The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 65 Lu Mingzhe returns

"That's true," Su Yi frowned, "It can't be such a coincidence. The thirty seconds that were cut off happened to include the camera at this intersection, right?"

"It's such a coincidence." Situ said helplessly, "This camera just happened to capture Sir Cai leaving the door, holding an umbrella and going to the left corner of the yard to see his Doberman. The camera captured the last scene before the power was cut off. In one scene, Sir Cai bent down to open the kennel and was playing with the dog. Then the screen went black. When the power was turned on again, Sir Cai had fallen to the ground, and the broken wire happened to be on top of him."

"Check the adjacent cameras to see if there is any suspicious person passing by." Su Yi immediately ordered, "Let the brothers in the monitoring center put aside the previous case with Liansheng and focus on investigating this point first."

"Yes, sir!"

"You personally take these two threads to the forensic department for testing, then wait there for the results, and then give me the news as soon as possible."


After Situ left, Su Yi called Sergeant Liu Xuwen and ordered: "Have your people search the villa as the center and don't let go of any clues. I want you to submit a brief written report to me on the search results!"

"Yes!" Liu Xuwen stood at attention and said loudly. After a pause, he hesitated and said: "Do you want to go inside the villa..."

"Sir Cai is a big shot with status and status. How can he enter his room at will?" Su Yi said, "You don't have to worry about the villa. I will naturally apply for instructions from my superiors."

"Yes, yes, I think so too." Liu Xuwen said repeatedly, "Then I will search the perimeter right now."

Looking at Liu Xuwen's leaving figure, Su Yi quietly pinched the memory cards in his pocket.

That was the original video taken by Roger during his lifetime. After many twists and turns, it finally fell into the hands of Su Yi.

At 1:30 in the morning, Liu Xuwen's report came. His people searched a two-kilometer radius and found nothing suspicious.

At two o'clock, the monitoring center called. The cameras did not capture any suspicious people.

"There is something unrelated to the case, Sir Su, I think I should tell you." The man on the other end of the phone said hesitantly, "I saw Sir Lu drinking in the Muse bar not far away on the surveillance camera, for half an hour He was so drunk that he was thrown into the street."

"Still lying down now?"


"okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi called Liu Xuwen and said, "Send a brother to the door of Muse Bar to find a drunkard lying on the street and take him home."

Liu Xuwen was stunned and asked tentatively: "Is it important? How about I go in person?"

"That's fine," Su Yi patted him on the shoulder, "It's Sir Lu from the original third group. You should have heard of him. Sorry for the trouble."

At three o'clock in the morning, the test results of the two wire ends came out, confirming that the two wire ends were indeed severed by lightning, and there were no traces of human damage.

At 3:30, Little Q got Mrs. Cai’s testimony, which confirmed that Sir Cai would go to the front yard to check on his Doberman Pinscher every night before going to bed. He had developed this habit over the past few years. Unobstructed.

But the specific time for him to see the Doberman is not fixed. Sometimes it is at one or two o'clock in the night, sometimes after twelve o'clock, and the earliest time is around eleven o'clock. There is no pattern.

"So we can basically rule out the possibility of homicide." Situ said, "The wire was cut by lightning, and the time when Sir Cai went out was not fixed. Although the surveillance did not capture it, we can all prove that it was an accident. .”

"Oh, what a bad luck. How could it be such a coincidence?" Xiao Q still felt a little puzzled, "Sir Cai died in the thirty seconds when we accidentally cut off the power?"

"It was Aji who knocked over Sir Su's cup. Why, do you think Xiao Ji had a hand in killing Sir Cai back?" Situ asked.

"That's not what I meant!" Xiao Q waved his hands hastily.

"Then you are suspicious of Sir Su?" Situ joked.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!" Xiao Q rolled his eyes at him angrily, and neither of them took his words seriously.

Just kidding, who in the entire police station doesn't know that Cai Tianming is Su Ping's boss? How could Sir Cai's death be related to Sir Su?

Otherwise, why would the superiors appoint Su Yi to investigate the cause of Cai Tianming's death?

It's because Su Yi is the least suspicious in this matter.

"The superiors are still waiting for the results. I have to write a report overnight." Su Yi said, "It's already very late. Let the brothers call it a day."

Su Yi rushed back to the office without stopping, first destroyed the memory cards, then made himself a cup of coffee, and went over the whole thing carefully from beginning to end, and then started writing the report.

This work lasted all night.

Early the next morning, Su Yi came to the office of the first brother in the police force.

"I know you, the Iron-Blooded Detective, right? They say you are the calling card of our police force. You have been very popular recently." Brother Yi looked at Su Yi and said.

"I don't dare, it's just because my boss cultivated me." Su Yi said humbly.

"You have to be good enough." Brother Yi changed the topic, "But remember, you are a policeman. Your job is to catch thieves, not to appear on TV. Do you understand?"

Su Yi's heart shivered and he said, "I understand."

Brother Yi nodded, took the report, and looked through it.

"So, your conclusion is that although the camera did not capture it due to the accident, it can still be concluded that Sir Cai's death was because Lei interrupted the wire, causing Sir Cai to be electrocuted, right?"

"Yes, this is an unexpected tragedy." Su Yi said sadly, "Sir Cai has always taken good care of me. His death is difficult for me to accept."

"Accident," Brother Yi thought thoughtfully, "A surprise is a good thing..."

Su Yi raised his head in surprise.

Brother No. 1 smiled: "Su Ping, since you are on stage, then sing this great drama well. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood." Su Yi said solemnly.

, "What the police force needs is a positive image, not a big spotlight. You must grasp the scale of this. As for the rest..." The first brother knocked on the table twice, "Singing, running, dancing. Jump, it’s business as usual.”

Seven days later, Cai Tianming's funeral was held grandly in Haoyuan. Su Yi attended and gave a speech on stage.

After another fifteen days, Su Yi was successfully promoted to senior inspector.

He also became the fastest-promoted and youngest senior inspector in the police force since 1982.

The first thing Su Yi did after becoming a senior inspector was to transfer Lu Mingzhe to the third team to become his deputy.

It's part of the deal.

That night, the whole family of the Third Action Team held a team building to celebrate Lu Mingzhe's return. Everyone drank a lot of wine.

It was only then that Su Yi realized that this day was Lu Mingzhe's birthday.

"Actually, I've always wanted to know, how did you change your magic?"

After three drinks, Su Yi and Lu Mingzhe went to the rooftop of the hotel.

The air was moist and cold. After the storm, the city became cold, as if winter was coming all of a sudden.

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