The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 767 Who else would you rather me?

"There is news that may interest you." Liu Haiqing said suddenly.

"Tell me about it," Su Yi said.

"Do you know who succeeded Nishi Yiichi?" Liu Haiqing seemed to want to give him a pass.

"Nakamura Kotaro?" Su Yi said.

"...How do you know?" Liu Haiqing was a little surprised.

"You ask me who I am. It's obviously someone I know, and someone we both know." Su Yi said, "Besides Kotaro Nakamura, are there any other generals above Lieutenant General Zhe Peng that you and I know?"

"That's why I don't like chatting with people like you the most," Liu Haiqing sighed, "Nakamura arrived at Nanling at noon yesterday and stayed there the whole time."

"Wait a minute..." Su Yi raised his eyebrows, "Just this morning, your people told me that the new commander of the Eighth Division has entered Chaoyang City. Although I don't know who it is, there is a huge force. A convoy of dozens of vehicles entered the city with great fanfare and a grand welcome ceremony. They also said that the new division commander was very mysterious. He entered the temporary headquarters in Chaoyang City and never came out again. "

"That's an illusion!" Liu Haiqing said, "In fact, Nakamura Kotaro never left Nanling at all. The division commander sitting in the convoy and the division commander sitting in the headquarters of the Eighth Division in Chaoyang now are fake !”

Su Yi was a little moved and couldn't help but take a breath and said: "I sent people to investigate Chaoyang City last night, and successfully entered the city, and also discovered a defense loophole in the headquarters... I think it was a bit too much. Good luck, I’ve been hesitant to take action!”

"Your intuition is most likely right." Liu Haiqing said, "This should be a trap! You have stirred up the devil's hornet's nest, and now they are trying to kill you!"

"You are really willing to work hard..." Su Yi sneered, "You have to set up a trap for me in such a big scene."

"As long as they can catch you, any price is worth it to them. What's the point of putting on a show?" Liu Haiqing said, "Don't you know how destructive you are?"

"Since the Japs have set up a trap, the whereabouts of Kotaro Nakamura is definitely the Japs' top secret. I'm afraid many senior Japs officers may not know about it." Su Yi asked doubtfully, "How do you know about this? "

"It doesn't hurt to tell you, because if you want to deal with Kotaro Nakamura, you will meet soon." Liu Haiqing said solemnly, "There is someone of mine at Nanling Airport. This person's identity is somewhat special. He is a Zhepeng man. "

"People from Zhepeng?" Su Yi was a little surprised.

"His name is Yang Songlin, also known as Aso Jianzhi. Although he is from Zhepeng, he was raised by Chinese people and has lived in China since he was a child." Liu Haiqing introduced, "Three years ago, he was killed by his Forced by his superiors, he personally killed his Chinese adoptive parents and drew a clear line with the Chinese people. Although he did this, he was still suffering in his heart. As time went by, he accumulated resentment and resented his identity as a Zhepeng. I hate what I did.”

"He first garrisoned the army in Peiping, that is, when we just came back from Jinling, I noticed him, incited him to rebel, and persuaded him to be used by me. Because this person's identity is very important, I also specially equipped him with He formed a communications team to serve him alone and deliver information to me."

"Later Yang Songlin was transferred back to the Kwantung Army headquarters. This time when they attacked Rehe, he was transferred to the Matsuzaki Brigade of the 15th Brigade of the Eighth Division and was in charge of a small team. The Matsuzaki Brigade is now responsible for guarding Nanling Airport!"

"Yesterday afternoon, the intelligence team I assigned to Yang Songlin reported back that Yang Songlin discovered that a distinguished guest flying from Tianjin has been staying in the barracks inside the airport until now. Based on the physical characteristics described by Yang Songlin, I concluded that This person is Nakamura Kotaro!"

Su Yi's face was a little solemn. He thought for a moment and said, "You shouldn't tell me such a confidential matter! This person is very important. You should increase his confidentiality level and let him lurk with peace of mind so that he can see miraculous effects in the future!"

He knew very well how important a spy was who successfully penetrated into the enemy's army, especially when this person had the cover of being a Zhepeng.

This Yang Songlin should lurk and continue to train him so that he can climb up in the army.

"You think I don't want him to lurk?" Liu Haiqing sighed, "Do you know how happy I was when I incited him to rebel? Tell you, I really felt like a treasure! I told him that with him alone, I I would rather disband half of the Three Youth League! He is so important in my eyes."

"But this person has a very serious mental illness. Because he killed his adoptive parents, he now has extreme world-weariness, and he extremely hates his identity as a Zhepeng. He has proposed to me several times that he wants to launch a campaign A suicide attack to complete his final mission."

"I tried every means to persuade him, but it was all useless. In the end, he even had the idea of ​​rejecting me. Alas, I had no choice but to reveal his identity to you, because he had already He decided to die, but I insisted on trying to stop him. According to his thoughts, he wanted to die together with his captain Matsuzaki Takeme, but in this case, his death would be too worthless. "

"So I told him to wait, someone will come along who can make his death of greater value, and the person I'm talking about is you."

This is deep depression...

Su Yi frowned, was silent for a moment, and said: "The Japs are targeting me in Chaoyang. They will give me at least two or three days, so if I rush to Nanling now, I won't miss Zhongcun. Okay, I'll go Meet this Yang Songlin!”

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi immediately summoned his team members. He first told the story about the trap set by the Japanese in Chaoyang.

The team members were all shocked and angry at the moment. They cursed the Japanese for being cunning and cunning, and were extremely frightened.

You know, after Hua Kezhi and the others came back from investigating Chaoyang's situation, almost everyone urged Su Yi to act quickly. They couldn't wait to kill more Japanese.

But Su Yi forcibly suppressed them and asked them to calm down and wait and see for the time being.

At that time, almost everyone could not understand why Su Yi, who had always been resolute and bold, suddenly became timid.

Now they finally know how keen Su Yi's intuition is!

"Master Geng, if you hadn't held us down, we would have been in danger this time!" Sun Fengming said fearfully, looking at Su Yi with even more respect.

"You still have to listen to Master Geng," Hua Kezhi said a little sarcastically, because he was the one who repeatedly vowed that "there will be no problem." "For future actions, we will do whatever you say, Master Geng!"

"Isn't that what I have said?" Su Yi said with a smile, "This is not what I want to see. It is a good thing for everyone to discuss things."

Su Yi stopped talking, changed the subject, and got to the point.

"We are separated again." Su Yi said, "This time Luo Yu and Chu Tai are coming with me. Xiao Han, you, Feng Ming and Ke Zhi, you three will go to Tongliao."

"Tongliao?" Hua Kezhi took a deep breath and looked forward to it, "Master Geng, is our target this time Sakamoto Masaemon?"

Masaemon Sakamoto was the division commander of the Sixth Division and the commander-in-chief of the North Route of the Rehe Battle.

The Sixth Division was brutal. Four years later in the winter, this division, led by Demon Hisao Tani, captured Jinling.

"It's not just him, there are two traitors, Zhang Haipeng and Cheng Guorui!" Su Yi said.

Zhang Haipeng was originally a veteran of the Feng dynasty and Zhang Zuolin's brother.

After September 18, Zhang Haipeng surrendered to the enemy and rebelled against the country. During the Battle of Jehol, he was appointed as the "former enemy commander-in-chief."

Cheng Guorui was an anti-Qing revolutionary in his early years, but later became a bandit. This person's most famous work was in the fourth year of the Republic of China, when he was instructed by Yuan Weiting to assassinate Chen Qimei, the governor of Shanghai.

After September 18, Cheng Guorui surrendered to Zhe Peng and became a shameful traitor.

"These three people are all in Tongliao." Su Yi looked at Hua Kezhidao, "But with Xiyi Yi's lessons learned from the past, the Japanese will definitely have tighter defense in this operation, and it is very likely that they will be like in Chaoyang, giving us Set a trap and wait for us to fall into it.”

"The three of you, it's best to separate the light and dark lines, take care of each other, and cover each other to prevent the Japanese from taking advantage of you. After arriving in Tongliao, lurk on the spot, conceal your whereabouts, and are only allowed to conduct reconnaissance, not action! Everything must be done safely. Lord." Su Yi warned, "Ke Zhi, you will lead the team this time. You have always been prudent in doing things. You will be in the middle to provide support. Xiao Han and Feng Ming will be your right-hand men."

Walker was deeply moved in his heart.

In fact, since he followed Su Yi, he has questioned Su Yi's decision more than once and refuted Su Yi's orders more than once. However, Su Yi never cared about these things. This time, he let him lead the team and gave him enough trust. .

Even Su Yi's close confidant Xian Tian sent him Hua Kezhi as his assistant.

Su Yi's broadmindedness completely impressed Hua Kezhi.

"Master Geng, don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations!" Hua Kezhi said solemnly.

Su Yi smiled and patted his shoulder.

Then he looked at Yixiantian and smiled at him.

Xianxiantian forced a smile, but she didn't blame Su Yi in her heart for not being familiar with people near or far.

The last time he led a team to Nanling, although he successfully completed the mission, the tragic death of He Poguang was a fact.

Although no one blamed him afterward, Yixiantian felt very guilty in his heart. He didn't say anything, as if nothing had happened, but he acted even harder.

In fact, when Gang Suyi said that he wanted to divide his troops into two groups, Yixiantian's heart suddenly tightened. If Su Yi really appoints him to lead the team, of course he will do his part, but his pressure will definitely double.

Su Yi saw that he had this kind of psychological burden, so he chose the more secure Hua Kezhi.

Walker was an upright person and would often question Su Yi's decisions in person. However, there was nothing wrong with this person's character and character, and Su Yi admired him very much.

This result made Yixiantian feel mixed in his heart. He was a little disappointed, but also felt that Su Yi understood him, and he was also a little unwilling...

Su Yi chose Luo Yu and Chen Chutai to join his team this time. He felt that the trip to Nanling would not be too dangerous.

The effect of his medicine is about to expire, and bringing Luo Yu with him is equivalent to bringing a guarantee that he can take care of his physical condition at any time.

As for bringing Chen Chutai, it was because Chen Chutai and Hua Kezhi had learned how to send reports, and Su Yi had to bring a correspondent to communicate with the outside world.

The six people were replenished with equipment and weapons by people from the Sanqingtuan Intelligence Station, and prepared horses and dry food. Then they split up and rushed towards their respective goals.

It took a whole day of walking over 80 kilometers to get there.

While on the road, Su Yi's medicine wore off.

His whole body felt like it was being hollowed out.

He could obviously feel that his physical energy was declining rapidly, and he began to feel very cold and even developed a fever.

Stopping in a village along the way, Luo Yu performed an acupuncture on Su Yi and changed the medicine. Su Yi finally regained his composure. For the rest of the journey, he couldn't even ride a horse, and basically huddled under a fur blanket the whole way. Inside, Luo Yu and Chen Chutai took turns carrying him on his back.

I don’t know what kind of medicine Luo Yu gave Su Yi. Although the journey was bumpy and cold, Su Yi fell into a deep sleep and barely woke up during the trip.

After arriving at Nanling, he had recovered somewhat, but he was still a little cold. Su Yi judged by himself that he had a low fever.

This feeling of not being comfortable anywhere made Su Yi extremely uncomfortable and weak. Luo Yu and Chen Chutai were both worried about Su Yi's physical condition and suggested that Su Yi recover first before taking action.

But Su Yi shook his head and refused.

"As I said before, we are behind enemy lines, and every minute we stay will be in danger." He said, "And what if Kotaro Nakamura leaves early? Then our visit will be in vain!"

"But your body..." Chen Chutai looked worried.

"You can't die." Su Yi looked at Luo Yu with a smile, "With Xiao Luo here, you don't have to worry about this problem."

Luo Yu said angrily: "Master Geng, I am very worried myself, and you asked Chu Tai not to worry! That means you are in good health. If it were an ordinary person, if you could stand up right now, I would take your surname!" "

"Geng Yu is not as nice as Luo Yu, so let's forget it." Su Yi said with a smile, "Don't worry, we are probably just assisting this time, and whether we can do this job depends on what we are going to see this time. Can this person be trusted?"

"Master Geng, you and Xiao Luo will find a place to wait for the letter, and let me go see this person!" Chen Chutai volunteered, "Don't worry, I will definitely find out the details of this person."

Su Yi shook his head: "It's not that I don't worry about you, but I can only see this person, and neither of you are allowed to follow him."

"That won't work!" Luo Yu immediately refused, "I promised Brother Han that I will follow you every step of the way and protect you!"

"No!" Su Yi still shook his head and refused, "I can only go alone this time, firstly because of confidentiality, and secondly because this person is a bit special. If more people go, I'm worried that the other party will think that we don't trust him."

"Then what if there is something wrong with this person?" Chen Chutai said, "If this person is also a trap to lure us into the trap, then Master Geng, wouldn't you just fall into the trap yourself? Let me go, Master Geng, you won't make any mistakes. not allowed!"

"Chu Tai is right, Master Geng," Luo Yu also advised, "If we make one wrong step, we will be doomed, so it is better to be cautious. How about I go? Master Geng, you are injured now, and I am the one among the three of us. I have the best skills, who else could I do?"

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