The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 648 Qing Gang blocks

Sanye Baiji originally wanted to pretend to be confused to trick Liu Haiqing, because Liu Haiqing was the one in need, and he could sit firmly on Diaoyutai.

But now, he knows that he can't do this anymore, because he finds that maybe he is the one who needs it more. If he couldn't win Liu Haiqing's trust and make him feel more secure, Liu Haiqing would never tell his secret easily.

After thinking about this, Sanye Baiji immediately changed his strategy.

"Liu Sang, I'm sorry, I couldn't be honest with you just now, because I don't know if you are worthy of me." Sanye Baiji stood up and bowed to Liu Haiqing, "I sincerely apologize to you, I hope you can forgive me for my rudeness."

Looking at the humble Miye Baiji, Liu Haiqing sneered in his heart. Xiao Geng once told him that the more humble these Zhepeng people looked on the outside, the more twisted they were on the inside. Now it seems that this is true.

But he didn't mean to expose it, he just said in a gentle tone: "Mr. Sanye, I come to you this time with full sincerity. I am prepared to entrust my life to you. If we can't do anything, If I don't tell you honestly, then I will be very suspicious of whether I am trusting someone else."

"Believe me Liu Sang, I promise that everything I say to you next will be the truth." Sanye Baiji paused, "Including the matter about the imperial agent."

This time, it was Liu Haiqing's turn to be shocked. Xiao Geng's guess was true. There was actually a spy from Zhe Peng around Chang Kaishen.

What a big joke!

Liu Haiqing kept his expression as natural as possible, and then said: "Mr. Sanye, if in your country, a soldier who has made great achievements like me in killing Zhang Jingyao, how will he be treated?"

"You will be commended, even commended by His Majesty the Emperor himself." Momoyoshi Sanno said sternly, "You will become a hero of the empire and be worshiped by people across the country."

Liu Haiqing smiled miserably: "Yes, in this world, any country will treat its meritorious ministers like this, except here! What a magical land and magical government!"

"Zhang Jingyao has always had Chang Kaishen in his throat. I shared his worries for him and the country, and successfully assassinated Zhang Jingyao. But what will he do to me?"

"He wants to deal with me secretly! Because he doesn't want people to know that Zhang Jingyao's death is related to him and the government!"

"I narrowly escaped death and successfully completed the impossible task, but what I got in exchange was a dead end! Mr. Sanye, what would you think if it were you?"

Looking at Liu Haiqing who was inexplicably sad and angry, Momoyoshi Sanno was thinking a lot. He nodded slowly and said cooperatively: "Such a government and such a leader are not worthy of my allegiance!"

"That's right!" Liu Haiqing gritted his teeth and said, "Why should I work for such a government? Why should I be loyal to such a stupid and cowardly leader?"

"He wanted my life, so I rebelled against him! He wanted to hide the truth about the assassination of Zhang Jingyao from the world, but I decided to disclose it because I was personally ordered by him! He is the real culprit behind the assassination of Zhang Jingyao. !”

"So I summoned newspaper reporters from all over Tianjin. I want to expose Chang Kaishen's ugly face. I want the whole world to see how this hypocritical guy rules this country! He doesn't deserve to sit in that position at all. !”

Sanye Baiji looked at Liu Haiqing and said deeply: "Liu Sang, I deeply sympathize with your experience, but you killed forty-seven imperial soldiers. How do you explain this?"

Liu Haiqing said seriously: "Mr. Sanye, this is also my concern. I don't understand why such a thing happened. At that time, we set up a delayed explosion mechanism on the car. The purpose was to wait for us to leave a certain distance and attack in the east. Attract the attention of your pursuers."

"This was just an explosion to evade pursuit. We didn't plant any bombs, we just put two gasoline barrels in the car! Why did so many Zhepeng soldiers die in this small explosion? More than forty Individuals, did they all hold hands and surround the car when it exploded?"

Sanye Baiji's face twitched. Although they were not holding hands at that time, the forty-seven people were really tightly surrounding the car.

"If it were one of my men who encountered such an unknown situation, I would definitely send someone to investigate the situation first." Liu Haiqing continued, "Which idiot is your commander this time? Why are you so stupid that you let everyone Soldiers to surround an abandoned car?”

"Or, in fact, you didn't actually die so many people? You just exaggerated the number and wanted to provoke a war?" Liu Haiqing asked doubtfully.

When Misano Momoki looked at him quietly, he hurriedly added: "Please don't get me wrong, I don't mean to inquire about information. I just want to say that if you really have such needs, I will tell you at the press conference later. I will speak according to your request, and I can even personally testify that it was Yu Xuezhong who sent troops to sneak attack you, which led to the death of forty-seven Zhepeng soldiers."

"Believe me, I'm very good at doing this. I will clearly explain the number, number, and leader's name and position of the troops who attacked you. This person is secretly stationed near Shuangmen Town. He You must be unable to argue..."

Liu Haiqing's rhetoric played into the hands of Baiji Sanye.

Isn't this the effect he wants?


There are fruit army troops secretly stationed in Shuangmen Town?

If it is now suggested that General Nakamura sent troops to encircle and suppress this unit, then the deaths of forty-seven soldiers would be conclusive "evidence" that they were attacked by Yu Xuezhong's troops!

In this way, neither he nor Nakamura Kotaro will be punished by the headquarters.

On the contrary, if Liu Haiqing really came to surrender, they would hold Liu Haiqing's card and use him to attack Guofu and Chang Kaishen to start a public opinion war, which would actually be a great achievement.

After thinking about this, Sanye Baiji was heart-beating.

"Tell me about the situation of the troops stationed in Shuangmen Town." He said solemnly.

"The troops stationed in Shuangmen Town are the Eighth Company of the Sixth Reconnaissance Battalion of the 532nd Regiment of the 113th Division of the 51st Army. The company commander is Zhao Dezhu." Liu Haiqing said seriously, "This company has three heavy aircraft squadrons. Two mortar squads, four engineer squads, one..."

Liu Haiqing spoke in great detail, but Misano Momoki hurriedly stopped mid-listening and took a pen and paper to record. After Liu Haiqing finished speaking, he asked in detail about the stationing location of this unit and its total number of people.

Finally, he asked strangely: "Liu Sang, why do you know so clearly?"

"Don't forget what I do!" Liu Haiqing sneered, "I am the director of the Political Training Division of the Guojun Military Commission, and if there is no accident, I will soon take office as the district chief of North China. The troops in Pingjin and Tianjin are very important to me. , there are no secrets!”

"Okay!" Sanye Baiji was very excited. Liu Haiqing showed great value and potential. The key is that he had already been rewarded as soon as he started contacting him, which made him very happy. "Liu Sang, you are really a great philosopher of the Peng Empire." Good friend! Liu Sang, don’t worry, we Zhe Peng will definitely protect your personal safety and will not let you be persecuted by your corrupt government!"

After a pause, Sanye Momoki asked again: "Liu Sang, can you tell me in detail about the imperial agent you mentioned before?"

"Mr. Sanye can't be so naive and think that I will tell all my secrets without reservation, right?" Liu Haiqing smiled lightly, "If I tell all my secrets, then I will have no value to you. "

"Agent Zhe Peng next to Chang Kaishen, I believe you have paid a huge price for this person, but now, he is facing the risk of being exposed... Haha, with all due respect, Mr. Sanye, the reason why this agent was exposed, It's because of the negligence on the part of Jinmen. But fortunately, everything is still under control now. As long as you can agree to my conditions, everything can be undone."

"Liu Sang, please tell me what you want!" Sanye Baiji said seriously.

"First, there are still fifteen minutes left before the time I agreed with the reporter. I need to show up at the press conference on time to expose the truth about Chang Kaishen's persecution of me!" Liu Haiqing gritted his teeth and said with hatred, "I want to make this hypocrisy This guy is ruined!"

"But now all the black and white factions in Tianjin want to get rid of me quickly! I hope to get the protection of Zhepeng soldiers so that they dare not act rashly and so that I can hold this press conference safely and smoothly. !”

"Okay, I can satisfy you with this condition." Sanye Baiji thought for a while and agreed.

He is not afraid of Liu Haiqing's tricks, because Liu Haiqing's life is now completely in his hands.

"Second, I can tell you everything I know, but I hope you can give me a corresponding position and treatment worthy of the contribution I have made for you! I want Chang Kaishen to regret missing this talent like me! "

"That's no problem!" Sanye Baiji said seriously, "Don't worry Liu Sang, the Great Peng Empire will never treat any meritorious minister badly!"

"Third, I need money. I don't want much. Three hundred thousand US dollars is enough! I also want you to buy a house for me in Tokyo. It's best if I can join Zhepeng nationality!"

"This..." Momoyoshi Sanno looked embarrassed, "Last point, I can't make the decision. I need to ask General Nakamura for instructions."

"Then please ask Mr. Sanye for instructions as soon as possible!" Liu Haiqing said, "I hope to get your exact commitment before the press conference is released."

"Okay!" Sanye Baiji stood up and bowed slightly to Liu Haiqing, "Liu Sang, please wait here for a moment, I will be back as soon as possible."

"Mr. Sanye, please!" Liu Haiqing said.

After Moikichi Sanno went out, he could not conceal his excitement and excitement and hurried to Nakamura Kotaro's office.

After arriving, Nakamura Kotaro couldn't wait to ask as soon as he saw him: "How is the situation?"

"It went very smoothly!" Sanye Momoki took a deep breath, "Liu Haiqing is indeed here to surrender!"

At the moment, he tried his best to repeat the conversation just now in as concise language as possible.

However, out of some considerations, Sanno Mokichi concealed the exposure of the mole. He decided to wait until this incident was over, and then he and Liu Haiqing planned the matter carefully to see if they could get past Kotaro Nakamura and get through this matter. Doi Madoka Kenji's appreciation.

Nakamura Kotaro was very happy: "Okay! In this way, our troubles will no longer be troubles at all! I will send troops to encircle and suppress the fruit army stationed in Shuangmen Town! Sanye-kun, you go and hold a press conference with Liu Haiqing, Just enough to attract everyone’s attention, remember, you must teach Liu Haiqing how to speak!”

"Hi! General Nakamura, don't worry!" Momoyoshi Sanno said hurriedly.

"Do you need me to send troops to escort you?" Nakamura Kotaro asked.

"No, we can't let the reporters know now that Liu Haiqing has defected to us." Sanye Baiji said, "Otherwise, the authenticity of what Liu Haiqing said will be greatly compromised. I will convince the Italian ambassador to let him temporarily serve as Liu Haiqing's Provide asylum, and the press conference will be held by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau of the Concession. In short, the news of Liu Haiqing’s surrender must be kept hidden from the outside world for the time being.”

"Well, you have thought very carefully." Nakamura Kotaro was very satisfied. "The only thing that needs to be determined now is, is Liu Haiqing trustworthy?"

Sanye Baiji pondered slightly and said, "What did Mr. Mole say?"

"I contacted him, but he doesn't know much about the matter yet. Further information will be fed back in two hours." Nakamura Kotaro said.

"Two hours... there is not enough time." Momoki Sanno shook his head, "General Nakamura, I think Liu Haiqing's words are still credible. Unless he wants to die, he has no reason to lie to us. Moreover, at this press conference , which can prove whether he is sincere in his surrender!"

"If he speaks exactly as we asked him to at the press conference, then he will be credible, because as long as he says what we ask him to say, he will openly betray his country."

"If he does not comply with our request, then this person may have another purpose."

"If he really has other motives, what are you going to do?" Nakamura Kotaro asked.

"I will let him know the consequences of deceiving the great Zhe Peng Empire!" Sanye Baiji said with a sinister smile.

"Okay, now take Liu Haiqing to the Ministry of Industry Bureau of the Italian Concession." Nakamura Kotaro said, "I will immediately send troops to Shuangmen Town to investigate and see if the troops Liu Haiqing mentioned are really stationed there."

"If there are no traps on my side and the troops really exist, it will also mean that Liu Haiqing is truly surrendering!"

"General, please be careful!" Sanye Baiji said.

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of the lives of imperial soldiers!"

Just when Liu Haiqing successfully won the trust of Zhe Peng people, on the other side, Su Yi and Yixiantian were in trouble.

Their car was stopped.

It was not the police who stopped them, but people from the Youth Gang.

To be precise, Jia Changqing personally led people to search for Liu Haiqing's whereabouts. He also asked the patrol officers to cooperate with him and set up roadblocks.

As a result, Su Yi and Yixiantian were intercepted before they could avoid it. The sharp-eyed Jia Changqing saw Su Yi sitting in the passenger seat at a glance, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

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