The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 677: Courtesy first, then attack

In the car at the gate of the Zheng family's residence, Gong Baosen was recounting the past that had been buried for twenty-seven years.

His eyes were filled with memories.

"At that time, I was supposed to deal with this Bo Wugui, but my master brother Ding Lianshan, your uncle, stopped me."

"I remember very clearly that it was snowing heavily outside, and Senior Brother and I gathered around the stove, warming wine, and saying our final farewells..." Gong Baosen's eyes were filled with tears.

Looking back on his thoughts and time passing by, he seemed to smell the aroma of wine by the fire again. Master Ding Lianshan stopped him who was about to fight for his life and asked him a question with a smile.

"Haneda, who committed a murder and escaped punishment, was killed and died, and supported and managed a family with her husband, what is easy? What is difficult?" Ding Lianshan asked.

"Of course it's easy to kill and be killed; it's hard to support and run a sect." He replied, "If I go here, I will either die or kill people. Fortunately, I still have Senior Brother to support and manage our sect, so I feel at ease." ”

"What a bastard!" Ding Lianshan cursed, "My senior brother is still alive, so it's your turn to be the big one?"

Then he said to him seriously: "Haneda, those who practice martial arts should have a clear mind and not be contaminated by anything, let alone forming gangs and associations with others indiscriminately? We martial artists are the enemy of one person, but you want to do what is the enemy of ten thousand people. Son, you have harmed the sect and yourself."

"I don't know what an alliance is, and I don't know what a revolution is, but I know one thing. When you cross a river, you need to take off your shoes, and wear pants as big as your buttocks are. If a chicken doesn't pee, it's different. Everyone has his own way, and nothing can be messed up."

"You, you have mixed up too much and it has become a confusing matter. Do you think you can figure it out clearly? The more you are involved with others, the more scruples you have. No matter whether you are alive or dead, it is difficult to separate yourself from the people you are messing with. . Unlike me, who works alone and doesn’t have anything to do with it, I have to handle this matter."

"But Senior Brother..."

"If you call me Senior Brother, there will be no problem. You also said just now that it is easy for me to do this, but it is difficult for you to do it. Without further ado, pour the wine for Senior Brother..."

With a pot of warm wine in his stomach, Ding Lian flew away in the wind and snow from the top of the mountain, grabbed Bo Wugui and killed him with his palm.

From then on, there was no more Eight Diagrams Senior Brother in the world, only Ding Lianshan, the ghost of Guandong.

Two lines of hot tears slowly flowed down, and Gong Baosen said slowly: "Brother has offended both the Zhepeng people and Zhang Yuting. There is no place for him to settle down in the three northeastern provinces. He can only leave. With this departure, the two Seventeen years..."

"That's the day when the master brother left, I took Ma San as my apprentice. He was only eight years old at the time, thin and small, and his head was not as tall as the handlebars." He continued, "Ma San belongs to my master brother. My nephew, the master brother has no offspring, and I have always regarded him as my own son. I accepted Ma San as my apprentice, and I have always raised him at home like a son."

"Because I always felt in my heart that I was indebted to Senior Brother, I could not help being tolerant and doting on Ma San, which resulted in his domineering, selfish, and self-centered character. I originally wanted to keep him by my side and polish him off, but I Before I even start grinding him, I won’t have another chance..."

"The fault of a son for not teaching his father, the fault of a teacher for not being strict in teaching, and the failure to teach Ma San well are the things I regret most in my life."

"Uncle Master, I don't blame you for San'er's death." Zheng Shanao couldn't help but said solemnly, "This was an accident. I guarantee with my reputation in this life that Geng Liangchen would never do such a thing! He is not a villain who will seek vengeance!"

"I don't think it's him, and I don't hope it's him." Gong Baosen said, "He really has no reason to kill Ma San, but what happened today shows that something is wrong in his bones."

"Uncle, what do you think is wrong?" Zheng Shanao frowned, "I can call Geng Liangchen and ask him to give you an explanation in person. I can guarantee that as long as you are not satisfied with his explanation, I will definitely ask him to give it to you. Explain until you are satisfied!”

"Sounds like a good boy." Gong Baosen smiled.

He suddenly changed the subject: "I've seen his martial arts. Shan Ao, let me ask you something. Don't lie and answer me honestly."

He turned his head and stared into Zheng Shanao's eyes: "Did you create this new martial arts concept, or was it created by Geng Liangchen?"

Zheng Shanao was startled and said: "Uncle, I was indeed the one who created it, but Geng Liangchen also contributed a lot..."

"You're a liar!" Gong Baosen suddenly became furious, "If you live three more lifetimes, you won't be able to create a new martial arts based on Western martial arts! If you want to play a trick of deceiving the world and stealing your reputation, don't be afraid of being exposed. Will it be infamy for eternity?"

Zheng Shanao's face turned blue and purple: "Uncle, I'm not..."

"It's not what? Do you think this is your business alone? This is the reputation of a sect! Even the reputation of the Chinese martial arts community!" Gong Baosen shouted sternly, "Those who are obsessed with the world dare to be greedy for any kind of fame and wealth! You are so old, but you are still as ignorant as a child! What I can see at a glance, do you think others can't? Wait until things get out of hand and others expose you, what do you think, you old thing? Get off the stage! Even if you die, someone will stab you in the back! It’s a shame!”

Zheng Shanao was dripping with cold sweat, his face was pale, he clenched his teeth and could not utter a single word.

Gong Baosen's tone softened slightly: "It is not easy to create a new martial arts. It requires years of accumulation and continuous improvement. It is from the roots, from the bones. This is called new. And I saw your new martial arts Learning is to take the essence of various martial arts, with Western boxing and Eastern jujitsu as the core, blend them, combine and melt them together according to your own characteristics and preferences, and form your own unique style. This is a kind of martial arts A learning philosophy, a martial arts philosophy that can surprise the whole world."

"This thing of yours can be learned by ten thousand warriors, and it will have ten thousand styles. Only warriors who practice their own style can be regarded as masters."

"Geng Liangchen has his own thing. I only saw two or three moves from him, but he seemed to be very comfortable in using them at will."

"As for you, it seems that you have combined Baguazhang and new gadgets, but in fact it is just a blunt piece. You fight Ma San three times. Maybe he is no match for you three times, but he can easily defeat you the fourth time. Down! Why? Because you have too many flaws! According to your concept, you have not even reached the level of being a master. You are simply following Geng Liangchen and copying the tiger. In your bones, you are still the foundation of Baguazhang. How can you make me believe it? Did you create this set of things?"

Zheng Shanao wiped his sweat, his face turned red, and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Uncle Master, I was wrong!" he said in a trembling cry.

Gong Baosen sighed, put his hand on Zheng Shan'ao's shoulder and said: "Shan Ao, our profession can't stand the torment anymore. I understand your desire to become famous, but you can't fake it, and you can't fake it. No. You can’t even deceive me, how can you deceive the masters of various sects? How can you deceive the world? How can you deceive the Zhaozhao Tianri and Iron Pen Spring and Autumn?"

"When you demonstrated it to me during the day, I felt something was wrong, so I went to see Geng Liangchen. I wanted to see both his martial arts skills and his character, but I didn't want a single mistake to lead to such a tragedy..."

Zheng Shanao said sadly: "It was me who harmed San'er!"

"I don't blame you for saying this." Gong Baosen shook his head and said in a low voice: "I, Gong Yutian, never disdain to blame others for wrongs. Shan Ao, if you really want to leave a name in history, be a highly respected and protective escort. Taoist, that’s enough.”

"Elder brother has a saying, it's better to be honest than rough. Today, I will give it to you. You need to take off your shoes when you cross the river. Wear pants as big as your butt! Do you understand, Shan Ao?"

"Uncle, I understand!" Zheng Shanao let out a long breath, as if he had put down a burden, "I am confused. I always feel that my life has been insignificant. When I get old, I just want to end it well for myself. . I should never, never should, try to use other people’s achievements to end my own life.”

"Fame and fortune are tempting, but after this is done, as long as you can get it, you will be famous and rich. Don't be greedy." Gong Baosen said, "I can probably guess why Geng Liangchen gave up his fame to you, because he is too young. , he is not qualified enough to handle this matter well. He cannot push forward this great trend, so he uses you as a shield. But he is very courageous to be able to give up such a huge reputation."

"Uncle Master has a keen eye," Zheng Shanao laughed at himself, "I talked about this matter with Geng Liangchen, and his original words are indeed similar to what you just said."

"That's right." Gong Baosen said, "I took over the class of the Chinese Warriors Association from my senior brother Li Cunyi. I have always been committed to breaking the restrictions of the family and promoting the Chinese martial arts. This fusion concept allows I see direction and hope."

"If this set of things was really thought up by Geng Liangchen, then this man must be a great talent! But whether he can carry the hopes and future of all China's military people needs further investigation."

"How does Uncle Master plan to investigate him?" Zheng Shanao asked.

"I have to take another look at his martial arts and his character." Gong Baosen narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Let me set up a stage for him. I will ask each sect to send out masters. If we hold an elite martial arts competition, I will give Geng Liangchen the opportunity to compete on stage. Whether he can succeed or not depends on him."

Zheng Shanao remained silent and nodded slowly.

Gong Baosen glanced at him and said, "Think carefully about the matter between you and Geng Liangchen. Don't let others underestimate you."

"Although Geng Liangchen is young, he sees things very clearly," Zheng Shanao sighed, "He will not look down on me."

Gong Baosen was silent for a while and said quietly: "Since he saw so clearly, why couldn't he see that I was inspecting him and not provoking him?"

Japanese Concession, Haiguang Temple Zhepeng garrison headquarters.

Nakamura Kotaro looked at Matsumuro Takayoshi in front of him and smiled sincerely.

"Matsumuro-kun, it's great that you can take the initiative to transfer from Peiping to help me. Since Sanye-kun's death, Jinmen's espionage work has come to a standstill. Because of that incident, I had to suspend my duties and go to Manchuria to receive military training. He did not return to Tianjin until the day before yesterday after being questioned by the ministry.”

"General Nakamura, I heard that the matter is over and the military department did not blame you. This is really the best result." Matsumuro Takaharu said respectfully.

"His Majesty the Emperor was originally going to award me the First Class Order of the Rising Sun, but now, everything has come to nothing." Kotaro Nakamura said quietly, "As a result, my hope of entering the cabinet has been completely lost. Isn't this right? My biggest punishment?"

"..." Matsumuro Takaliang showed an awkward but polite smile, "This is really the most unfortunate news I have ever heard."

"Stop talking about these unpleasant things." Nakamura Kotaro waved his hand, "Matsumuro-kun, I heard that you took the initiative to be transferred to Jinmen this time just to investigate the truth about the assassination of Zhang Jingyao and the assassination of Chang? You also asked Doi Yuansang issued a military order, is that right?"

"Yes." Matsumuro Takayoshi said seriously, "The key figures involved in these two cases are Liu Haiqing and Geng Liangchen. They are both in Jinmen. The former is looming in the assassination case, and the latter has already He is the recognized murderer of Zhang Jingyao. I think only these two people will give me the answer to Mole's exposure and what happened to Sanye-kun and Miss Yunzi's broken jade."

"What are you going to do?" Nakamura Kotaro asked in a deep voice.

"Liu Haiqing is now the most popular Zheng Zhixin in Jinling. According to reliable information, he came to Tianjin this time to shoulder the important task of establishing a new intelligence department." Takaharu Matsumura said, "This person cannot be touched easily, especially now The public opinion environment is very unfriendly to us Zhe Peng. Under the huge diplomatic pressure, we can no longer give Jinling an excuse to be seized by them. Therefore, my idea of ​​​​dealing with this person is to focus on infiltration. I have already A sound plan was in place and the first step was implemented perfectly.”

"As for Geng Liangchen...if this person is really the murderer of Zhang Jingyao, then he is a completely dangerous person!" Matsumuro Takaliang took a deep breath, "I will personally meet him to confirm whether he is the one recommended by Jinling." The guise he came out with is still the real murderer."

"Oh, by the way," Nakamura Kotaro suddenly remembered, "Matsumuro-kun met and talked with the person who killed Zhang Jingyao."

"Yes, so as long as I see Geng Liangchen, I will be sure of this." Matsushi Xiaoliang said.

"Actually, I have already made arrangements to secretly arrest this person." Nakamura Kotaro said, "Maybe you can see him in the prison of Kaiguang Temple tonight."

"It turns out that General Nakamura is already doing this." Takaharu Matsuro was a little surprised. "If Geng Liangchen is really the murderer, his background must be unusual, because he can speak pure Kanto dialect."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Nakamura Kotaro was moved. "In this case, we must arrest him alive. I am very curious about who this person is and what his background is."

"I wonder how much power General Nakamura can use to deal with him?" Takaharu Matsumuro hesitated slightly, but still raised his concerns, "This man is an extremely dangerous gangster. It's probably not that easy to capture him alive."

"Of course I know, and I know more information than you." Nakamura Kotaro sneered, "To be honest, I have found his weakness. I will not arrest him directly, I will fight with him - first be polite and then attack!"

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