The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 717 It’s easy to do something easy

Note: The second round rules were introduced at the end of the previous chapter. The original rules have been changed. There is no need to look back after reading. The following text:

Originally, the second round of the championship competition was to be divided into thirty-four groups, with four people in each group, and then a points system was used to determine the thirty-four people to advance to the third round.

However, firstly, due to the large number of participants, the number of warriors who advanced to the second round far exceeded original expectations; secondly, in the first round, many newspapers exposed that some people advanced by buying off their opponents.

Therefore, the format of the second round of the Champions League was changed to an elimination system.

One hundred and thirty-seven qualifying candidates will be numbered in the order of advancing to the second round, and distinguished by odd and even numbers. They will be divided into two areas and compete in two arenas at the same time.

The martial artist ranked at the bottom of the promotion order must go up to the stage to draw lots first, and then start the fight directly after drawing the opponent. This ensures the fairness of the game to a certain extent.

Because there are 137 people, one person will get a bye in the first match of the second round and advance directly.

After all the competitions in the two arenas are completed, 68 people will be eliminated and 69 people will "survive". The first day of competition is over.

By the second day, there was only one arena left. The sixty-nine people had to draw their number cards first, and then go on stage in order according to the number cards.

The same rules as the first game, the player on stage needs to select his opponent for this game and then compete directly.

In the second game of the second round, one person will still have a bye and will advance directly with the other thirty-four people. The game will end the next day.

On the third day, it was the last match of the second round. The rules of the thirty-five people were the same as the second day. One person was drawn to advance directly with a bye. The remaining thirty-four people were randomly selected to fight against each other, resulting in seventeen winners. Those who had a bye, a total of eighteen people, advanced to the third round.

Under the new second round rules, each champion still plays three games, but as long as he loses one game, he will be eliminated directly.

Only those who win three games in a row will advance to the third round.

Or maybe you were lucky and got a bye.

Although the rules have changed, the rewards for advancing to the third round have not.

As long as the martial artist enters the third round, he can receive a reward of 10,000 oceans.

Ten thousand oceans is a huge sum of money that many people will never see in their lives, so many warriors will work hard to win this round.

Coupled with the fact that the opponents are completely random, one can imagine how intense the competition will be.

Because the contestants had to go on stage to draw lots before the duel, and after drawing their opponents, the competition began immediately. Each person who advanced was not sure when he would take the stage, so Su Yi also came to the scene under the protection of his subordinates.

With Su Yi's current popularity, he was definitely treated like an emperor and a superstar in Tianjin. As soon as his motorcade arrived outside the gate of the competition site, a group of reporters immediately surrounded him, making the bodyguards very nervous. He immediately put Su Yi back into the car and formed a human wall to block all reporters.

"Please step back immediately, otherwise we will leave immediately!" Xiantiantian shouted loudly, "Mr. Geng has just experienced three assassinations. Please understand our difficulties and keep a safe distance of more than three meters from us. Thank you!"

Xian Xiantian shouted several times before the reporters stepped back three meters away.

Only then did Su Yi step out of the door.

At this time, Su Yi had a smile on his face, his face was rosy, and he didn't look injured at all.

In fact, he has been doing some simple rehabilitation exercises in the past two days, but the wound has not completely healed.

Su Yi's appearance caused the reporters to burst into enthusiastic cheers, which shows how popular he is now.

There was such a big movement here, which naturally attracted the attention of other contestants who were preparing to enter the venue.

Seeing Su Yi's beauty made some people feel sour.

"Tsk, tsk, after all, it's Jinmen Daxia's sign that sounds. People who don't know this might think he has already won the championship!"

"That's right, what's the point of showing off? I think this Geng Liangchen is just a person who is seeking fame and reputation. He is so arrogant and will surely die sooner or later."

"You two have the ability to say this in front of others, but what is your ability to talk about people behind their backs?"

"Who are you? What does our conversation have to do with you?"


When they entered the venue, they were unexpectedly guarded by soldiers at the entrance. Not only were they required to show their IDs, but they were also searched to see if they were carrying dangerous weapons.

"Why should I be searched? I am the winner of ten consecutive victories! Just because Geng Liangchen was shot, are you going to torture all of us?"

"If you don't cooperate with the body search, get out!" Qian Jin walked out of the venue, happened to hear this, and shouted directly with a straight face.

Those sour contestants suddenly dared not speak out in anger, and obediently cooperated with the body search before entering.

Because there were shootings and stampedes in the first round, the second round was no longer like the first round, and anyone could enter.

The venue adopts a ticket admission system for the audience. Only those with tickets can enter after checking their identity and cooperating with the body search.

Competitors, venue staff, and reporters will still have to check their IDs and be searched before entering.

But of course Su Yi is excepted, because these rules were originally set up for him.

"Hello fellow journalists,"

On the other side, Su Yi got out of the car and greeted the reporters with a smile.

"As usual, I will only answer three questions." Su Yi said with a smile, "Please forgive me, because the drawing will begin soon, and I don't want to lose the qualification because of being late."

The reporters laughed good-naturedly.

Someone asked first: "Master Geng, how is your injury?"

Su Yi said: "It's nothing serious anymore. I wasn't seriously injured in the first place. It's not like the rumors outside said that my life is in danger. It's too exaggerated."

"Why were you assassinated three times? Zhe Peng's colleagues reported that the gunman who assassinated you for the first time was Zhao Lijun, an agent serving Guofu. Is this true?"

The reason why I say it happened twice is because during this period, two more assassinations against Su Yi took place in the French Concession Hospital.

Once, someone pretended to be a nurse and sneaked into Su Yi's ward, trying to inject poison into Su Yi. However, after entering, he found that there were dozens of people in the ward. As soon as he entered the door, dozens of black guns were fired at him. Brush lifted and aimed at him.

The killer peed on the spot.

Another time, there was an armed raid. A dozen thugs armed with guns stormed the hospital. Unexpectedly, they stepped into an ambush and the entire army was wiped out.

Su Yi and Liu Haiqing have been secretive about who assigned the killer, and even Zheng Shanao, Chen Shi and others have not revealed a word.

"A big tree attracts the wind. There is a saying that if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight." Su Yi said, "If a person wants to accomplish something, he will inevitably encounter a lot of opposition. In fact, everyone knows why I was assassinated. As for Sorry, I don’t know the identity of the shooter myself. Since your Zhe Peng colleagues know it, why don’t you ask them again.”

"Master Geng, there are rumors that you and He Zhi Ying Er from He Zhi Mansion are very close friends. Is this true?"

Su Yi glanced at the reporter and said, "You also said that this is a rumor. Why don't you first find out where this rumor started?"

Then the conversation changed: "Okay, I've answered the three questions. Dear reporter friends, I'm sorry that I have to enter the venue. Please come in too. It would be bad if I missed the wonderful game because of me."

After that, he walked inside surrounded by his men.

Qian Jin at the door saw Su Yi from a distance and hurriedly came up to him and respectfully called "Master Geng". Qian Jin's men were amazed by this scene.

Qian Jin's status is not low, how could he be so respectful to a head of the Bank of Communications?

But both parties involved felt normal.

Su Yi nodded and smiled at him: "Thank you for your hard work."

"This is what I should do. Don't be polite, Master Geng." Qian Jin said with a smile, "It's a bit messy inside. Master Geng, can I take you in?"

"Okay." Su Yi did not refuse.

So under Qian Jin's personal guidance, Su Yi entered the venue.

This posture of shouting and supporting made many people look at him.

Su Yi didn't look like he was here to compete, but rather like a big shot coming to inspect the work.

They are all contestants. Su Yi made such a big noise, which naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of other contestants. Even Su Yi himself felt like an arrogant villain.

"Everyone spread out, don't crowd around me." Su Yi ordered, "If someone really wants to kill me, it will be while I'm on stage. Then you can't follow me on stage, right? Instead of following me now , it is better to investigate and find out the hidden dangers.”

"Listen to Master Geng, everyone disperses!" Xianxiantian waved his hand, and everyone immediately dispersed.

"You all should disperse, and go patrol the surrounding area." Qian Jin also ordered his men to disperse.

In this way, there are only two people, Su Yi and Qian Jin.

The warriors around looked at Su Yi from a distance, with no intention of getting close to communicate and strike up a conversation.

On the ring, the first contestant has already stepped onto the stage to draw lots.

Qian Jin smiled and said: "Master Geng, why don't you go and sit in the office area first? You are number one, and according to the rules, you will be the last one to draw lots. Unless you are drawn in advance, it will take a long time for you to come on stage. Yes, but according to my estimation, you must be at the end..."

Before Qian Jin finished speaking, the martial artist on the stage had already pulled out his opponent from the closed box.

The referee took the ball of paper and opened it. He suddenly looked surprised and looked towards Su Yi.

"( ̄ー ̄)"

"The opponent of No. 137 Gong Bing is - No. 1, Geng Liangchen!" The referee read the result of the draw loudly.

The whole place was silent, and then there was an uproar!

The biggest number draws the smallest number, this is new.

Geng Liangchen, the most popular contestant, was actually the first to be drawn. Is there anything more gimmick than this?

Everyone got excited and started cheering and applauding.

Su Yi glanced at Qian Jin, who was stunned, and said quietly: "You are so poisonous... tsk."

"Ah?" Qian Jin didn't understand.

Su Yi shook his head and walked towards the stage.

Qian Jin was stunned for a long time. It was not until he discovered that Xian Tiantian not far away had begun to instruct his men to set up security and surveillance everywhere that he woke up as if from a dream, and hurriedly began to follow suit.

Liu Haiqing went to pick up Luo Yu at the airport, so he couldn't be there. But before leaving, he specifically told Qian Jin that if anything happened to Su Yi, Qian Jin would hang himself on the southeast branch.

Qian Jin was very aware of the relationship between Su Yi and Liu Haiqing, so he naturally didn't dare to neglect it at all.

As Su Yi stepped onto the stage and held hands in all directions, the atmosphere became even more lively.

The opponent Gong Bing was obviously a little nervous, but also a little excited.

He cupped his hands to Su Yiyi and said, "Master Geng, it's my honor to fight with you."

Seeing the admiration in his opponent's eyes, Su Yi knew that this battle would be easy.

He also smiled, cupped his hands, and said gently: "Master Gong, please give me some advice."

"Don't dare, don't dare..." Gong Bing said excitedly.


With the referee's order, the game begins.

Su Yi looked solemn, made a hand gesture, and began to slowly approach the opponent.

Gong Bing gritted his teeth and took the lead to take action. He advanced with both palms and struck Su Yi.

This is the old man's double push door of Yan Qingquan.

It was the door that was pushed, not the car.

And it’s a double push.

Su Yi followed Li Shuwen for three days, spending a total of three hours. Li Shuwen showed him the moves and tactics of various sects, which gave Su Yi a lot of experience. As soon as Gong Bing used this move, Su Yi recognized it immediately.

He didn't block it, took a step back, and dodged the move. At the same time, several moves of Yan Qing Fist quickly flashed in his mind.

Gong Bing missed a hit and immediately pursued him, followed by a strong man's double push and grinding move to keep up.

This push is also serious grinding.

This move was one of the moves that Su Yi had just predicted in his mind.

Su Yi didn't answer and continued to dodge.


Gong Bing accelerated his attack and used another move to raise his clothes.

As soon as Su Yi retreated, he suddenly made another move, Qinglong Penetrating Claw, which hit Su Yi's middle. This move was fast and ruthless, showing a certain degree of strength. At the same time, it also forced Su Yi to have no way to hide and had to defense.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi, who had been dodging at this moment, moved.

He ducked sideways and narrowly avoided Gong Bing's move, then took half a step forward and punched with his left hand.

Gong Bing was very focused. Although Su Yi's punch was tricky and fast, he immediately made a block move.

But before his blocking arm could touch Su Yi's punch, Su Yi took another half step forward and suddenly punched out with his right fist.

This punch was full of wind and thunder, and the force was not small. Gong Bing was startled and did not dare to take the punch, so he hurriedly retreated to dodge.

But almost at the same time as he retreated, Su Yi seemed to have predicted his retreat, and almost took a step forward with him at the same time. He came out with his left fist again and hit Gong Bing in the face!

"Welcome to the door three times!"

Someone below immediately recognized Su Yi's move and couldn't help but exclaimed.

This is one of the "eight major moves" in Bajiquan. When Su Yi used this move, he seemed to be quite passionate and had the appearance of being a proficient person.

The so-called "Yingmen Sanbu" comes from the meaning of "Punches are no more than three", which means that the opponent will be hit by three punches.

But having said that, it also depends on who the opponent is.

Although Gong Bing was the last to become the champion of ten consecutive victories, the fact that he could win ten games in a row was enough to illustrate his strength.

Facing Su Yi's last punch of "three failed attempts", although Gong Bing felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, he did not panic. He retreated, bent his knees and lunged, while doing the "boy worshiping Guanyin" move to resist.

Little did he know that this powerful punch was still a feint!

Seeing Su Yi take a stance, Su Yi's punch suddenly changed to "take".

He took Gong Bing's arm and pulled it, then pushed it diagonally.

Gong Bing suddenly lost his center of gravity and staggered with Su Yi's arm.

When he stabilized his body, he was shocked to realize that he had fallen off the stage.

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