For Tang Yulin, the "brave champion of the three armies" in his youth has long been a thing of the past. Now he just wants to live and enjoy life.

As he gets older, has a higher status, and has more wealth, his selfishness will naturally become more serious, his motivation will become weaker, and his will will naturally decline.

So he wanted to escape, because he felt that there was no hope of winning this battle, and he had refused the Zhepeng people's solicitation before. If he fell into the hands of the Zhepeng people, his end would be tragic.

Of course, the threat of the two kicks still made Tang Yulin feel like a thorn in his back, a lump in his throat, and sitting on pins and needles.

But he would rather be an ostrich, not thinking about anything, not caring about anything.

It was precisely because of his ostrich mentality that he refused to answer calls from Jin Ling, refused to receive contact from Marshal Zhang, and even refused to think about the threat Su Yi brought to him. He just wanted to run away.

He didn't think about anything, he just wanted to run away first.

Once you get to a safe place, you can slowly figure out the rest.

In the original history, he woke up after being wanted by the Guo government.

At that time, Marshal Zhang sent troops to prevent him from escaping into Peiping, so he had to flee to Chahar. As a result, it was a blessing in disguise that he escaped the arrest of Guofu. Only then did he wake up with horror, realizing that he had reached a dead end, and then tried his best to escape. Running around and moving up and down showed that they would resolutely resist Japan and atone for their sins.

But it was too late by then, and eventually he lost all his rights and became an ordinary apartment in Jinmen.

But now, under a series of resistance and Wang Yaqiao's pressure, Tang Yulin's ostrich dream has awakened ahead of schedule.

He began to realize that if he ran away, his end might be even worse!

Not to mention that he can only pass Wang Yaqiao. Even if he can pass it, if Erqiji comes to settle the score with him in the future, will he be able to win it?

As commanders of the first army, Li Shoushan and Zhang Zongyuan could be killed by two kicks under such tight security. Can Tang Yulin escape?

There's no way to avoid it!

He couldn't defeat Zhe Peng, so Wang Yaqiao promised to send him away.

But when it comes time for Er Kiji to kill him, will Er Kiji listen to his explanation?

Maybe he wouldn't even be able to see Erqi's face, and he would be shot through the head by a bullet from nowhere!

Tang Yulin shuddered when he thought of such a miserable scene.

Tang Yulin stared at Wang Yaqiao with a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and said: "You have to give me an accurate answer. How far should I hit you before you are satisfied?"

"Commander, you didn't fight this battle for me, Wang Yaqiao and Erqiji!" Wang Yaqiao felt inexplicably sad and angry, but he only retorted and didn't want to say anything else.

It's useless. Nothing you say will change the minds of people like Tang Yulin.

At least Tang Yulin has given in now, and that's enough.

"Three days! At least hold on for three days!" Wang Yaqiao said.

"Impossible!" Tang Yulin screamed excitedly, "Three days will kill me! I tell you Wang Jiuguang, one day, at most one day..."

"Two days!" Wang Yaqiao looked at Tang Yulin, suddenly took out a match, lit it with a "snap" sound, and stared at Tang Yulin.

"Two days! Just two days! Damn it!" Tang Yulin almost peed in fear and hurriedly shouted in fear to stop Wang Yaqiao.

Wang Yaqiao looked at Tang Yulin for a while and then said: "Then please, Commander-in-Chief, arrange your troops now to make final preparations for the defense of the summer city."

"You don't need to teach me!" Tang Yulin shouted with a dark face.

He was so angry with Wang Yaqiao that he no longer wanted to show any favor to this person.

A donkey can only grind when it is whipped, and an ox can only plow when it is tied to a halter.

Some people are like animals, they have to be pushed and beaten by others before they know how to go all out.

Even for the sake of his own life, Tang Yulin had to do his best to fight this battle, so he began to arrange his troops. First, he sent advance troops out of the city, destroying roads, laying landmines, setting up roadblocks, and attacking along the way. Guerrilla, try your best to prevent and delay the Zhepeng people from attacking the city.

Immediately afterwards, arrangements for the defense of the summer resort city began.

He is very capable, so when he is serious, everything is arranged clearly and orderly by him.

And because of his personal safety, he was very attentive. After he made all the arrangements, he actually gained some confidence.

In the end, Wang Yaqiao and his people dispersed, and Tang Yulin breathed a sigh of relief.

His expression kept changing for a while, and finally he sighed dejectedly.

He wanted to kill the desperado Wang Yaqiao so much.

But the consequences are too great.

Zhang Zongchang has learned from the past and must take precautions...

Returning to the death squads' military camp, Wang Yaqiao gave a speech to boost morale.

He knew very well that if the Zhepeng people came to the summer city tomorrow, all the more than 500 death squad members might die tomorrow. This is the cruel fact.

"Send electricity to Ye Baishou. If he calls at a good time, tell him as soon as possible. I can only do so much in two days..."

Su Yi can no longer receive calls from Wang Yaqiao for the time being.

A group of six of them took the shortest road and marched in the direction of Beipiao.

It took five hours to reach the forty-kilometer road.

This is definitely the journey that Su Yi has walked the most and the hardest.

It was windy and snowy all the way, and when they arrived at Beipiao, the six of them were already frozen.

They didn't dare to light a fire to roast them directly. After the six people stopped, they jumped up and down, wiped their bodies with snow, and ate snow balls.

When their bodies were no longer stiff and the heat came, they made a fire, found a broken helmet, burned some snow water, and ate dry food with the snow water.

"This time our target is the commander-in-chief of Zhepeng's army in the middle, Nishi Yiichi, the commander of the Eighth Division of the Kwantung Army." Su Yi discussed the next action with everyone while eating.

"This Nishi Yiichi is a very radical war maniac. This man is inhumane and very cruel. He has committed rape, rape and robbery several times before. His crimes can be said to be countless."

"Whether it is for this war or to avenge the dead compatriots, this Nishi Yiichi must die!"

In the original history, Nishi Yiichi lived to the age of sixty-three and died of illness. Although he was classified as a Class A war criminal after his death, it was too easy for this executioner who was full of crimes.

"The situation is urgent, so our principle of action is to be as quick as possible, the sooner the better!" Su Yi said.

"Master Geng, if we kill this Xi Yiyi, will Zhe Peng's army in the middle be defeated by itself?" Luo Yu asked curiously.

Su Yi shook his head: "The Zhepeng people have very strict military discipline. Even if Xi Yiyi is killed, their army will not collapse."

Just when everyone was slightly disappointed, Su Yi changed the subject: "But the death of Xi Yiyi will definitely have a huge blow to the morale of the Zhepeng people! Without a leader, it will be difficult for them to form a new formation in a short time. Unified strategic actions will inevitably lead to separate actions. For our troops, this is an opportunity!"

"I doubt if Tang Yulin's men will seize this opportunity." Hua Kezhi sneered, "Maybe if the Zhepeng people are in chaos, they will just be happy and not do anything."

This sentence made everyone a little silent, because there was a high possibility that Tang Yulin's men would really do this.

"Don't care what others say, as long as we try our best to do what we want to do." Su Yi said, "No matter whether Tang Yulin can seize the opportunity or not, if Xiyi dies one by one, it will also make the top generals of the Zhepeng people Everyone is in danger, including the puppet troops!"

Having said this, Su Yi couldn't help but sneer.

"If Xiyi dies one by one, and we come back and kill Commander Zhepeng on the front line, do you think they will still be focused on fighting?"

"Killing a few people may not affect the overall situation of the war, but what about killing ten? I don't believe that their frontline commanders are dying one after another, and they can continue to fight this battle without being affected!"

"Master Geng is right, if killing one is not enough, let's kill ten!" Sun Fengming's blood boiled when he heard this. "How many officers can a small fishing island produce? We will keep killing until the end so that they have no more officers." The officers are available, why don’t they go back to their fishing island?”

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

"Okay, then our second kicking organization will take what Feng Ming just said as our ultimate goal." Su Yi smiled half-jokingly and half-seriously, "I hope we can really achieve it in our lifetime."

"Then we have become murderous demon kings?" Chen Chutai said with a smile.

"To the Zhepeng people, it is, but to the Chinese, we are not." Luo Yu said, "At least, we are all heroes, right?"

"How do I remember that someone is a little hero, not a hero?" Yi Xiantian teased.

"The little hero is fine, I don't ask too much." Luo Yu said smugly, causing everyone to laugh again.

Hua Kezhi sighed and said: "Kill, the more you kill, the better. If you want to go to hell, it's enough for us people to go to hell."

"I think we should go to heaven." Sun Fengming said, "We call it punishing evil and promoting good. Doing good deeds has merit."

"Is killing someone considered a meritorious deed? Haha!" Chen Chutai laughed at him.

"Master Geng, what do you think?" Sun Fengming looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled slightly and said: "Killing one is a crime, but killing ten thousand is a hero. If you kill nine million, you are a hero among heroes."

The domineering and evil spirit that came from these words immediately suffocated everyone.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and Chen Chutai excitedly took out a pen and notebook from his arms: "Master Geng, please say the poem just now again, I want to write it down!"


After a brief relaxation, everyone continued to march to Beipiao.

The headquarters of the Eighth Division is not within Beipiao County, but outside the county.

This place was originally a prison. After the Zhepeng people captured Beidiao, they killed all the people in the prison, then occupied Magpie's Nest and transformed it into a headquarters.

The structure of the prison is originally a high-walled grid, a natural war fortress.

Moreover, there are plains on three sides around the prison, with an unobstructed view. Only behind the prison is the river beach, where the Linghe River rushes past.

However, in this freezing weather, Linghe was naturally freezing.

As long as machine guns are set up on the four high walls, if you want to capture this headquarters, no matter how many lives you have, it won't be enough.

Of course, Su Yi and the others would not be stupid enough to attack by force.

But the problem is, I can’t even get in!

They were observing the distant headquarters nearly two miles away. For nearly an hour, they did not see anyone entering or exiting.

How did you get in here?

The six people racked their brains and couldn't think of any way to sneak in.

Su Yi pondered slightly and made a decision: "Let's go first to the county seat!"

Spending time here is not an option. Going to the county town to find a solution may be a better choice.

Beipiao County has been completely taken over by the Japanese. However, because the business and civilian officials here are "obedient people" who surrendered to Kaicheng and held a warm ceremony to welcome the Zhepeng people into the city, it is difficult for the Japanese to commit no crimes here.

In Beipiao County, the basic order of life is still normal. Except for some traffic arteries that are guarded and inspected by Zhepeng soldiers, Zhepeng people are rarely seen in other places.

Su Yi first found a high-end-looking ready-made clothing store and bought a piece of clothing for everyone, while he made a finished suit himself.

Then the six people pretended to be normal people and took to the streets, but tried to avoid major traffic arteries and the patrolling Zhe Peng soldiers.

After getting familiar with the route of the county town, Su Yi divided the people into three groups, two by two, and went out to find out the news. They made an appointment to meet at a place called Chunfeng Teahouse in half an hour.

Su Yi and Sun Fengming were in a group, and they went straight to the city government building.

This place has been taken over by the Zhepeng people, and there are Zhepeng soldiers walking around everywhere, making Sun Fengming very nervous.

But after seeing Su Yi easily deal with the two Zhe Peng soldiers who came to question him, he gradually felt relieved, pretended to be Su Yi's follower, and easily followed Su Yi into the government building.

When no one was around, Sun Fengming lowered his voice and asked quickly: "Master Geng, what are we doing here?"

"Children, please don't ask around about adults' matters." Su Yi said without looking back while looking around.

Sun Fengming was speechless and was about to ask again when Su Yi's eyes lit up and he pointed at an office and said, "Found it!"

What did you find?

Sun Fengming looked around in confusion and saw a sign hanging on the door of this office that read: "Beipiao Municipal Planning Unit."

The office was very large, with six or seven people inside, and a Zhepeng soldier standing guard at the door.

Su Yi nodded to the Zhe Peng soldier with a solemn expression and was about to walk inside.

The soldier hesitated for a moment, then hurriedly stopped and asked: "Excuse me..."

"Get out of the way!" Su Yi said coldly.

This sentence was said in Japanese. The soldier was clever and hurriedly got out of the way.

For this soldier, the person who could walk so arrogantly and look so arrogant and extraordinary could not be anyone other than Zhe Peng.

Even if Su Yi didn't speak, he wouldn't doubt that Su Yi was a Chinese, because all the Chinese in this building walked with their waists bent and their heads lowered.

The soldier's duty is only to watch the people in the office and not make any unusual movements. It does not include checking the identity of the people entering and exiting, especially the identity of the Zhepeng people who seem to have a high status.

After Su Yi and Sun Fengxiang walked in, all the Chinese people who were busy in the office subconsciously stood up. A middle-aged man ran over and flattered Su Yi, bowing and smiling apologetically.

"Taijun, what are your orders?"

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