The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 682 Su Yi’s response

The Zhepeng people arrested more than 300 Liba and drove all their children out of their homes. They sent spies among them and instigated them to kidnap Geng Liangchen morally. They asked Geng Liangchen to make the decision for them and to go to Zhepeng for them. Peng Ren's place in exchange for the family members who were innocently implicated.

The Zhepeng people's plan went smoothly, at least at first.

It's a pity that Su Yi understands people's hearts better than Zhe Peng people, and understands the thoughts of people at the bottom better than them.

The people at the bottom of the current era have always had the survival mentality of "death to Taoist friends rather than death to poor Taoists". The Zhepeng people directed them to Su Yi and asked Su Yi to save their families. Even if they could guess what was going on, they would not Would like to think more. In their view, there are only two ways for the man who wants to rescue them - either to find the Zhepeng people or to find Geng Liangchen.

Looking for the former is a dead end. Everyone knows that the Zhepeng people are completely inhumane and unreasonable. They can't afford to offend them, and they don't dare to offend them. They don't have the courage to go to the Zhepeng people to argue and ask them to release him.

So they actually had no choice but to ask Geng Liangchen to make the decision for them.

Originally they could not have thought of this, but the current Chinese people would just consider themselves unlucky when encountering such a thing, accept it, and swallow their anger.

But the Zhepeng people told them that as long as you can invite Geng Liangchen, your men will be fine.

You alone cannot invite him, but if all of you go to his door to invite him, he will have to come, because Geng Liangchen is a hero of Jinmen, and if he doesn't come, his reputation will be ruined.

People at the bottom have seen all the ugliness and evil in the world, how could they not guess the evil intentions of the Zhepeng people?

But even if they guessed it, they pretended not to be able to guess it. They were still coerced by the instigation of the Zhepeng people.

In their hearts, no one is right or wrong. Both Geng Liangchen and Zhe Peng are wrong.

It was the fights between the big shots above you that got us in trouble, and you are all not good.

It's just that Geng Liangchen is a Jinmen hero after all. He wants to save his face and won't do anything to them. If they couldn't afford to offend the Zhepeng people, they could only offend Geng Liangchen.

As for whether it will kill Geng Liangchen...

They just wanted this nightmare to end quickly. Regardless of whether their man could be rescued or not, it was best to resolve this matter quickly.

If this matter can be solved if Geng Liangchen dies - then let Geng Liangchen die.

The Zhepeng people did not take these more than a thousand low-level people seriously. In their view, these people were just tools, and they could only accept the tragic fate of being used and abandoned again. They did not even bother to spend more time on these people. After all their efforts, all their plans were focused on Geng Liangchen.

But Su Yi was different. He took these more than a thousand people seriously.

He understands the mentality of these people and their situation. So he put himself in their shoes, and without even showing up, he allowed more than a thousand people at the bottom to switch sides and side with him.

A crisis was resolved by Su Yi.

Therefore, the saying "from the masses, to the masses" is truly an unbreakable truth. Behavior that is divorced from the masses will inevitably be betrayed and spurned.

Of course, then again, if you just listen to the truth and think you can achieve anything, your death will definitely be worse than Zhao Si'er's father. The truth is the truth, but the core key lies in practice:

First, Su Yi sent thousands of people to surround more than a thousand people halfway in order to establish his authority. He wants these people to know that the Zhepeng people are not to be trifled with, and I, Geng Liangchen, am not Lord Rao’s grandson. If the Zhepeng people can kill you, I, Geng Liangchen, can do the same.

Surrounded and intimidated by thousands of people, these more than a thousand people learned at least one thing - fear.

Knowing awe is often the first step to return to rationality.

Secondly, Su Yi activated his "money ability".

Don't think that giving out money is simple, vulgar or lacking in standards. In fact, for the general public, it is not as practical as giving them a big ocean if you say it is good for them a thousand times.

What's more, Su Yi received 50 yuan from each household. This huge sum of money fundamentally promoted the defection of more than a thousand people.

As for Su Yi's promise to save people - this is more of a psychological comfort, to allow these more than a thousand people to convince themselves.

These days, the guarantees given by big shots are often just farts.

The only difference between Su Yi's guarantee and the guarantees of other big shots is that this is the fart of the Jinmen hero.

If you have a good reputation, your farts will smell better.

Third, Su Yi settled their retreat.

These people were driven out of their homes by the Zhepeng people and came to Su Yi with no way out. But now Su Yi gave them money, settled their retreat, and promised to save their man.

The most important thing is that Su Yi now has a large number of people, and this is the French Concession rather than the Japanese Concession.

After looking through all the reasons, they no longer had any excuse to be enemies with Su Yi. Switching sides was their only option.

Finally, Su Yi asked them to draw a clear line between themselves and the Zhepeng people and asked them to identify the bad guys with ulterior motives among the masses.

They took Su Yi's money, accepted Su Yi's plan to settle down, and still expected Su Yi to save their man. They no longer dared to offend the Zhepeng people, but now they would be offended.

In this way, a major event that symbolized a disaster in everyone's eyes was easily resolved without Su Yi even showing up.

Everyone who paid attention to this matter was probably shocked at this moment. They admired Su Yi greatly, including Su Yi's enemies.

Only Brother Kuan, who was conducting the scene, didn't think so. The only thing he felt now was fear.

Because he found daggers, pistols, smoke bombs, and even a few grenades on the dozens of people who had ulterior motives picked out by the masses.

When these guys were exposed just now, they planned to cause chaos and escape. But fortunately, Brother Kuan got Su Yi's orders and the crowd picked out one person. He immediately ordered the pistol team to stop the person, isolate them from the crowd, and then immediately search them.

Just like this, something almost went wrong. Fortunately, there was no danger and all these people were captured.

Click click click...

At the scene, the reporters called by Brother Kuan took pictures of the group of Zhe Peng agents who were tied up.

"Everyone, take more photos and take them more clearly!" Brother Kuan reminded loudly on the side, "These are the lackeys of the Zhepeng people and their spy agents. You must keep your eyes open in the future to avoid being harmed by them! "

"You have all seen it. They brought guns and grenades, took more than a thousand old, young, women and children and ran to find Master Geng. What did they have in mind? Then they would create explosions and kill people indiscriminately, and then push them all to Master Geng. Let Master Geng take the blame... Everyone, how insidious and vicious these beasts are!"

The more Brother Kuan talked, the angrier he became and he wished he could have his men beat these guys up.

But in order not to harm Master Geng, he still endured it.

"We have notified the French Concession Patrol Office, and they will come to take these people away soon." Brother Kuan introduced, "But what will happen to these people in the end...that is none of our business."

As soon as these words came out, Liao Xianyong, who was not far away and was about to lead a team into the field to get someone, suddenly turned dark and cursed "bastard bastard" in a low voice.

Brother Kuan's words were simply putting the French Concession patrol officer on the fire.

What will happen to these Zhe Peng agents?

Of course he was acquitted!

The most the French could do was give them a mild warning, confiscate their weapons, and not even lay a finger on them.

This matter was originally something that everyone tacitly understood, but now Brother Kuan deliberately mentioned it in front of reporters, which was obviously to give eye drops to the patrol room in the French Concession.

Liao Xianyong, who had originally planned to come forward in person, immediately backed down, retreated half his identity, and calmly said to his deputy: "Take someone in, I want to call Fabre and report the matter."

"Yes..." the deputy responded with a grimace.

He is not a fool. He knows that if he goes in and is photographed by reporters, he will become famous as an incompetent villain.

Inside, Brother Kuan is still being interviewed by reporters.

"Mr. Liang, where is Mr. Geng now? Why didn't he personally come forward to handle the matter? Will he go to the Japanese Concession to cooperate with the investigation?"

"Master Geng is handling this matter," Brother Kuan said solemnly, "The reason why he didn't come is because he has more important things to do. Master Geng trusts me, so he leaves this matter to me. Fortunately, I have lived up to Master Geng's hopes. As for whether Master Geng will go to the Japanese Concession, I don't know. Master Geng has not made a decision yet."

"Mr. Liang, how do you plan to settle these more than a thousand people?"

"This is a good question." Brother Kuan gave the Ta Kung Pao reporter an appreciative look. "Do you still remember the resettlement site where Mr. Geng rescued the abducted compatriots last time? Those tents and supplies are still there. These people will be temporarily detained. Place them there. But this is only temporary. I can reveal some information. Since the situation will become very dangerous if the relatives of these walking brothers return to the Japanese Concession, Master Geng has plans to find a new place for them to live. Come and settle them in their new place of residence. We will not charge any fees and provide them with accommodation completely free of charge!”

Click, click, click!

The cameras buzzed, the news was absolutely devastating, Geng Liangchen was as good as ever. The benevolence, justice and charity of the past are as generous as ever.

"Mr. Liang, can you tell me how Mr. Geng plans to deal with the arrest of anti-Japanese elements by the Zhepeng people?" A reporter asked, "What is his attitude towards this? What measures or plans does he have?"

Brother Kuan looked serious and said: "On behalf of Mr. Geng Liangchen and the Tianjin Transportation Industry Association, I want to announce three things here."

When the reporters saw that he spoke formally, they all realized that the highlight would come next.

Brother Kuan smiled awkwardly and quickly took out a speech script from his pocket.

"First, Mr. Geng Liangchen and all colleagues of the Tianjin Transportation Industry Association express strong opposition and protest to the Zhepeng people who arrested these poor porters on charges of anti-Japanese elements without any evidence. We We demand that Zhepeng immediately release the person, apologize to the victims of this incident, and ensure that such vicious incidents will not happen again. At the same time, we strongly call on all walks of life to pay attention to this matter and the fate of the 316 compatriots who were innocently arrested. They should not become victims of Zhe Peng people’s ulterior motives.”

This sentence set the tone for Su Yi's attitude - uncompromising.

The reporters were very excited. Previously, they were generally worried that Su Yi would compromise with Zhe Peng, or would not express his position and respond passively to the matter.

But now they no longer have such worries. This statement is Geng Liangchen's usual style. This is also the integrity that a Jinmen hero should have.

"Mr. Liang, you just mentioned that the Zhepeng people have ulterior motives. Is this your conjecture or do you have any evidence?" a reporter asked.

This reporter is a reporter from a pro-Japanese media, and he obviously has bad intentions in asking this question.

Brother Kuan glared at him and said, "You interrupt so randomly and disrupt my train of thought! Why don't you come up and tell me, I'll get down!"

"What ideas do you have?" the reporter sneered, "You are obviously reading from the script. What, does it take a lot of brainpower to read?"

"You insulted me!" Brother Kuan was furious, put away the manuscript and turned away, "I won't accept the interview!"

He actually gave up his choice and left.

The reporters were all panicked now. You said you were going to announce three things, but you just said the first one, and you were just expressing your stance. What's going on now that you've given up your decision and not spoken out?

Is there anything so appetizing?

The reporters stopped Brother Kuan to prevent him from leaving, but Brother Kuan acted like a fool and pointed at the reporter who just asked the question: "It's okay if I continue to be interviewed, but he has to apologize to me! Or he should get out! Because he mocked me for being stupid!”

The reporter was shocked and angry, but in the end, under the pressure of other reporters, he had to swallow his anger and apologize to Brother Kuan.

Brother Kuan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Master Geng was right, he had to be tough with these reporters...

"The second thing is that in view of the fact that the Zhepeng people wantonly arrested porters in the Japanese Concession, trampled on the laws of the concession, trampled on the human rights of the Chinese, and caused great harm to the personal safety of the employees of the Tianjin Transportation Association, Geng Liangchen, the president of the Tianjin Transportation Association A notice was issued in the name of the Tianjin Concession. From now on, all employees who are in the Japanese Concession and affiliated with the Tianjin Transportation Industry Association are requested to leave the Japanese Concession immediately and are not allowed to stay for any reason or excuse. Anyone who violates this order will be punished by Tianjin Transportation. The punishment is to be removed from the trade association, and those who are removed from the trade association will not be hired by the Tianjin Transportation Trade Association!"

After reading this sentence, Brother Kuan raised his head and explained to the reporters who were already in an uproar: "To put it bluntly, Mr. Geng is not at ease with the Zhepeng people and feels that the foot brothers staying in the Japanese Concession will be in danger. In Before the matter is completely resolved, all Jixing brothers must withdraw from the Japanese Concession, otherwise, they will no longer be Jixing brothers in the future, and you will be responsible for any consequences."

"On this point, I would like to add one more thing, that is, all the walking brothers who have left the Japanese Concession do not have to worry about your future livelihood. Master Geng will arrange your food, accommodation and work, and I guarantee that you will not starve. Hungry and homeless.”

Without waiting for reporters to ask questions, Brother Kuan then lowered his head and read the last point.

"Third, from now on, the Tianjin Transportation Industry Association will suspend all commercial cooperation with the Zhepeng people. No freight center in Tianmen will be allowed to accept business from the Zhepeng people until the 316 walking brothers are arrested this time. until the matter is properly resolved.”

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