The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 659 Absolute Secret

If anyone else had caught a big fish like Nanzo Yunzi, they would definitely have found a treasure and would try their best to get useful information out of her mouth.

Even if nothing can be knocked out, he will never kill her, because a living Flower of the Empire is worth a hundred times more than a dead, cold corpse.

Unfortunately, Nan Zao Yunzi met Su Yi - the only person in the world who didn't care much about her secrets, and the only person who didn't care about her life or death.

For Su Yi, he was more interested in Huang Jun.

After waking up Huang Jun again, the old guy was very excited and shouted at Su Yi with a ferocious look on his face: "You devil, you killed my son, I want to eat your flesh and drink your blood..."


Su Yi punched him in the stomach and covered his mouth with a towel.

"Woo... Wu..." Huang Jun's eyes bulged and veins popped up on his forehead. He roared in great pain, but he could only make a dull sound.

Su Yi said with a smile: "My son can be reborn if he dies. If you die, you will have nothing."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Huang Jun was still screaming in pain, but his eyes were filled with fear.

"I killed all Nan Zao Yunzi, but only you were left. Do you know why?" Su Yi said with a smile, "It's because you are still useful to me."

"Useful means that you don't have to die." Su Yi stared into his eyes, "But if you don't cooperate, are dishonest, and don't take the initiative, do you know what will happen to you?"

"I will cut off your flesh piece by piece! Remove your bones one by one! Pull out your intestines section by section. At that time, you will beg me to let you kill you, because Every minute you live in this world is torture for you, do you understand?"


A stench came from Huang Jun's crotch. The man rolled his eyes and fainted again.

Su Yi and Yixian Tian covered their noses and flew back almost at the same time, their movements reaching the extreme speed.

The two of them retreated to the gate before looking at each other speechlessly.

"Why did you scare him like that?" Yixiantian said depressedly, "Now that it's so disgusting, how should we deal with it?"

"How did I know he was so unintimidated?" Su Yi was also speechless and mouthed, "I'll leave it to you. Take him to the kitchen, take off his pants, and take a shower."

"I knew I would have to come in the end!" Xiantian cursed, found a towel and tied it on his face, then walked back into the house.

Su Yi opened the door to ventilate the air, and stood by the door thinking about whether he had missed anything.

Five minutes later, Huang Jun was woken up again.

This time he cooperated a lot. Basically he answered whatever Su Yi asked, just like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

This guy was instigated by Nan Zao Yunzi more than a year ago. Not long after, his son Huang Sheng also followed in his footsteps, and both father and son became traitors.

So far, Huang Jun's main task is to develop his own team of traitors, lure others into the trap, and serve the Zhepeng people together.

For example, the couple he hosted today, the husband is a staff officer of the Military Commission Staff Department, and the wife works in the telephone exchange. Both of them are in jobs where they are easily exposed to intelligence.

This couple has fallen under Huang Jun's dollar offensive. The purpose of being here today is to finally clarify the relationship between the two parties.

Su Yi also learned from Huang Jun that the reason why the Zhepeng people knew about his assassination of Zhang Jingyao in advance was because of this king.

Fortunately, although the Zhepeng people paid attention to it, they did not expect that Su Yi would act so quickly, otherwise once the Zhepeng people had laid a dragnet. Su Yi really may not succeed.

In order to survive, Huang Jun confessed several traitors who had dragged him into the water, including a teacher named Sun from Huangpu Military Academy.

Su Yi was very interested in this person and specifically asked for a lot of information such as this person's appearance and characteristics, and even the secret code for emergency contact between the two parties.

At the end, Su Yi only asked about Huang Jun's situation, such as who he recognized in Whampoa Military Academy, what was his attitude toward everyone, and what would happen from the time he arrived at the military academy to the time he left when he usually met Chang Kaishen at the military academy?

No matter how small it was, he would not let go of even a small matter like Huang Jun going to the toilet.

When Huang Jun said this, Su Yi kept observing his expression when he spoke. At the end, when Huang Jun said something, Su Yi would repeat it. Even Huang Jun himself noticed that Su Yi was deliberately imitating his accent and tone.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Huang Jun felt inexplicably horrified.

"Call your driver Xiao Wang and ask him to pick you up at home." Su Yi smiled at him.

On one side, Yi Xiantian pulled the phone cord and took the phone over.

Huang Jun swallowed and asked in a trembling voice: "Where are we going?"

"Go to a place that you have been to but we haven't been. You need to help us get familiar with the terrain." Su Yi patted his shoulder and smiled, "Don't worry, I said I won't kill you, and I will never kill you. As long as you If you cooperate, everything will be fine. We are not a gangster and have no interest in killing you, but the premise is that you cooperate, do you understand?"

"I will cooperate, I will definitely cooperate." Huang Jun said repeatedly, "I just ask you not to kill me, everything else is easy to talk about..."

Huang Jun, who had everything going smoothly, didn't dare to play any tricks. He called his driver Xiao Wang and asked him to come home immediately.

The driver arrived quickly, but was immediately restrained and arrested by Xian Tian.

This Xiao Wang is the liaison assigned to Huang Jun by the Zhe Peng people. Some special information is transmitted between him and the Zhe Peng people through Xiao Wang.

Therefore, Xiao Wang is also a traitor. Everyone here is either a Zhepeng or a traitor. Kill them all and no one will be wronged.

Xiao Wang's face turned pale when he saw the situation in the room. How could he not guess that he had been betrayed?

He glared at Huang Jun angrily, gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Huang, Taijun will avenge me!"

Huang Jun's eyes dodge: "Xiao Wang, I have no choice but to do so, don't blame me..."

"Bah, you traitor!" Xiao Wang spat.

"Is he a Chinese or a Zhepeng?" Su Yi asked Huang Jun with a frown.

Before Huang Jun could answer, Xiao Wang said himself: "I have become a Zhepeng nationality, and I am now a noble Zhepeng person! My Zhepeng name is Kameda Tetsuo! I don't know where you are from, but Don’t be complacent, the great philosopher Peng Huangjun will definitely avenge me!”

Su Yi waved his hands with disgust on his face: "Send this Mr. Kneeling on his way."

"Aren't you going to ask him?" Xianxiantian asked in surprise.

"Disgusting." Su Yi said.


One-line sky nodded, and then stabbed Kameda Tetsuo to death.

Huang Jun on the side was frightened to death again when he saw that they were going to kill people.

"You're really done, aren't you?" Su Yi glared.

"I, I'm afraid..." Huang Jun said in a crying voice, his teeth chattering.

"Don't be afraid. If I say I won't kill you, I won't kill you. Don't worry, I mean what I say. If you don't believe me, just ask him." Su Yi pointed to a line of sky.

While wiping the knife, Xianxiantian nodded and said, "He always sticks to his word and never breaks his word. You can really rest assured about this."

"Did you hear that?" Su Yi raised his chin at Huang Jun, "As long as you cooperate with me, after I finish what I need to do, I will arrange for you to go to Hong Kong Island, and then give you a sum of money, and you can go to Europe. How about going to any country and starting a new life?"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Huang Jun was so moved that he burst into tears.

"As long as you listen to me, you will be the greatest thank you to me." Su Yi said with a smile.

"I must..."


Su Yi slashed his neck with a palm knife. Huang Jun rolled his eyes and fainted in the middle of his sentence.

"I'll pretend to be Huang Jun, and you'll pretend to be kneeling and licking." Su Yi said to Yixiantian.

"Like in Peiping?" Yi Yiantian said, "How can you still use your disguise technique?"

"This is called imitation makeup." Su Yi said, "Tie him up just in case. I'll go to the backyard to get the makeup."

"What should I do about that woman?" Yi Xiantian asked.

He was asking about the middle-aged woman who had never woken up after being in a coma, but was trembling in the coma.

Su Yi smiled and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

They are all traitors, why don’t we kill them and keep them for the New Year?

By the time Su Yi came back with the bag of cosmetics that he had left in the backyard, Yixiantian had already given the woman a good time.

Yixiantian moved a floor-to-ceiling mirror from the cloakroom on the second floor, and then placed Huang Jun and Mr. Kneeling side by side. Su Yi opened the fake makeup hanger, followed their looks, and started to get busy.

On the other side, Wang Yaqiao and Liu Haiqing went through several twists and turns, and secretly met Hu Zhantang himself in the secret room of Hu's mansion.

"Wang Shaguang, didn't we just meet yesterday? Why are you here again today? Are you annoying?" Before Hu Zhantang came in, he shouted loudly.

King... kill them all?

Liu Haiqing looked at Wang Yaqiao with a strange expression.

Wang Yaqiao looked a little embarrassed and said, "This man likes to give people nicknames..."

His nickname is Jiuguang, and he is a killer, so he is called Wang Shaguang by Hu Zhantang.

Hu Zhantang really had a problem with giving people random nicknames. For example, he called Chang Kaishen Jiang Menshen, Li Zongren Bu Guniao, Chen Mingshu Shi Miss, and Wang Jingwei called Dog Junzi...

In addition to people, he did not even spare the country. For example, he called Zhe Peng a short clog, the Soviet Union a red hair, Britain a Lao Fan, and France a rooster...

Hu Zhantang has a long face, thin lips, round glasses, a slicked back haircut, and a slim figure.

Just by looking at his face, you can tell that this person is a bit mean.

He complained as he entered the room, but with a smile on his face, he greeted Wang Yaqiao and Liu Haiqing respectively.

"Kill them all, this gentleman is..."

"Mr. Hu, he is Liu Haiqing, from Jinmen." Wang Yaqiao introduced, "He is the mastermind of Zhang Jingyao's death. Dai Chunfeng is wanted across the country."

"You are Liu Haiqing!" Hu Zhantang frowned, "I know about you. Chang Kaishen is an ungrateful person. His subordinates also kill donkeys and are unethical. It's not surprising!"

Liu Haiqing was a little embarrassed. As soon as they met, he turned into a donkey?

"Are you here to ask me to speak for him?" Hu Zhantang looked at Wang Yaqiao, "Can't we just take him to Minnan? Chang Kaishen's hand can't reach Minnan!"

"Mr. Hu, I came to see you this time not to ask for your help, but for another matter." Wang Yaqiao looked at Hu Zhantang, and then slowly uttered two words, "Chang!"

Hu Zhantang suddenly changed his color!

Wang Yaqiao did not sell out and told Hu Zhantang what he and Su Yi had discussed before.

Hu Zhantang was really confused.

On the one hand, he wanted Chang Kaishen to die.

But on the other hand, he felt that this was too risky, and he was afraid that if Chang Kaishen was really dead, he, Hu Zhantang, would become the number one suspect, which would have a very negative impact on his reputation.

Wang Yaqiao persuaded him in every possible way, but Hu Zhantang refused to let go and just shook his head.

Wang Yaqiao was helpless and had no choice but to wink at Liu Haiqing and signal him to come.

Liu Haiqing smiled, walked up to Hu Zhantang and said, "Mr. Hu, Haiqing has something to say, do you know whether to say it or not?"

"Young people are not very polite. If you have something to say, just say it." Hu Zhantang waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Mr. Hu, if you happen to be with Gu Zhenglun when you die..." Liu Haiqing said with a smile, "Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, or the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?"

"Of course the harm outweighs..." Hu Zhantang blurted out, but only half of the sentence came to his senses. He couldn't help but look at Liu Haiqing with his eyes wide open in astonishment.

Liu Haiqing said with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Hu has already thought of it. Gu Zhenglun holds the power of Jinling garrison. Once Chang Kaishen dies, he has every right to force military control of the entire Jinling City in the name of a state of emergency and control the situation! He has a hundred thousand troops. , as long as he doesn’t nod, no one can cause any trouble. If you give him enough benefits and let him support you..."

Hu Zhantang's breathing became rapid.

Liu Haiqing continued: "Mr. Hu, if you don't show up tonight, our operations will continue as usual, but I heard that Dean Wang and Gu Zhenglun also have a close friendship..."

Liu Haiqing was mid-sentence when he suddenly changed the topic: "Besides, Mr. Hu, if you don't do anything, others will let you go? As long as Chang Kaishen dies, ambitious people will definitely regard you as the biggest threat. What do you think? Will those ambitious people be concerned about your high moral status and not act rashly?"

Hu Zhantang suddenly glared at Liu Haiqing, gritted his teeth and said: "It's enough for me to be under house arrest once! If I fall into the same smelly ditch twice, then I am stupid! Liu Haiqing, you are good, you convinced me! This matter, I can participate, but I want you to tell me personally, how do you plan to kill Chang? I must know your detailed plan, otherwise how can I be at your mercy if you just talk nonsense?"

"Old Hu's words are serious." Liu Haiqing said with a solemn expression, cupping his hands, "Hai Qing would never dare to use Mr. Hu. Hai Qing just feels that the party and the country must be handed over to people like Mr. Hu to have hope. As for the action plan... Please forgive Hai Qing for being rude, this matter involves too many lives and reputations, I will never reveal a word to anyone! Including Mr. Hu!"

Wang Yaqiao smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Hu, even I don't know what he is going to do, so let alone you."

Liu Haiqing smiled apologetically at him, but thought in her heart: I don't know the action plan, so I won't talk about you...

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