The process of persuading Wang Yaqiao was very easy, because Wang Yaqiao also knew very well that if Chang Kaishen was not removed, he would die sooner or later at his hands.

What's more, Wang Yaqiao's own political ambitions can only be achieved after Chang Kaishen's death.

"Brother Geng, to be honest, I just met Mr. Hu last night." After the two reached an agreement on "resting in the house", Wang Yaqiao also revealed a secret.

"I am actually here this time to negotiate with Mr. Hu on behalf of Li Renchao, Cai Xianchu, Chen Zhenru and Jiang Jinran." Wang Yaqiao said with a solemn expression, "I and several generals share the same goals and agree that there is no way out to continue the civil war. Only by uniting our guns to the outside world and declaring war on Japan can we save China. We decided to fight against Chiang Kai-shek, the Communist Party, and resist Japan, and form the Guomin government in southern Fujian..."

Wang Yaqiao trusted Su Yi very much and revealed their "shattering conspiracy" to Su Yihe.

In fact, when Wang Yaqiao mentioned these people, Su Yi suddenly understood.

Southern Fujian Incident.

The four people mentioned by Wang Yaqiao, plus himself, will establish a new Guomin government in southern Fujian next year with the 19th Route Army as the main force, and propose to abolish the extraterritoriality of foreign countries, abolish unequal treaties, and implement alliances internally. Abnormal policy.

However, this incident lasted for three months and completely failed. Because they could neither convince Hu Zhantang and his southwestern forces, nor the Nantian King Chen Bonan of the Guangdong faction, and Bai Jiansheng and Li Delin of the Guangxi faction, they were isolated and helpless. In the end, under Chang Kaishen's thunderous suppression, they had to Disappeared sadly.

"Has Hu Zhantang agreed to join you?" Su Yi asked knowingly.

"No." Wang Yaqiao sighed and shook his head, "He feels that we are alone and cannot achieve great things, and he also disagrees with our ideas of the Communist Party of China, but he admires Chang Kai's idea that before going abroad, he must first settle his country. He believes that if the underground party is not eliminated, it will become a serious problem..."

"I feel that unless I convince the Guangxi and Cantonese cliques first, Mr. Hu will definitely not let go. This old man is famous for his stubbornness. In fact, I have given up on convincing him. But if I add Chang's preconditions, Then he might not refuse."

Wang Yaqiao smiled coldly and continued: "Mr. Hu is a veteran of the party. Everyone says that he is a gentleman who is committed and upright. Although he is a little proud of his talents, he is upright. But I know that this old man is also extremely narrow-minded and has no sense. He has always felt that he should be the leader of the Fruit Party because of his statesmanlike demeanor. Chang, Wang and others stole his position, which he has always hated."

"Brother Ninth, do you think you can convince him to cooperate with our actions?" Su Yi asked.

"I'm at least 70% sure." Wang Yaqiao said.

Su Yi nodded slowly: "That's enough! But if Ninth Brother is willing to bring Hai Qing with him, we can increase the chance of winning by another 20%."

Wang Yaqiao's eyes flashed: "Oh? In that case, I have to trouble Hai Qing to go with me to visit Mr. Hu."

"He has always admired Ninth Brother. I think he will be happy to act alone with Ninth Brother." Su Yi said with a smile, "Ninth Brother, without further ado, let's split up. The situation is urgent and I need it. Make preparations now. When I hear the explosion, I will sneak into the dormitory. If the explosion does not go off, it means the mission has failed, and I will evacuate on my own."

Wang Yaqiao nodded solemnly and said, "Brother Geng, don't worry, I won't let you down!"

"Okay, Hai Qing and I will say goodbye and leave first. Brother Ninth doesn't need to worry about me. Let's each perform our duties." Su Yi said.

"I'll have someone prepare a guy for you," Wang Yaqiao said.

"Thank you, Ninth Brother." Su Yi did not refuse.

He doesn't use thermal weapons, but that doesn't mean Yitiantian can't use them.

The two of them went out together. Wang Yaqiao wisely asked all his brothers to go to the backyard, leaving Su Yi and the other two alone space to talk.

Su Yi looked at Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian with a smile, and said with a smile: "Do you feel like you were dragged onto a pirate ship?"

"When it comes to being a pirate ship, I am the one who pulled you onto the pirate ship." Liu Haiqing looked at Su Yi and said, "Xiao Geng, I am the one who caused you trouble."

Liu Haiqing felt very complicated and guilty. He was thinking that if Su Yi had not helped him get promoted, he and Yixiantian would not have assassinated Zhang Jingyao. If they had not assassinated Zhang Jingyao, they would not have killed the forty-seven Zhe Peng soldiers. If the forty-seven Zhe Peng soldiers had not died, the three of them would not have been forced into desperation and even taken the risk to come to Aurous Mountains to commit such a treasonous and crazy act.

The root of all this lies in Liu Haiqing.

Su Yi frowned and said: "Hai Qing, now we just need to be in the same boat, don't think too much about other things!"

"I know." Liu Haiqing sighed, "I was scared by you just now, but now I have figured it out. The three of us are now both prosperous and disadvantaged. We can only work together in the same boat. The road will end in darkness."

"Master Geng, will we be infamy for thousands of years?" Yi Xiantian asked.

Su Yi smiled and said proudly: "If my husband is alive without five pots of food, he will be cooked with five pots of food when he dies! Whether he will be famous forever or be infamy for thousands of years is for future generations to comment! As long as we have a clear conscience! I have a clear conscience!" "

"I have no problem." Xianxiantian sighed, "If I can survive, Master Geng, you must invite me to the brothel in Qinhuai River and get drunk for three days!"

"Vulgar!" Su Yi waved his sleeves, "You actually want to get drunk when you go to a brothel? What a waste of money, Geng is ashamed to be with you!"

Yixiantian and Liu Haiqing were stunned at the same time, and then couldn't help laughing.

Su Yi also laughed. When the two stopped, he smiled and said: "After passing this level, the three of us will be reborn in Nirvana!"

Yixiantian and Liu Haiqing calmed down their expressions and nodded heavily.

"Let's get down to business." Su Yi said seriously, "My plan is this..."

He repeated what he had said to Wang Yaqiao, Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian, and finally told Liu Haiqing: "If Wang Yaqiao fails to convince Hu Zhantang, or if Hu Zhantang is shaken but still hesitant, Haiqing, you have to Tell him this..."

Su Yi spoke eloquently, and Liu Haiqing took note of it carefully, nodding his head repeatedly. When he encountered something he didn't understand, he immediately asked questions, never pretending to understand.

Finally, Su Yi solemnly warned: "Hai Qing, the reason why I insisted on letting Brother Jiu take you to see Hu Zhantang is for two reasons. First, although we assassinated Chang to protect ourselves, once the matter is accomplished, we cannot just turn a blind eye. Watch others share the fruits of victory. You need to let Hu Zhantang remember you, let him appreciate you, and reward you for your achievements after you achieve your goals."

"Second, it's just my selfishness. Although I trust Brother Ninth, I must be on guard against others. I don't want to become a victim of the overall situation..."

Regarding the second point, Su Yi didn't say much and stopped. But Liu Haiqing felt the same way and could fully understand it. He nodded and said: "Don't worry, I'll see what happens. But if something happens, how should I contact you?" you?"

"If something happens, you will definitely not have the chance to contact us." Su Yi shook his head and said, "Hai Qing, your task is to try to ensure that things develop as we expected and not go astray. But if things get out of control and something unexpected happens, The only thing you have to do is to preserve yourself and be useful, endure the humiliation and bear the burden, survive first, and when the time is right, you can avenge the two of us."

Having said this, Su Yi patted him on the shoulder and said: "If it goes through, you will stand in front of the stage on our behalf; if it fails, you will be our avenger."

Liu Haiqing looked heavy and nodded slowly: "I understand!"

After a pause, he added: "Actually, I hope that the three of us can live and die together, instead of just the two of you going through life and death, but I..."

"I know." Su Yi interrupted him and smiled, "I believe Xiao Han also knows. But Hai Qing, you must be our backup."

Liu Haiqing sighed desolately and said, "Don't worry, I understand."

He looked at Su Yi and said, "If something goes wrong, don't be brave. The worst we can do is live in exile. As long as we don't die, we will try to make a comeback sooner or later!"

"Don't worry." Su Yi said, "Also, don't tell Ninth Brother about Sanye Baiji's existence."

Liu Haiqing nodded: "I understand!"

When Wang Yaqiao came back, Su Yi and Yixiantian had quietly left, leaving Liu Haiqing alone in the room.

"Hai Qing, Brother Geng and the others have left?" Wang Yaqiao asked, "They didn't even take weapons."

"Xiao Geng said he wouldn't take the weapons. He couldn't take them to the military academy after getting ready. He still has a lot of things to prepare, so he left first." Liu Haiqing said with a smile, "Brother Ninth, I can finally fight alongside you. "

Wang Yaqiao smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother Geng said you have a secret weapon. If Mr. Hu doesn't listen to my advice, it will be up to you."

"Brother Ninth is joking. Haiqing and you are just going to see the world. We still have to rely on Brother Ninth for everything." Liu Haiqing said.

Wang Yaqiao smiled and nodded, then his face turned solemn: "I have made an appointment with Mr. Hu to meet again, Hai Qing, you have to change clothes, and then we will set off!"

the other side.

After Su Yi and Yixiantian left the alley, he took Yixiantian to the rouge and gouache store, bought a lot of cosmetics, and then went straight to the mansion area on Jinling Yihe Road.

The Yihe Road Mansion District is a high-end independent garden residential area built by Guofu since the year before last for senior officials to live in. The people who can live here are all "powerful people" in the power center of Guofu.

The people who live here are either rich or noble. In order to ensure their safety, Guofu is naturally heavily guarded and protected.

But with Su Yi and Yixiantian's skills, it's not difficult to sneak in.

Su Yi was familiar with the road and led Yixiantian to turn left and right, which surprised the latter.

"Master Geng, have you been here before?"

"I haven't been here, but I have seen the map." Su Yi replied.

He was telling the truth, the map he had seen was in his mind.

"What on earth are we doing here?" Yixiantian asked curiously again.

"Find someone who can take us to the military academy." Su Yi looked around and said.

Soon he locked on a house number and his eyes lit up.

No. 17, Ninghai Road - Huang Mansion!

This is a small courtyard shaded by bamboo trees. The two-story building in the courtyard is brightly lit, and it looks like the owner is at home.

A glimmer of hope arose in Su Yi's heart. He hoped that the owner of this place was really here, and that he would not be disappointed and have to look elsewhere.

Su Yi did not approach rashly, but hid in the dark and carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

Making sure that no one was watching the guards in the dark, he led Xian Tian around the house before deciding to sneak in.

"You can't shoot," Su Yi said, "and don't be merciful. Everyone you encounter when you go in must be restrained immediately and don't give them a chance to speak out and resist."

After a pause, Su Yi solemnly warned: "Remember not to underestimate anyone inside. There may be an old lady inside who will pull out a gun at any time! Let me tell you, the owner of this place is Huang Jun (Note) , his apparent identity is the confidential secretary of the Executive Yuan, but in fact he has been bribed by the Zhe Peng people, and has been secretly selling the secret information of the Guo Mansion to the Zhe Peng people..."

Hearing this, Xiantiantian's eyes turned cold: "Another traitor!"

He did not doubt Su Yi's words, nor did he ask how Su Yi knew about this.

"Huang Jun is the person next to Chang Kaishen. The Zhepeng people must attach great importance to him and will definitely send someone to protect his safety," Su Yi said. "The people sent must also be elites and will never be easy to deal with. Remember , don’t be careless, let alone hold back, fight quickly.”

Yi Xian Tian nodded: "Don't worry, I know the severity."

"Also, be careful of traps." Su Yi reminded, "This kind of person will definitely set up some alarm devices. Be more careful when sneaking in and try not to touch them. But if you encounter them, you must rush in immediately! Except Huang Jun himself, everyone else can be killed!"

"Understood!" Su Yi's repeated warnings made Yixian Tian become nervous.

"You go in front and I go behind!" Su Yi patted him on the shoulder, "Count in your mind for twenty seconds, and then act together."


Both of them were neat people. After deciding on the plan, they immediately separated and took action.

Twenty seconds later, the two of them climbed up the front and back yard wall almost simultaneously like civet cats, and sneaked into the yard quietly.

Su Yi's guess was correct. There were indeed traps in the front and back yards.

Fortunately, both of them were very careful and did not trigger any triggers. They sneaked in carefully and soon, they both touched the front and back doors of the small building. There were faint sounds of chatting and laughing in the building. It sounded like there were three or four people, all gathered in the restaurant.

It seems that the host is entertaining guests.

Only then did Su Yi put down his backpack and put it aside gently. He was about to study how to sneak in through the back door or the back window. At this moment, he heard the faint sound of footsteps. He felt alert and immediately jumped. He ducked and hid behind the door.

The next second, the back door opened, and a middle-aged man walked out with a bucket, defenseless.

As soon as the man closed the door, Su Yi immediately started to move out, covering his mouth with one hand, grabbing his hair with the other, and suddenly exerted force and twisted it hard.


The man's head turned 180 degrees in an instant, and he died without even making a sound.

Su Yi carefully moved the body to the side, gently lowered it to the ground, then listened intently for a moment, suddenly opened the back door, and rushed in in a flash.

Note: Huang Jun is not the Confidential Secretary of the Executive Yuan at this time, and arrangements have been made for him in this book in advance. Having said that, I would like to say one more thing. Some of the timelines in the book are advanced or delayed, and do not follow the original history. You should not take it seriously, because this is a recreational story, not serious literature.

Also, there’s another chapter until tomorrow.

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