's face instantly turned pale, and his lips trembled a little.

Foreigners usually think they are superior, but on Chinese soil, they regard Chinese as inferior citizens.

But when what they consider "lower citizens" threatens their lives, they are more afraid of death than usual.

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Brownie who was full of fear and said: "Everyone must pay for their mistakes! You should be glad that you didn't shoot. Two things, if you agree, the matter between us will be wiped out; if If you don’t agree, I will force you to agree! Do you understand what I say?”

The brownie cravings are on the rise again.

He pretended to be calm and said: "I don't guarantee that I will agree, but just say it."

"First, you must apologize to my brother in person for the action of pulling out the gun just now;" Su Yi said lightly, "Second, all Chinese on your ship must disembark as compensation for me."

"Impossible!" Brownie almost subconsciously refused, "I have already apologized! And the goods on my ship will never be handed over! Never!"

Su Yi glanced at him coldly: "Then, I have no choice but to force you to do this."

"Do it!" Su Yi shouted.

"Yes, Master Geng!" Brother Kuan responded loudly and waved his hand, "Brothers, follow me aboard Francie's ship! Unload!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of people responded in unison and were about to follow Brother Kuan.

Brownie was shocked and angry, and shouted anxiously: "No! No! Damn it, stop! I agree to apologize! I agree to apologize!"

Brother Kuan stopped and turned around to cast a questioning look at Su Yi.

Brownie gritted his teeth, approached Su Yi and lowered his voice: "Mr. Geng, I can apologize, and I can also hand over Mr. Zhai's men to you. But you can't touch my goods, they already have a buyer! You I can't even afford to offend a big buyer. If you insist on doing this, I can only try to stop it and call the Ministry of Industry Bureau immediately..."

Su Yi glanced at the reactions of other foreigners, and finally looked at him deeply and said, "You will be glad you made the decision now."

Brownie breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Su Yi agreed to his conditions. For him, although he lost face today, at least he saved his interests.

He suppressed the hatred in his heart and secretly vowed to take revenge when he got the chance. But on the surface, he had to force out a smile and bowed his head slightly to the horse to apologize: "Sir, I apologize for my recklessness just now. I hope you can understand that I have no ill intentions and just care about my goods."

Ma Tuotou suppressed his excitement, nodded and said seriously: "I forgive you."

Before he could finish his words, loud cheers could be heard on the pier.

The superior foreign master had to apologize to the Chinese people who usually didn't even look at him under Geng's coercion. This scene made everyone present feel extremely happy, as if they had won a great victory.

Brownie looked very embarrassed, and he said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Geng, can I go back to my ship, invite the people you want off, and then drive away from my ship?"

"Of course." Su Yi waved his hand, and the Liba people behind him immediately moved out of the way. His eyes swept over several other foreigners, "Gentlemen, you can leave at any time."

The foreigners had different expressions. Although they were all unhappy, they did not want to stay any longer. They followed Brownie through the crowd without saying a word, which seemed quite depressing.

The Lipas all cheered, as if they were happy during the New Year. But Su Yi, who forced Brownie to give in, was not happy at all, because he knew that it was not the foreigner who gave in, but him.

He tried to ask Brownie to hand over the "cargo" on his ship, because these goods were all living lives and his compatriots, and Su Yi could completely foresee the miserable fate of these people in the future.

But Brownie's reaction was too strong. He would rather fight with Su Yi till death than give up his interests. Moreover, Su Yi noticed that other foreigners had the same hatred and hatred. If Su Yi forced Brownie too much, he was afraid that all the foreigners would unite, which would have the opposite effect.

So Su Yi could only give up and compromise.

It was still his biggest concern before. He couldn't offend all the foreigners, otherwise he would not only become a thorn in the eyes of the foreigners, but also a "sinner" in the eyes of Guofu.

When that time comes, even if Liu Haiqing becomes the district chief of the North China Special Administrative Region, it will be difficult to keep him.

When all the foreigners were walking through the crowd to the dock, two Zhepeng people followed them and wanted to leave together, but Su Yi held out his hand to stop them.

"Bold, Geng Liangchen, this is the president of Sanye Baiyoshi, what do you want to do!" Ota Tokusaburo's expression changed, and he immediately blocked another middle-aged Zhepeng man and shouted sternly.

Sanye Baiji looked at this scene with a smile and said nothing.

Sanye Trading Company is the largest Zhepeng trading company in Tianjin. Its business scope covers all kinds of in-demand goods, tobacco, minerals, as well as casinos and brothels.

In the entire Jinmen Japanese Concession, Sanye Trading Company was doing business on almost every street. It was a veritable behemoth.

In addition to being a successful businessman, Sanye Baiji also has an identity. He is the staff officer of the Jinmen Zhepeng garrison and the head of the "Sanye Mansion", the largest secret service agency in Tianjin.

This person is known as "Hua Guotong". He travels extensively in Tianjin and knows many "powerful people" in various fields.

He recruited a group of traitor lackeys, including Zhang Jingyao, whom Su Yi and Liu Haiqing mentioned before, in an attempt to launch riots in Peiping and Jinmen and establish a so-called "North China Kingdom."

Su Yi knew this person through information, but Sanye Baiji began to pay attention to Geng Liangchen as early as the death of Bayanqing. As Su Yi's status has risen recently, he even intends to include Su Yi into his "North China" territory of power.

Su Yi's performance just now made Sanye Baiji very satisfied. Until now, he still looked at Su Yi with an attitude of appreciation.

Both parties are not too unfamiliar with each other.

"It turns out that your Excellency is Baiji Sanye," Su Yi looked at this notorious Zhepeng man, "I have a question for Mr. Sanye. I wonder if Mr. Sanye can help me answer my question?"

"Baga!" Before Mino Momokichi could say anything, Ota Tokusaburo was angry first, "How noble is Mr. Mino? How can you have time to listen to your nonsense here? You..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Momokichi Sanno. Tokusaburo Ohta immediately said "Hi" and hurriedly stepped aside.

Sanye Baiji stared at Su Yi and said with a smile: "Liangchen-kun, I have heard of you and I admire you very much. You are one of the few talents in China that I can value."

Su Yi chuckled and said, "I'm afraid Mr. Sanye will hate me very soon."

Sanno Baiji frowned: "It sounds like Mr. Ryotatsu is going to do something that makes both of us very unhappy? If that's the case, I advise Mr. Ryotatsu to think twice before you act, because this will make it difficult for you to win with me. Good feelings go down the drain.”

"That's really a pity." Su Yi said, "Mr. Sanye, my question is, does the Sanye cargo ship belong to you? Does the cargo on the ship all belong to you?"

Before Momogyoshi Sanno could answer, Tokusaburo Ota couldn't help but scolded: "This is a problem that even fools know! Of course the Sanno is Mr. Sanno's ship, and the cargo on the ship certainly belongs to Mr. Sanno!"

Su Yi looked at Mino Momoki: "Mr. Mino, do you agree with Ota's words?"

Sanye Baiji said: "Ryotatsu-kun, did you stop me just to ask me such a boring question?"

While talking here, there was a sudden noise from the other side.

Everyone looked around, but it was Brownie who had driven off the dozen or so people from the Baijia Gang who had boarded his boat before.

Just as these ten people were about to escape, they were immediately surrounded by Brother Kuan and others. They were punched and kicked, and they were now screaming and wailing for mercy.

Sanye Baiji withdrew his gaze and looked at Su Yi with understanding, thinking that he understood what Su Yi meant.

"What do you want, Mr. Liangchen, about those people who boarded the Sanye?" Sanye Baiji smiled half-heartedly, "I'm afraid I can't let you get your wish, because they are friends of our great Zhepeng Empire, and I will never betray them. Friends, I won’t put my friends in danger.”

"Of course, if Mr. Liangchen is willing, I can mediate and make peace so that they will no longer be hostile to you and let the two of you turn your hostility into friendship."

"Then I won't bother Mr. Sanye." Su Yi smiled half-heartedly, "I hope that Mr. Sanye's words and deeds will be consistent, and he will still regard them as your Zhepeng's good friends."

Sanye Baiji frowned, always feeling that there seemed to be something in Su Yi's words.

At this moment, the crowd not far away suddenly became commotion. Looking from a distance, dozens of rickshaws were driving towards the pier not far away.

The one sitting on the rickshaw at the front was Yixian Tian.

Seeing Su Yi from a distance, Yixiantian gave Su Yi a thumbs up, indicating that the matter was done.

Looking behind him, there are reporters sitting on every rickshaw carrying cameras or holding pens and notebooks.

"Get out of the way, everyone, get out of the way!" At Su Yi's signal, Ma Boutou immediately directed the Liba people to clear a way for all the rickshaws pulling reporters to come over.

Seeing these reporters, Sanye Baiji seemed to have thought of something, and his expression gradually changed.

"Master Liangchen, don't do anything stupid!" He suddenly said.

Su Yi chuckled and said, "Sanye-kun, don't say stupid things."

Sanye Baiji stared at Su Yi for a while, and a cold look gradually appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, the reporters arrived, and they quickly gathered around after getting off the car.

"Mr. Geng, I heard that you have major news to break to us. Is the thing you want to break related to the Volunteer Pier?"

"You have just destroyed the notorious Baijia Gang. Is the incident you broke the news related to the illegal human trafficking case?"

"Mr. Geng, can you talk about your plans for the future? Do you have any plans to compete for the position of president of the Jinmen Sports Council?"

"According to rumors, Li Dasen, the former president of the foot industry, had a conflict with you, Mr. Geng, before his death. Do you have anything to do with his death?"

These reporters were very dedicated. As soon as they arrived, they started asking questions and got into work mode.

Su Yi asked Yixiantian to invite them, which was exactly what these uncrowned kings wanted. If we talk about the most influential and well-known person on the streets of Jinmen, I am afraid it must be Geng Liangchen.

Even if Su Yi has nothing to do, these reporters still want to interview him and get exclusive interview rights. Not to mention, he now claims to have major revelations and summoned all the big and small newspapers to come.

"Everyone! Stay calm!" Seeing the chaos, Su Yi calmly maintained order.

He has experienced countless interviews and even held press conferences in person. It can be said that he is very comfortable in handling such situations.

"We have summoned everyone here today because we have indeed made some major revelations." Su Yi said with a smile, "The reason why I chose to meet you at the Volunteer Pier is also to allow all journalist friends to get first-hand news materials from the scene."

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Next, I invite you to watch an absolutely wonderful show. I have only one request for you, and that is to abide by the professionalism and ethics that a journalist should have, and use your camera With paper and pen, faithfully record everything you saw and heard today. Please everyone... Huh? Mr. Sanno, don't leave in a hurry!"

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