The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 751: A sudden turn of events (please vote for me)

"Jiuguang, do you think I am unjust or not? There are two armies in this battle. The first army has the final say with Marshal Zhang, and the second army has the final say with Zhang Fuchen. Compared with them, I am nothing! These two armies have the final say. If you don’t write to them, what’s the point of writing to me?”

"Besides, compared to these two, who is taking charge of this situation now? Isn't it just me? Who invited Sun Laodian? Who invited Yu Zhaolin? Isn't it all me? What did Zhang Fuchen and Zhang Shaoshuai do? Apart from running, what did they do? Why can they run but I can't run? Right? These two kickers are capable, so go ahead and kill these two. What's the point of bullying me?"

Tang Yulin seemed to be full of bitterness and wanted to pour it out, but Wang Yaqiao only said a few words, and he choked up and couldn't say a word.

"Commander, Rehe is yours," he said.

You, Tang Yulin, have been domineering in Rehe for so long, growing opium, buying and selling arms, and even flirting with the Zhepeng people. Now that the Zhepeng people are invading, if you are not responsible, who is responsible?

Marshal Zhang and Zhang Zuoxiang represent the attitude of the top management of Guofu, but you, Tang Yulin, should be the number one person in charge of Rehe!

Why did the war get to this point?

Isn't it because you, Tang Yulin, have caused a breakdown in military discipline and that's why it collapsed at the first touch?

Why did so many generals surrender to the enemy? It’s not that you, Tang Yulin, allowed Zhe Peng’s spies to recruit those soldiers in Rehe unscrupulously, resulting in many places being captured without any blood.

Why did the people in Beipiao and other places open their city gates to welcome the Zhepeng people into the city?

You, Tang Yulin, are responsible for all these things!

Now you just say that you are not in charge, and you want to absolve yourself of responsibility?

"Jiu Guang, brother, I'm in trouble too." Tang Yulin sighed, "Do you think this will work? You have dealings with the leader of the two kickers, so you can make peace with me in the middle. As for me, I will definitely try my best. But it’s not okay for him to force me like this..."

"Commander, he just wanted you not to run away. Why did he force you?" Wang Yaqiao couldn't help but retort, "As the Lord of Rehe, isn't it your duty to guard one side?"

"Then Marshal Zhang is still the king of the Northeast. Is he guarding it?" Tang Yulin asked, "Rehe is also our indivisible territory. Does Jinling take charge of it? I, Tang Yulin, can guard my little arms and legs. Can I guard it? Zhe Peng It takes the strength of a nation, but I am the chairman of only one province, and even the country behind me does not support me, so what am I going to do to fight against the people of Zhepeng? Right, we have to be reasonable!"

Seeing that Wang Yaqiao was silent, Tang Yulin struck while the iron was hot: "In this case, if you tell Erqiji, I will definitely try my best to arrange my troops. As long as the Zhepeng people don't attack Lingyuan, I will definitely stick to the summer resort city and never retreat!"

"Commander, there is at least more than 150 kilometers from Lingyuan to the summer city!" Wang Yaqiao couldn't help but said.

"It's not far then!" Tang Yulin's eyes widened, "It's time to fart! Jiuguang, Jiuguang, I've already risked my life, can't you force me to death?"

Wang Yaqiao suddenly felt deep sadness in his heart.

Is it a fatal risk to be separated from the enemy by more than 100 kilometers?

What about those soldiers fighting the enemy on the front line?

In order to survive, he was so humble.

This is the governor of a province, the actual commander of this war...

With such a person presiding over the war, how could this battle be won?

Good times, good times, in fact, what’s the point of your and my efforts?

At this moment, Wang Yaqiao was completely despairing.

He really didn't want to talk to this person anymore.

He stood up and said: "Commander, two kicks can kill traitors, and naturally they can also kill Zhepeng people. If there is any movement on the front line, I will pass the information over as soon as possible. I only hope that if there are changes in Zhepeng's army, , you can seize the opportunity, don’t sit back and watch. Farewell!"

Looking at Wang Yaqiao's leaving figure, Tang Yulin's face gradually darkened, with murderous intent in his eyes: "These desperadoes deserve to die!"

Early the next morning, public opinion was boiling, and the name "Two Kicking" resounded throughout the country!

Taking the head of a general out of a million soldiers is something that only happens in novels, but I never expected that it would actually happen in reality.

Cui Xingwu, who was surrounded by heavy troops, and Shao Benliang, who was in Zhe Peng's rear area. The two traitors who surrendered to the enemy and treason were already dead before they even saw the shadow of the "glory and wealth" they wanted to enjoy!

Is there anything more satisfying than killing a national traitor?

The sensation caused by this incident far exceeded the war itself, because this was the first time that an assassin successfully assassinated an enemy general during a battle between the two armies.

This kind of "decapitation" operation in a state of war shocked many military experts and aroused strong interest.

Although only traitors were killed, the shocking effect on the Zhepeng people was huge. The great powers were also attracted by this assassination. They even had the idea of ​​​​applying to the warring parties to send military observers.

For a time, the slightly funny name "Er Kicking" became the focus of public opinion around the world.

They are both assassins and murderers of traitors, so naturally some people compare Er Kiji with the Jinmen heroes.

Supporters from both sides even started a verbal spat, arguing about who was more powerful.

The result is that the trumpet is better than the real one.

Some people also doubted the identity of this second kicker who suddenly appeared.

He Zhiyinger, an old fox, immediately suspected Su Yi.

But those who had been monitoring Geng's residence, including the spies stationed in Geng's residence, told him that Geng Liangchen was still lying in bed recuperating, occasionally getting out of bed to walk around and bask in the sun.

Therefore, the second kicker should be someone else.

Su Yi fought for his "innocence" for his true identity.

These two assassinations shocked the outside world so much, let alone the Rehe battlefield?

Those wavering grassroots were immediately calmed down. Originally, they thought that as long as they surrendered to the enemy, they would not only save their lives, but also their status and enjoy the glory and wealth.

But now, Er Kiji tells them that as long as they surrender to the enemy, they will die!

These generals who were already afraid of life and death were immediately threatened and did not dare to surrender easily.

So on this day, several generals who had surrendered one after another in the original history were really frightened and changed their minds.

The death of the traitor also boosted the morale of the Guo army to a certain extent. The Zhepeng people soon felt that the resistance they encountered became more intense.

It was under such circumstances that the two groups, Su Yi and Yixiantian, met at Ye Baishou.

"Master Geng, Shao Ru did not withdraw and died in Nanling." Chen Chutai's eyes were red and he obviously looked like he had cried.

Su Yi was speechless for a long time, and finally sighed and said: "Those of us are meant to tie our heads to our waistbands. In fact, sacrifice is only a matter of time for us. Shao Ru deserved his death, but it's a pity that his ambition was not fulfilled... …”

Su Yi faced the direction of Nanling and bowed deeply three times.

At least this ending will be better for He Poguang than the original one.

The grief is only temporary. After picking up the mood, everyone continues their unfinished business.

"The execution of traitors is certainly exciting, but for this war, we have not done enough." Su Yi looked at his team members and said, "Tang Yulin is as timid as a mouse. I'm afraid he will still be there at any time." If you plan to escape, even if you are threatened by me, once the Zhepeng troops arrive at the city, it will be of no use."

"So the most urgent thing we have to do is to paralyze the headquarters of Zhe Pengren's middle road so that the enemy cannot pass through Lingyuan. Only in this way, Tang Yulin will not run away. If he doesn't leave, the battle will not be completely defeated, so we will retain Hope of winning!”

"But if the Zhepeng people capture Chifeng, the enemy will still pose a threat to the summer resort city from the north and south." Yixiantian also has a strategic vision, and immediately revealed the dilemma that Su Yi did not say.

"The food has to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road has to be walked step by step." Su Yi said, "Once the middle road is taken care of, let's go to Chifeng!"

"Everyone, throughout the ages, there has never been a few people like us who want to change the outcome of a war. What we have done is a feat that no one has been able to do for thousands of years! Regardless of whether we can succeed or not, the fate of all of us The names will be written into history, praised and remembered by future generations!"

In just two sentences, everyone present was excited and their morale was boosted.

Su Yi looked around and continued with an encouraging and determined look on his face: "This road is doomed to a narrow escape, but comrades, don't be afraid of sacrifices or difficulties. A senior who sacrificed once left such a passage, He said that the country is in danger, and we can only risk our lives to save it! My body is about to perish, but my soul will always be with you!"

These words moved everyone. Luo Yu and Chen Chutai even burst into tears and were deeply moved.

"I hope that people of our generation can drive out the Zhepeng people and let the great powers who are riding on us to do their bidding get out of our country. I hope that we can complete these things. In this case , our sons and grandsons will be able to live in a land without war and bullying."

When Su Yi said these words, Chen Chutai took out his pen and notebook and wrote down the words with flying speed.

The command post of the Eighth Division is located in Beipiao, and the command post of puppet commander Li Shoushan is located in Chaoyang.

This is no secret, for the enemy makes no pretense.

The enemy just bullied the Guo army because they didn't have aircraft or artillery. Even if they knew where their command post was, there was nothing they could do about it.

Although Su Yi and Yixiantian killed Cui Xingwu and Shao Benliang, the deterrence was still not enough for traitors like Li Shoushan who had heavy troops.

When Su Yi and others left Ye Baishou, Yu Zhaolin had already gone to the front line and started fighting with the enemy.

Perhaps out of anger at the murder of a traitor, the Zhepeng people dispatched 40,000 puppet troops, more than 5,000 Kwantung Army troops, nine aircraft, more than 30 tanks, and a heavy artillery regiment in order to capture the important town of Yebaishou. Cooperating with the puppet troops, they launched an overwhelming and violent attack on Ye Zhaolin's troops.

As soon as the battle began, the enemy caused heavy casualties to Yu Zhaolin's troops.

Yu Zhaolin's department also lacked heavy weapons, and because of the traitor's betrayal, the enemy locked the location of Yu Zhaolin's artillery camp early and directly destroyed the heavy artillery, leaving Yu Zhaolin's department without the means of fire coverage.

The enemy's waves of attacks caused great casualties to Yu Zhaolin's troops, but they resisted tenaciously and withstood the enemy's attack.

After the war lasted for more than four hours, reinforcements arrived from Yu Zhaolin and others.

This did not happen in the original history, but this time, because of Tang Yulin's extra concern for the battle situation, he sent weapons and reinforcements to Yu Zhaolin early.

So the enemy fought for a while longer. Not only did they fail to capture Ye Baishou, but their casualties began to increase, so they had to retreat.

Fierce cheers erupted from the Guojun position.

This is the first time since the founding of Rehe that the Guo army has repelled an enemy attack several times larger than itself on a frontal battlefield!

The good news immediately spread to the summer resort city and to all parts of the country.

The whole country is rejoicing about this!

However, the good times did not last long. Soon Kawahara Jin, commander of the 16th Brigade of the Kwantung Army, led his troops to come for reinforcements. Together with the main force of the Eighth Division and Li Shoushan's troops, they once again launched a more violent attack on Ye Baishou!

Not only that, they also divided their forces to bypass Ye Baishou, and joined the Mishan advance team of the 14th Brigade of the 7th Division of the Kwantung Army, and launched an attack on Lingyuan together.

The defenders of Lingyuan were the three brigades of Ding Xichun, Miao Chengliu, and Sun Dequan of the Northeast Army. These officers had withdrawn from Chaoyang without firing a shot. They were greedy for life and afraid of death, and had no determination to resist.

Hearing that the Zhepeng people were attacking, he himself was in chaos before the war started. Ding Xichun and Sun Dequan didn't even wait for the arrival of the Zhepeng people before preparing to escape. In the end, Tang Yulin threatened him with death, so they hurriedly built a defense line and planned to barely resist.

But in fact, everyone knows that they cannot avoid the fate of collapse.

Ye Baishou is in danger!

Lingyuan is in danger!

The summer resort city is in danger!

As Su Yi expected, under the threat of the Zhepeng people, Tang Yulin could not care so much and began to pack up his belongings in a hurry, ready to escape at any time.

In Chifeng, the Zhepeng people attacked from both sides, but Sun Dianying struggled to resist. He was too preoccupied with himself to care about the life and death of the middle road.

On the other side, the Zhepeng people stormed Tianshan Town, and the Northeast Army's Shi Wenhua Brigade fled across the board, causing the Zhepeng people to march straight in.

Not long after, the Zhepeng people captured Linxi, and the Rebei defense line completely collapsed!

In just a few hours, the situation took a turn for the worse.

Rehe, is there really no hope?

No, at least Ye Baishou didn't lose it, and Lin Dong didn't lose it!

At this time, Su Yi and his team members had quietly sneaked into Chaoyang City and arrived at Li Shoushan's headquarters.

The guards here are much stricter than Cui Xingwu's. After all, it was wartime, the whole city of Chaoyang was under martial law, and the headquarters was heavily guarded.

Su Yi and others entered Chaoyang City quietly. They could not even walk around on the street, let alone sneak into the headquarters to carry out an assassination.

Everyone was hiding in a house near the city gate. From here, they could observe the street outside and the headquarters location hundreds of meters away at any time.

They could clearly see that they passed three checkpoints along the way, and each one required identity verification. Moreover, when you arrive at the headquarters, you will be searched when entering or exiting.

Seeing such a tight defense, everyone was helpless.

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