The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 672 Discussing Martial Arts

If Zheng Shanao hadn't learned mixed martial arts, he would definitely not be able to beat Ma San.

Now that he has learned mixed martial arts, he beat Ma San until he was unable to fight back.

So can we conclude that mixed martial arts is much more powerful than traditional martial arts?

This is not the case.

Scientifically speaking, powerful technologies are the result of continuous exploration, improvement, and development from generation to generation. This is true for mixed martial arts, but what about traditional martial arts?

Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do is known as the pioneer of mixed martial arts, but Jeet Kune Do has absorbed the essence of dozens of martial arts schools such as Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Cai Lifu, Taekwondo, Aikido, Jiu Jitsu, etc. So strictly speaking, mixed martial arts is formed on the shoulders of traditional martial arts.

Looking at traditional martial arts, each sect also has its own history.

It’s just that we can fully imagine that in the long period of time and low productivity, it was actually difficult for a systematic fighting system to emerge. Because any kind of fighting system requires at least several generations of talents to establish.

Since the Han Dynasty, the social atmosphere of favoring civility and rejecting martial arts and the central imperial power's control and suppression of folk iron weapons and martial arts have made it difficult for folk martial arts to survive. As a result, it is impossible for anyone who specializes in fighting to survive by fighting. In the era of cold weapons, the only space for traditional martial arts to survive and develop was in the military.

Only in the military formation, under the pressure of life and death, will generals and soldiers summarize and improve various methods of responding to crises, and finally form the skills to kill the enemy and defend.

Any powerful army, from generals to soldiers, must be martial arts masters. However, what these masters admire is not personal force, but collective strength. Their martial arts are also for the purpose of forming a powerful military formation. They The martial arts that have been studied so hard is actually just a link in the military formation, like a screw in the machine. Once it is separated from a specific environment, the power of this martial arts will be greatly reduced.

So we can say that martial arts in ancient times can actually be regarded as "military fighting skills."

This situation lasted until the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. China was broken up, aliens invaded, and society was in turmoil. Martial arts was not only needed by soldiers, but also by the people for self-defense. Various secret societies that resisted the Qing court also needed martial arts to strengthen their strength. Strength, so the real martial arts of China basically started to be spread and created from this time.

During the Qing Dynasty's rule for more than 300 years, the slogan of opposing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty was also shouted for more than 300 years. This is unique in China's more than 5,000 years of history. It can be seen that in this strange dynasty, martial arts also had the soil to survive and develop among the people.

During this period, fighting and fighting skills began to be derived from military formations, and they began to pursue individual strength and develop the limits of the human body. There have been many boxing schools among the people that combine principles and skills, and they are often called "men", or "boxing", and "hui". The so-called traditional martial arts include Tai Chi, Tongbei, Xingyi, Bagua, etc. In fact, the real development began during this period.

Therefore, China has a long history, but Chinese martial arts may only have been around for more than three hundred years.

According to the scientific view of development, when folk martial arts were first created, the skills they created must have been crude, simple and low-level.

Maybe any MMA fighter today could beat Ji Jike, the founder of Xinyifan, to the ground. Because the latter is the pioneer, he can already be called great if he can figure out a set of effective personal martial arts methods. But to say that this most primitive martial arts method can defeat the advanced fighting techniques that have been developed over hundreds of years is tantamount to wishful thinking.

In ancient times, a trick like picking peaches by an immortal could be passed down as a secret skill of a sect. Because others don't know how to do this move, there are only a few people who can see it, and not many people can guard against it.

But when everyone knows how to pick peaches, this move becomes the standard for martial arts practitioners. The development of martial arts urgently requires each sect to create new moves to "lead the show."

As a result, unique tricks are constantly being invented. These unique tricks are either lost or cracked and become commonplace in the street.

In this way, martial arts developed from generation to generation, with more and more popular products on the market, and the basic structure of the martial arts system was gradually formed.

With the development of martial arts in the era of the Republic of China, it can be said that the various schools and sects have basically reached the extreme.

This era is the last breath of traditional martial arts, the last golden age, and the last peak.

Because after this era, folk martial arts once again lost the soil for survival and development.

By the 1970s and 1980s, traditional martial arts had become routines and performances.

This is not an excuse for spreading martial arts, but a fact. The Chinese martial arts were originally created to determine life and death. Now martial arts does not allow death. Is martial arts that does not allow death still a martial art?

Before the Republic of China, when warriors competed in martial arts, they had to sign life and death certificates. Once you get into the ring, it means life or death. Even if the discussion is finished and the main points have been stated, there will still be a sentence that says nothing but punches and kicks.

Why? Because the martial arts at this time can really kill people, nine out of ten moves are KO moves that are not allowed to be used in future generations. If one is not good, you will die on the stage.

In later generations, due to the chronology of martial arts that lasted for seventy or eighty years, as well as the devastating blow to martial arts materials and talents in special periods, most of the martial arts were lost, and the techniques that caused maiming and death could no longer be used, so it was in decline. After this castration of Chuanwu, it has completely become a showpiece, leaving only a few performing masters active among the people to show off and deceive.

There are also martial arts projects such as Sanda, which are derived from traditional martial arts, but whether Sanda is considered a traditional martial arts remains a question mark.

The reason why mixed martial arts is so powerful is that it combines the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought and has scientific and modern training methods and fighting concepts.

But the advanced ones are not necessarily the most powerful ones.

If Gong Baosen and Zheng Shanao were fighting just now, no matter how advanced and novel Zheng Shanao's tricks were, he would still not be Gong Baosen's opponent, because when it comes to individual strength, Gong Baosen surpasses Zheng Shanao A distance of ten horses and three.

Even Ma San, if he plays a few more games with Zheng Shanao, gradually adapts to Zheng Shanao's style, and explores Zheng Shanao's martial arts characteristics, he may not lose to Zheng Shanao again.

The difference between Ma San and Zheng Shanao is not in strength, but in knowledge.

So from this point of view, mixed martial arts is not much better than traditional martial arts.

If you approach these martial arts masters of the Republic of China with the idea of ​​having a new move that can be used all over the world, you may be able to make a breakthrough in mixed martial arts at the beginning, but these martial arts masters of the Republic of China will soon let you understand that the old age is the best. .

Because they are not standing still, they are also integrating martial arts from other schools, absorbing the essence of each school, and accepting new things.

Northern boxing spread to the south, and the Five Tigers went to the south of the Yangtze River. These were the pioneering and attempts of martial artists of this era. They already had a sense of crisis that the spread of martial arts was declining, and they were eager to find a new way out for martial arts.

When they discover the advanced concepts and styles of mixed martial arts, they can quickly study mixed martial arts thoroughly and even become better with their rich experience and martial arts thinking.

Just like Zheng Shanao himself, Zheng Shanao improved Baguazhang and integrated it into mixed martial arts, forming his unique fighting style, which even Su Yi was amazed by.

Zheng Shanao is like this, but what about Gong Baosen?

Definitely stronger!

It is definitely not an easy matter to differentiate between mixed martial arts and the traditional martial arts of this era in the ring. If you do not do well, you will miss the mark.

Besides, is the core selling point of mixed martial arts in this era lies in its power? Is it a comparison of who can fight better?

The real subversion of mixed martial arts is that traditional martial arts requires several years, more than ten years or even decades to train martial arts talents, while modern mixed martial arts can be trained in as little as a few months or as long as two or three years!

Quick success, this is the most powerful thing about mixed martial arts.

Of course, in the current martial arts arena of the Zheng family, the people of the Gong family have not yet come into contact with the instant magic of mixed martial arts, but they have been subverted by this novel and unique fighting style.

After Gong Baosen called to stop, Zheng Shanao immediately let go of Ma San, and the two of them stood up at the same time. The former hugged the latter's fist, smiled slightly and said: "San'er, I accept it."

Ma San was lost and his eyes were blank.

Here, Gong Baosen stood up with a solemn expression.

Naturally, Gong Er and Lao Jiang could no longer sit still. They watched Gong Baosen walk to the court and walked in front of Zheng Shanao.

"Uncle Master..." Zheng Shanao hid a little lust in his eyes, panting slightly as he greeted Gong Baosen.

But the next moment, Gong Baosen took action, using the simplest Qinglong Claw in Baguazhang.

Gong Baosen was not very fast, so Zheng Shanao quickly reacted and responded. While dodging sideways, he stepped forward and used a wild horse move to part his mane, forcing Gong Baosen to retreat.

His idea was good, but almost at the same time he reacted, Gong Baosen's originally unhurried speed suddenly accelerated. Before Zheng Shan'ao could react, he slapped his left shoulder with a palm, and Zheng Shan'ao suddenly staggered. He staggered backwards, unable to use any moves.

Gong Baosen had no expression on his face. He took two steps forward and continued to attack with another simple and unpretentious progressive move.

In two consecutive moves, Gong Baosen used the most basic moves in Baguazhang.

Zheng Shanao's expression changed, and he shook his body, trying to get rid of Gong Baosen's attack and make him lose his target.

But as soon as his feet moved, Gong Baosen's speed suddenly increased again, and he punched him between the chest and abdomen.

"Ugh!" Zheng Shanao let out a loud burp, covered the area where he was beaten and stepped back again and again, with a look of pain on his face and his face turned red.

Gong Baosen did not pursue the victory again, but stopped thoughtfully and looked at Zheng Shanao.

Zheng Shanao couldn't hide the complex emotions of shock, frustration, disbelief, etc. in his eyes. He couldn't believe that the new martial arts he had pinned his hopes on to show off his ambitions could not even make a single move against Gong Baosen.

Gong Baosen just used the simplest speed change to defeat all his moves.

"You don't have to be sad." Gong Baosen said slowly to Zheng Shanao, "Your skills are still stagnant and have not yet reached perfection. The connection is not smooth. I think it is due to the short training time. I will wait for you in due course. Once you master this skill and master it thoroughly, I will not be your opponent."

Zheng Shanao's expression softened slightly, and he hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Uncle Master, your words are serious."

"This is not a skill, but a concept..." Gong Baosen sighed, "No wonder you want to open a martial arts school instead of a martial arts gym."

"Uncle Master's eyes are as bright as a torch," Zheng Shan said proudly, "but the concept is difficult to promote. I can only use this concept to create a brand new Kung Fu to explain martial arts principles. The core of my new Kung Fu lies in the word 'fusion', with There is no law, and the infinite is limited. All the martial arts in the world can be turned into my own use."

"The ambition is not small." Gong Baosen narrowed his eyes, "How did you discover this concept? Are you willing to tell me?"

"When my uncle asked me, he told me everything." Zheng Shan smiled proudly and said, "This matter still falls on Geng Liangchen."

Zheng Shanao began to tell the story that he and Su Yi had agreed on before.

Because he had an old relationship with Geng Liangchen's parents, Zheng Shanao accepted Geng Liangchen as his adopted son after Geng Liangchen's parents left and began to teach him martial arts.

But Geng Liangchen was a Liba, and he had to carry a large bag of work during the day, so he had no time to practice martial arts, so Zheng Shanao figured out a set of training methods suitable for Liba's martial arts, and continued to improve them.

During this process, Geng Liangchen met a foreign martial artist and learned Western boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu and other martial arts from this martial artist. Zheng Shanao suddenly wondered whether he could integrate these martial arts and turn them into One furnace?

So he began to continuously improve this concept and used Geng Liangchen as an experiment. In the end, he succeeded.

After hearing this, Gong Baosen nodded slowly and said: "It's a good story. I heard that this Geng Liangchen has now become a walking leader? A little Liba became a leader in a few months. How did this trick come about? of?"

"This kid is quite scheming, but this is his own ability." Zheng Shanao couldn't help but laugh.

He felt quite proud of his own child and recounted what Su Yi looked like in his eyes.

From how he gained a foothold in footwork from the beginning, to how Su Yi made his enemies willingly put him on the throne of footwork leader a few days ago.

Gong Baosen and the other four were amazed when they heard it. To be honest, Su Yi's story can be regarded as a legend no matter how you look at it.

The meaning of legend is that it is impossible for others to replicate his experience.

After Zheng Shanao finished his story, Gong Baosen did not express any further opinions. He just said that he had not been to Jinmen for a long time and wanted to take a look around.

Zheng Shanao asked to accompany him, but Gong Baosen refused. He said he just wanted to walk around by himself.

After the group of four packed up and went out, Gong Er suddenly approached Gong Baosen and asked, "Dad, do you want to meet that Geng Liangchen in private?"

"You are really the noise bug in dad's belly." Gong Baosen said with a smile, "Yes, I want to meet this Geng Liangchen. I want to try his skills."

"Is this necessary, Dad?" Gong Er was a little confused about Gong Baosen's purpose of doing this.

"Whether it's necessary or not, you'll know after trying it." Gong Baosen said with deep eyes.

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