The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 761 Sneaking into the small building

When he saw many Zhepeng soldiers who were on duty and patrolling in various places in the courtyard gathered together by the urgent whistle, and then quickly rushed out of the headquarters, Su Yi was greatly relieved. He knew that he The adventure was worth the wait.

Both men's spirits were lifted, and they were well aware of how favorable the situation had become for them.

All the soldiers patrolling and guarding the outside of the small building were transferred. At least one guard platoon was originally stationed around the small building, but now, only eight people are left.

Originally, Xiaolou's defense force could be described as "impregnable", but now it can only be described as "stretched".

At this moment, Su Yi and Yixiantian were hiding deep in the woods, peering at the small building not far away in the darkness.

"Master Geng, what should we do now? There were so many people inside just now..." Yi Xiantian whispered in Su Yi's ear, "I just noticed that the guards behind the building have withdrawn. Why don't we sneak into the building from the back first?" Go inside and wait until these people leave before taking action?"

Yixiantian's suggestion was a safe and prudent approach, but Su Yi's expression was uncertain at the moment, sometimes cruel, sometimes hesitant, and he had other concerns in his mind.

"No!" He shook his head slowly, "We may not be able to hide our whereabouts from the Japanese for long. We can't wait any longer!"

Xiantiantian was startled: "There are so many people there..."

Su Yi turned around, looked at him with faint eyes and said: "One sheep is driven, and a group of sheep is herded. It's better to do one thing without stopping, and do something big..."

Xian Xiantian's heart was pounding so hard that it almost jumped out of his chest.

"Crazy! You must be crazy!" He almost shouted, "There are dozens of people, brother! They are all senior officers of the Eighth Division. If we kill these people, the Zhepeng people will dig deep into the ground. We must also find us and kill us!"

"Do it or not!" Su Yi asked.

"Do it! Only fools won't do it!" Yi Xiantian said excitedly, "Grandma, if he can really kill so many Japs at once, it will be worth it for us to die here!"

"If you want to die, I haven't lived enough." Su Yi rolled his eyes, "This opportunity is once in a lifetime. The Japanese are empty inside. With so many senior officers gathered together, they are just like lambs to be slaughtered. As the saying goes, God will not give you anything. If you take them, you will be blamed! If we don’t take them away in one wave this time, we will suffer retribution in the future!”

"What to do, Master Geng, please speak up!" Yixiantian said impatiently.

"The first step is to get rid of these eight Japs outside!" Su Yi looked at the eight people outside with bright eyes, "These eight people will ruin our affairs at any time if they don't die, and they will also call for support! But these eight people Once he dies, there will be no one within a few hundred meters of this small building! As long as the people inside are not allowed to escape and make too much noise, our deal will be secure!"

While Su Yi was saying this, Xianxian Tian frowned and looked at the eight Zhe Peng soldiers not far away.

Four of these eight people were guarding the door of the small building. The location is relatively concentrated.

There were four people left, two on the left side near the forest, and two on the right side near the prison area. All four of them were patrolling back and forth.

There are two huge light bulbs installed on the wall on the second floor of the small building, which illuminate the area in front of the building very brightly. The eight Zhe Peng soldiers are not far from each other and can see each other.

"It's not easy to kill these eight people, Master Geng," Yi Xiantian frowned and said in pain, "There are eight people in three directions. We only have two people. We can only take care of two sides. What about the other side?"

"Can a living person be choked to death by urinating?" Su Yi said disapprovingly, "Is this a big deal?"

For the many difficulties he encountered, this issue was not worth mentioning at all.

"The key point of this step is the four people in front of the door." Su Yi pointed to the four Zhe Peng soldiers on duty at the door of the building. "These four people are at the door. Any noise they make may be heard by the people inside. So when you kill them later, you must be quick and don’t give them time to make any noise.”

Yi Xian Tian pondered slightly and said confidently: "This is not difficult to do, Master Geng, leave it to me!"

"That's what I mean too." Su Yi said, "Leave the four outside to me."

"Okay." Yixiantian didn't ask what Su Yi planned to do. For him, as long as Su Yi took action, these four people would be dead, and he didn't bother to use his brain.

"After these four people die, drag their bodies there." Su Yi pointed to the darkness on the side of the small building, "Then immediately rush to the door to listen to what's going on inside."

"What's going on?" Yi Xiantian asked.

"This is our second step." Su Yi explained, "After I kill the four people here, I will go around to the back of the building and find a way to climb to the second floor and sneak in. After I enter, I will First clear away the rest, and then go downstairs. With so many people entering just now, so many people will definitely not go to the rest area on the second floor. They must all be concentrated on the first floor."

"I will fight out first and make sure the door is locked from the inside first. If not, I will shout one word - kill! When you hear this word, push the door open and rush in immediately!"

"If the door is locked from the inside, it is unlikely that such a heavy door can be opened at once, and even if it can be opened, the noise will be very loud. At this time, you have to wait at the door..."

"What are you waiting for?" Yi Xiantian asked.

"Wait until they open the door for you from the inside." Su Yi said.

"Can they be so stupid?" Yi Xiantian expressed doubt.

Su Yi smiled: "They are not stupid, but when they want to escape, they can only open the door and run out. This is a very simple reason."

Yi Xian Tian gave a thumbs up: "Though!"

"The third step..." Su Yigang was about to continue speaking, but suddenly stopped, paused and changed the subject: "Let's take action first. The third step is the issue of retreat. We can talk about it after we have settled everything."

"Check the weapons again, don't let anything go wrong before the battle." Su Yi said.

The two men immediately untied the packages they had brought in, opened them and began to inspect the weapons.

Su Yi brought a row of throwing knives, two eight-cut knives, four crossbow arrows with ten consecutive rounds, and two thin iron wires.

Xianxiantian carried two silencer-equipped pistols, eight magazines, and a soft sword that could be wrapped around his waist.

The two of them checked and equipped their weapons on themselves.

"Master Geng, there is actually no need to be so averse to firearms," ​​Yi Yiantian said, "I can understand your persistence as a warrior, but..."

"Don't try to persuade him, it's useless." Su Yi said calmly, "I just want to try. Without thermal weapons, I, Geng Liangchen, can't do everything I need to do."

"Okay, then just pretend I didn't say anything." Yixiantian shrugged.

"Be careful, wait until I take care of the four people here, and you should act immediately. The timing must be good." Su Yi warned again.

"Okay, Master Geng, I'll go first!" Yi Xiantian said.

The two immediately split up.

Su Yi first walked around to the middle of the four Zhe Peng soldiers on the periphery, looked around, picked up two stones on the ground and put them in his pocket, then climbed up the tree and looked down.


He threw a stone and it hit the trunk of the tree he was climbing.

This sound was particularly clear in the silent night.

The two groups of patrolling people outside heard the noise, and the four of them stopped in unison and looked this way.

But they did not come over immediately, but listened carefully, as if to confirm whether they heard correctly.


Su Yi threw the second stone.

The sound is very obvious.

"Who is over there?" a Zhepeng soldier couldn't help but asked loudly.

None of the four showed any vigilance, because this was within the headquarters compound, and no one would think that an outsider could break through the "copper and iron walls" on the outside and appear here.

Their inquiry was more like a perfunctory routine.

But no one answered.

The two groups of patrollers looked at each other.

"Hey, come over and take a look!" someone on the left shouted.

"Why didn't you go?" Zhe Pengbing on the right said unhappily, "It seems closer to your side, right?"

"Asshole, I'm obviously on your side!" the soldier on the left scolded, "Go quickly, or I'll make you look good!"

"Damn it..." The two Zhe Peng soldiers on the right were obviously too angry to say anything, and walked towards this side angrily.

It was pitch dark in the forest, and the two walked into the darkness, unaware of what was waiting for them in the darkness.

Seeing the two of them walking under the tree where Su Yi was hiding, Su Yi suddenly and silently descended from the sky holding two swords. The force of the two Eight-Zhan Swords in his hands fell deeply into the heads of the two people like cutting tofu.

When Su Yi landed on the ground, he turned his hands and wrists at the same time, and the blade penetrated deeply into the heads of the two men, immediately smashing their brains to pieces.

The two Zhe Peng soldiers didn't even snort, and they died instantly!

Su Yi let go of the two knives, held their necks with both hands, carefully lowered the two of them to the ground, and then quickly began to take off one of them's military uniform and put it on himself.

After he was fully dressed, he pulled out a pair of knives from the heads of the two corpses, wiped the blood and sticky things off their bodies, and then walked out quickly.

At this time, the other two patrolling soldiers on the periphery saw that the first two people had entered the forest and made no movement or came out. The two of them were already muttering in their hearts.

Just when the two were wondering, they saw a Zhe Peng soldier returning, but he did not come to them. Instead, he stood outside the light and waved to them with a slightly panicked tone: "Come here quickly, hurry up!"

This person was naturally Su Yi. He could imitate the tone of voice of one of the previous Zhe Pengbings.

The two people were startled, and one of them asked hurriedly: "What happened?"

"Come on, I'm not kidding!" Su Yi waved and urged again.

"Damn it, you will die if you dare to lie to us!" The two Zhe Peng soldiers did not dare to neglect and hurried over.

As the two walked, they picked up their guns and loaded the bullets.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of the four people at the door.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, be careful!"

The four people were conversing with their attention here. They didn't notice that a figure had sneaked up to them, getting closer and closer to them.

On the other side, the two people on patrol arrived in front of Su Yi, and one of them asked: "What happened..."

At this time, the two of them were very close to Su Yi. After only half a sentence, he realized that the person in front of him was not right.

But as soon as he was alert, Su Yi took action!

Taking one step forward, both knives pierced the throats of the two men.


The two knives were drawn out and stabbed into the chests of the two men, piercing their hearts.

These two people were still dead before they even had time to hum.

Simple and spicy!

Su Yi drew his sword again, and blood spattered out. He jumped out and passed them. Without even looking at the two dumping corpses behind him, he quickly ran towards the small building.

At this moment, Su Yi no longer hides his movements.

Although the four people at the door could not see clearly what was going on in the darkness, they were all startled when they heard the sound of two people falling to the ground.

Just when they were about to react, Xianxian, who was already close at hand, sprang out like a civet cat, and the soft sword in his hand "swish, swish, swish" in an instant, two swords passed left and right, directly severing the throats of the four people!

The bodies of the four people all froze, and Xianxiantian stabbed out four swords again, like a dragonfly touching water, and it pierced the hearts of the four people.


Blood spurted out from the four broken necks, and it rained down.

Seeing that the four of them were about to fall over, Xianxiantian immediately stepped forward to support their bodies, carefully lowered them to the ground, and then quickly dragged them aside.

At this time, Su Yi had already rushed to the back of the small building. With a glance, he immediately found an easy place to climb. Without saying a word, he immediately went forward and climbed out of a window on the second floor with a few dexterous movements.

After confirming that there was no one in the window, Su Yi quickly took out a piece of thin wire, twisted it briefly, then stretched the wire through the gap in the window, pulled the latch inside, and then pulled it gently, and the window was so simple. The simple sheet was opened.

Su Yi quickly dodged into the room and landed in the room like a civet cat. His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings and he closed the window without looking back.

This was a luxuriously decorated bedroom. The lights were on, and the bed was a little messy. It was obvious that it had not been tidied up after sleeping in it. There was also a military uniform hanging on a hanger on the side, but there was no one in the room.

Su Yi quickly scanned around to make sure that no one was there, then quickly approached the bedroom door, listened for a while, opened the door and rushed out.

Exiting the bedroom is a corridor. At this time, the noise from downstairs can already be heard.

The Zhepeng officers seemed to be talking about happy things. Some were saying something loudly and excitedly, while others were laughing.

Su Yi didn't have time to pay attention to what they said. He vigilantly checked the surrounding environment. There were four rooms upstairs. He opened each room to check whether there was anyone inside or any special situation.

When checking into the third room, Su Yi opened the door and saw an old man in a kimono sitting by the window, holding a teapot in his hand and looking towards him in surprise.

Soon enough, Su Yi kicked off his feet and rushed towards the old man. Only then did the old man react, his face suddenly changed, and he opened his mouth to shout.


A flying knife was thrown out by Su Yi and went straight into the old man's mouth.


The old man's scream was suddenly left in his throat.

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