The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 638 Murderer Ryukawa Hihara

"You and I have to act separately. I climbed into the room from the outer wall and was responsible for killing Zhang Jingyao head-on. You go to the corridor on the third floor to ambush. If everything is calm, you don't have to come forward. You can go out in ten minutes and meet at the back of the building. ; If someone wants to rush into the room for reinforcements, you are responsible for getting rid of these people, and then join me in the room! The code for entering the room and knocking on the door is... to fight tigers tonight, do you understand?"

Su Yi acted vigorously and resolutely, and directly formulated an assassination plan.

His plan was both simple and comprehensive. At least Yixiantian thought about it and felt that there was nothing more to add except the word "be careful".

"Master Geng, once our whereabouts are exposed, we will die!" Xianxiantian looked at Su Yi, "You have a great future in Jinmen, are you willing to die like this?"

"A coward must die because he fears death, but how can a man with lofty ideals be benevolent if he seeks benevolence?" Su Yi smiled, "If you die for your country, then you will die. What's the pity?"

The sky is moving.

At this moment, Su Yi looked extremely tall in his eyes.

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's take action."

"Master Geng, a person like you will never die. I will definitely protect you with my life." Xianxian Tian looked at Su Yi and said seriously, and then walked out without looking back.

Su Yi looked at his back and smiled and shook his head, then pulled off the bed sheet, pulled out a butterfly knife from his waist, quickly cut it into strips, and then tied it into a long rope.

At the same time, on the third floor, room 305.

Matsuro Takaliang was sitting on the sofa. In front of him was a middle-aged, thin man with a square face and a mustache. This man was Zhang Jingyao, the great traitor that Chang Kaishen could never forget.

Su Yi's luck is really good, he made the right bet!

"Chang Kaishen wants to kill me? I'm not surprised! Haha, once I capture Beiping and Tianjin, in addition to Manchukuo, North China will also be built. No wonder he is so nervous." Zhang Jingyao said with a smile, " He sees me as a thorn in his flesh."

"Zhang Sang, you are the closest friend of our great Zhepeng Empire. Your existence is of great significance to our Zhepeng Empire. Don't worry, we will never let you suffer any harm." Matsumuro Takaliang said seriously , "But for the sake of safety, I hope you can leave here and stay with me temporarily at the Zhepeng Consulate. It will be absolutely safe for you there."

"Isn't it necessary?" Zhang Jingyao couldn't help but frowned, "My name is Chang Shigu now, not Zhang Jingyao. People who know me in Peiping, except you Zhepeng people, don't know it at all! Even myself My women and children don’t even know where I am, let alone an outsider?”

"What's more, even if they know that I am in Peiping, can they enter the Liuguo Hotel? The place is heavily guarded and they can't get in at all! Haha, Mr. Matsuro, you are too worried."

Zhang Jingyao doesn't want to go to the Zhe Peng Consulate. How free is the Six Nations Hotel? You can do whatever you want here, including casinos, billiards, saunas, women, smoking, whatever you want, and all his expenses are paid on Zhepeng's head, so he doesn't have to pay for it himself.

But when he goes to the Zhepeng Consulate, he won't be able to mess around, and he may not even be able to enter or exit the room at will. Wouldn't he be under house arrest in disguise?

When weighing the two, any fool knows how to choose.

"Zhang Sang, there is a saying in your Chinese country, which is, don't be afraid of ten thousand, be afraid of the unexpected." Matsushita Xiaoliang advised, "You only have one life, and you can't be too cautious. You'd better go to the consulate, where the great philosopher Peng Dihuang Huang The military is the safest place in the world."

"Matsushiro-kun, since I promised you to recruit troops in Tianjin, Beiping, and establish the Second Manchukuo Army, I have tied my head to my belt." Zhang Jingyao said with a smile, "If I am really afraid of death, I will not do it. This commander! In short, you don’t need to persuade me anymore. There is an old acquaintance of mine under Yu Xuezhong, and I have been on the verge of inciting him to rebel recently. At this time, I will not go anywhere!"

"But there are real risks." Matsumuro Takaliang frowned.

"That's your business." Zhang Jingyao smiled and spread his hands, "I remember General Itagaki personally assured me that I don't need to worry about my safety at all. I work for you Zhepeng people, and you protect my safety. , so Matsumuro-kun, if there are risks and hidden dangers, I’ll leave them to you to eliminate them.”

Matsuro Takaliang frowned and said, "Zhang Sang, I still stick to my opinion and hope you can move into Zhe Peng Consulate."

"I still say the same thing, I have to work and I won't go anywhere." Zhang Jingyao said with a smile.

He thought that with Itagaki Seishiro as his backer, he really didn't take Matsushita Takayoshi seriously. Now that he was looking like a fool, there was really nothing Matsumuro could do against him.

"Okay." Matsumuro Xiaoliang stood up and sighed, "Zhang Sang, since you are stubborn, I hope you won't regret it."

After that, he turned around and walked out.

Zhang Jingyao looked at his back and snorted disdainfully.

He knew very well that this Zhepeng man did not dare to do anything to him. If he was really in danger, this Zhepeng man would risk his own life to protect him first.

He once served as the governor of Hunan and Hunan and had great influence. The Zhepeng people recruited him to surrender. The ultimate purpose was to use his influence to form a puppet regime in the Pingjin area.

Without him, it would be impossible for the Zhepeng people to establish the "North China Kingdom". Otherwise, why would Chang Kaishen be so eager to kill him?

Zhang Jingyao did not completely believe what Matsumuro Xiaoliang said. He had some doubts that the Zhepeng people were using this method of creating threats to force him to do things for them quickly.

And he really felt that the Six Nations Hotel was very safe.

"You two, go out. Miss Natasha will be here soon. Don't scare her!" Zhang Jingyao waved his hands impatiently to the two Zhe Peng bodyguards.

These two bodyguards were assigned to him by Itagaki Seishiro himself, not only to protect his safety, but also to monitor his every move. Zhang Jingyao knew this very well.

The two bodyguards looked at each other and walked out helplessly.

Obviously, this kind of situation has happened before.

The Natasha Zhang Jingyao mentioned was a Belarusian woman and a famous socialite in the Six Nations Hotel.

Because Zhang Jingyao spent money like water, the two fell in love.

After the two bodyguards left, Zhang Jingyao took out his cigarette, filled himself with a pot of smoke cream, and then started puffing happily.


At a certain moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking from the window on the balcony.

Zhang Jingyao was startled, and hurriedly jumped off the sofa and walked over to check. Then he saw a man pulling a white rope hanging from the top, and a hand reaching in from the broken window and opening the window. The lock bolt, then pushed open the window and jumped in.

Who is it if it’s not Su Yi?

Zhang Jingyao was stunned until Su Yi stepped on the floor of the room with his feet, and he woke up as if from a dream.

His heart was agitated, his pupils were dilated, and there was a look of extreme fear in his eyes. He turned around and ran back, while shouting for help.

But why would Su Yi give him this opportunity?

He rushed over in a few steps and covered Zhang Jingyao's mouth.


Zhang Jingyao broke away frantically, but the next moment a knife was placed on his neck, and a cold voice came from behind his ear: "Scream? I'll kill you if I scream!"

Zhang Jingyao is like falling into an icehouse!

In the corridor outside the door, two bodyguards knocked on the second door. There were four colleagues here who were responsible for secretly protecting Zhang Jingyao. The six of them formed a tactical team with the right to protect Zhang Jingyao's safety.

When Zhang Jingyao was having sex with women, they didn't want to stand guard at the door.

"What's wrong, is that stupid pig looking for a woman again?" asked the colleague who opened the door.

"Damn, I really want to kill him with one shot!" a bodyguard complained, "We are the elite soldiers of the dignified Zhepeng Empire, why do we have to protect this kind of garbage?"

Just as the two bodyguards were about to enter, they suddenly heard the sound of breaking glass coming from Zhang Jingyao's room. They were both startled, and then looked at each other, alert.

They were about to walk over, but at this moment, a figure flashed past like the wind, and came between them. He held a head with both hands and twisted it hard on both sides——


Their necks were directly twisted, and they fell limply to the ground without even making a sound.

The face of the bodyguard who opened the door changed greatly, and he was about to reach behind to touch the gun, but the figure suddenly moved his palm forward.


A flash of cold light made the man's neck feel hot, like being stung by a mosquito. The next moment, the blood in his chest spurted out from his neck as if it were free.

He clutched his neck in fear and staggered back, but the attacker stepped forward again and stabbed his heart with a knife, then quickly pulled it out and passed him into the house in a flash.

"Gegege..." The man wanted to scream desperately to warn his colleagues in the room, but his throat was full of blood and he could only make a weird sound.

The attacker is none other than Yixian Tian!

He was very fast and quickly rushed into the room. There were three Zhepeng people playing cards around the table.

The movement at the door just now has attracted their attention. The three of them were holding playing cards and looking towards this side.

Seeing Xianxian barging in with a knife like the wind, the expressions of the three of them suddenly changed, and they stood up and drew their guns almost at the same time.

Lin Xiantian jumped up and rushed over. At the same time, he took out the knife in his hand and directly pierced the neck of the Japanese opposite him. Then he hit the Japanese soldier on the left with his right elbow on the Baihui point, and only heard a muffled "bang" sound. There was a loud noise, and the man's skull suddenly collapsed into a big crater. Blood gushed out from all his orifices on the spot, and he could no longer die.

The Japs on the right successfully pulled out his gun and was about to point it at Yixiantian, but Yixiantian kicked the gun out of his hands with his left foot. At the same time, he kicked the man's chest hard with his right foot, knocking him away and knocking him away. After hitting the wall, he fell hard to the ground.

Xiantiantian smoothly pulled out the knife stuck in the throat of the devil next to him. As soon as the man got up, the knife came out of his hand again and plunged into his heart. The devil was shocked and froze in place.

Yi Xian Tian stepped forward in two steps, pulled out the knife, then held down his head with his left hand and cut his throat with the knife.

Then he turned around and walked quickly out the door without even looking at the man falling to the ground again.

He looked around cautiously and felt relieved. Fortunately, no one was passing by in the corridor.

He quickly dragged the two bodies lying at the door into the room. After carefully checking that everyone was dead, he walked out of the room, locked the door from the outside, and threw the room key into the trash can.

Six bodyguards were in Xiantian's hands, and they couldn't last even a minute.

This is the power of a warrior. Within ten steps, the enemy's country will be wiped out!

Xiantiantian quickly walked to the door of room 305 and knocked on the door of the room.

There was no movement inside.

"Tiger hunting tonight." Xian Xiantian said in a muffled voice.


The door opened quickly, and Su Yi behind the door put away the knife and stepped aside, quickly letting Xian Xiantian in.

After entering the door, Yixiantian immediately closed the door and then looked into the room.

I saw a middle-aged man with a mustache, all his limbs and wrists had been cut off with a knife, a towel was stuffed in his mouth, his face was violently distorted in pain, and he was making a whining sound.

"Is he Zhang Jingyao?" Yixiantian was very excited, but did not forget to look around carefully, "Is he the only one?"

"He is Zhang Jingyao. He is the only one. None of the little devils are here." Su Yi replied, "Are you coming or am I?"

"Come here!" Yi Xiantian said excitedly, "Hurry up, don't make any mistakes!"

The plan went surprisingly smoothly. This big traitor had been cursed by people all over the country for the past two days, but now, seeing that he was about to die in the hands of the two of them, this made Xixian Tian feel so happy.

He was afraid that if something went wrong, this dream would end.

Su Yi smiled: "Only the last step remains."

He knelt down, grabbed Zhang Jingyao's hair, and said calmly, regardless of his pleading eyes: "Zhang Jingyao, the one who wants to kill you is Geng Liangchen and Yixian Tian!" After that, he slashed three times with his sword. !

The first knife cut Zhang Jingyao's throat, the second knife pierced his heart, and the third knife cut off his nose.

This is the fate of traitors!

"Do you want to leave a name?" Yi Xiantian asked excitedly.

Su Yi thought for a while, then picked up a feather duster on the side, dipped it in Zhang Jingyao's blood, and wrote seven big characters on the white wall of the living room - Murderer Longchuan Feiyuan!

Su Yi wiped the blood off the knife on the sofa beside him.


Without further ado, the two quickly reached the window and climbed down along the previously hung rope. After landing, they quickly evacuated towards the backyard under the cover of darkness and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Takaharu Matsuro just called his superiors and informed him that Zhang Jingyao was not cooperating with him.

The instructions from his superiors were to strengthen security to ensure Zhang Jingyao's safety since he refused to cooperate.

After hanging up the phone, Matsumuro Takaharu was about to arrange for his subordinates to strengthen the protection of Zhang Jingyao. At this moment, the female receptionist from before came over with a serious face.

"Matsumuro-kun, there may be something wrong with that Ryukawa Hihara!"

"What?" Matsumuro Xiaoliang was stunned.

"A telegram was sent from Manchukuo saying that there is indeed a person in Longchuan Feiyuan. He is indeed from Kanto and a grain merchant, but this person disappeared a year ago!"

"Missing?" Matsumuro Takaliang's eyebrows twisted into the character "chuan".

"Yes, missing." The female receptionist said, "Matsumuro-kun, there has been a precedent of a spy from Japan using the identity of a missing Chinese expatriate to sneak into the Six Nations Hotel. Is this Ryukawa also a spy from Japan?"

"His Kanto accent is so pure..." Matsumuro Takaharu's first reaction was disbelief, but he always felt something bad in his heart, "Do you know where he is now?"

"He just called the front desk fifteen minutes ago and asked where the bath supplies were. He should be taking a shower in his room now."

"Where is the person who came with him?" Matsumuro Takaharu asked.

The female receptionist looked confused, shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"I don't know!" Matsumuro Takaliang suddenly raised his voice.

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