By the time I reached the end of the pipe, I felt like I was about to vomit and collapse.

"Master Geng, vomit... how did you - vomit... how could you hold back not to vomit...?" Xiantiantian gasped violently.

Su Yi climbed up the well wall and said, "Who said I didn't vomit?"

With difficulty, Xiantiantian pulled her legs out of the "mud" and climbed up a few steps, away from the "thick soup" below. She was almost moved to tears.

"Master Geng, I feel much better!" He looked up at Su Yi, "You said you vomited too? You didn't take off your mask all the way. Where did you vomit?"

Su Yi reached the top and began to take off his clothes while saying calmly: "Oh, I swallowed it all."

Xiantiantian was stunned for a moment, and the next second he made a "vomit" sound and vomited it out again.

"Young man, you are still too naive." Su Yi sighed and shook his head, "You kept vomiting, and you had to take off your mask frequently along the way. The stench went straight into your mouth. The smellier you were, the more you had to vomit, and the more you vomited, the more you vomited. The more it smells, isn’t this a vicious cycle?”

As he spoke, Su Yi had already taken off all his clothes and was completely naked. He only kept the sealed bandage on his back and hung his pocket watch and other items on the side with the temporary hooks he brought.

Although it is freezing cold at 30 to 40 degrees below zero outside, in fact the temperature in this manhole is not that cold, and is about 1 or 2 degrees above zero.

After all, even the "thick soup" was not frozen and was still steaming.

But despite this, it is still very cold without clothes, especially when the snow is rubbed hard on the body and head.

The sky below was also stripped naked. The two of them went up and down, hanging the snow bag in the middle, and kept grabbing a lot of snow to wipe their bodies and heads.

Anyone who has had this kind of experience will know that not only does it not make you feel cold, it also makes you feel warmer the more you rub it.

But after wiping the snow and applying toner on my body, I started to feel cold.

The water stains hanging on the body even formed a thin layer of frost.

As soon as the toner was wiped off, it turned into black water, and the two of them turned into two Africans in a short time.

Then the two of them wiped the snow again.

After repeating this several times, the odor on both of them was indeed removed.

Su Yi looked at the time and said, "There are two minutes left. Come up, I'll be down below!"

"Okay!" Xiantiantian walked up with the baggage on his back, while Su Yi moved down.

The narrow wall of the well, when two people passed each other... it was quite awkward anyway.

"If you can't borrow strength, just step on my shoulders." Su Yi suggested.

"No, it's no problem." Yixiantian tried and said that he had no problem.

Su Yi started to look at his watch, and soon it was the fifteenth minute since they came in.

"It's time, get ready!" he said suddenly.

Xianxiantian's knees were slightly bent, and the muscles all over his body were tense.

When Su Yi said this, he checked his watch with Su Yi on the other side, and Hua Kezhi, whose time was exactly one second, also gave a light command: "Light the fire!"

Luo Yu immediately lit the explosive bag with the fire twister he had prepared long ago, shouted "it's on", and then quickly got out of the way.

"Launch!" Almost at the same time as Luo Yu finished speaking, Hua Kezhi looked nervously at his pocket watch and shouted.

Buzz buzz...

Sun Fengming quickly cranked up the generator, and the current passed through the wires, creating sparks in the gunpowder package, instantly igniting the gunpowder.

The propellant detonates in a confined space, causing an explosion——


There was a loud noise, the earth trembled, and black smoke filled the air.

The ignited explosive package was also thrown out with the huge thrust generated by the explosion.

This gun can really hit!

Walker was stunned.

Before this, he had always been worried that Su Yi would take it too much for granted. He had never heard of anyone using a gasoline barrel as a cannon.

But today he saw it!

To be honest, it was a shock to have my three views subverted.

However, he even said that he admired Su Yi to the point of admiration.

Walker was stunned, but the others were not stunned. When the explosives were thrown out, they had no time to see the effect of the explosion.

Chen Chutai, who had been waiting at the side for a long time, immediately poured a bag of snow into the "cannon barrel".

Just listen to a "Zhi" sound, and white smoke fills the air.

Chen Chutai took out the wet cloth he had been covering for a long time from his arms, quickly wiped the gasoline barrel, and evenly spread the snow that had just been poured in, allowing the barrel to cool down quickly.

He had just wiped it a few times when he heard a loud "bang" behind him, and the ground shook!

Then he heard the muffled cheers of Sun Fengming and Luo Yu, and Chen Chutai couldn't help but grin.

He knew that the launch was successful!

Su Yi's range measurement was accurate, and the explosive package accurately crossed the high wall and landed in the courtyard of the headquarters.

Entering this location, it happens to be the original "prison guards' living area", which is now the dormitory of the headquarters.

The explosive package smashed the window of a room on the second floor of the dormitory, fell into the room, and exploded.

There was a loud "boom" and the entire room instantly turned into a huge fireball.

Four Japanese officers lived in the dormitory, and they were killed immediately.

The walls around the dormitory collapsed quickly, causing a partial collapse of the building. The Japanese in at least five rooms were buried among the ruins.

Almost at the same time as the explosion occurred, Su Yi, who had calculated the time, suddenly roared: "Crash!"

Xianxiantian, whose shoulders were thickly padded, let out a low roar, twisted his waist and back, used the technique of sticking to the mountain in Bajiquan, and thrust upwards!


The manhole cover and the iron frame were pushed out at the same time, and the howling cold wind instantly poured into the well!

It was successful in no time!

The two people in the well were refreshed at the same time!

Xianxian Tian immediately put his head out and scanned around, especially paying attention to whether there was anyone on the high wall and behind the opposite window.


All the people in Zhepeng were attracted by the explosion. The sound of the manhole cover being knocked open was perfectly hidden in the sound of the explosion, and no one noticed it at all!

"Let's go!" A line of sky rushed out.

Su Yi also climbed out like a monkey, climbing out and jumping out of the well.

After leaving the well, the temperature dropped sharply!

The cold wind blew like a steel knife scraping bones, and the biting coldness almost made the two naked people almost die on the spot.

It's so cold!

But there is work to do first!

Su Yi quickly closed the manhole cover again and restored the iron frame to its original state.

And Xixiantian quickly smoothed the surrounding snow, trying to eliminate the traces caused by the two of them.

Su Yi covered the manhole cover and immediately went back to back with Yixiantian, one walking in front and the other behind to eliminate traces. The two quickly disappeared into the open space and reached the narrow corridor between the two houses.

The whole process didn't even take half a minute.


Su Yi quickly opened the package and spread the clean clothes and shoes prepared by the two on the ground. The two hurriedly picked up the clothes and started to put them on themselves.

After a while, he was dressed.

Su Yi ran out without saying a word, followed closely by Yixiantian.

The floor map of the prison was engraved in Su Yi's mind for a long time. He knew very well that the location where he was was the original prison guard's office area, and the location where the explosive package landed was the prison guard's residential area.

To the left of his current position is the prison's warehouse, and to the right is the prison's No. 1 office building. Logically speaking, it was late at night, so there should be no one in the office building and warehouse.

But now that the prison has been taken over by the headquarters, there is a high possibility that it will be manned 24 hours a day during wartime.

Moreover, Su Yi didn't know what functions each building was used for, so the top priority was to first understand the new environment inside the headquarters and determine the exact location of Nishi Yiichi.

An explosion caused a commotion in the prison guard's living area. The headquarters' alarm was sounded, making a piercing sound. There were also bursts of dog barking coming from the northeast corner of the office area.

Don't go where there are dogs...

Su Yi quickly listed the area where the dog barking came from as a restricted area. He would never approach that area easily unless necessary. Otherwise, the canine's sensitive sense of smell might expose his and Xiantian's whereabouts. .

He patrolled around vigilantly, carefully hiding his figure. At the same time, he kept the scene wherever he looked in his mind, and gradually formed a panoramic map in his mind.

Only a few offices in Office Building No. 1 had lights on. At this moment, about a dozen Zhepeng officers poured out of the corridor and looked at the place where the explosion occurred not far away in surprise.

In Building No. 2 opposite Office Building No. 1, almost every room had lights on, and hundreds of officers were running downstairs in the corridors, yelling and making a mess.

There is a row of bungalows on the right side of Office Building No. 1. They were originally interrogation rooms, interview rooms and the like, but now they seem to have been converted into telecommunications offices. The sounds of ringing phones and telegrams are constantly coming from inside. The people here are not completely When they ran out, only four or five people came out.

There is also a row of rooms on the left side of the warehouse. They were originally garages, but now they seem to have been converted into archives or the like. Each door is locked, fenced, and sentry boxes are set up to stand guard at the door.

The warehouse seems to be still used as a warehouse, the door is locked, but no one is guarding it.

Su Yi took advantage of the chaos and moved quickly to the left side of the office compound by sticking to the door wall of the warehouse, followed closely by Yixiantian.

Both of them were in the shadows where the lights couldn't reach them, and both were wearing black clothes, so they weren't too worried about being seen.

In the chaos, Su Yi heard someone shouting in Japanese: "Go to General Xiyi's residence and protect his safety!"

At this time, Su Yi and Yixiantian had moved to the other side of the warehouse. When Su Yi heard this, his heart moved and he turned around.

I saw several officers who had already run into the compound, shouting and walking out from the corner between Building 2 and the Archives Room.

Su Yi waved back, signaling Yixiantian to follow him.

Then he went directly around to the back of the archives room and quickly passed through the woods behind it.

After passing this row of rooms, Su Yi quickly saw the shouting officers passing through a door in the middle of the iron mesh and going to the prison guards' living area.

Su Yi glanced quickly and found that there was only one door that could pass from the office area to the living area over there.

But there are four Zhe Peng soldiers standing guard at the door!

Although the four Zhe Peng soldiers also looked in the direction of the dormitory building where the explosion occurred, they had no intention of leaving their posts to check.

Su Yi observed the surrounding situation and found that there were only two ways to get to the prison guards' living area.

The first is to go through that door.

But if those Zhe Peng soldiers don't leave, Su Yi and Yixiantian will definitely be seen through in their current state, so this road is blocked.

The second way is to climb over the iron fence.

But the iron net is more than four meters high. Once it is flipped, it will definitely make a sound and cause the entire iron net to shake, which will be immediately noticed by the soldiers over there.

The good thing is that Su Yi can go directly through the woods to reach the iron fence. It is in darkness. Even if he stands under the iron fence, the fourth brother Zhe Peng soldier on the other side cannot see anyone here.

Another point, if you look to the right from that angle, your view should not be blocked by the dormitory building, and you should be able to see the point where Walker and the others launched the explosive packets.

Su Yi quickly made a decision and quickly walked through the woods to the iron fence without saying a word.

He looked forward to the right and felt relieved.

What he expected was right. Looking from this place, it was indeed very open.

He pulled the line behind him, lay down in his ear and whispered in a low voice: "Get ready to climb over the iron net, follow my instructions later, and act quickly!"

"Understood!" Yixiantian agreed simply.

Su Yi turned around and stared in the direction of Hua Kezhi and the others, waiting for the fire to light up again.

According to the agreement, they would launch the second explosive package three minutes after the first explosion.

It had been almost three minutes since the first explosion.

Because it was too dark, Su Yi couldn't see the hands on the watch, so he could only stare in the direction where Hua Kezhi and the others were, waiting for the fire to flash over there.

Su Yi's prediction was about the same. He and Yixiantian waited for less than ten seconds before they saw the flash of fire on the hillside in the distance, followed by a muffled sound.

Su Yi immediately put his hands on the iron net and made preparations to climb. At the same time, he counted the time silently in his mind and estimated the time point when the explosive package would fall to the ground and explode.

Yixiantian also made preparations.

At a certain moment, Su Yi shouted softly: "Climb!"


With a loud noise, the ground shook, and the fire instantly illuminated the area like daylight.

At the same time, Su Yi and Yixiantian ran up the iron net like leopards, as fast as two spiders!

It took almost two or three seconds for the two of them to climb to the top of the iron net, and then jump to the other side in unison.

On the other side, although the four Zhe Peng soldiers felt the iron net and the iron gate shaking violently, they were attracted by the second explosion, and they subconsciously felt that the shaking of the iron net was due to the impact of the explosion, not at all. I suspect other reasons.

Outside the prison, on a high slope.

At the same time that the second explosive package was launched, Walker, who had been prepared for a long time, shouted: "Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

"You really don't care about Master Geng and the others?" Sun Fengming hesitated slightly.

Walker was furious: "I say it again, retreat!"

Sun Fengming frowned but did not refute.

The four people quickly took what they could take away and ran away into the distance.

Almost not long after they left, a grenade with a long tail sound landed next to the heartless cannon.


The violent explosion blew the gasoline barrel directly into the sky.

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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