The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 643: Turning against guests

Liu Haiqing handed the phone to Qian Jin, who was stunned for a moment, then walked over and took the phone hesitantly.

Liu Haiqing keenly noticed that when Qian Jin walked towards him, the two men Qian Jin brought in stretched their hands to their waists vigilantly, staring at his every move.

Qian Jin picked up the phone, glanced at Liu Haiqing first, then put it to his ear and said, "Is it Director Dai?"

"I'm Dai Chunfeng." Dai Chunfeng said on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, Director Dai!" Qian Jin stood at attention and said respectfully, with a meticulous look, as if Dai Chunfeng was standing in front of him.

"Be gentle." Dai Chunfeng said, "We will still be colleagues from now on. Don't be too rigid. Do you understand?"

Qian Jin's eyes flashed and he said: "Yes, Director Dai! I fully understand your meaning and will resolutely implement your orders!"

"Beep beep..." The other party hung up the phone.

Qian Jin put down the phone, looked at Liu Haiqing, and said frankly: "District Chief Liu, Director Dai personally called Beizi. Beizi didn't dare to refuse, and he couldn't refuse."

"I understand." Liu Haiqing nodded calmly, "Director Dai is a popular person next to the Chairman. You are right not to reject him."

"I know District Chief Liu will definitely resent me." Qian Jin sighed, "But District Chief Liu, please believe that I will keep your kindness in mind. If there is a chance, Qian Jin will definitely repay you." , Qian Jin swears in the name of my late mother that everything I say comes from the bottom of my heart and is absolutely not false!"

Liu Haiqing moved slightly and said, "I'm determined, Qian Jin, I believe you."

Qian Jin looked at Liu Haiqing and said: "District Chief Liu, Qian Jin will eat and live with you for the next twenty-four hours. If I offend you, please forgive me. Whatever you need, as long as it does not violate the principles, Qian Jin will It will definitely satisfy you."

"Where is Xiao Han?" Liu Haiqing asked, "I put some personal belongings with him."

Xiaohan is the best.

"I will send someone to ask him for it right now." Qian Jin said without changing his expression, "District Chief, do you have anything else you need?"

Liu Haiqing shook his head: "No, the task assigned to you by Director Dai is to put me under house arrest? Guard me?"

Qian Jin hesitated and nodded.

"Can you shoot me if necessary?" Liu Hai asked calmly.

Qian Jin was silent.

Liu Haiqing sighed: "Why is this so?"

"Whether you believe it or not, Qian Jin will never shoot you." Qian Jin said.

"I believe you." Liu Haiqing said with a smile, "You are not a bad person by nature. Although you are somewhat utilitarian, this is human nature."

"Thank you, district chief, for your understanding." Qian Jin said respectfully, "Then I will send someone to find Xiao Han? I just want to get your things, okay?"

"Okay." Liu Haiqing nodded.

"Okay." Qian Jin winked at one of his men, and the man immediately understood and walked out.

After the man went out, Qian Jin said again: "District Chief, let me pour you a cup of tea."

"I'm not busy." Liu Haiqing smiled and waved his hand, "Sit down and let's chat."

Qian Jin Congshan Ruliu sat across from Liu Haiqing and looked at him respectfully.

Outside the door, the men sent by Qian Jin quickly found Xiantian.

Xianxiantian was tied to a chair by Wuhuada, and two agents were guarding him.

This was naturally the work of Qian Jin. After Qian Jin received Dai Chunfeng's order to place Liu Haiqing under house arrest, he divided his forces into two groups and went to control Liu Haiqing's henchmen. Then he personally led people to control Liu Haiqing.

Although Yi Xian Tian was skilled in martial arts, he was suddenly put to the head with a gun by one of his own without any precautions, and he had no choice but to surrender.

They are all colleagues, and everyone knows that he is very good at martial arts, so they are very careful when dealing with him.

They searched Yixiantian's body, and then tied up Yixiantian with five flowers, and tied him tightly to ensure that he could not escape, and then they felt relieved.

He didn't dare to let Yi Xiantian stay alone in the room, but there were two people in the room guarding him closely.

After Qian Jin's confidant came in, the two guards immediately stood up and respectfully called him "Captain Dong."

Captain Dong nodded and said to Yixiantian: "Representative Liu said that he left some personal belongings with you. What are they?"

A guard interrupted: "Captain, everything on him is on the table. You see, a knife, a wallet, and those miscellaneous things, there is nothing more."

Captain Dong looked at the pile of things on the table, frowned, and asked, "Which thing does Representative Liu want?"

Yi Xian Tian said: "It's on me."

"Fart!" the guard scolded, "We searched everything on you, not even a piece of paper is left!"

Xiantiantian grinned: "You know nothing! I sewed it into the collar. Did you touch the collar?"

Captain Dong was a little confused: "What is it? Want to sew it into the collar?"

"I can't tell you this." Xiantiantian said with a straight face, "I advise you not to be curious. This thing is very important and can kill people! Let's do this, take off my clothes and send them directly to Representative Liu. .”

Captain Dong sneered: "Do you think I'm stupid? To take off your clothes, I have to untie you first. Don't you just want to trick me into letting you go? Do you think I will be fooled?"

"You are so smart, how could I deceive you?" Yixiantian asked with a smile, "If you don't believe me, then you can open my collar, take out the thing, and send it to Representative Liu. But in this case, you will see the things, don’t blame me for not reminding you, there will be consequences at your own risk.”

Captain Dong's face looked a little uncertain, and he suddenly turned around and asked, "Are they tied tightly?"

The guard patted his shoulders and assured: "Tie him up tightly with hemp rope as thick as your thumb! He can't even move a finger. Don't worry, Captain!"

Captain Dong then walked towards Yixiantian.

When he arrived in front of Yixiantian, he touched Yixiantian's collar, and sure enough he touched a square, hard thing.

"What is this?" Captain Dong asked curiously.

"Want to know? Open it and see for yourself." Yixiantian said with a smile.

Captain Dong hesitated slightly, gritted his teeth and said: "Open it, open it! Anyway, I won't be fooled by you. If you want me to untie the rope and take off your clothes, no way!"

"That's right, there's no way to deceive Captain Dong!" the guard said flatteringly.

Captain Dong chuckled, pulled out a knife from his waist, grabbed Yixiantian's collar with one hand, and held the knife with the other.

"I'll just cut off your collar! This way I don't have to untie your rope, and I don't have to see what's inside, so I don't have to bear any responsibility, hehe..."

Yixiantian praised: "You are such a clever little guy."

Su Yi had praised him for what he said. It didn't sound like a good thing to him, but it was quite funny, so he remembered it.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xianxiantian's eyes suddenly focused, and he suddenly jumped up with his chair, hitting the tip of the knife in Captain Dong's hand.


The knife penetrated deeply into Yixiantian's shoulder blade, causing Yixiantian and his chair to fall to the ground.

Captain Dong was unable to dodge and was knocked over by Xian Tian.

The two guards were shocked when they saw this and hurriedly reached for their guns.


But it was too late. Suddenly, Yitiantian burst out of the rope with a loud roar, jumped up from the ground, kicked the guard closest to him away, fell to the ground, and then rushed towards another guard. , before he could open the safety bolt of the gun, grab the gun and knock him out, all at once.

Finally, seeing Captain Dong about to get up, Xianxian Tian pointed the gun at him and said with a smile: "Hey!"

Captain Dong froze.

He gave an ugly smile to Xianxiantian and said: "You are such a cruel person! Mad, I admit defeat! I understand the rules. I won't do anything for you, I will do it myself!"

After that, he gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, and slammed his head against the pillar on the side.

There was only a loud "thud" sound, and Captain Dong screamed in pain, and blood flowed out.

"This is such a big deal, oh my god, why don't you faint?" Captain Dong cried out.

Xiantiantian couldn't help but laugh: "Should I do it?"

Captain Dong glanced at him and said, "Can you promise to be gentle? It hurts so much!"

"Don't worry, we have a good relationship. I won't harm you." Yidiantian said sincerely.

"Thank you...wait a minute!" Captain Dong suddenly stopped Yixiantian again, "Can you tell me what's in the collar of your clothes?"

"Just two pieces of iron." Yixiantian said with a smile, "Martial arts practitioners should be cautious."

"I understand, I was still deceived by you." Captain Dong was very disappointed, "Come on, knock me out."


Before he finished speaking, Yixiantian kicked Captain Dong in the temple, knocking him unconscious.

After doing this, the first-line genius grinned and looked at the knife stuck in his left shoulder.

Why was he suddenly able to break free from the rope?

It was because he took the initiative to hit the tip of the knife at the right angle, and then the knife pierced the rope and penetrated into his flesh and blood.

That's why Captain Dong said that he was a ruthless person who actually used this self-mutilation method to get out of trouble.

Xian Xiantian arrived at the table and quickly repacked his things, leaving only a small bottle outside.

Then he tore open his shirt, gritted his teeth and pulled out the knife.

Blood spurted out, and Xian Xiantian didn't even groan. He hurriedly picked up the vial, wiped away the blood, and quickly sprinkled the medicine powder on it.

The blood flow suddenly stopped.

Xiantiantian quickly bandaged his wound, then took off the clothes of a guard who was similar to him and put it on, took off their weapons and put them on himself, then opened the door and walked out.

In Liu Haiqing's office, he and Qian Jin were reminiscing about the past and chatting about trivial past events.

"I remember that when we first met, you were Li Hu's secretary." Liu Haiqing recalled, "At that time, you were superior, and I was just a robed gangster, not worth mentioning."

"District Chief Liu started from a humble background, but came from behind. Qian Jin has nothing but admiration for this and has always regarded him as a role model," Qian Jin said.

"I believe you are not flattering me. You are not a flatterer." Liu Haiqing said with a smile, "If you were, your current position must be above me."

Qian Jin's face was moved and he said with some emotion: "District Chief Liu, you really know me very well. I didn't follow you wrongly."

Liu Haiqing smiled faintly: "The two of us have been getting along very happily. Since I said something that I didn't mean to say today, I might as well say one more thing. This sentence may not sound good, but if you think it makes sense, just treat it as an old man like me. I’d like to give you, my younger brother, a piece of advice. If you think it doesn’t make sense, just think I’m farting.”

"District Chief, Qian Jin is all ears." Qian Jin said.

Liu Haiqing nodded and said: "In this mortal world, you still have to take into account worldly views. No matter how noble you are, you must maintain your reputation and pay attention to your social evaluation, otherwise, you will definitely pay a heavy price for this. "

Qian Jin frowned: "District Chief, please forgive Qian Jin for being stupid. I didn't understand this sentence."

"You used to be Li Hu's secretary, and I brought down Li Hu, and then you followed me." Liu Haiqing looked at Qian Jin, "No matter what you and I think in our hearts, in the eyes of outsiders, you have betrayed me again. .”

"In ancient times, for the sake of his future, Lu Bu took on the bad reputation of being a slave of three surnames. It was a pity for a great general. In the end, he was burdened by the bad reputation and ended up betraying his relatives and leaving his body." Liu Haiqing looked at Qian Jin deeply, "You, I have already betrayed my master twice, so be sure not to do it a third time, otherwise Lu Bu will be a lesson to you."

Qian Jin's expression changed and became a little ugly.

"Loyalty is harsh to the ears." Liu Haiqing sighed, "You remember Qian Jin, Dai Chunfeng is suspicious and cold-blooded by nature. He will definitely not reuse you. If you insist on following him, one day he will sacrifice you as cannon fodder. .After today, if Dai Chunfeng asks you to go to the Secret Service, don’t go. Choose your third master, and then follow him all the way to the dark side. Don’t betray him, otherwise you will be finished for the rest of your life!”

Qian Jin looked at Liu Haiqing blankly, his expression gradually softened, he nodded solemnly and said: "District Chief, Qian Jin has remembered your words."


As soon as he finished speaking, the door was violently knocked open from outside.

Qian Jin's expression suddenly changed. He reacted very quickly and immediately drew his gun and pointed it at Liu Haiqing.

But Liu Haiqing also reacted quickly and fell to the ground immediately. He was self-aware of his own skills and knew that not causing trouble was the best way to help at this time, so he immediately fell down as soon as he heard the knock on the door.

He bought himself time by lying down. When Qian put the gun in and took aim, he found that his aim was empty. When he moved the muzzle of the gun downwards, Xixiantian swooped in and kicked the gun away from his hand, and then A knife was put to his neck.

"President Qian, don't force me to kill you!" Xiantiantian said coldly.

Qian Jin froze, took a long breath, and raised his hands.

Only then did Liu Haiqing get up from the ground.

"Are you okay?" Yi Xiantian looked him up and down.

Liu Haiqing shook his head and looked at Qian Jin: "I'm offended."

Qian Jin said: "That's fine, I don't have to suffer anymore. But can you give me a shot? As long as it doesn't hit any vital points."

Xiantiantian was startled and looked at Qian Jin in surprise.

Qian Jin said calmly without changing his expression: "District Chief, you just said that Dai Chunfeng is suspicious. If I hadn't narrowly escaped death, he would have suspected me of joining forces with you to sing an opera."

Liu Haiqing smiled and nodded: "That makes sense. Xiao Han, I'll leave it to you."

"Please." Qian Jin looked at Yixiantian.

"I actually encountered such a request twice a day..." Yixiantian shook his head speechlessly, "But I don't like to use guns, I prefer to use knives."

Puff puff!

As soon as he finished speaking, Xianxian stabbed Qian Jin in the chest three times with his knife, and then punched him in the temple with his backhand. Qian Jin looked up and fell down.

Liu Haiqing on one side saw his eyelids twitching: "Hey, I didn't ask you to kill him!"

"Don't worry, he won't die!" Xianxian Tian squatted down and checked. "The blood will stop flowing soon. He can't lose his life. Fortunately, my skills have not fallen behind."

What was your previous craft? Kill a pig?

Liu Haiqing couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Yixiantian stood up and looked back at him: "Tell me, what happened? Why did the hero suddenly become a prisoner?"

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